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August Banner New Heroes Prediction Thread

August 2019 New Heroes  

51 members have voted

  1. 1. Will this be a Three Houses banner?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Will this be a BE, BL, or GD banner?

    • Black Eagles
    • Blue Lions
    • Golden Deer
    • Mixed
  3. 3. What Black Eagles student would you want most?

    • Hubert
    • Dorothea
    • Bernadetta
    • Ferdinand
    • Caspar
    • Petra
    • Linhardt
  4. 4. What Blue Lions student would you want the most?

    • Dedue
    • Felix
    • Mercedes
    • Ashe
    • Annette
    • Ingrid
    • Sylvain
  5. 5. What Golden Deer student would you want the most?

    • Hilda
    • Lorenz
    • Raphael
    • Lysithea
    • Ignatz
    • Marianne
    • Leonie

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  • Poll closed on 08/04/2019 at 01:42 AM

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So, I'm going to handle this thread a bit differently than other monthly prediction threads, for the simple reason that the calendar (delayed/shared GHB with this month) makes it so likely that the August banner will be a Three Houses banner. I think this restructured poll should lead to more fun discussion this time around.

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I'm expecting a Black Eagle banners. 

Hubert will most certainly be on it regardless of how well received he'll be. At times Heroes seems like a big popularity contest but I don't think they can really get around Hubert on this one. Retainers seem a pretty big deal. He's also my expected favorite in the Eagles so I'm fine with that. 

Two other characters on the banner will likely be Petra and Bernie. Both seem pretty well received so far and will likely be the ''waifu'' of  choice for many players. 

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I'm really hoping it's not Three Houses. Yeah, it does make sense for it to be Three Houses, but (correct me if I'm wrong) I don't remember Heroes ever having two consecutive banners from the same game. There are also several other games that are waiting to get a turn at this point, too. Magvel, Genealogy/Thracia, and Archanea could all use something ... especially Thracia. Also, even if I don't think we need it right now, I'm waiting for Blazing Sword to get another legit banner and not alts.

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I think Hubert, Dedue, and Hilda are the safe bets (they'd even have color balance due to their associations with dark magic, lances, and axes respectively). 


I would want Bernadetta and Marianne (my waifus), plus Ashe or Sylvain.


As for the 4th character, I suspect it will be a neutral character, like Jeralt, Rhea, Flayn, Cyril, or any of the teachers. My best guess is Manuela, because she'd sell the shit out of that banner.

Edited by Etheus
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20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I'm really hoping it's not Three Houses. Yeah, it does make sense for it to be Three Houses, but (correct me if I'm wrong) I don't remember Heroes ever having two consecutive banners from the same game. There are also several other games that are waiting to get a turn at this point, too. Magvel, Genealogy/Thracia, and Archanea could all use something ... especially Thracia. Also, even if I don't think we need it right now, I'm waiting for Blazing Sword to get another legit banner and not alts.

Not really consecutive, but this did technically happen for the SoV banners when we got 2 at the same time for both Alm and Celica's armies. We wouldn't get three at the same time because that's just excessive, but it's not necessarily impossible. They could do something super silly and release 3 banners at once. 2 units from each house on each of the banners. 6 new units, high pull rates for each ones, 3 free pulls, everybody wins.

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3 minutes ago, Zeo said:

Not really consecutive, but this did technically happen for the SoV banners when we got 2 at the same time for both Alm and Celica's armies. We wouldn't get three at the same time because that's just excessive, but it's not necessarily impossible. They could do something super silly and release 3 banners at once. 2 units from each house on each of the banners. 6 new units, high pull rates for each ones, 3 free pulls, everybody wins.

Yeah, I wouldn't really count what they did with Alm and Celica's armies that one time since they were technically two new banners running at the same time, not one replacing another as the previous banner expired.

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I'm pretty confident the early August banner will be CYL, since it has a Forging Bonds and CYL pretty much has to have the August Forging Bonds. The following New Heroes banner will probably be Three Houses, though, whenever it is. (Probably either late August or early September, whichever isn't the dancer banner.)

