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Right now playing some Breath of the Wild and Metal Gear Solid V again. It's kinda interesting playing them back to back. BotW makes you a bit too used to the fact that heights are basically no threat.

Breath of the Wild is so fun to replay, given just how open the game is. But man, would be great if you could just start with all the modules and the paraglider.

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10 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Gameplay wise, I honestly thought it was much improved from the original.

It definitely is. Though Xenoblade 2 is my favorite Xeno game (because i liked the overall package more), Torna does have better gameplay (for the most part, Elemental Awakening is still dumb) since the character roles are more defined. Best thing about Torna is the sidequests though. Some people complained about half of them being forced but i never minded because of just how good they were. This and Xenoblade X are the best examples of how to do sidequests in JRPGs and more games should learn from them.

10 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Well it IS kind of short, sadly.

Well it basically is Xenoblade 2.5 so i didn't expect it to be long (the main story is even shorter than Xenosaga Episode II's, which used to hold the record for shortest game). Still though, there's enough content to satisfy and i think the game's short length is a good thing, as it's definitely a game that can help newer players ease into the Xenoblade formula.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It definitely is. Though Xenoblade 2 is my favorite Xeno game (because i liked the overall package more), Torna does have better gameplay (for the most part, Elemental Awakening is still dumb) since the character roles are more defined. Best thing about Torna is the sidequests though. Some people complained about half of them being forced but i never minded because of just how good they were. This and Xenoblade X are the best examples of how to do sidequests in JRPGs and more games should learn from them.

Well it basically is Xenoblade 2.5 so i didn't expect it to be long (the main story is even shorter than Xenosaga Episode II's, which used to hold the record for shortest game). Still though, there's enough content to satisfy and i think the game's short length is a good thing, as it's definitely a game that can help newer players ease into the Xenoblade formula.

The difficulty spike isn't perfect, sure, but the game felt much more in depth compared. I enjoyed the sidequests as well! You learn quite a bit about the characters through them, actually. I thought the original was amazing, but Torna's gameplay just shocked me, I guess is what I mean. What disappointed me about the original was, your traveling with the strongest Blade, who pretty much just stands there and supports you? Sure you have the Blade combos, but that doesn't feel like enough to me. I wanted to play as them, and I was sorely disappointed. I'm sorry if it sounded like I said the original was bad, I didn't mean that at all.

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18 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

What disappointed me about the original was, your traveling with the strongest Blade, who pretty much just stands there and supports you? Sure you have the Blade combos, but that doesn't feel like enough to me. I wanted to play as them, and I was sorely disappointed. I'm sorry if it sounded like I said the original was bad, I didn't mean that at all.

Nah, i understand. Though i personally don't mind that Blades in Xenoblade 2 take on a more supporting role since there's an in-universe explanation as to why thanks to Torna (well, there was a lore background thing released right before Xenoblade 2 came out but Torna expanded on that).

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nah, i understand. Though i personally don't mind that Blades in Xenoblade 2 take on a more supporting role since there's an in-universe explanation as to why thanks to Torna (well, there was a lore background thing released right before Xenoblade 2 came out but Torna expanded on that).

Sure that's fair enough, I just thought it made the game a bit more interesting, is all. I would for sure recommend both, though. They both have their charms and whatnot, to make them different enough to warrant giving both a shot. I can't say I've been disappointed by any of the three (Four if you count Torna as separate) in the Xenoblade series so far, and i'm kinda a harsh critic sometimes.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh my God, someone else is playing that game. That's three people, including myself, who have played that game (this is an exaggeration, obviously, but i haven't seen people talk about this game). I remember enjoying the game though i don't remember much of the exact details. Hope you're having fun tho.

Yup! It was recommended as a hidden gem on some reddit post, then a friend told me more about it, and I am hooked! It's got decent character creator that's simple, but cool with the choice of VA. The combat is JRPG goodness and the story is kinda cliche so far, but that's to be expected. I'm loving it! I'm at like... chapter 4 now.

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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Sure that's fair enough, I just thought it made the game a bit more interesting, is all. I would for sure recommend both, though. They both have their charms and whatnot, to make them different enough to warrant giving both a shot. I can't say I've been disappointed by any of the three (Four if you count Torna as separate) in the Xenoblade series so far, and i'm kinda a harsh critic sometimes.

