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Oh yeah? But I can become a killer if I chose to? Haha its fun teaching you folks stuff.

Well, certain psychological or mental conditions can make people into killers. But homosexuality and murder are two different things.

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Look at what Death Said. You cant become gay.

lol, so what If I made the choice to become one? I would become gay because of chose to, if I decided to become a killer, God forbid, I'd become one too. See how the two merge? XD So who is wrong? Neiether I nor Death is. He believes that, I believe my own.

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Oh yeah? But I can become a killer if I chose to? Haha its fun teaching you folks stuff.

You haven't taught anyone anything, if you can't tell. You can kill someone if you want, you can have sex with a man if you want, but you can't make yourself homosexual. You might as well decide that gravity is not real and it's God pushing us down that keeps us on the ground if you want to debate that.

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Alright, seeing as how I'm the only even partially homosexual person on at the moment guess I should speak up, seeing as how I would know more about being gay than someone who has never felt or experienced it.

I in no way "chose," to be what I am. I was attracted to members of the same sex LONG before I was even old enough to comprehend such a choice. When I say "attracted," I mean attracted and aroused. Now taking that into consideration, I doubt my arousal can be simulated.

Seeing as how I actually have EXPERIENCED what it's like to be homosexual, I think my word means a little more than yours Quet.

You've taught no one anything, in fact you may have possibly mislead some people to believe something that isn't true, which I hope not. If anything you have actually hindered someone's knowledge by preaching about a subject you know nothing about, and that you have never experienced.

Edit: Wait, Death is bisexual isn't he? So I may not be the only one on.

Edited by Cynthia
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*Grabs Death by the shirt*

I dont like debates...you only get trouble out of them, and besides, one (me) against so many of you (the rest of you guys) wont stand a chance and not hope to reply to all of your beliefs, questions, etc. So that is why I dont like debates. Religion is a hard thing to explain, and only those who truly believe in God can get to know it.

So I got my beliefs and I will defend them at all costs, and you have your own, and you would prolly die just to defend your cause.

I recommend to you, my students, to read the book of Job.

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lol, so what If I made the choice to become one? I would become gay because of chose to, if I decided to become a killer, God forbid, I'd become one too.

*sigh* I know you'd never try to become gay, so I can't tell you to try and see for yourself, and I kindsorta go both ways so I'm not good for reference either. But damnit, the sheer concept is utterly ridiculous. And I'm not being democratic on that one.

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Alright, seeing as how I'm the only even partially homosexual person on at the moment guess I should speak up, seeing as how I would know more about being gay than someone who has never felt or experienced it

Hate to break it to ya but a homosexual has been debating this (I'm not naming him because that's up to him).

Now let me tell you what I think of religion. I call it the superstitions of bronze age savages that somehow managed to survive up until this date (they just run THAT deep).

Edited by Mad Fredin
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Alright, seeing as how I'm the only even partially homosexual person on at the moment guess I should speak up, seeing as how I would know more about being gay than someone who has never felt or experienced it.

I in no way "chose," to be what I am. I was attracted to members of the same sex LONG before I was even old enough to comprehend such a choice. When I say "attracted," I mean attracted and aroused. Now taking that into consideration, I doubt my arousal can be simulated.

Seeing as how I actually have EXPERIENCED what it's like to be homosexual, I think my word means a little more than yours Quet.

You've taught no one anything, in fact you may have possibly mislead some people to believe something that isn't true, which I hope not. If anything you have actually hindered someone's knowledge by preaching about a subject you know nothing about, and that you have never experienced.

Edit: Wait, Death is bisexual isn't he? So I may not be the only one on.

Cynthia, I have cousins that decided to become gay. They decided...they were not born with any malfunctions, they simply made that choice ok, so believe me when I say I believe that is wrong. My religion opposes such acts, and as such member, I do too.

I dont feel angry at you for being one, you are one, what can I do. All I can do is keep living the life I've lived so far, and that is to announce the good news, until my day comes.