Question 2 is missing a "none of the above" option, it's impossible to answer if you don't think it's a Three Houses banner.

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4 minutes ago, Othin said:

I'm pretty confident the early August banner will be CYL, since it has a Forging Bonds and CYL pretty much has to have the August Forging Bonds. The following New Heroes banner will probably be Three Houses, though, whenever it is. (Probably either late August or early September, whichever isn't the dancer banner.)

Question 2 is missing a "none of the above" option, it's impossible to answer if you don't think it's a Three Houses banner.

Except they could just as easily push CYL to Early September since they usually have come Late August.

I highly doubt they'll drop CYL right in the middle of Three Houses launch window.

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21 minutes ago, Sentinel07 said:

Except they could just as easily push CYL to Early September since they usually have come Late August.

I highly doubt they'll drop CYL right in the middle of Three Houses launch window.

Huh, and then the dancer banner fits right between them in late August. That would work out nicely.

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I do think it'll be another Three Houses banner. I voted Dorothea, Ingrid, and Marianne.

Dorothea looks awesome and coincidentally looks like how I've been picturing one of my Awakening OCs... (specifically Frederick's sister, Isabelle, though without the beret) So while this means I'll have to alter Isabelle's design a bit more so it doesn't look like I stole it lol, I still can appreciate that IS comes up with similar design ideas! XD

Ingrid just plain sounds nice to me, I guess, and her braid is pretty.

Marianne shares her name with another one of my FE OCs, a minorish one from Elibe. lol So another "great minds think alike" with me and IS. XD And she also sounds great.

I can't say too much on anyone though, because of course, I haven't played through Three Houses and gotten to know the characters well yet.

Edited by Anacybele
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Hi everyone I'm new here, this is my first time commenting but not my first time on the website.


For what the August banner might be? I think it should be a part 2 3H banner, or at least a Awakening/Fates since IS won't lose much money if it's those 2 games.


If it's any of the older FEs then consider the banner to fail and be one of the worst selling banners in 2019 (reason is because CYL 3 is upcoming and the current 3H banner are the most hyped banners that mostly everyone will go for).


If it's a New Mystery or Thracia 776 banner, get ready for majority of people to skip it and not really care for it (their 2 of the most obscure FE games in Heores, with majority of FEH players not even knowing over half the cast of those games).

Edited by C.J.C.
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I’m expecting TH to get a good run while the hype train is chugging along. There’s CYL and Farfetched to come, but the other three NH banners this year will be TH. BE in August, GD October and BL December.

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Expecting it to be Three Heroes, and would be happy for it to be the case since I'm completely fine with the level of representation from every other game currently. I'll be just the single banner since two competing New Heroes banners would just cannibalise sales from each other. The fair choice would be a mixed banner with the lieutenants from each house, but they might deem that a bit lacking in terms of sex appeal, so the fourth unit is open. I'm just going to guess that Dorothea is the most popular. So, Hubert, Dedue, Hilda, Dorothea perhaps. It's sort of like how all the Fates retainers were in the game at launch despite popular, more plot relevant characters like Kaze and Silas being left out.

Now if it was up to me, it'd be Catherine, Shamir, Hannemann and, uh... Jeralt?


EDIT: The poll, on the other hand, asks which of the units I'd *want* the most. So I picked Petra, Lorenz, and because I'm neutral on every member of Dimitri's posse, I defaulted to Dedue.

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The early August banner will likely be Three Houses, and I'm guessing it'll be a mixed banner with characters from all three houses. The student from each house I WANT the most, and the ones I voted for, are Dorothea, Sylvain, and Marianne. The students I EXPECT to be on the banner are Hubert, Dedue, and Hilda, with the fourth banner character being the lady singer teacher whose name I can't remember.

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1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

Now if it was up to me, it'd be Catherine, Shamir, Hannemann and, uh... Jeralt?

This would be actually a good bait for me. 