Fully agree. The amount of effort that is put into Xenoblade is amazing and Monolith Soft is at the top of my favorite devs for that.

1 hour ago, Bloom said:

Yup! It was recommended as a hidden gem on some reddit post, then a friend told me more about it, and I am hooked! It's got decent character creator that's simple, but cool with the choice of VA. The combat is JRPG goodness and the story is kinda cliche so far, but that's to be expected. I'm loving it! I'm at like... chapter 4 now.

Nice nice. I remember not liking the beginning of the second chapter that much but once i got past that, i was a fun ride. I've only played it once though so i don't know if my enjoyment of it still stands. I'd play it again but that involves digging my 3DS out of the closet.

But yeah, combat was definitely the strongest part of the game.

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Let's see:

  • Final Fantasy XIII- Haven't actually started it yet, got it for Christmas, I just keep delaying it.
  • Metroid: Samus Returns- Almost all the way through it, but dropped it some months ago at the robot boss. I really should finish the rest, but I haven't.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2- My end-of-game curse set in again. I'm up to Chapter 10, the final chapter but I haven't touched it in weeks to finish it. I should, I do like it, I just haven't done so. This issue began with Tales of Symphonia, which I really really really loved for a significant part of my youth, but for some reason, I tended to drop it right at the warp sigil to the final boss.
  • Infinite Space- I've begun it after so long of wanting to try it, yet the start has been a bit rocky, so I haven't gotten very far.
  • Shovel Knight- The last stage and boss I guess of Plague Knight remain. Tinker Knight is not yet defeated on Specter of Torment. -More of my endgame curse.
  • Boxboxboy- Some of the final stages remain in the last main world remain.
  • Persona 2: Innocent Sin- Just begun my first Let's Play ever, and this is it. Assuming I don't run into problems with uploading the screenshots, anyone who wants to see what Persona was like pre-3 will have a chance to do so here on SF. 



I can understand your criticisms of Golden Sun, it was cool when it first released, awesome animations for the GBA and it was an original JRPG for the system. But now, its faults are certainly there and it doesn't hold up so well for a more seasoned JRPG player.

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12 hours ago, Armagon said:

Xenoblade X is pretty bad in offering tutorials.

Too true, I'm honestly not sure if I skipped something, but the only thing it taught me for my first fight was how to target enemies lol. Lucky I have played Xenoblade 2, so I can kind of understand how the gameplay works. Almost done Chapter 1, I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Thanks for the advice.

Also, just started a new Echoes run purely to test Kliff out as a soldier. I don't know why, but I felt like it.

RIP my Awakening and Rev playthroughs, you won't be getting any attention for a month at least.

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1 hour ago, Anathaco said:

Too true, I'm honestly not sure if I skipped something, but the only thing it taught me for my first fight was how to target enemies lol. Lucky I have played Xenoblade 2, so I can kind of understand how the gameplay works. Almost done Chapter 1, I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Thanks for the advice.

A couple tips I'll offer, if you don't mind:


If you're having a hard time with certain enemies and need to take less damage, try to see what Attributes the enemies are using. It can be hard to see due to text size, but each named enemy attack should have a little icon next to it that indicates its element. IIRC, Physical = White, Thermal = Red, Electric = Yellow, Ether = Purple, Beam = Blueish Green, Gravity = Blue. Changing your armor to match the Attributes the enemy uses frequently, most will carry two or three, is better than going for highest Defense value.


On the topic of Attributes, I'd advise equipping weapons that are any kind but Physical. Most Arts (anything that says "weapon damage") unless stated otherwise will take on the Attribute of the weapon which it belongs to. A rough guide to the groups of enemies you'll encounter:

  • Theroids (Animals of all kinds from big Simians to little Ovis)- 50% Thermal weakness, 25% Ether weakness.
  • Insectoids (Insects)- 20% Physical resistance, 25% Ether and Thermal weaknesses.
  • Piscinoids (Pisces- fish-like enemies)- 50% electric weakness, 25% Ether and Gravity weaknesses. If they visually appeared to be electrically charged, they then resist Electric and gain a 50% Beam weakness.
  • Humanoids- 10% Ether resistance, 25% Beam weakness.
  • Mechanoids- 30% Physical resistance, 10% Thermal and Ether resistances, 50% Gravity weakness, 25% Electric and Beam weaknesses.

