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If I say my religion is correct, it is.

Solid proof please. Just saying YOUR belief is the true one, without many proof at all, means nothing.

That being said, how is man on man, girl on girl relationships not immoral and wrong? Of course its wrong, and you all know it, you just think your views are correct when they arent.

Shall I gather some homosexuals and see how this hurts their feelings... oh wait, they are already used to getting this kind of shit from you people. What the fuck do you want them to do? Apologise for something they were born with, or force themselves to like what YOU consider "morally right"?

its evil that is going to end

Evil is highly subject to people who are not as morally black and white as you. (How do you intent to write a good story if you cannot even think in a rainbow?)

in 1914, he was tossed down to earth

Oh... the same year WW1, what a coincidence... oh wait... GIVE PROOF.

WE suffer day by day, many die as the days go on, there are many illnesses, wars, etc, going on.

Erm... suffering, illness and war have always existed. Illness was much worse in the past, when we had less vaccinations. There have been plenty of wars through out history, it is naive to think that people will just stop fighting.

So, believe me when I say the last days of Satan's realms are almost over. The prophecies in the bible are happening as we speak...you guys aint blind, surely, you see it happening day by day out there.

What... you mean them vague prophecies that priests and the like have been blabbing about for god knows how long, twisting their meaning whenever it suits them.

Edited by Shuuda
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Wouldn't it be just bliss then, to have every sinner repent in the very day apocalypse comes? Killers, rapers, etc. haha

How absurd.

No, you have to serve God and love him more than anything else in this life for your salvation to matter.

Those that did not repent will simply be throwned in the Gehenna, the lake of fire. Most of them will have the beast's mark on them, and it is well said in the bible that anyone who acquires this mark, does not have its name written in the book of life, in fact, they never did.

So guys, gals, think hard...the way you are living your life right now...do you have your name written in the book of life?

Even if you have sinned, if you repent well before the final day and show that you love God by trying to save others and doing his will, your name could appear in the book, but you must stay within the road once you repent.


Two posts merged but otherwise unaltered.


Solid proof please. Just saying YOUR belief is the true one, without many proof at all, means nothing.

Shall I gather some homosexuals and see how this hurts their feelings... oh wait, they are already used to getting this kind of shit from you people. What the fuck do you want them to do? Apologise for something they were born with, or force themselves to like what YOU consider "morally right"?

Evil is highly subject to people who are not as morally black and white as you. (How do you intent to write a good story if you cannot even think in a rainbow?)

Oh... the same year WW1, what a coincidence... oh wait... GIVE PROOF.

Erm... suffering, illness and war have always existed. Illness was much worse in the past, when we had less vaccinations. There have been plenty of wars through out history, it is naive to think that people will just stop fighting.

What... you mean them vague prophecies that priests and the like have been blabbing about for god knows how long, twisting their meaning whenever it suits them.

See, Shuuda, this is where you phail: Homos were not born homos, they made that choice, you fool. So if I were you, I'd drop this whole thing...unlesss you yourself...Naw, you couldn't possible be one, right?

Edited by Wist
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See, Shuuda, this is where you phail: Homos were not born homos, they made that choice, you fool. So if I were you, I'd drop this whole thing...unlesss you yourself...Naw, you couldn't possible be one, right?

People do not choose to be homosexual, just like people don't choose to be heterosexual. You are just plain fucking made of hatred.

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Oh they dont choose?

So they were born this way? What makes them like that, then? do explain.

Simple differences in their brains, the same thing that makes other animals homosexual, which has been observed in nature with numerous species if you did not know.

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How absurd.

Oh the irony.

See, Shuuda, this is where you phail: Homos were not born homos, they made that choice, you fool. So if I were you, I'd drop this whole thing...unlesss you yourself...Naw, you couldn't possible be one, right?


There are some theories on what cause certain sexual orientations, the first on that comes up are genetic explanations, it also talks about physiological and cognitive reasons. Yes, they are questionable, but you may note that not once does it mention homosexuals choosing to be they way they are.

