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I'm Czarpy on Baldea server.


I like the game, but fuck autobattle at times. Been using Leon+Vargas+Imelda due to having them, but Diehardt/Tiaris/Lewin has also been fun for origins. Cherie/Liana/the rest of the support SRs have been good too.

my infantry units are bsically matthew/lewin/kirikaze and i've discovered that lewin is insanely fun to use when you get enough stars and good equipment. 

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Well, looks like I'll be playing Langrisser remake with animations off, if I can. Not that I dislike the chunky animation, but I don't like how time consuming it is. The music is on point, as usual and while I'll be using the classic art, I really dig Zeld's design(the enemy spiky blonde in the first battle)

Anyway Langrisser M. In "bad decisions" the two 10 gacha spins, I got Liana, so it paid off, now I have my twins. And as much as I want Ledin as well, it's time for me to actually resume hoarding...

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I got myself Lana from the gacha. Now the sisters are reunited and everything is sunshine and rainbows~ (SSRs: Cherie ["Free"], Bernhardt, Liana, Lana)

However, I'm still mostly running the same team as my previous post, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the event Bozel because I'll have to grind the event to get him (and I'm not level 40 yet to unlock the 45 slot). I don't have Luna and do not really feel like investing in more units as my resources are limited and I really don't have any spare burgers for stamina.

Regarding future pulls, I think I'm gonna need Ledin and/or Elwin at this point for my Glory team. I really want to get rid of Grenier...

* * * * *

Meanwhile, I made a horrifying discovery when checking the CN Wiki. Turns out Rarity plays a huge role in max stats and "Hero Boosts" (Each hero boosts their soldiers' stats by a certain amount. SSRs have 30%, SR & N are 25%, R are 20%.) For some Max Stat examples...

Leon SSR Strike Master		4087	212 	233 	571 	249 	128
== Leon SSR Royal Knight 	4381	212 	259 	542 	260 	128

Sonya SR Strike Master		3274 	239 	241 	516 	261 	117

Laird R Knight Master 		2893 	180	178 	421 	202 	104
Leticia R Knight Master 	2821 	198 	183 	402 	210 	111

My boy... My beautiful boy... Laird, why must your stats suck? You were the chosen one! You were awesome! Why! Why must rarity torment me!

Regarding the chart, it assumes max level (Level 60) while being a 6 Star Rank (The main trio is 5-star as they can't be 6-star yet in the CN server.) Maybe earlier star ranks may balance out the different rarities, but at pure maximum levels the higher rarity guys are just better. SRs may be able to complete, but not the poor R units...

While most of the info is still documented on the CN wiki, I'm trying to transfer over the max chart to English so someone can implement it into our wiki (or something). Hopefully I'll be done with that soon.

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9 hours ago, Sire said:

Turns out Rarity plays a huge role in max stats and "Hero Boosts" (Each hero boosts their soldiers' stats by a certain amount.

This is a problem shared among SSRs as well. Cherie's offense is forever cursed to be worse (as in much worse) than Leon because her Hero Boost aren't just good enough.

9 hours ago, Sire said:

However, I'm still mostly running the same team as my previous post, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the event Bozel because I'll have to grind the event to get him (and I'm not level 40 yet to unlock the 45 slot). I don't have Luna and do not really feel like investing in more units as my resources are limited and I really don't have any spare burgers for stamina.

Uhm, 20.000 points is nothing. As long as you find a team that run full bonus units you're getting there in no time even if you only run the first node.
The bigger problem for you is to get to 47.500 because of that SSR accessory. They are hard to come by, especially in regards to future merges (or the pure RNG involved with them). The rewards from the higher tiers aren't really worth the points unless you really want that gold.


I don't think I will get Liana on this banner. I threw more than enough tickets/crystals on her and only got a Dieharte dupe to show. Didn't get Varna or Liffany either to complete my SR collection and my rate of getting tickets/crystals has stalled a lot compared to the beginning.

On another note I'm wondering if I should bench Cherie and make Altemuller my permanent flier for the Empire. I reached the point in the story where terrain screws over Leon so hard (*insert sand prequel memes here*).

