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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Do you mean the first ambush battle theme?

I like that one too.

Yeah, i didn't like that. Ambush themes are like low-health themes to me, i rarely find them enjoyable.

3 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:



What to do here?

I have no jewel which can prevent paralysis.

The boss kills me before I'm able to reach it.

You see those barriers? Get behind them. Jade Face can't snipe you if you hid behind them.

This also allows you to just cheese the fight, as shown here


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Doing postgame stuff and then this happened:

Probably the easiest platinum trophy ever.

By the by, I found a way to make Black Heart even more OP than she already was. I equipped her with a gem that raises ATK and INT by 80%, but in exchange lowers DEF by the equal amount... which didn't matter, because even bosses with 900,000 HP went down the instant their Break gauge was empty, because at that point, her skills did like 10,000+ damage per hit (and she a has one that hits six times for that amount). On top of that, she had another gem that raises ATK and INT by 10% for every 10 hits in a combo for up to 200% damage.
Even the postgame bosses fell in a matter of a few minutes with no real hope of retaliation.
Holy balls.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

@DragonFlames it seems you've really enjoyed Cyberdimension. Nice. Despite not playing it myself, it did seem like one of the better Neptunia spin-offs not that it's hard to achive.

Regarding your rankings though, i personally wouldn't rank it with the mainline games since normally, spin-offs and mainline of anything would be counted seperately. But i can understand liking certain spin-offs more than certain mainline games.

Nep RPG wasn't that terrible, even if the combat sucked.

As far as my rankings go, I personally don't see too much point in separating spin-off games and mainline games in a series when comparing them, since they're all part of the same franchise, so I tend to judge them equally.
And this is a matter of course, but just because I rank CyberNep above Re;Birth 2 and 3 doesn't mean I suddenly dislike those games. Far from it.

My overall Nep ranking at the moment would be this:
MegaNep VII > Re;Birth 1 = CyberNep > Re;Birth 2 >= Re;Birth 3 > NepRPG

Though I will acknowledge that Re;Birth 2 and 3 are better made on a technical level, since I've read many things about CyberNep's issues with crashes and stuff. Just because they didn't happen to me (except for that one small one I described) doesn't mean they don't exist. It just means I was lucky enough to not experience any.

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

By the by, I found a way to make Black Heart even more OP than she already was. I equipped her with a gem that raises ATK and INT by 80%, but in exchange lowers DEF by the equal amount... which didn't matter, because even bosses with 900,000 HP went down the instant their Break gauge was empty, because at that point, her skills did like 10,000+ damage per hit (and she a has one that hits six times for that amount).

Ah, the good ol' offense is the best defense strategy. Definitly my go-to playstyle tbh.

16 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Nep RPG wasn't that terrible, even if the combat sucked.

You're right, also, i still haven't finished it lmao.

16 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

As far as my rankings go, I personally don't see too much point in separating spin-off games and mainline games in a series when comparing them, since they're all part of the same franchise, so I tend to judge them equally.

For me, it's mainly just the principle. If the mainline and spin-offs are similar, then i do make an "overall" rankings but i generally keep them seperate.


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24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah, the good ol' offense is the best defense strategy. Definitly my go-to playstyle tbh.

I found out that once you get a hang of when to guard against enemy attacks or even dodge them completely, your defense pretty much doesn't matter in the slightest (even less when you're using a ranged character like Uni).
Rather, the quicker you kill them, the less chance they have to attack you. Especially bosses, who usually get stronger and attack faster when they hit low HP. Being able to down them from above that really saves you from a lot of trouble.
I'd recommend against building a character like this when you're not controlling them yourself, though. The AI is kinda bad at blocking and dodging sometimes. And there is no way to revive AI partners, so if they die, they're out until you go back to town (which does suck, admittedly). You can switch other team members in to replace them, though.

24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You're right, also, i still haven't finished it lmao.


24 minutes ago, Armagon said:

For me, it's mainly just the principle. If the mainline and spin-offs are similar, then i do make an "overall" rankings but i generally keep them seperate.

That's fair, too.

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Finally some alone time...

I like socializing and all, but i also need to recharge my alone battery xD

@DragonFlamesseems you enjoyed CyberNep 👍

Yeah, character interaction wise it was pretty cool, i agree. 

Also, i think you might enjoy DERQ actually. I will copy what i wrote somewhere else about the game


Death End Re;Quest

One of IF's newer games (along with MS and DSV, more on them later), and i would recommend this to you who want Neptunia to go full super edgy serious. If Conquest wasn't enough for you, then i will gladly tell you ... This game strives on Bad Ends.

