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Continued a bit in CyberNep and tried out different teams and characters. I came to the conclusion that Black Heart is OP as hell. She absolutely destroys everything in her path with her fast, multi-hitting attacks and high-level magic. And due to her greatsword, she has deceptively high range, as well.
Once I found out that the four Goddesses were actually playable, I wanted to "main" Purple Heart (because... y'know... waifu and stuff), but now I'm seriously considering "maining" Black Heart instead.

6 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Don't you have pills against it?

Mine usually help, the pain stops after one hour at the latest.

Also taking a shower and drinking help too.

I don't have any medicine against migraine specifically, but I do have painkillers that I use from time to time if it gets too bad.
Can vouch for that last one. Drinking water and showering definitely helps, if only a little.

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:

This basically sums up my experience with math in HS and college.


Statistics in particular was incredibly frustrating.

I'm still thinking that I was just too dumb to understand it.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Tfw people hsting on best girl math

My final exam in math in school ended with me expecting exactly 1 point, only to end up with 3 points, because my math teacher was a cool guy.
And yes, I'm still unreasonably proud of those 3 points.

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My gradutation result in math intensifed course:

Exactly the number of points I needed to pass. 😄

I liked math - unlike languages - but geometry always ruined my mark. Analysis and especially stochastics were really fun.  I barely had a choice for intensified courses. Not enough people picked geography as intensified course, so I had to pick math besides biology.


18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I don't have any medicine against migraine specifically, but I do have painkillers that I use from time to time if it gets too bad.
Can vouch for that last one. Drinking water and showering definitely helps, if only a little.

I meant these.

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Just now, Falcom Knight said:

My gradutation result in math intensifed course:

Exactly the number of points I needed. 😄

Very belated congrats!
My math exam was an oral exam (because I didn't want to deal with the written stuff).

1 minute ago, Falcom Knight said:

I liked math - unlike languages - but geometry always ruined my mark. Analysis and especially stochastics were really fun.

Interesting how people who like math tend to dislike languages and those who dislike math tend to like languages. I find myself in the latter category, but I have met many who fit either of the two. Never met someone who liked both, though.

3 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I meant these.

Ah, I see.
I do use them, as I said, but in great moderation, usually only when the pain gets really, really bad and/or right before I go to sleep.

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German is my first foreign language. German and English have been my worst subjects in my entire life and ever will be, mainly because I don't read. I deselected English and picked Dutch instead for graduation which was the only tolerable language because it dealt with aspects from current or close past history and society instead of fricking poems or any other lyrical texts I didn't understand.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

....am i the only one over here who had good grades in math xD

everything else on the other hand...

If you reverse the grading scale, 3 points is an excellent grade, I'll have you know! XD

The other subjects I sucked at were chemistry, physics, and sports. Biology was fine, but only because I was in the "we dropped all the natural sciences except biology because you can't graduate without taking at least one natural science course" class, so our biology teacher did what amounted to a "Biology for Dummies" course with us, so I got pretty good grades there.

1 minute ago, Falcom Knight said:

German is my first foreign language. German and English have been my worst subjects in my entire life and ever will be, mainly because I don't read. I deselected English and picked Dutch instead for graduation which was the only tolerable language because it dealt with aspects from current or close past history and society instead of fricking poems or any other lyrical texts I didn't understand.

Meanwhile, here's me, studying that stuff in university. XD

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I had good marks in social sciences, biology and chemistry. Languages and sports were my weak spots.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Meanwhile, here's me, studying that stuff in university. XD


I would have died, if I had picked this.


I have to admit I live in an area where German seems to be a minor language. Dutch, Polish and some Arabian languages are at least as common as German.

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

If you reverse the grading scale, 3 points is an excellent grade, I'll have you know! XD

a 3 = My mom grilling me. She always expected perfection. Even a 2 she would be kinda unhappy about xD

For me Biology was the bane of my existence. 

Everything else i was good enough. And Math was unironically my hobby xD

11 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

fricking poems or any other lyrical texts I didn't understand.


Hated that stuff as well.

Especially when you have to do it in more than one language.

Then again I had 4 freaking languages to study for, since i was living outside Germany for a while, and attended a german school, so i had to do German + Language of the country i was staying in + English + French...


Naturally i forgot everything about french when i didn't have to do it anymore xD

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A Shakesperan poem was the bane of my existence. I remember my final test before delesction was to analyze it. I submitted an empty sheet just with the topic final class test with the appropriate score.


Also can call me weird for picking French instead of Latin for three years. Actually French was cool and I was not even bad in writing. Just my pronounciation...... was a bit...... off from calling it French. I still can the grammar at least.

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13 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:


I would have died, if I had picked this.

I started out studying history, but then I switched to language and literature studies, because as it turns out, studying history in university was not as interesting as I thought it would be.
Although having a basic understanding of human history, especially the 18th century onwards, does open up new perspectives on things that happened and continue to happen.