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2 hours ago, Magus of Memery said:

This is a problem shared among SSRs as well. Cherie's offense is forever cursed to be worse (as in much worse) than Leon because her Hero Boost aren't just good enough.

Uhm, 20.000 points is nothing. As long as you find a team that run full bonus units you're getting there in no time even if you only run the first node.
The bigger problem for you is to get to 47.500 because of that SSR accessory. They are hard to come by, especially in regards to future merges (or the pure RNG involved with them). The rewards from the higher tiers aren't really worth the points unless you really want that gold.
On another note I'm wondering if I should bench Cherie and make Altemuller my permanent flier for the Empire. I reached the point in the story where terrain screws over Leon so hard (*insert sand prequel memes here*).

Yeah, I heard the Hero Boost issue with Cherie. While not terrible, that 5% of ATK is likely to make a difference (10% ATK, 10% DEF, 10%MDEF) instead of Leon's optimized spread (15% HP, 15% ATK).

Also, I ran the math today and 20,000 points is definitely obtainable. If I do the bare minimum (the 2 dailies on the 35 node), then I'll reach 20k and get Bozel near the end of the event. I'll likely try grinding once I unlock the 45 node because of the SSR equips and accessory. I just hope my soldiers are up to par as my stamina is being spread all across the place. I'm basically trying to play Langrisser Mobile as a hardcore "proper game" instead of a mobile one...
- - - - -
Just a note if you want to use Altemuller. Unique faction buffs do not stack and the latest buff cast will override the previous. So, if you are also using Bernhardt, keep this in mind. Your best bet is simply switching over to a Strategist team with Altemuller at the helm since there is a lot of overlap with Empire/Strategist. (Altemuller, Leon, Vargas, Imelda, +1)

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So I got Luna while trying for Altemuller and... Apparently I have a princess team now? I'm so used to my "Glorious Leon" team I'm not sure how well I can adjust to the change, but on the other hand, Luna's fusion faction buff seems more interesting. Not that a new team can be worked on for now anyways since materials are spread rather thin.

Incidentally, Time Rift 4-3 Elite seems to be where enemies start having a higher class of troops and this is causing me some headache, not least because that is the first map where materials for Cherie's next class upgrade can be gotten.


@Sire Agreed on stamina being spread thin. Whatever I use it on, I always feel like there's somewhere else it could also be used.

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Game is really fun, I've been enjoying the single player content.

Managed to pull a Ledin, also got Vargas who is probably my favorite Langrisser character next to Leon. He's also a fun unit in this game. I gotta say adding skills to the system makes things interesting, at least it works in context of a lighter phone game. I want to try out a lot of different characters and skills... too bad the SSRs are so rare, and it's such a grind to promote.

I also hope we get characters from IV and V.

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4 hours ago, Gemma said:

I also hope we get characters from IV and V.

From my understanding, provided things don't change, L4 isn't too far off, I think, and we'll likely see Angelina and Shelfanil first, then Landius and Rachel. Haven't heard anything concrete about L5 though

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So i got Ledin a few days ago and got Liana today :D

Ledin's personal is really really good, but his Stats are kinda meh. Atleast he works well as an anti-Demon unit when you go Monk^^

Got Elwin's Faction buff as well, but...

i just noticed Dieharte isn't a glory unit :facepalm:

I am thinking about reclassing Mathew into Demon Cavalry thing, but i doubt hiy Attack stat will be any close to Dieharte's


Got Imelda as well, who i heard is an amazing mage, but i don't think she will fit in my team at all, because she's Empire.


Also, i took a small dip into SNES Der Langrisser. Looks fun, but can't i move and use Magic in the same Turn? Also, seems Mages are only 1 range (or i am doing something wrong xD)


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On 10.2.2019 at 6:41 PM, Sire said:

Just a note if you want to use Altemuller. Unique faction buffs do not stack and the latest buff cast will override the previous. So, if you are also using Bernhardt, keep this in mind. Your best bet is simply switching over to a Strategist team with Altemuller at the helm since there is a lot of overlap with Empire/Strategist. (Altemuller, Leon, Vargas, Imelda, +1)

I more or less finalized my roster anyway.