To try and explain this game, i would say it's like a mix of Neptunia, Steins;Gate and Digimon, and in usual IF/CH fashion, not used to it's full potential, but i still enjoyed it. This game is 1/2 VN and 1/2 RPG. Now you might ask ''But Shrimpy, aren't all IF games like that?'' and here i answer ''no''. IF/CH games do have VN like scenes, but not full VN parts with choices and so many (bad) ends like this.

Let me explain, this game has 2 Protags: Arata, who you control in the VN part of the game/real life, and Shina, who you control in the RPG part/in game.

Real life/in game you say? Yes, if you ever watched/read SAO or anything similiar, the next words might be familiar. Shina is stuck in a game, while Arata, in the real World, has to help her, and stuff gets crazy.

Imo, the game's strength lies in its Bad ends, the Normal end (which is one of the coolest Normal ends i ever saw) and the VN parts.

The RPG parts however weren't as good imo, with characters not as strong as the ones in 'real life', and gameplay that saddly falls off hard starting mid game as all mob enemies start to become so spongy, it get's annoying. There's also the fact that alot of questions are unanswered, but a sequel was already announced, so here's hope it answers those^^


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@Falcom Knight not sure if you've done this but i recommend doing this as it makes thing easier: prioritize the Fallen Arm quests for now and get the area Affinity to Lv.3. Doing so will unlock a questline that rewards you with Monado Armor. Monado Armor is the best Art in the game as it reduces all damage taken. At it's max level, Monado Armor reduces all damage taken by 75% so it's really worth investing in.

I also suggest doing all the timed quests (the ones that have a clock marker next to them), they will all expire after a certain point and it's not far off from where you currently are. I can link you a list, if you'd like.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

And there is no way to revive AI partners, so if they die, they're out until you go back to town (which does suck, admittedly).

For real? There isn't even any revival items?

31 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

One of IF's newer games (along with MS and DSV, more on them later), and i would recommend this to you who want Neptunia to go full super edgy serious. If Conquest wasn't enough for you, then i will gladly tell you ... This game strives on Bad Ends.

I'd definitly like to try some of IF's non-Neptunia games but i might have to pass on Death End if it's gonna be like that.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

@DragonFlamesseems you enjoyed CyberNep 👍

Yeah, character interaction wise it was pretty cool, i agree. 

Yup, that I did.
Character interactions are definitely one of the game's strong points. I absolutely loved those.
Really the only characters I wasn't fond of were Kiria and Black Cat Princess, but those luckily didn't appear too often to really annoy me. And they were dealt with in quite fitting fashion, too, so I can't even be mad at that.


Also, i think you might enjoy DERQ actually. I will copy what i wrote somewhere else about the game

Oh yeah, it does sound like something I would like, definitely!
I'll get it once it goes on sale the next time!

45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

For real? There isn't even any revival items?

There is, but it only revives the player character automatically when you die. You can have two of those in your inventory, which means you basically have three "lives" if you have the max number.
But it's not like dying has any disadvantages, actually. You just get warped back to town and have to go through the dungeon again if you lose to the boss. It doesn't give you a game over or anything, and you don't lose items, gained EXP, or quest progress, either.

45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'd definitly like to try some of IF's non-Neptunia games but i might have to pass on Death End if it's gonna be like that.

If that's what you want then I can really recommend Dragon Star Varnir. That one is probably IF's best non-Nep game. Fairy Fencer f Advent Dark Force is also quite good, as is Mary Skelter Nightmares (Mary Skelter 2 is probably a good game, too. I just hate Otsuu too much to find out). The latter two are on the Switch, while Dragon Star should be on PC.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Fairy Fencer is basically Nep without Nep cast

Yep, that it is. Especially where the gameplay is concerned.
It's story is also slightly more serious after a certain point. Though I'd say MegaNep VII has the slightly darker plotline overall.

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I ran into some Malboro recolors that can inflict the terrible ailment called Disease, so I tried Esuna- it doesn't cure it. I tried a Remedy- it doesn't cure it. Well, then I let the character get KO'ed and revive them- death doesn't cure it. So what does? *Checks online*

Serum! Where can I buy -nowhere right now, not until after this dungeon.

Oh, I can block it by casting the Bubble spell beforehand, thats weird, but I'll do it. I found a Bubble Belt earlier, I'll buy more- nope, not buyable, and I can't get any more right now. *Checks my magicks* I don't have the spell? Let me check some shops. None of them seem to have it. *Checks online* ...I have to kill at least 16 Marks for a shop to sell it.

*Sigh* Not again. :facepalm:

Who thought it was a good idea to have enemies pack an ailment before you have any means of curing it? Or rather, who decided to remove buyable Serums from the town right before this dungeon in the Zodiac versions? And no, I'm not going out of my way for some bounties, thats a waste of my time, because sadly, FFXII is FFNotXenoblade. 