So Thermal is great against wildlife. Electric is for making fish soup, but not skewered eel. Gravity is pretty neutral, but slaughters machinery, with a side of fish filets. Beam is for making Swiss cheese of aliens. Ether is solid on all forms of wildlife, if not the best.

Physical hasn't any advantages, but you can still make it work.


Don't worry if you can't find weapons in all Attributes right away, a few weapon types lack an Attribute entirely- no Beam Dual Swords for example. And in other circumstances, you'll have to unlock a new Arms Manufacturer to get weapons in a certain Attribute.


Also, healing, there are few healing Arts around. Most healing you'll get in battle is from Soul Voices. If you or an ally meets the conditions to trigger a Soul Voice, you should see a colored text box pop up. Whoever then (excluding the character who spoke) is the first to use an Art matching the color of the text box will be healed, as will the person who uttered the Soul Voice.

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Been also playing Blaster Master on the Switch's NES app. I haven't been paying much attention to this library of games but choosing this one feels appropriate since its remake, Blaster Master Zero, was the first game I played on the Switch. Boy did I get a fresh appreciation of Zero now that I see all these improvements. I'm only writing this post right now after discovering this game not only has limited lives but limited continues, the latter of which is not expressed to the player. You also can't earn any more lives or continues in-game, so its fifteen total to beat the game. So my assumption that I had infinite continues proved fatal when I discovered I could cut down on backtracking with essentially death warps which place me at a particular part of the current area. My speedrunner sense ate up half my continues and my moment of brilliance turned into a moment of tragedy now that I discovered all of this via Google. Gotta start at the beginning. I'm steaming.

The biggest annoyance not related to difficulty is Hover, which you unlock in Area 3. In the remake, Hover refills automatically over time, but in this game you must kill specific enemies that drop hover gauge. So every time there's a jump that requires hover, I gotta backtrack and grind off specific enemies that behave like Medusa heads in castlevania. Very dangerous and very tedious. The dungeons also suck. Only one in each area thus far have an important upgrade at the end. This is unlike Zero where every dungeon in the game was either critical to progression or had a Metroid-style upgrade to reward the player for exploration. Since most are a waste of time, I skip them until I reach one that's at a dead end. Level design is quite linear in the game, so it's been easy to guess where I can find upgrades to progress.

Plus the level design is just not good. Enemies sucker punch you as you transition between screens, and I found a pit in Area 4 where if you fall down it you can't get out unless you have some Hover gauge. Can't kill yourself either so it's a soft lock. Imagine losing the rest of your chances to beat a game because you missed a single jump. Brain dead design. I can go on and on about this game's poor design choices, but honestly these revelations have only made me more interested in beating it so maybe later.

On 5/25/2019 at 6:00 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:



I can understand your criticisms of Golden Sun, it was cool when it first released, awesome animations for the GBA and it was an original JRPG for the system. But now, its faults are certainly there and it doesn't hold up so well for a more seasoned JRPG player.

I'm surprised at all the praise the game gets yet I've never once heard somebody mention its "to be continued..." nature. I've never so much as heard somebody claim "it's a short game".  

Edited by Zapp Branniglenn
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9 hours ago, eclipse said:

Every Final Fantasy is different!  My inner Trails nerd really liked IX for the presentation, and appreciated XV for the characters!

As for me. . .will finish up Sky 3rd eventually.  Still too lazy to regear for a boss.

It took me the longest time to finish Sky 3rd as well, but that's because I was too lazy for all the doors side stories, yet at the same time don't want to leave them be incomplete.

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42 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

I'm surprised at all the praise the game gets yet I've never once heard somebody mention its "to be continued..." nature. I've never so much as heard somebody claim "it's a short game". 

I think it's based on an unspoken and unquestioned assumption that you'll buy and play The Lost Age thereafter. Which when you think about it, isn't exactly something one should leave unquestioned. Maybe it had something to do with the size of the games? Did the graphics take it all up? Independent thought is good on your part.