Main Team:

Bernhardt (Faction leader)
He is imo better than Altemuller for general use since that extra class advantage bonus is massive. Not to mention he is much more versatile as a unit despite carrying the Faction buff, being able to choose between free damage with Shield Bash + Sever, a tank build or just applying debuffs with Hegemony to soften up targets for Leon.

Leon (Horseman of Death)
Leongrisser, 'nuff said.

Vargas (Tank)
While he is nowhere near as broken as Ledin he is still an excellent tank with his multiple sources of damage reduction. MVP in 3-6 Elite, Leon's Gates of Fate and other Cavalry-heavy maps.

Imelda (Mage)
Kills physical tanks, throws AoE spells and while she's at it she heals everyone with Force Heal. I suppose someone like Egbert (AoE debuffs) or Lana (that range) are probably better than her for but the extra sustain goes a long way for Vargas and she has some variety in spells between Thunderstorm and Blizzard (the latter being very useful to turn off tanks). 
The only thing that really sucks about her is her personal skill. That HP loss is really annoying.

For the 5th spot I will choose among these 4 (5) depending on the mission:

Yep, finally pulled her after 140 pulls. She will probably be deployed the most among these five since she can be the dedicated healer while Imelda can run a more offensive set. Between Heal, Again and Gospel you are not wanting for another healer anyway.

You said it yourself, Faction buffs overwrite with each use. That plays in my favor though. If I deploy Altemuller on a map I use his buff first, let my other units move forward and then overwrite it with Bernhardt's for the damage increase.
Aside from that though Altemuller is imo the most confusing character to build. He seems like a tanky flier but the Faction buff limits his skill slots. I currently run Healing + Raging Thunder, that way he can deal a good amount of ST damage while being able keep up his personal skill for the extra stats.

Demon killer waifu. Especially during the story and Time Rifts you fight a lot of demons, so Chris with her anti-demon damage and added healing utility comes up a lot. Empire doesn't have any good Holy units to begin with (Anna is quite frankly horrendous once Faction buffs come in play) so I think including her in my permanent roster was the right choice.

Best Archer in the game. Doesn't say much since they aren't really outstanding due to their underwhelming stats. That being said Narm is making the most out of this class with her superb range and being able to kite pretty much any unit she attacks. Comes very handy in PvP to neutralize mages like Lana.

Warp, I mean, Teleport. I suppose she could be useful for Meteor for all 3 elemental AoEs with Imelda but I don't want to raise 9 characters knowing that EXP is running thin at higher levels. I'm probably over my head with 8 to begin with and alongside Narm she is imo the best bet to be neglected in favor of others.

- Cherie (Cherie is very good and being at 4* makes her even better but without a faction buff she falls short)
- Lance (if I really want another flier Cherie without a faction buff is still leagues above him)
- Matthew (see Lance though I think he has some niches as a buff bot)
- Almeda (got Liana so I have no real reason to use her tbh)
- Grenier (he is vastly outclassed by other tanks; worst among the starter trio)
- Leticia (I'm so sorry but I don't have the resources to build you. Goodbye, Rally Movement lady)
- Scott (*shakes head*)


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Yeah, I'm getting to the point of truly finalizing my roster as well. I'll need a Luna though for max efficiency as I am basically running a Princess Team without its leader...


Main Team

Bernhardt (Empire Leader) - Versatile Emperor, can be off-DPS or an off-Tank as needed. I have invested a bit into him, but as he is a faction leader and an amazing unit he'll come in handy if I decide to mess around with the Empire.

Sonya (Discount Leon) - Originally Laird's spot, Sonya took over and stole his equipment after I discovered the stat differences between rarities. While Laird is built better for initiation, Sonya can ramp up over time if she gets kills and can retreat to safety when she does. Also, Ninjutsu makes Terrain a non-issue. (I am starting to miss Laird's "Blast" passive though...)

Grenier (Glory Leader) - Buff Bot and Disposable Meatshield. I was originally going to try and get Elwin or Ledin as I was going for pure Glory or a "Glorious Empire," my most invested characters (aside from Laird, Bernhardt, and Matthew) are the girls. Also, to beat a dead horse, Grenier sucks. The sooner I can ditch him, the better.

