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If Heroes gave you any 5 star exclusive +10 unit of choice, who would you choose?

Fabulously Olivier

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Here's a fun topic. Let's say in an imaginary world, Intelligent Systems felt like giving everyone the best Christmas ever, allowing everyone to pick one 5 star exclusive unit to receive a +10 copy of, with IVs of choice. Who would you choose and why?


I'd pick Legendary Alm. Because he fills role that I don't have many of, and I HATE rolling on most legendary banners.

Edited by Etheus
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Hmm, seeing as I already have +10 Summer Freddy, I'd pick GD Ike! RD Ike could've been my choice too, but he's a bit more available. GD Ike will only come once a year once his run on a legendary/mythic banner is done.

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I would go with Ophelia or Phina, [+Atk, -HP] for both. Phina is useful for Counter-Vantage against Firesweepers. Ophelia is self explanatory.

ASS!Takumi would be a close third as a flying archer. All Dancers/Singers, all flying ranged units, and TOD!Jakob would be close fourths.

FV!F!Robin, DW!F!Corrin, and DW!Y!Tiki would be nice too for supertanking, although I am not sure I would spend my free pick on Enemy Phase units. It would make Aether Raids much easier though.

If I can pick any unit, then that would be Aversa. I can always spend more Orbs, but I cannot get more copies of Grail units after a certain point.

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Not necessarily the unit I want the most, but the unit that'd be really hard to merge otherwise. That rules out legendary or mythic heroes who are all relatively accessible. However we've also just entered Gen 4 so a lot of the older picks are starting to look a bit crusty. I think it'd have to be a flier with some passing thought given to cavalry. No beasts as I'd want the unit to fit in well with any kind of team.

I'll go with dancer Ishtar, ahead of Summer Laegjarn and CYL Micaiah.

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Hmm this a very cool question. If they actually had my boy i would choose Zihark but since hes not in the game the choice isnt that obvious. Maybe Ranulf, Lethe, Caineghis or Tibarn? Sonya would also be a nice one. Sanaki as well. Damn its hard to choose one. 

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among the 5*-only units i haven't (many) merges of, i'd say either nagi or caineghis

i just love them both

Edited by Yexin
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One of L!Tiki, Caineghis or Norne with her insane BST.

I'd probably pick Caineghis as the hardest to get (unless Norne doesn't drop)

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Do I have to pick...?

Well, I suppose someone I always wanted to 5* +10 is Witchy Nowi, which I'm probably not gonna be able to do this Halloween due to saving up for a convention. +10ing Winter Fae or the new Nagi would be neat, if and only because then the Loli Armor Dragon Trio would be complete... except if it were Nagi because she's not a loli... but you know what I mean.

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If I had to choose one, it would easily be sothis as she is hard to find (once every three or so months) and she is coloursharing, I was just thinking of a potential tanky build for her. The runner up is Nagi as she is competing with sothis for the 4th slot in the dragon team. But I would definitely pick sothis (a defensive mythic dragon) what else could the dragon squad desire? Other, non dragon choices would include, legendary alm and Julia as they are monsters (and Julia is a favorite from Genealogy). And a Caineghis would be an option . 

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Probably Legendary Alm. He's not my favorite character or anything but he's the most broken infantry archer in the game right now, and he'd pair super well with basically any team. The other units I know for sure I'd consider are Brave and Legendary Eliwood, Caineghis, and Brave and Legendary Ike.

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