I say this as someone who didn't get TLA until years after The Broken Seal (to use the Japanese subtitle of the game you've played), I did find the ending lacking. I mean the Venus Lighthouse isn't all bad, it's got its epicness, but the story I can't deny isn't fully self-contained and that is a flaw.


14 hours ago, Armagon said:

Once you get your Skell, try get Skell insurance ASAP. If your Skell gets wrecked and you don't have Skell insurance......well that's a lot of money you'll be paying for a replacement.

You don't get Skell Insurance, all Skells come with it for free. To be precise, each Skell has 3 units of Insurance to start, and you can never buy more (yeah this should be changed- but how would you price something like this?).

You could use a Salvage Ticket for sending it to Rex free repairs on a Skell without insurance, but those are/were exclusive to the online component of the game, which should be still technically alive, if very very dead. All you have to do is hope your Division ranks high enough on a given day for you to pick a Salvage Ticket as your daily reward at the online terminal in the BLADE Barracks. Outfitters probably have Salvage Tickets as a lower-ranked and hence easier reward, I know Curators had it much more out of reach.

You only lose Skell Insurance if you don't get a Perfect on the QTE that happens when a Skell gets destroyed. Nail the QTE and you'll be okay. AI-controlled allies always get Perfects, but that doesn't matter if their Skell ran out of Insurance, you'll still have to pay the 70% of purchase price for repairs. But if it is down to 1 unit, designate a Skell for the AI only.

The chasm in Oblivia is bottomless, fall in while in a Skell, and it'll be wrecked without a chance to QTE- guaranteed Insurance loss. Being in active battle with the flight module over the chasm will prevent you from falling into abyss, you'll hit an invisible floor.

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well i know that. I was more referring to the fact that Final Fantasy as a whole has never really interested me. Despite me liking FF7 so far, it hasn't changed the fact that the only reason i'm playing it is because i want to say that i've played it. Had it not had it's uber-legendary status as a game every JRPG fan must play, i probably wouldn't have considered playing it.

I think FF7 is horribly overrated, so playing it for the sake of playing it isn't a good reason IMO.

44 minutes ago, MagicCanonBalls said:

It took me the longest time to finish Sky 3rd as well, but that's because I was too lazy for all the doors side stories, yet at the same time don't want to leave them be incomplete.

I'm slacking off on a story boss.  Maybe tomorrow!

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Changing your armor to match the Attributes the enemy uses frequently, most will carry two or three, is better than going for highest Defense value.

Do you know roughly when you get armor? And can you buy any from Armory Alley? (I haven't checked yet)

Also, just out of curiosity, do you know how viable a dodgetank build would be in this game? If so, do you have any recommendations?

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I have a huge backlog list, but with my rare freetime I cannot play much. 

I am playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna right since I completed and loved the main game. As expected the DLC is not less awesome. Think I have done about the half (15 hours playtime). 


I do not know if Fire Emblem Heroes and Fate / Grand Order count, but these are the games I play daily because of updated events. 

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9 hours ago, Anathaco said:

Do you know roughly when you get armor? And can you buy any from Armory Alley? (I haven't checked yet)

Also, just out of curiosity, do you know how viable a dodgetank build would be in this game? If so, do you have any recommendations?

Armory Alley does sell armor of course, and weapons. Enemies can drop the stuff too, I think certain species tend to favor certain brands.

You'll only have Sakuraba and Grenada Galactic stuff to choose from. The other Arms Manufacturers don't exist yet, but you'll get 2 more of them through the main story, and the remaining 4 can be unlocked through sidequests. To be precise, the Affinity Mission "BFFs" gives one of them, you can get another after Chapter 6, another after Chapter 7, and the last requires the completion of the Affinity Mission "A Challenger Approaches" Elma in Smash!, which can't be done until after Chapter 10.

You can invest Miranium into the Arms Manufacturers at a nearby terminal to expand their selection and improve the number of innate and fixed traits in their armor.


Dodgetanking I think was nerfed in this game. Well for the very end of the game at least if you're tackling the superbosses, yet that is a far far cry from the rest of the game, which I don't really so much know about concerning what works and what doesn't.

But looking over things...