Cherie (Flying DPS) - Cherie is still functioning well for me. While she may not be able to one-shot everything she looks at anymore, she still can one-shot the majority of them. Cherie is currently planned to be the first character to get her 3rd Tier soldiers. I just need to clear out a lot of Time Rifts first...

Liana (Healer Healer) - Again is amazing due to another action and Gospel works well if bringing an off-faction unit. Otherwise, she's just great at healing and clearing debuffs!

Supplementary Characters

Lana (Magical DPS) - I bring Lana along if I need to use magic to deal with enemies. I'm also finding her very fun to use, especially when equipped with the Clock enchant. She gets to spam spells when it procs!

Chris (Demon Slayer) - If you need to kill Demons, Chris is your girl. She can even heal the party while smiting unholy foes! What's not to love?

Hein (Teleport Guy) - If you caught me before I discovered max stats, I would have said Jessica. However, a fully built Hein can almost compete with Lana, and Hein has some awesome skills! It helps he is affiliated with Glory and the Empire (at a later date).

Almeda (Ranged Healing) - I keep Almeda on board in case my team is ever separated and she needs to provide off-healing on the other side of the map due to her passive. It helps she's the best member of the starting trio and can help smite Demons.

Egbert (Fixed AoE Damage) - I mainly run him for the Gold daily as he really needs to increase in star ranking and have good equipment to really shine. 

Planned Princess Team

Luna (Princess Leader) - I hear Luna works great as a Horse Archer, but she relies heavily on proper equipment since she scales with MDEF. Still, her being the Prince Leader makes her really useful for my team since I'm basically running a Princess Team anyway.

Cherie (Galeforce Falcon Knight)
Sonya (Female Leon)
Lana (Leon of Magic Damage)
Liana (Healing Dancer)

* * * * *

Freya (Thorny Tank) - I do use Freya for my Arena runs (autobattle) and she can be amazing when her Barb gimmick. However, as she fails against bosses and dragons, she probably will not see as much investment as other characters. I'm also likely to just use Sonya or Cherie to bait hits instead.

I'll need to pull a Ledin to tank for the Princess Team come late-game, but Luna comes first.

Benched Heroes

Laird (Glorious Cannonball) - I am a sad man now since Laird is benched. I may bring him out later once my Cavalry units are upgraded for some crazy DMG Reduction shenanigans. (Laird charges in to deal damage but takes almost nothing in return if running Blast, Royal Cavalry, and fully leveling one of the Cavalry upgrades.)

Matthew (Main Protagonist) - I thought about trying to run Matthew for his ATK Command aura, but there's nowhere I can fit him into my team comp. While a part of me wants to keep running him since "Main Character," I have benched him since there are better options available.

Imelda (Empire Spellcaster) - Imelda's great due to being a versatile spellcaster. However, since I'm not running pure Empire, she doesn't really have a place on my team.

Vargas (Family Man) - I love the guy (it helps he is one of the best tanks), but like Imelda, I'm not running pure Empire. At least this gives him time to spend time with his wife and newborn.

Jessica (Support Teleporter) - I built my Jessica to be a support unit with Mass Healing and Teleport and originally planned to use her over Hein. However, like Laird, I ended up benching her due to the stats.

Narm (Archer) - I can't be bothered to level my Archer units at the moment to delete fliers as my resources are spread thin as is. Also, if I end up getting Luna, Luna can do Narm's job of being a fly swatter.

Lance (STELLA Flier) - A man who is used to kill one target and that's about it. However, given his SR stats and passive, a part of me is wondering if I could build him into something useful. The problem is resource investment, so onto the bench he goes.

Scott & Keith (Bench of Shame) - While they can be built as "enemy phase" units, their rarity and statline leave much to be desired. It doesn't help that Langrisser seems to be more active and player-phase focused anyway.

* * * * *

Back to the Bozel event, while I plan on getting all the shards and stuff, I probably will not be redeeming them immediately. It is more efficient to use those shards to upgrade a Bozel pulled from the gacha instead of summoning him. I also already have a team and investing into another character is rough with limited resources, so I think this is the best call.

Of course, if you want Bozel now, go ahead and redeem him. I just think patience is a virtue and it may pay off in the future.

