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Feh Channel on the 10th 3pm PT

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Okay, so I'm freaking out. I can hardly figure out how to express myself through text! I just... THIS IS SO GREAT! Everything! And did anyone else notice how much the new generals look like Alfonse and Sharena? I wonder if there's a connection!

Edit: I love the new designs, too, and all the symbolism and it looks like Alfonse gets kind of a solo quest or something -- all this was so unexpected but my brain feels like it has pop rocks on it! This is so exciting!

Edited by Mercakete
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Nice to see Tibarn. He's easily the most deserving beast unit to be added. I feared they would neglect the Laguz for the fanservice furry brigade from the 3ds era. 

Aaawww poor Sharena and Alfonse. I do wonder what this means for character interaction. Alfonse is already quite serious, the new girl is described as sad and Fjrom isn't exactly a barrel of laughter either. So it will be team killjoy all the way?


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Laguz confirmed! I'm fine with waiting.

No New Heroes trailer yet, which is odd, but we should get it soon. If not, the units will get datamined in a few hours anyway.

Mythic Heroes seem unnecessary, but maybe they're in the regular summoning pool? That's nice if so.

No word on the Aether Raids change either, strangely.

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Oh hey, its like what I called. Because it was pretty obvious to call that very little would be revealed based on the time stamp. Gotta stop hyping yourselves up when logic tells you otherwise. 

Both Tibarn and Nailah are coming next month, so I'm pretty satisfied. Tibarn is a flier who moves 3 spaces so, RIP current meta. 

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Okay, for a more well reasoned post...

I wish there was a new game mode.  We need more to do besides summon units.  However, I am ridiculously excited for Tibarn, and if Nailah was there too, her as well.  If the other two are Ranulf and Reyson, this will be the perfect banner for me.

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The music was silly, I like heavy metal but that just doesn't fit this game at all. 

RIP Sharena, I hope Eir will have a better role than Fjorm but I don't expect a lot from the story. 

Tibarn is cool, but doesn't seem that crazy to me. I'll wait for Vika/Lyre (they'll never get added...)

And...that's it? Summoning tickets is nothing other gacha games haven't done before so I'm not particularly excited about them.

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So, 3.0. How much will this suck?


So first off butterflies and a random pair in black (Likely Hel), while the Askr royals, Loki and Veronica in the forest are getting chased by Al and Sharena's evil versions and they're then in a mire with Alfonse drowning in gunk while Sharena screams and then gets bonked on the head. Then it swirls around Al while the pair in black from earlier are on a battlefield while the smaller one cries to the other. All this has some bad heavy metal playing in the background and no Anna. I am concerned.

Feh shows up confused. Sure she is. Meanwhile she introduces Hel's residents, who she takes time to describe. Eir is someone Feh seems to be pushing. Is that the same VA? Hel is female and that scythe sure is something. Also sure, she won't ever be playable. Also the Al and Sharena clones are Lif and Thrasir, with their weapons being seeable in the video (Green tome for the Sharena clone, I missed Al's clone's but I think it's a sword or lance). Also, Alfonse is copying Lyn with that line. Also, a new atmosphere? The music makes me sceptical it'll be good.

New seasons are in 3.0, which had been leaked. :P Though there's 4: Astra and Anima are also in the game, but they affect Aether Raids. They're tied to a new bunch called Mythic Heroes... Of course, with the first being Eir. Then there's a Hero Fest, with Owain, Ophelia, Lewyn and new girl Eir (That sounds neat). And Tibarn shows up, SO WE GOT A CONFIRMATION BEASTS ARE COMING but it's not til January. First Summon tickets allows for summoning a free first pull. Forging bonds give them and the January one confirms Tibarn is in the RD banner. Man Feh keeps talking about Eir, though least she'll be a free unit.

Also, wait nothing else? REALLY? They didn't waste it on the refines, but NOW I WANT TO KNOW.

TLDR: Beasts get delayed to 3.1, the advertising for 3.0's story disappointed hard and summoning tickets are a thing. Least the hero fest seems neat with Lewyn.

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Tibarn has three movement. Aw man, my Cynthia C skill idea is ruined! Nah but seriously, I'm super glad to see him. It kind of makes me want to save my orbs.

God I hated the bad guys' designs though, good lord. 

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  1. RIP Sharena. Guess, Loki replaces Anna now.
  2. Instead of Legendary Heroes we have now "Mythic" Heroes.
  3. We have now 4 new seasons to cover. Rejoice!
  4. Free 5* like in Book II. Eir is a flying Dagger unit which is more interesting than Fjorm at least.
  5. Laguz units in January, including Tibarn and Nailah. Considering that Naesala and Ranulf do not seem far off to round it out.
  6. Summoning Ticket system. Tickets only last in their current summoning focus.

... That was pretty bad. Especially the Ticket system is really awful considering it would be much better to be able to save them for other banners.
Does that mean Hero Fest is going to be our next summoning focus instead of a new banner? Yikes.

Edited by The Priest
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PLEASE don't give the new main girl Eir misjustice like Fjorm during the story don't pull no slow killing rite BS again.....

Hel and her squad looks awesome to hope the story is good for once?

Edited by Regal Edelgard Axe Master
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2 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

Okay, so I'm freaking out. I can hardly figure out how to express myself through text! I just... THIS IS SO GREAT! Everything! And did anyone else notice how much the new generals look like Alfonse and Sharena? I wonder if there's a connection!

Lif was mentioned during the short Aether Raids introduction dialogue to be the name of the first king of Askr.

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Eir was the design I liked best of the new characters, so that's nice she's the free one. AND she's a flier! I also like the mage general girl. Her edgy armor is pretty cool. The guy's got a cool sword, though his face mask is a little much.

Otherwise, not much going on. The new blessings that affect AR sound like a negative thing to me. I don't want to need blessings for that now too. Summoning tickets seem kind of random, but more free summons is always good.

As far as beast units, it's about time they got in. BUT, I can't say I like what we saw with Tibarn. Even as a huge flier guy I don't know if I want to see 3 movement fliers. That just reeks of more cancer to deal with, especially if they ever make ranged ones.

Edited by Alkaid
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TIBARN! HELL YES! And Nailah too. Does this mean we will also get my darling Reyson??? Oh god my poor orbs won't be able to handle the massacre. ;;;

I can't even bring myself to care about the rest of the update anymore. Except Eir is pretty and they did Hel's design justice. Going back to hoarding orbs now.

Edited by Nanima
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Looks like Tibarn is red and Nailah is blue. They have the same weapon icon otherwise, no bird/beast distinction.


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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Lif was mentioned during the short Aether Raids introduction dialogue to be the name of the first king of Askr.

Well, that explains the Alfonse clone.

What about Thrasir?

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