I can imagine that it be focused on one of the houses and at least the Vice Captain is in it. They have so much new Banner Material for now, Maybe we have one banner of each house in the next few months already and I guess our only hope for older characters will be Farfetched for now...

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It being CYL explains the shared/delayed GHB as well, to be honest.


Anyway, I think the latter poll questions have value in either event. It's a nice gauge of interest in specific characters for the next Three Houses banner.


As for the results, I'm surprised at Dorothea's high popularity. I thought for sure Bernadetta and Petra would take Black Eagles. Lysithea and Marianne are winning Golden Deer just as I expected, and it looks like Blue Lions' generally well-rounded cast isn't creating any standouts.

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27 minutes ago, Etheus said:

As for the results, I'm surprised at Dorothea's high popularity. I thought for sure Bernadetta and Petra would take Black Eagles. Marianne is winning Golden Deer just as I expected, and it looks like Blue Lions' generally well-rounded cast isn't creating any standouts.

My valuation of the students is very superficial because I really only have their appearance to go on, plus the stereotypical assumptions I make about their personalities based on said appearance. I'm certainly not going to read their supports from the leaks, so it'll be some time before I have a more informed opinion on their relative merits. As it happens, the three most appealing on that superficial (pre-timeskip) basis all happen to be in Edelgard's posse, being, in order, Petra, Dorothea and Ferdinand. Indeed I'd go as far as to say that Petra is the only one who is competitive with the older characters who I find better drawn. (No, that doesn't mean I'll be picking that route - I'm going in with no plan and will only decide at the moment the game asks for that decision, as a genuine roleplaying decision.)

To be honest, I'm pretty ambivalent on the art of Three Houses as a whole. I don't dislike it or anything but there's a fairly big gap for me when I compare it to either of the artists who did the 3DS games. Might have something to do with the abundance of young characters who are drawn as actually young, versus the tendency to draw them a bit older than they nominally are as was the case in previous games. Yes, I'm an ageist and make no apologies for it. 😛 But the other common thing is that the majority have a rather ghostly pallor which doesn't look great in my eyes.

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7 hours ago, Sentinel07 said:

Not really. Just said August, which still means it could be late August which would be it's normal window.

This exactly.

3 hours ago, Etheus said:

It being CYL explains the shared/delayed GHB as well, to be honest.

Both banners being Three Houses would also explain it, you know... Since Kronya is also a Three Houses character...

I'm still banking on the early August banner being Three Houses to keep up the hype for the game and CYL will be late August.

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17 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

This exactly.

Both banners being Three Houses would also explain it, you know... Since Kronya is also a Three Houses character...

I'm still banking on the early August banner being Three Houses to keep up the hype for the game and CYL will be late August.

I acknowledge either as distinct possibilities.

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It would be foolish to not capitalize on the hype of the Three Houses release to release a second Three Houses banner as soon as possible. Unlike with Echoes, which had a separate worldwide release, Three Houses is being released simultaneously in all regions, which means they won't get a second hype wave to pair banners with.

If it weren't for the existence of Forging Bonds, I'd have expected possibly 2 3-character banners so that we could have even distribution of both gender and house, but Forging Bonds places a soft restriction that limits banners to only 3 or 4 characters.

While we know that we'll be getting CYL as one of the 2 August banners, I'd personally expect it to be the second banner, which lines up with the schedule from previous years.

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32 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

It would be foolish to not capitalize on the hype of the Three Houses release to release a second Three Houses banner as soon as possible. Unlike with Echoes, which had a separate worldwide release, Three Houses is being released simultaneously in all regions, which means they won't get a second hype wave to pair banners with.

If it weren't for the existence of Forging Bonds, I'd have expected possibly 2 3-character banners so that we could have even distribution of both gender and house, but Forging Bonds places a soft restriction that limits banners to only 3 or 4 characters.

While we know that we'll be getting CYL as one of the 2 August banners, I'd personally expect it to be the second banner, which lines up with the schedule from previous years.

Yes, this whole post is my thoughts exactly! You just explained it better, Ice Dragon.

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