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1 hour ago, Sire said:

Back to the Bozel event, while I plan on getting all the shards and stuff, I probably will not be redeeming them immediately. It is more efficient to use those shards to upgrade a Bozel pulled from the gacha instead of summoning him. I also already have a team and investing into another character is rough with limited resources, so I think this is the best call.

Of course, if you want Bozel now, go ahead and redeem him. I just think patience is a virtue and it may pay off in the future.

About the bolded, is there a difference between getting the shards from the event or from gacha? I had assumed it would be all the same.

As for the event itself, I unlocked the level 45 stage today and it's a lot harder than I expected. Not so much from strategy perspective, I'm just underleveled and/or undertrooped for it. Cleared it once with heavy turtling and took the full 15 turns but not willing to do that again. I'll rather do the 1-2 turn clears few times more.




This doesn't stack with Leon's Chivalry, correct?


Meanwhile I'm still somewhat undecided on a final roster and am trying to keep a bunch of units leveled, though I have had to let some fall off.


Glorious Team:

Papa Ledin - He both tanks and counterkills a lot of things and is just overall pretty insane.

Faction Buff Boy Elwin - mainly for the buff but he can also kill stuff or weaken things for Cherie to get a Wild Princess proc on.

Sole Pegasus Sister Cherie - main attacker / backline murderer.

Liana - Heals and Agains. Though I find myself using Again less and less these days since she sometimes has to use Heal every turn on Ledin due to my heavy reliance on the guy.

Leon - Leon.


Then a set of rotating members in

Hein - Warpboy.

Lana - Magic damage running with Ballistae for some nice range.

Chris - Monsterkiller and secondary healer. Despite not making the cut for main team, she's my favorite unit to play with at the moment.

Sonya - 2nd cavalry, mainly for Aniki/Angelica maps or when terrain hurts Leon. Originally leveled to test if she can replace Dieharte for 1 turn killing that second map in Sonya event for my friend who missed him.

Not a Great Dad Vargas - secondary tank for when that's necessary, mainly for that one Time Rift with Blue Dragon Knights. He's fallen a bit in levels though.

Honorable Mention - Egbert the Goblin Slayer.


Benched Heroes(, some of who I still want to get back to secondary member status)

Aquaman Pierre - He has a niche that I like but sadly don't get to use often.

Outclassed Queen Imelda - My original mage. Her skills are really flexible but she just fell off.

Hedgehog Freya - Barbs are really fun but she started taking a lot more damage than I'm comfortable with.

Narm - Want to use her, never really get a chance.

Jessica - I sometimes dust her off for double teleport shenanigans

Dieharte - Not Leon or Sonya.

Sophia - she heals a lot but when I have Liana and Chris who do that and more, she felt rather redundant.

Askr Trio - Matthew and Almeda just fell off due to limited resources while Grenier got completely outclassed. Serves him right.


And since I recently got Luna, I could also go for a princess team.


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24 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

About the bolded [Bozel Shards], is there a difference between getting the shards from the event or from gacha? I had assumed it would be all the same.

Also, Gospel doesn't stack with Leon's Chivalry, correct?

Now I'm questioning myself about the shards. I believe summoning a hero using shards costs more than getting them from the gacha, as dupes do not give that many shards.

I can only go off of my experience with Sonya. I originally was going to summon her using 30 shards from her event. However, I pulled a Sonya of my own (as well as a duplicate). The dupe gave me 20 Shards.
- - - - - - - - - -
For a simplified comparison, let's just count Event Shards and a single Gacha summon.

Shard Summoned Sonya:
+0 Shards (Shard Sonya)
+20 Shards (Gacha Duplicate)

= 20 Total Shards

Gacha Sonya:
+0 Shards (Gacha Sonya)
+30 Shards (Event Shards)
= 30 Total Shards

Conclusion: You get 10 more Shards if you got Sonya from the Gacha than summoning her. This line of logic can also probably be applied to Bozel as well.

* * * * *

Regarding Gospel, it'll give Leon the 20% DEF buff, but that's it. Chivalry's 30% ATK overrides Gospel's 20% ATK, and Leon already has Immunity with Chivalry.