13 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I have to admit I live in an area where German seems to be a minor language. Dutch, Polish and some Arabian languages are at least as common as German.

Where I live, people speak predominantly Russian and Arabian languages. Plenty of German, too, but when you have the windows open, you often hear people speak mostly Russian outside.

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

a 3 = My mom grilling me. She always expected perfection. Even a 2 she would be kinda unhappy about xD

My dad would only scold me for bad grades if they resulted from me not studying for the exam in question. Everything else he was fine with.

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Everything else i was good enough. And Math was unironically my hobby xD


I had a friend who was really good at math, but bad at languages. We'd usually help each other out with our studies, so we got about low average grades on the subjects we were bad at as opposed to really sucky ones. He transferred to a different school, though, so I had to do the last three years by myself.
Needless to say, my math grades took a nosedive. XD


Reminiscing about school made me realize that it's been seven years since I've gratuated...
Time goes by so fast.

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12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I started out studying history, but then I switched to language and literature studies, because as it turns out, studying history in university was not as interesting as I thought it would be.
Although having a basic understanding of human history, especially the 18th century onwards, does open up new perspectives on things that happened and continue to happen.

I find history very interesting myself, and i like to read about it...

but it's one of these things i don'T want to be forced to study and have exams on, ya know?

We should not forget Humanity's history lest we repeat the same mistakes (as everyone seems to be doing atm) but at the same time i think it should be thought in a different way.

14 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Just my pronounciation...... was a bit...... off from calling it French.


So much xD

I grew up with languages where what you write is what your pronounce, so english was already hard enough for me with all the silent alphabets and stuff...

And then french came and i was like


pronounce what you write, damn it xD

12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Reminiscing about school made me realize that it's been seven years since I've gratuated...

11 years here...

Ngl i don't miss school times much. Life became alot better once i got into uni until Illness

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a 3 = My mom grilling me. She always expected perfection. Even a 2 she would be kinda unhappy about xD

This was my grandma.

She drilled me, but honestly it was only for the good. She eduacted me and made me become ambitious. Without her I'd not even passed lower secondary school likely. Till 6th was grade I was class's best by having A everywhere aside of German and sports. Then my parents took over my parenting...

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I'm honest I learned more English in the past half decade since I have joined SerenesForest than all the years at school since I can write and speak English in practical situations. That doesn't mean my English is good by any means...


School subject tierlist based on enjoyment; not on mark

  • A - geography, social sciences
  • B - history, politics, biology, chemisty
  • C - math, physics, music, Dutch, religion
  • D - French, art
  • E - sports
  • F - German, English


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2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

This basically sums up my experience with math in HS and college.


Statistics in particular was incredibly frustrating.

Me except my brain ceases to exist when it comes to math in general. Even after it's explained to me, i feel it doesn't make sense more than half the time. 

I could do math if i had reference sheets and my notes but they don't let you bring those in into tests so i'm fucked. At most a calculator and only the shitty basic ones.

38 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The other subjects I sucked at were chemistry, physics

I sucked at Chemistry as well in high school but it was for different reasons. My teacher genuinaly just never bothered to teach. Didn't help that i was in one of the worst classrooms for chemistry, everyone else in that room was a fucking moron, no wonder my chemistry teacher gave up.

Physics i actually didn't take. I knew that physics was just math but with a different name so instead of taking that, i took Earth and Space science instead. Ended up being the best student of the class, easily my best class of my junior year in high school.

27 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Also can call me weird for picking French instead of Latin for three years.

No this was a smart move. Nobody actually speaks Latin, the only people who do are certain types of scholars and Catholic priests.

34 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

a 3 = My mom grilling me. She always expected perfection. Even a 2 she would be kinda unhappy about xD

(Gonna use the American system here) my parents were the same whenever i came home with a C grade on something. Even though C is passing, they didn't like anything below a B.

Eventually, i just started throwing away my report cards if they had bad grades (this was before grades were published online) which was usually the case.....except for the times when the teachers were smart and required parental signatures on the report card.

That said, my parents became way more accepting of C grades once i reached high school.

31 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Reminiscing about school made me realize that it's been seven years since I've gratuated...

It's been three years for me. And good riddance, the American K-12 system is fucking garbage looking back. I'm not sure if other countries have similar issues with whatever their equivalent of the K-12 system is.

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13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I find history very interesting myself, and i like to read about it...

but it's one of these things i don'T want to be forced to study and have exams on, ya know?

This I found out after I actually started taking classes on it. I did two semesters before I decided "you know what? Literature it is!" XD

14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

We should not forget Humanity's history lest we repeat the same mistakes (as everyone seems to be doing atm)

That right there was another reason I dropped it, tbh.

20 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ngl i don't miss school times much.

