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New Calendar! (February -> March)


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It's finally up! I was right when I said in the General Heroes thread that the other Valentine's banners were returning real soon. How about that? 😄

Back to back Forging Bonds, huh? There's gonna be a lot of conversations coming up. But two New Heroes banners is sweet! One better be Three Houses.

Edited by Anacybele
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Finally! Odd that they're holding back on the Valentine's revivals, but good that they're coming eventually. Another Double Special Heroes is also nice, wonder who'll be on it.

Back-to-back Forging Bonds happened a few times last year - FE14+FE6 at the same point in the year, back-to-back Three Houses over the summer, and then FE2+FE8 a few months ago.

Heroes with Blazing Wind is most likely Igrene, regular Hinoka, and green Olwen, unless they want to feature Soleil. Stance skills has too many possibilities to count.

Edited by Othin
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Heroes with Blazing wind:
Green Olwen, Hinoka and Igrene. 

Special Double Heroes

This could be the rest of the summer + dancers.
(if it's lyn/berkut, i'm going in). 

Hall of Forms

NO grand conquest


Heroes with stance skills. 


Edited by daisy jane
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Oh yeah, I'm going to be a little frustrated if dancer Reinhardt is on that double special heroes banner. I'd still like to get him at some point. But by then, I'll have dumped all my orbs getting GD Ike merges. xP

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Dammit, I did not expect the FE7 banner to be arriving so quickly. I'm not ready for a potential Rath.

Also, DAMMIT WHY DOUBLE SEASONAL BANNER. Can't we just go back to having them on legendary banners? Seriously, adding yet another banner but with no extra orbs is just super frustrating. And of course I can't really touch this one if Rath is on FE7 and doesn't show up fast for me.

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Ah, so they are doing another one of those double special heroes banners again. Makes sense considering there isn't much room on the legendary banner this month.

Also, I'm always happy to see two New Heroes banners. I already which game is getting this month's New Heroes banner will be but hopefully next month will be Three Houses since I know people have been waiting quite some time now for that game to get another banner. Tellius would be fine too so people can get Jill and while I would be happy if it is Awakening I'm hoping that game doesn't get a new heroes banner until at least May so I get a few more months to stock up on more orbs. Every other banner looks easy for me to skip.

Edited by NSSKG151
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Pretty typical stuff for the most part. Two New Hero banners in a row before the inevitable Spring banner in Late March.

We pretty much already know what the February banner is. Hopefully the March one is where that Lysithea model is being put to use.

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Meanwhile, I'm just waiting for Resplendent Cordelia. The rest of the upcoming stuff is cool too, I guess.

32 minutes ago, daisy jane said:

NO grand conquest

Of course not. They've got way too many modes / events to juggle these days since they certainly don't want to run all of them every month.

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Damn it, I forgot for a moment that the dates are actually a day behind for everybody except Pacific timezone people (still think it's stupid that this has to happen...). I have class the morning Greil's Devoted returns. God dang it. >_< I was really hoping that wasn't going to happen... Oh well, just gonna have to be patient for a few extra hours more that day.

Crossing my fingers for Sain on that partly leaked FE7 banner. Or Wil. Or both. (We don't need to use spoiler tags anymore?)

And Sylvain for the banner Lysithea is teasing which is hopefully that second New Heroes banner. I doubt I'm gonna get all these, but just ONE would make me happy. Especially if it's Sylvain. I just gotta have him more than anybody right now.

Oh, and I'm always hoping for legendary flying healer Elincia when a legendary banner is coming up.

Edited by Anacybele
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Soleil is gonna share with Igrene, just watch! 

I am happy the Greil’s Devoted banner is coming soon!! Also, I really wanna splurge on the double seasonal banner.... I want either a Helbindi or Sigrun...



I can’t wait for Nils!!


Edited by SockPuppet
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The February New Heroes banner is gonna be FE7, I'm sure, and I'd be willing to bet that March's will be Three Houses with Lysithea as one of the main stars. Nice to see the Elibe and Tellius Valentine banners returning, and nice to see a Double Special banner again. I'm not gonna have enough orbs for all this stuff, but hey, maybe I'll get lucky on some free pulls.

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Looking like nothing of value until Double Special Heroes. Ideally, I don't want anyone on there but that's pretty unlikely since Summer Wolt, Helbendi, and Lyn have a chance at being on there~ Let's hope there's nothing too tempting~

Oho, I didn't even notice Hall of Forms, that's always fun~

Other than Double Special Heroes, I'm safe saving until the Legendary Banner

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38 minutes ago, NSSKG151 said:

Ah, so they are doing another one of those double special heroes banners again. Makes sense considering there isn't much room on the legendary banner this month.

Also, I'm always happy to see two New Heroes banners. I already which game is getting this month's New Heroes banner will be but hopefully next month will be Three Houses since I know people have been waiting quite some time now for that game to get another banner. Tellius would be fine too so people can get Jill and while I would be happy if it is Awakening I'm hoping that game doesn't get a new heroes banner until at least May so I get a few more months to stock up on more orbs. Every other banner looks easy for me to skip.

What game is it? I've heard a couple of rumors but I'm not sure.

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Just now, Sentinel07 said:
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It's Blazing Blade. Nils was found on the chapter achievement icon.



Oh nice. One of my CYL options. I wonder who will be with Nils. Maybe it's the original forms of Fiora, Pent, and Louise?

Thanks for the info!

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Decision time on Kronya for me too, currently unmerged and unused but I still have that 4* Takumi and recently lucked out on a duplicate Lewyn. Game is probably telling me to do it.

That said, being the tactical genius that I am, I screwed up +10ing Eliwood this week because I got so irritated at the +Spd -Atk Altena I pulled that I instantly promoted a 4* better copy to get the dodgy one out of my barracks. So +10 Eliwood as soon as the arena feathers come in tomorrow then new project time. Main alternatives are Cordelia and Klein if I just want brute force instead of something new and fancy.

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1 hour ago, Icelerate said:
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Isn't the FE7 banner still a spoiler? Not sure why people are talking about it outside of spoilers. 


Yeah, it is, technically.  But the Bound Hero Battle kind of gives it away.

That being said, HALL OF FORMS!  And more copies of Kronya to fodder!  Sorry, not a fan of her at all.

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4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

That being said, HALL OF FORMS!  And more copies of Kronya to fodder!  Sorry, not a fan of her at all.

ehh she has boobs therefore I like. I am a simple man of simple desires.

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1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

ehh she has boobs therefore I like. I am a simple man of simple desires.

On one hand, you do you.  On the other hand, please don't advertise this.  It's. . .kind of a gross attitude.

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5 minutes ago, eclipse said:

On one hand, you do you.  On the other hand, please don't advertise this.  It's. . .kind of a gross attitude.

Don't have to tell me twice that I'm degenerate weeb trash. But noted. 

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1 minute ago, Ottservia said:

Don't have to tell me twice that I'm degenerate weeb trash. But noted. 

Uhhh. . .no. . .it's worse than that.  Which I'd rather not go into in this topic.

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