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March's Mythic Hero Appears!! Yune: Chaos Goddess (March 28 ~)


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2 hours ago, Baldrick said:

The Dark God moniker was likely coined by Dheginsea, to make Yune into a bogeyman so that the rest of Tellius plays nice. Yune actually has a pretty strong Light association (Micaiah being her meat puppet) and I’d say Sephiran using dark magic is due to his association with spirits (Pelleas being the other Spirit Charmer, who also uses dark magic)

 Yune and Ashera are the same being, not split into good and evil, it’s more like logic and emotion.

And the GBA-Tellius period of FE made Dark to not be inherently evil, just as Chaos isn't defined as that either. Both must be handled carefully to avoid problems though. Awakening in a sense was a reversion back to Dark = evil, which was more the case pre-GBA.

While I don't deny a Spirit Charmer-Dark association. Is it not weird, that if Dark is in no way opposed to Ashera, that the Tower would lack it entirely? That Sephiran would use only a Light tome and Ashera only attacks that look Light-elemental herself?

As for Micaiah, note that her Affinity is Dark. That was done with a reason, partly to echo Deidre her visual and character inspiration- she who bore both Light and Dark bloods inside her.

Making Ashera and Yune Astra & Anima would have been fine, but I don't see them as Light/Dark as a problem either. As long as you know its more complicated than simply good vs. evil. Order can lean towards Light, Chaos towards Dark, but neither is absolutely fixed as one or the other.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And the GBA-Tellius period of FE made Dark to not be inherently evil, just as Chaos isn't defined as that either. Both must be handled carefully to avoid problems though. Awakening in a sense was a reversion back to Dark = evil, which was more the case pre-GBA.


Not quite. Dark Magic is always known to be tricky and has effects on people. Henry makes that understood to Ricken when Ricken tries dark magic. It isn't evil, but doing so can affect people from it. 

If anything, Tharja ends up proving that things like "hexes" and "curses" are not inherently evil, but can be used for the benefits of others, which are associated with dark magic as well.

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1 minute ago, omegaxis1 said:

Not quite. Dark Magic is always known to be tricky and has effects on people. Henry makes that understood to Ricken when Ricken tries dark magic. It isn't evil, but doing so can affect people from it. 

If anything, Tharja ends up proving that things like "hexes" and "curses" are not inherently evil, but can be used for the benefits of others, which are associated with dark magic as well.

To be fair, I'm not the most versed on Awakening's take on Dark Magic. So I'll concede here. I guess I took Tharja and her nasty hex slinging at face value a little much.

And it could just have been me pining for Canas and his very scholarly take on Dark. 

Although the idea of Robin conquering Grima's power in full and becoming "heroically Dark" is also appealing. Although there would be nothing to use it again after its first application- that being killing the monster who it originates from. Since once they're gone, there is no longer any major threats to the world unless Jugdral suddenly invades Ylisse with Bolganone Bazookas, Thoron Sabers, Rexcalibur Gatling Guns, and while raining Gungnir A-G bombs from the J.A.S. Arion; in that case, all of Grima's conquered power is needed to overcome the 51st century threat.

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Orange bird's stats were found. Remember to thank the dataminers.


38 HP, 33 Atk, 27 Spd, 15 Def, and 37 Res gives her 150 BST because fliers apparently won't be getting gen 3 BST and she has superboon in defense and superbanes in HP and speed. So, she's basically a flying Deidre. Compared to Deirdre, +2 HP, -1 Spd, -1 Def, and +2 Res. Also, without any buffs or debuffs, neutral Flora oneshots neutral Yune. Neutral Flora has 57 total attack after WTA and 57 attack - 15 defense = 42. Flora's default Atk/Res Solo means she'll deal even more damage and her neutral 38 resistance means Yune's Chaos Named won't be able to debuff her as 38 is not less than 37; 40 (Yune's base neutral resistance + Chaos Manifest's Res+3) - 3 = 37.