Me either.
On graduation, I was glad I was finally out of there. Once I got my graduation certificate, I got right the f*** outta there and never looked back. Didn't even join any celebration or something. I just wanted to get away from it all. I did have some friends and some good teachers, but... if I had to say whether or not I liked going to school, that answer is going to be a big

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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Physics i actually didn't take. I knew that physics was just math but with a different name so instead of taking that, i took Earth and Space science instead. Ended up being the best student of the class, easily my best class of my junior year in high school.

So lucky! I wish we had that option back then.

I'm actually pretty into astronomy myself. Not into the formulas and crap, though, just the general stuff concerning stars, planets, and constellations.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It's been three years for me. And good riddance, the American K-12 system is fucking garbage looking back. I'm not sure if other countries have similar issues with whatever their equivalent of the K-12 system is.

When I was close to graduation, Germany introduced the G-9 system that shortens school by one year (12 instead of 13). Was a major hassle, and put a lot of pressure on people, so there was talk of just dropping it altogether. Don't know if they went through with that or not, though.

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm actually pretty into astronomy myself. Not into the formulas and crap, though, just the general stuff concerning stars, planets, and constellations.


6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

When I was close to graduation, Germany introduced the G-9 system that shortens school by one year (12 instead of 13). Was a major hassle, and put a lot of pressure on people, so there was talk of just dropping it altogether. Don't know if they went through with that or not, though.

Yeah, i can see that being a major pain. What do you do for students who are in their final year? Do they just graduate early or ar they grouped in with the students of the previous year?

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43 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That said, my parents became way more accepting of C grades once i reached high school

For me they became less accepting of worse grades later on xD

41 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

On graduation, I was glad I was finally out of there. Once I got my graduation certificate, I got right the f*** outta there and never looked back. Didn't even join any celebration or something. I just wanted to get away from it all.

Same. Cut all contacts, everything.

School life was blegh.

I would say Uni before Illness was peak life for me xD

Illness ruined everything...

except games haha.

34 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm actually pretty into astronomy myself. Not into the formulas and crap, though, just the general stuff concerning stars, planets, and constellations.

Astronomy is super interesting...

But my god, is it hard xD

Then again, the most interesting stuff is usually the hardest

*Theory of relativity intensifies*

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I loved school myself. I made no real friends, but I was a weirdo who would read ahead in the history textbook for fun. College in particular was a dream in any class where there was a fully engaged student body- aka all of graduate studies. My natural intellectual, somewhat quirky, charm won most of my professors to me, though I tried to stay humble, for nothing is worse than arrogance.

I'm certain one professor at my community college lowered my final grade from an A to A- for behavior that went too far... I concede that my tendencies without proper mindfulness could be problematic in undergrad and pre-college. Though I portrayed myself as innocent back then, later I came to realize that I was in the wrong and afterwards made a concerted effort- not always entirely enough I thought- to banish my disruptive rudeness. Such was a mind affected by Asperger's.

To move past retrospective self-criticism, if I won millions of 💵  from the lottery or something, I would definitely go back to college for the fun of it. I'd take a bunch of new degrees, a half-dozen or more Masters in History b/c I absolutely don't know everything I should in the field, and a few Bachelors in fields like Archaeology, Literature, Religion and Environmental Science. I'd take 'em in spite of having to write essays again, for those are a fun stress that is ultimately not worth stressing over in life. Rather essays than a real job.

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I just wanna enjoy life doing things that I want to do. That's the only dream for the future I have.
Gotta say, depressions aside, the life I'm currently leading comes pretty close to my ideal.

46 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, i can see that being a major pain. What do you do for students who are in their final year? Do they just graduate early or ar they grouped in with the students of the previous year?

I looked it up earlier and I legit couldn't find answers to your question (shows how much of a mess that was). I graduated under the old system (thank god).
Just one correction on a thing I got wrong: the new system is called G-8 instead of G-9. G-9 is what we previously used.

21 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Same. Cut all contacts, everything.

I didn't even have those by the end.

23 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Astronomy is super interesting...

But my god, is it hard xD

Then again, the most interesting stuff is usually the hardest

*Theory of relativity intensifies*

I'm rather intrigued by the theory that all of us are basically stardust, myself.
Perhaps that is the reason we look to the sky and dream of space travel: the atoms and molecules that comprise us "remember" their old home among the stars, so they give us the subconscious longing and drive to go back to where we came from.

That's the kind of stuff I think about whenever I look at the stars or read about them. It's silly, I know.

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I liked school.

I barely had friends, but I was occupied unlike after graduation.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

No this was a smart move. Nobody actually speaks Latin, the only people who do are certain types of scholars and Catholic priests.

Yes, of course French is more practical in daily life.

Though what I meant is that Latin would have been easier for me since it was just translating, am I way better in grammar than in understanding textes.

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