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@Shrimperor Everything except archers have 1 attack range. Wrt magic, the later spells have some big enough range to compensate for lack of movement(looking right at Earthquake and Meteor), and you can give your mage of choice some boots when you get them

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Decided to pick up this game last week and I've been having a lot of fun with it despite not knowing a thing about Langrisser. Do have to get used to how premium currency works in this game. Needing 88 for a single pull is kind of baffling when coming from FEH and FGO. 

Still feels a bit lost about the game's systems, but I think I'm starting to figure it out by picking things up here and there. 

As far as the units I've been using, I managed to snag myself 4 SSRs from the gacha : Ledin, Luna, Tiaris and Cherie (on top of the one I got from the Path of Light). Considering those units and that the first SRs I got and invested into were Freya, Sonya and Chris, it seems like going with the Princess faction is the way to go for me. I was saddened to learn that Freya falls off later in game due to bosses being immune to her gimmick, but apparently Ledin is the premium replacement for her in Princess teams, so at least I'm set there. Also saw that Liana and Lana were good units for Princess based teams and in general, but considering their banner ends in 3 days, I'll need luck to get them. Might just alternate single rolling between their banners instead of saving for 10 rolls (unless 10 rolls have an increased chance of yielding an SSR)

Anyway, for people who would wish to add me, my UN is the same as here and I'm on the Roga Valley server.

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25 minutes ago, LuxSpes said:

Also saw that Liana and Lana were good units for Princess based teams and in general, but considering their banner ends in 3 days, I'll need luck to get them. Might just alternate single rolling between their banners instead of saving for 10 rolls (unless 10 rolls have an increased chance of yielding an SSR)

I would say Liana for the "Again" skill (think of Fire Emblem dancers, but on a cooldown) but because you have Tiaris for healing I'm gonna say Lana. Lana is the best spellcaster in the game. She has the 2nd highest INT stat of all heroes (beaten only by Renne from the LoH collab), she has extra range on her spells, and access to great skills!

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28 minutes ago, Sire said:

I would say Liana for the "Again" skill (think of Fire Emblem dancers, but on a cooldown) but because you have Tiaris for healing I'm gonna say Lana. Lana is the best spellcaster in the game. She has the 2nd highest INT stat of all heroes (beaten only by Renne from the LoH collab), she has extra range on her spells, and access to great skills!

Thanks for the input. I'm lacking a solid spellcaster, so focusing on Lana does seem like the better choice. 

And I'm questioning whether I'm just bad or if the game's difficulty rating is bunk. I'm trying to do Luna's first Gate of Fate mission, which is rated as level 25, with a level 26 and I'm getting absolutely destroyed. Doesn't help that I can't field any unit other than Luna, have no healers and there's way more enemies than allies.

Keep looking to see if someone made a guide for it, but resources for this game seems to be kind of thin. I've heard the CN server is ahead, so there might be vids or guides from people who did it there, but I have no idea where to start looking for those if they exists.

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1 hour ago, LuxSpes said:

Thanks for the input. I'm lacking a solid spellcaster, so focusing on Lana does seem like the better choice. 

And I'm questioning whether I'm just bad or if the game's difficulty rating is bunk. I'm trying to do Luna's first Gate of Fate mission, which is rated as level 25, with a level 26 and I'm getting absolutely destroyed. Doesn't help that I can't field any unit other than Luna, have no healers and there's way more enemies than allies.

Keep looking to see if someone made a guide for it, but resources for this game seems to be kind of thin. I've heard the CN server is ahead, so there might be vids or guides from people who did it there, but I have no idea where to start looking for those if they exists.

There are a collection of guides over on Reddit. I've written some of them under the username "Taurusm" (Faction Guides and the "Lacking Leon" guide.)

Also, the game's difficulty can be all over the place. While the main story missions and Time Gate tend to have a curve, the Gates of Fate vary wildly in difficulty despite the level requirement. Most of this is due to "solo runs" using the character which is best done when said character is overleveled.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that there is a "triforce" of power in Langrisser. Heroes, Soldiers, and Equipment. Leveling up heroes and advancing them through the classes only goes so far, they will require good equipment and soldiers to make it through the tougher content. Upgrading your gear is important (a 40 SR is better than a 20 SSR), and upgrading soldiers from the Training Gym is also a must. This is one of the reasons why many say to grind the Aniki gyms in co-op, not only you get EXP you can upgrade your soldiers at the same time.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

I see they are being faithful :D

Speaking about Trails units, are they like, a Faction of their own?