If I had played this game in its time, I'd feel a lot better about it. And I can acknowledge that the emphasis on equipment over levels, and the premise of Gambits letting your characters once properly set (very easy) automatically win battles with only periodic active intervention on your part, are ideas worthy some positive commentary. I likewise acknowledge that Marks are technically more rewarding than Unique Monsters and that with entirely optional areas like Cerobi and the Necrohol, that XII is a little more "open world" than Xenoblade- though both are ultimately linear and merely "open world-ish".

The four years separating FFXII and XC1 seem so significant to me for all the little things. I wish FFXII had free Landmarks usable from anywhere instead of warping from Orange Save Crystal to Orange Save Crystal costing one Teleport Stone per use. Why do ailments almost never wear off naturally over time? Why doesn't HP naturally regen after every battle? Why do we have MP? Running from unwanted enemies feels easier in XC too, and why didn't the HD version of XII include an aggro off-switch? Then came my discovery the "Zodiac Job System" is in fact nothing of the sort, I've tried to look at the bright side of it, but in the end, it is no true Job/class system like FFV, FFTA/2, Bravely, nor like an EO, 7th D, nor DQVII. It's the Zodiac License System, where you have wondrous things like unlocking the ability to equip the armor the next town sells.

I wish the environments felt more creative, fantastical, everything in FFXII is very clean, but it's almost soulless to me- effectively "Academic Art" to borrow from art history, whilst Xenoblade is Impressionism and its successors. The Nopon might be too cutesy, but Moogles in the higher degree of realism FFXII has doesn't feel right either. The presentation of XII is glorious, and it's narrative English often sounds like Shakespeare, but the plot itself is underbaked, it doesn't feel like I've been on satisfying epic adventure. And say what you will that every Xeno game is nary more than a remake of Xenogears or one of its unmade prior episodes, but the surprisingly empty plot of XII is about shiny rocks, FF is usually either crystals or summons/aeons/eidolons, or both- except II and VIII to state that. Not to mention XII looks to be either the source of or the second link in a chain of FFs where fate and escaping gods' control takes center stage, which be it entirely unrelated, lay at the story crux of two of FF's subsequent "controversial" games. When it comes to characters, two or three or even four of XII's six playable characters are ultimately irrelevant to the story and don't develop. For goodness's sake, Riki is more important and developed than Vaan and Penelo combined. The music is nothing special either, and no battle music outside of bosses might be pleasantly nonintrusive, but it deprives XII of a place where it could land some good notes.

Long dissection short, I think I've reached the straw to break this camel's back. I might not ever finish the journey of Lighter-Haired Yuna and Balthier (who I do like), because I can't stop comparing it to its detriment, and I've given it enough tries to try to sink in, I'm in like the second to last dungeon I checked. But I'd only be finishing it to get it done, not because it could seriously change my opinion towards it. Ivalice's redeeming qualities lay in Tactics Advance and Tactics Advance 2, not Tactics or XII.

This will be the last time I ever bring this game up in such detail. And I mean it no ill will. What I wanted to love, has flopped like a burnt pancake.

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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

If that's what you want then I can really recommend Dragon Star Varnir. That one is probably IF's best non-Nep game. Fairy Fencer f Advent Dark Force is also quite good, as is Mary Skelter Nightmares (Mary Skelter 2 is probably a good game, too. I just hate Otsuu too much to find out). The latter two are on the Switch, while Dragon Star should be on PC.

Yeah, i'd probably get Fairy Fencer on PC though. The Switch version isn't well optomized for it.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I wish the environments felt more creative, fantastical, everything in FFXII is very clean, but it's almost soulless to me- effectively "Academic Art" to borrow from art history, whilst Xenoblade is Impressionism and its successors.

Having taken Art History last semester, this comment caught my eye and i looked up some of the FF12 areas to see what they looked like. I can see what you mean. FF12's areas look good (well, for the time) but i feel like a lot of it is just standard JRPG flair. Much like how Academic Art focused on the natrual standard, even paintings depicting mythological stuff were still painted with a sense of realism. And that isn't bad at all but it can sometimes blend together.

Whereas the Xenoblade comparison to Impressionism is apt as well. Xenoblade is the type of series to take a swamp area, something generally not liked in JRPGs, and giving it a unique, fantastical flair to it, instantly making it a memorable area.

(Also, this is just me personally, perhaps there's a bit of bias here, but i personally think that Xenoblade is the pinnacle of JRPG world design and i doubt it's being topped anytime soon so comparing areas in other JRPGs to Xenoblade is moot).


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Wait, FFXII had interesting looking areas? 

Jokes aside, I personally didn't find their maps very eye appeasing at all. They are bland, for sure. If your playing FFXII, it's more than likely for its gameplay

So, i agree with you guys, they kinda suck.

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12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wait, FFXII had interesting looking areas? 

Well, I imagine for the time it was. Correct me if I'm wrong but FF12 was the first Final Fantasy to have an open-ish world, correct? If so, I can see that being pretty interesting for the time.