Edited by Kaden
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Wow, she's kind of underwhelming in the stat department. But I still want her anyway since she's cute! Sure hope I don't get a Spd bane though.

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A bit... underwhelming. Not bad though.

Didn't expect her to have that much spd. Still bad but it seems too high for a unit with an automatic follow-up. Definitely expected most of that spd being allocated to her other stats, namely Def or Atk, but I guess this might help her avoid some doubles from other units. Maybe?

I'll still pull for her though.


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Wow, they messed her up. That spd is useless and just sucks up so many of the points she desperately needed elsewhere. My +Res Micaiah laughs at that Res stat and it looks like her weapon gimmick will be a requirement for her to kill anything at all. I am so mad they did her dirty like that, but will still pull for her. Inspite of her usability, not because of it like I initially thought. >>


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Why do they keep screwing over mythic heroes?  These are supposed to be gods yet in this age of min maxed stat spreads and high BST they get the short end of the stick.  Not awful but underwhelming indeed.  Since her weapon gives her doubles and is easy to activate they should have dumped her speed 10 and give her more attack, defense, and res.  


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7 minutes ago, Lewyn said:
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Why do they keep screwing over mythic heroes?  These are supposed to be gods yet in this age of min maxed stat spreads and high BST they get the short end of the stick.  Not awful but underwhelming indeed.  Since her weapon gives her doubles and is easy to activate they should have dumped her speed 10 and give her more attack, defense, and res.  



Not everything has to be min-maxed. In a way, she’s similar to F!Morgan or Deidre. She has the Res to be a good Res tank and a Ploy user. 



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I was expecting her Spd and Def stats to be flipped from what they actually are, but I don't think that's really much of a problem. She's pretty much a debuff support unit at heart, so being a bit weaker in actual combat isn't really that much of an issue. The biggest issue is just the fact that Eir's Mythic effect is a boost to Res, which makes it harder for her to debuff things on her own bonus weeks. Chill Res is probably a decent replacement for her default Sabotage Res just to get around that, though.

She looks like she could probably run something like

[+Atk / +Res]

Chaos Manifest
Fortress Def/Res 3
Mystic Boost 3 / Flier Formation 3 / Aerobatics 3 / Sabotage Res 3 / Chill Res 3 / [any other Sabotage or Chill]
Chaos Named
Fortress Res 3 / Resistance +3 / Distant Def 3

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Welp, no reds spawned in the first session so I had 0% chance of getting Celica.

1 blue: yet ANOTHER 4* Cordelia

2 greens: 4* Cherche and of course I had to get the least wanted green Focus, Yune (+Spd/-HP)

2 colorless: 4* Felicia and my 3rd Eir (+Def/-HP)

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Free summon was forced into green and got a duplicate Kagero, which I can't complain about although a Yune would have been much nicer.

Managed to stick to blue most of the rest of the time. Got Azura at 96 orbs, then Lucina just 13 later, so well above average overall.

On to Bruno!

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Spent a little more than 50 orbs, I think 70 and got LAzura and BLyn.

LAzura will be useful for her dancing abilities and Arena/Aether and Blyn is a nice merge. Overall happy with those. Now back to grinding orbs since I only have 109 orbs now.

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In 240 orbs I got:

1x Halloween Myrrh (Currently +3 +Atk)

2x L! Lucina (Currently +1 +Spe)

1x L! Azura (Currently +1 +Spe)

1x Lewyn (Special Spiral fodder)

1x Halloween Kagero (new)

No Opehlia, though :(

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So it looks like the current legendary schedule is:

  • April: Ike, Marth, Roy, Fjorm, Hector
  • May: Hrid, Eirika, Tiki, Lyn, Duma
  • June: Ryoma, Lucina, Ephraim, Gunnthra, Yune, Robin
  • July: Azura, Eir

It looks like the elemental hero count per banner is going up again in June, to 7.

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