In other words, my point still stands, you cannot punish people for being something that was not their choice.

And no, before you use the idea that I am gay to dismiss everything I say like a coward. I am heterosexual, if anything leaning towards being asexual.

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At what point did you choose not to be gay?

Never crossed my mind to make a decision, lol. I like the way I've always been since I was born.

Oh the irony.


There are some theories on what cause certain sexual orientations, the first on that comes up are genetic explanations, it also talks about physiological and cognitive reasons. Yes, they are questionable, but you may note that not once does it mention homosexuals choosing to be they way they are.

In other words, my point still stands, you cannot punish people for being something that was not their choice.

And no, before you use the idea that I am gay to dismiss everything I say like a coward. I am heterosexual, if anything leaning towards being asexual.

Ah, so they are questionable. I see, I see. ^^

Anyway, I'm tired of trying to convince you people. Those that do not wish to see the light, its ok, its your decision. Those that do, it is also your decision.

If at all anyone wants to talk about it furtherly, or wish to learn more on my religion and God, you are free to contact me by pm.

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Ah, so they are questionable. I see, I see. ^^

Not as questionable as your beliefs, that is for sure. After all, hard work and experimentation was put into making them theories.

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Not as questionable as your beliefs, that is for sure. After all, hard work and experimentation was put into making them theories.

Ok, whatever you say, babycakes. Haha^^

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See, Shuuda, this is where you phail: Homos were not born homos, they made that choice, you fool. So if I were you, I'd drop this whole thing...unlesss you yourself...Naw, you couldn't possible be one, right?

Whoa-ho, and what kind of knowledge are you speaking from? What exactly makes you qualified to make a statement like that? The awesome thing is you're completely wrong: homosexuality is provably biological. Some studies still claim that it's a "choice," but funding for those studies often comes from religious based institutions.

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Whoa-ho, and what kind of knowledge are you speaking from? What exactly makes you qualified to make a statement like that? The awesome thing is you're completely wrong: homosexuality is provably biological. Some studies still claim that it's a "choice," but funding for those studies often comes from religious based institutions.

Perhaps some other religius institutions that have nothing to do with the watchtower.

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So basically, if what you're saying is true, then if I were to say one day "I DON'T WANNA BE STRAIGHT, I WANNA BE GAY!" then I would stop getting a boner when looking at naked girls and start getting one when looking at naked guys? Because that makes no sense.

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So basically, if what you're saying is true, then if I were to say one day "I DON'T WANNA BE STRAIGHT, I WANNA BE GAY!" then I would stop getting a boner when looking at naked girls and start getting one when looking at naked guys? Because that makes no sense.

You never make much sense anyway. But allow me to explain.

You will just say it, not actually become a gay. Then, yes, you would still get a boner.

If you however become a true gay, then I dont know what will happen to you, whether you get a boner or not that is not something I know of. I dont deal in gay stuff, if you need to learn more about it, wikipedia it or somn.

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You never make much sense anyway. But allow me to explain.

You will just say it, not actually become a gay. Then, yes, you would still get a boner.

If you however become a true gay, then I dont know what will happen to you, whether you get a boner or not that is not something I know of. I dont deal in gay stuff, if you need to learn more about it, wikipedia it or somn.

So, let me get this straight. (Pun). You're trying to convince people they're wrong about homosexuality when you yourself admit to knowing little of the subject?

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So, let me get this straight. (Pun). You're trying to convince people they're wrong about homosexuality when you yourself admit to knowing little of the subject?

I dont need to be an expert to know about it.

And besides, read everything I said in that reply.

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I dont need to be an expert to know about it.

And besides, read everything I said in that reply.

If you're going to try to speak from any kind of know-how, you better be damn sure you know a lot about the subject. Expert? No. Educated? Yes.

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Oh yeah? But I can become a killer if I chose to? Haha its fun teaching you folks stuff.

You're not teaching us anything. We're not being changed by your pretentious dribble in any way aside from getting a headache.

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