  • The Aura selection: 
    • The Knife has Recuperate to buff Evasion and also has HP Regen, which sounds good.
    • While Dual Guns have Early Bird- Evasion Up, and increases Critical Chance and the Critical Power buff (more damage when dealing Crits) for a more offensive Evasion build.
  • Evasion Up Augments can be put on your armor for extra dodginess, the V level ones should be easy enough to make- just kill Vespers (bats) and set up a few Probes in Primordia and Oblivia to get the required materials.
  • On the Skills side of things, just two things: 
    • Again going Commando seems like a good choice (although you can swap for another class once you've learned a Skill). Agile Gunslinger is a 12-20% Evasion boost when you have your ranged weapon out.
    • Going Partisan Eagle after Commando gets you Fleet Feet a 10-30% Evasion boost when you have your melee weapon out.
  • For a natural and passive Class stat boost, Full Metal Jaguar and its weaker predecessor Winged Viper get the most significant one to Evasion. 
  • Evasion Up as a buff can be applied by Irina's Smooth Recovery Art, if you have her tag around.

You can do-pseudo dodgetanking if you go for Dual Guns (although this appears to be unavailable until you reach Full Metal Jaguar- quite the ways off) as well. They get the Ghostwalker Art, which applies the Decoy buff, which negates a fixed number of hits. In addition, it has a lengthy catwalk-like animation which you're invincible for 98% of. Elma has her Ghost Factory TP Art, too which will kill you all apply (a weaker-at-the-same-tier compared to GW), a useful Decoy buff to everyone. 

Having two Dual Swords-Dual Gun users for the main story isn't a problem. This isn't Fire Emblem, there is no Weapon Triangle, or rather Weapon Hexagon or Duodecimgon mandating that you have weapon variety. Having multiple characters wielding the same weapon type actually increases your chances of getting those weapons to drop from foes.

Hopefully this helps! I'm curious to know if this is actually good.


As a bonus, I'm just going to throw in this last tidbit.

The stat called Potential increases the amount of HP healed by Soul Voices and most of the few healing Arts. Potential's other trait is being the attack stat for any offensive TP Art, they don't use the usual of Melee or Ranged Attack at all. Potential Augments are worn in armor and not weapons, which is different from Melee and Ranged Attack Augments, which must be placed in weapons.

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Octopath Traveler. I'd call it aggressively okay. Like, it's good and there are a lot of things I like about it, but it's far from a top tier JRPG due to its poor storytelling and lack of meaningful interactions between party members. It's hard to give the game credit when it fails to deliver its main selling point beyond the surface level.


I'd give it a 7 or 8 out of 10, putting it just below Golden Sun for me. In my book, an average JRPG is still better than most other games.

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8 hours ago, eclipse said:

I think FF7 is horribly overrated, so playing it for the sake of playing it isn't a good reason IMO.

This. I can't understand what people see in FF7, it was such a drag to get through for the most part. From what I heard I didn't think it would be such a letdown, of course. Not to say some part of me didn't enjoy it a little, but i'm not planning on running through it again that's for sure.

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9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You don't get Skell Insurance, all Skells come with it for free. To be precise, each Skell has 3 units of Insurance to start, and you can never buy more (yeah this should be changed- but how would you price something like this?).

Ah ok. I've always seen people say to "get Skell insurance". I guess they were refering to the salvage tickets then.

9 hours ago, eclipse said:

I think FF7 is horribly overrated, so playing it for the sake of playing it isn't a good reason IMO.

I mean, i guess? People are usually either saying it's one of the best games ever or it's horribly overrated. So by playing it, i get to decide for myself.

Even though i like it so far, i'm leaning towards the latter. I wouldn't say it's horribly overrated but i also don't really see where it's legendary status came from.

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Just gone beyond New Years Day in Persona 3 Portable! Iwatodai has gone into mayhem, with the Nyxian cult on the rise. But I, Shoko Manakano (FeMC) shall lead the Nyx Annihilation Team to victory, and free the Iwatodai citizens from dispair! Barring Yu and Yukiko, I think I like the P3 case a bit more than the P4 cast, actually. Both are awesome, though.

Cocurrent to this is Final Fantasy 13 in Chapter 6, and I am getting some strong anti-authority vibes from the story.

