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Vestaria Saga: Do the bad animations and graphics scare you away?


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I have enjoyed the story so far, and the map design is honestly pretty good from what I have played. But the game is choppy and and the animations are horrendously bad. Has the overall unpolished nature hurt your enjoyment of Vestaria?

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I am only on Ch.3, but I have never really had any issues with looking past a game's graphics. Thus, I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far. I wish side characters had a bit more say like in Tear Ring Saga, but its only Ch. 3 so I am sure the game will improve. Right now it feels very Shadow Dragon-esque.

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The animations aren't as bad as Three Houses's

Allow me to argue one of your points: the animations are pretty lacking, that much is true, but the game is not what I'd call "choppy". Maybe your definition of choppy differs from mine, but for me, choppy is something like Path of Radiance, which is slow as molasses; Three Houses, which suffers FPS drops all the time and has visual glitches all over the place; or Tear Ring Saga, which can lag anywhere from two to five seconds for every action you perform.

The low-budget animations and looks belie Vestaria Saga's quick pace - it's as easy to play as the DS FE games. You can skip pretty much everything, there's a button to fast-forward enemy phases, fights and dialogue (and even if you end up skipping text you can go back and read what you may've missed by pressing up), the map animations last two seconds... overall, it's a very fast game, which is good. You don't want to get bored waiting for things to happen, like in PoR, for example.

With that out of the way, and to answer your question: no. They have not in the slightest. The map design and gameplay in general are excellent. That is all I absolutely require from a FE game (is it okay if I call it that? I mean, c'mon, Merric joins you in chapter 3. It's FE). And on top of that, the story is quite all right. I wouldn't say this game is the masterpiece that is Berwick Saga, but it's still awesome. If underwhelming animations are the game's worst problem, then I think we can safely call it a success. Especially when this is a free indie game developed by a retired man and a handful of people who weren't getting paid.

tl;dr: the animations don't make my eyes bleed, and every other aspect of the game is great, so I can forgive them for not being able to spare the money and time to implement better eye candy.

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I watched Chaz stream it and it looks uncannily like an RPG maker game in terms of UI. There's no scrolling text, it just appears in one frame in each text box. And when three characters are in conversation you may not notice who spoke last. Really though the biggest turnoff are the battle scenes. Way too zoomed out. If we were twice as zoomed in, I'm sure those sprites wouldn't look any worse than GBA era. It's also hard to tell whether the game is just dropping hard frames or the artists just animated everything at an extremely low frame rate to save time.

In terms of gameplay it looks like a lot of fun though. My butt does not enjoy playing these sorts of games on the computer, but if they ported this to Switch I'd get it in a heartbeat. That's what I did for FE1.

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I'll play the game eventually because I loved the old FEs as well as Tearring Saga but I'd rather play it with FE NES 8-bit sprites graphics than the garbage they're stuck with. 

Those graphics, save the portraits, are a pretty large turn-off to me.

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It's made with Srpg maker guys, not RPG maker? Unless I'm dumb and SRPG maker is derived from RPG maker 😛

The FPS isn't bad for the animations, it's just that they aren't well animated, if you install SRPG maker and looka t the animations you will see that units move like a block every frame they walk, but the battle is more active at least.

And no, I actually really like the animations, I mean I don't love them but they grew on me, maybe because they are like those sweet FE4 and 5 animations... maaaan those were beautiful!

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If they offend me that badly, I'll turn them off.  Or if I decide I want to get through the game quicker.  But it takes a LOT to turn me away, and this isn't even close.

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SRPG Studio to be precise. And yeah, I'm personally not a fan of the look. But I guess I'll roll with the punches on that.

The real kicker is the lack of a Linux port. 😛

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Tbh, not really. I mean, i have some nitpicks. I set the enemy and NPC phases to skip and instead of a fade like you'd expect, it's more of a King Crimson skip in that it just happens. Kinda jarring. However, the visual problems don't bother me too much because the game was basically made with no budget. Kaga made it cause he was bored. 

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I'll go one better: it's a *benefit*. 

All of the interface issues, once you get over them, are able to be adjusted to. Once you get used to it, the things like animations and the like don't really matter. And any interface issues this game has, it's still better than what the Famicom and earlier Super Famicom games had. At least these, we're working with full English; the older games, until recently, you had to fight through them either in Japanese or with a not-100% patch. 

Now consider that the game runs sharp. Click, bang, you have a move. More recent Fire Emblem games look great, but they tend to meander. You load this game up and you're killing bandits within a minute. And this game can run on just about anything, so even lower-end systems can play this at 100%.

If you're old school or are familiar with Battle for Wesnoth, this is actually a nice change of pace. 

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I'd say the price is the main thing keeping me from getting Vestaria Saga at the moment. I understand it's for translation costs, as they have bills to pay too. It's just that $20 is more than I'd like to pay for this kind of game, especially when I have several other ones I still need to complete.

As for the animations, I imagine my thoughts on it would be similar to Eador: Genesis's lack of animations, in that I'll go back and forth between understanding that this was originally a free game made by people in their free time so I shouldn't expect high quality animations (although a good chunk of Eador: Genesis was made by one guy and the game was never free), and wishing they were better so I had something more interesting to look at. Which camp I would fall into would depend on my current mood while playing.

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