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Cynthia, I have cousins that decided to become gay. They decided...they were not born with any malfunctions, they simply made that choice ok, so believe me when I say I believe that is wrong. My religion opposes such acts, and as such member, I do too.

Please detail how they've come to make that choice. If it's not too personal a thing to ask.

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*Grabs Death by the shirt*

I dont like debates...you only get trouble out of them, and besides, one (me) against so many of you (the rest of you guys) wont stand a chance and not hope to reply to all of your beliefs, questions, etc. So that is why I dont like debates. Religion is a hard thing to explain, and only those who truly believe in God can get to know it.

So I got my beliefs and I will defend them at all costs, and you have your own, and you would prolly die just to defend your cause.

I recommend to you, my students, to read the book of Job.

What's wrong, can't stand against us godless little heathens so you have to end it on a "I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG YOU JUST DON'T GET IT"?

And once more, nobody on this entire website is your student, all you are showing people is just how low a human being can go.

And yeah Cynthia, but I learned long ago that scientific evidence doesn't do shit for these people. What with science being a tool of the devil and all.

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Cynthia, I have cousins that decided to become gay. They decided...they were not born with any malfunctions, they simply made that choice ok, so believe me when I say I believe that is wrong. My religion opposes such acts, and as such member, I do too.

I dont feel angry at you for being one, you are one, what can I do. All I can do is keep living the life I've lived so far, and that is to announce the good news, until my day comes.

That's called being in denial and then accepting it. It's common for people to be in denial, as society and people like you look down on it so much. They didn't "decide" to be gay, they just came out about it. You can't get into their heads, so you don't know for sure.

I myself was in denial about a lot of things I was, but I came to accept them because I couldn't change them, and the reason I couldn't change them was because I did not choose them. I was born with them.

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Cynthia, I have cousins that decided to become gay. They decided...they were not born with any malfunctions, they simply made that choice ok, so believe me when I say I believe that is wrong. My religion opposes such acts, and as such member, I do too.

You can't become gay. How many times does it have to be said?

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Cynthia, I have cousins that decided to become gay. They decided...they were not born with any malfunctions, they simply made that choice ok, so believe me when I say I believe that is wrong. My religion opposes such acts, and as such member, I do too.

Erm... no, your cousin did not choose to be gay, he REALISED he was gay. What he choose to do was accept those feelings.

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Please detail how they've come to make that choice. If it's not too personal a thing to ask.

I dunno, they went to some bar, met some other homo and decided that they'd become like him. Beats me, big deal, I am not interested, the point is, they were not gay before, they became gay because they choose to. End of story bla bla blah

What's wrong, can't stand against us godless little heathens so you have to end it on a "I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG YOU JUST DON'T GET IT"?

When did I say I was ending it?

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I dunno, they went to some bar, met some other homo and decided that they'd become like him. Beats me, big deal, I am not interested, the point is, they were not gay before, they became gay because they choose to. End of story bla bla blah

Not how it works.

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Did you not say that a page or two back, or was that someone else?

Also, people do not magically become gay. Again.

No, they make the choice themselves, I got that pretty straight, lol.

Anyway. enough. I am not gonna be able to beat you, and you guys are not gonna be able to beat me, simple as that, this is pointless, it always was. You people believe what you want, I believe what I want.

You wanna be gay, be gay. You wanna be dumb, be dumb, you are already dumb anyway. :D. You wanna be someone with world beliefs, be that someone.

let me be me, and dont make fun of me since I dont make fun of you. End of story.

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Erm... no, your cousin did not choose to be gay, he REALISED he was gay. What he choose to do was accept those feelings.

This. There is a difference between realising and choosing.

Edited by Shuuda
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No, they make the choice themselves, I got that pretty straight, lol.

You have multiple people here that are not heterosexual all telling you the same thing, and we have scientific evidence on our side, how are you still saying that you are right? Are you that dense?

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