After both are done, I will play Persona 4 Arena and Arena Ultimax, which will allow me to experience my entire Persona 3-4 megastory for the first time.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Even though i like it so far, i'm leaning towards the latter. I wouldn't say it's horribly overrated but i also don't really see where it's legendary status came from.

Timing, timing, timing. Now that its era is past, it's harder to see why it was such a big deal. It'd be like asking why was Woodstock a big deal, it was just another concert. The zeitgeist of gaming and JRPG subgroup more specifically was drawn into the game.

Some of this, how much I can't really say, but certainly a sizable amount, had to do with FFVII's presentation. Those full motion videos were cutting edge back then, as were 3D graphics as a whole (Symphony of the Night is noted for being a daring rebel against that trend), and there was a short-lived and failed interactive FMV genre of video games (although I wouldn't say this is wholly a thing of the past, I recall hearing some years ago of something called The Order which sounds like it was a more modern version of this).

Minigames might have played a role. While nowadays they and QTEs loathed in games where they don't really belong, it might have been considered a good gameplay expansion back then. Final Fantasies X and X-2, the games which most certainly showed minigames could be excessive pains, were still years away.

Cloud perhaps was a new style of hero too, with the cool personality and modern attire. The modernism of VII would probably have been considered very new back then, when everything else had been medieval and fantasy sci-fi for the genre. (SMT and its modern setting was not yet known to the West.)

Since it left really good memories in the original moment, people have continued to revere and recommend it since.

-I can't really answer this most authoritatively, having myself not lived through the zeitgeist. I can only gather evidence and arrange it into an idea of what was. (Nor am I a post-zeigeist VII devotee, nor a hater.) 


It's only afterwards that some of FFVII's faults have shown themselves.

As early as FFVIII, the very next game, people could see how poor the 3D graphics of VII were. And after the 128 bit/Gamecube-PS2 era, games have largely abandoned the pre-rendered 2D backgrounds VII pioneered. They have been replaced with just as sleek yet easier to look at and navigate 3D environments. (Although I do find the pre-rendered backgrounds beautiful in some cases, Baten Kaitos being a worthy finale for the graphical-aesthetic choice.) 

Translation is another fault of VII. Barret in VIIRemake I pray to the planet won't be ****ing all over the place, that cannot be truly reflective of the original Japanese. In the 16-bit era, games were seen more as toys, not the same as literature and quality television. It wasn't until the PS2 that quality professional translation became commonplace (and you've still flops like Golden Sun here), the 64-bit generation was transitional, and VII (and Xenogears to some extent) was a failure in this transition.

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43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Translation is another fault of VII. Barret in VIIRemake I pray to the planet won't be ****ing all over the place, that cannot be truly reflective of the original Japanese. 

Look, Japan's got a serious deficiency in the baby-making department. So I don't see a problem with Barret ****ing all over the place. Wait, now that you mention it, what IS he saying?

1 hour ago, henrymidfields said:

Cocurrent to this is Final Fantasy 13 in Chapter 6, and I am getting some strong anti-authority vibes from the story.

By this point you must be LAUNCHING enemies into the air, so I don't think it much matters.

15 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


  • Metroid: Samus Returns- Almost all the way through it, but dropped it some months ago at the robot boss. I really should finish the rest, but I haven't.

Keep going! I really like the way that game ends. 

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Currently playing Final Fantasy 4 and Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword. Honestly feel pretty 'eh' about both of them though.

Main problem with FF4 is the random encounter rate is obnoxious and I hate how it can happen every one or two steps I make. Also doesn't help that I played FF6 before this one and 6 is just the superior SNES RPG game in my eyes.

I'm about halfway through Eliwood's tale right now in Blazing Sword but the experience has just been kind of plain to me. It's not a bad game by all means but again, it might be because I am used to playing the 3DS games plus I played Sacred Stones before starting this one and Sacred Stones felt like a more enjoyable experience for me. In terms of battle usefulness Hector has been awesome to use, I wish Eliwood was more useful since he is not that good in combat and Lyn gets to be the new Benchlord in my eyes because there is no way I am deploying a sword unit who only has a defense stat of 2.

I am planning to finish both of these games some time this week and then moving on to FF7 and Octopath Traveler and try to beat both of them before Mario Maker 2 come out because I will probably be playing little else once that game releases.

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