Estelle - Protagonist, Glory, Time & Space
Joshua -  Princess (yes, Princess), Meteor, Time & Space
Leonhardt - Origin, Empire, Time & Space
Renne - Dark Cycle, Legends of the Other Side, Time & Space

Kloe -  Princess, Legends of the Other Side, Time & Space
Olivier - Empire, Strategist, Time & Space

They all have the Time & Space faction, but I have a feeling that is where all their Collab units will end up. Either way, Joshua carries a leader buff and you may be able to run a pure Trails team.

Trivia: The Trails heroes claim 3 spots for having the highest stats in the game. Estelle has the most DEF, Renee the most INT, and Joshua the most SKL.

I need to get back to the Trails series at some point. I own Trails in the Sky but stopped playing somewhere in the second town...

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26 minutes ago, Sire said:

Joshua -  Princess (yes, Princess), Meteor, Time & Space



They Did it

They added the one True Zemurian Princess



26 minutes ago, Sire said:

They all have the Time & Space faction, but I have a feeling that is where all their Collab units will end up. Either way, Joshua carries a leader buff and you may be able to run a pure Trails team.

The Dream. If only i could get all of them

26 minutes ago, Sire said:

Estelle has the most DEF

Faithful to Sky FC, where Estelle is usually used as a tank/support unit. (And alot of people do in Sky SC/3rd as well, but it's a waste imo, she's a pretty good physical attacker in those.)

26 minutes ago, Sire said:

I need to get back to the Trails series at some point. I own Trails in the Sky but stopped playing somewhere in the second town...

You really should! They are some amazing games.

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12 hours ago, Sire said:

Now I'm questioning myself about the shards. I believe summoning a hero using shards costs more than getting them from the gacha, as dupes do not give that many shards.

I can only go off of my experience with Sonya. I originally was going to summon her using 30 shards from her event. However, I pulled a Sonya of my own (as well as a duplicate). The dupe gave me 20 Shards.
- - - - - - - - - -
For a simplified comparison, let's just count Event Shards and a single Gacha summon.

Shard Summoned Sonya:
+0 Shards (Shard Sonya)
+20 Shards (Gacha Duplicate)

= 20 Total Shards

Gacha Sonya:
+0 Shards (Gacha Sonya)
+30 Shards (Event Shards)
= 30 Total Shards

Conclusion: You get 10 more Shards if you got Sonya from the Gacha than summoning her. This line of logic can also probably be applied to Bozel as well.

I hadn't realized this at all, as the only units I got with shards until now were Cherie and Dieharte, and I haven't pulled duplicates of either. Thanks for the info!

And thanks for the clarification on Gospel.

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9 hours ago, Sire said:

There are a collection of guides over on Reddit. I've written some of them under the username "Taurusm" (Faction Guides and the "Lacking Leon" guide.)

Also, the game's difficulty can be all over the place. While the main story missions and Time Gate tend to have a curve, the Gates of Fate vary wildly in difficulty despite the level requirement. Most of this is due to "solo runs" using the character which is best done when said character is overleveled.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that there is a "triforce" of power in Langrisser. Heroes, Soldiers, and Equipment. Leveling up heroes and advancing them through the classes only goes so far, they will require good equipment and soldiers to make it through the tougher content. Upgrading your gear is important (a 40 SR is better than a 20 SSR), and upgrading soldiers from the Training Gym is also a must. This is one of the reasons why many say to grind the Aniki gyms in co-op, not only you get EXP you can upgrade your soldiers at the same time.

Thanks for the link to all those guides. That helped me understand a lot of stuff better. 

And I guess I'll wait for Luna to get stronger before trying those again. I managed to do Cherie's first one pretty easily, but Luna's is on a whole other level.

I've definitely been neglecting Soldier levels. Good to know that Aniki's gym is the best place to use extra Stamina since I'd bee using it to sweep Time Rift levels mostly. And it's interesting to know that SR gear is better for the average played than SSR due to how expensive the later is to upgrade. I'll definitely keep that in mind.

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