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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well, I imagine for the time it was. Correct me if I'm wrong but FF12 was the first Final Fantasy to have an open-ish world, correct? If so, I can see that being pretty interesting for the time.

Eh, not really. It's really nothing spectacular. 

That's also considering I'm a huge FF fan, and still don't think they did that great of job with that particular area.

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6 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Eh, not really. It's really nothing spectacular. 

That's also considering I'm a huge FF fan, and still don't think they did that great of job with that particular area.

Hmm. I see. It could just be my outsider's perspective then.

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23 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Hmm. I see. It could just be my outsider's perspective then.

Well, in my opinion, they dont give you that jaw dropping sense when you see any of the areas. Sure, they look alright, but that's just it, they're alright. And dont get my started on the music that accompanies those maps. Most of them... are either annoying, or are just okay.

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3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Wow, that's one harsh critique of FFXII. 😮

I didn't intend to be overly harsh, I won't get nauseous every time someone mentions the game. What pestered me might not bother others to disinclination regarding the game. I don't see my criticisms as so significant you'd have to be blind or biased to not recognize them.

I do wish XC1 had Gambits, so that AI Melia would be worth more than Juju's night soil. Though XC doesn't need Gambits so much, because every character except Shulk can only bring 8-9 selectable moves into battle, and they can't burn all their MP on the undesirable ones (not that the XII AI does anything if you don't Gambit or command it to)- thats a positive to cooldowns. I tried to acknowledge what I can see in FFXII of value. I like some other Final Fantasies too, I don't dislike the franchise in general. The Bangaas looked cool in 3D too.

And, if you went back in time on that... peculiar... website called Gamefaqs (which I visit only rarely now), you'd find a number of topics on the XC1 board titled and yet more untitled but in the body of the topic, comparing XC1 to XII as similar in gameplay, I read a lot of that stuff when XC1 was just a newborn. Thus, I went into XII for the first time last year thinking "Zodiac Job System" b/c I like class systems, and "like Xenoblade". 

The first turned out to be a misnomer (not that it's entirely without merit I concede), and the second revealed that Square's older effort had small criticisms the younger Monolith project lacked. It makes me appreciate Xenoblade more, not thats its XII's fault for not thinking of some of XC1's improvements. Nor am I saying XC1 is perfect, the level curve is very bad, money is actually useful in XII, and XC1's plot isn't perfect, it's just far more complete than XII's, which did have to make do after Matsuno left the job halfway in b/c health concerns. 

And to be fair to Vaan, he was fine in Tactics Advance 2, I liked him there and used him and Penelo, I actively tried to max the damage of his Life of Crime by stealing all I could. He was much more "Sky Pirate" there than XII- another small nitpick of the game. You can forget he wants to be one and that Balthier is one, because I don't remember doing a whole of pirating other than the opening's nighttime raid on the palace. And as for "sky", it's above me, and thats about it. Your one airship gets hit with a kaboom and is rendered inoperable for the next 95% of the game, presumably because they couldn't envision another way to force you to take the shoe-leather express from area to area. As someone who has played Skies of Arcadia, the false sky pirates must be separated from the real ones.:pirate:


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Well, I imagine for the time it was. Correct me if I'm wrong but FF12 was the first Final Fantasy to have an open-ish world, correct? If so, I can see that being pretty interesting for the time.

It's on record they wanted it to be open world(ish). They were operating on what I believe is an ultimately weaker system than the Wii, if it's true the GameCube was stronger than the PS2. But I'd chalk up some of the difference in the handling of open world to Xenoblade being made with an open mind for something totally new- I would imagine its nothing like Xenosaga- it's definitely not Xenogears or anything else Monolith had made up to that point. Meanwhile, FFXII tried to fit open world to the tried-and-true ATB formula the franchise invented. 

Square for decades has cherished some great presentation, going back as far as FFIV I'd say. It hasn't always aged the best, but for its moment in time they aren't at all deficient. So I assumed XII would be pretty, even though the reviews said these peak quality PS2 graphics enhanced to HD are showing some of their age. I could tell it was technically sound and how it would've been great back then, but it does lack for creative spirit. In the PS2 era, I'd say FFX had a little more of a creative spark, Macalania Woods comes to mind.

Also, there was Final Fantasy XI, the game to directly precede XII, it is a pure MMORPG so it might have been open world, and I think the game might still have active servers. But because $$$ subscription, I've never played it, so I don't know.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

(Also, this is just me personally, perhaps there's a bit of bias here, but i personally think that Xenoblade is the pinnacle of JRPG world design and i doubt it's being topped anytime soon so comparing areas in other JRPGs to Xenoblade is moot).

True, ATM I find it difficult to disagree with this statement (if by some extraordinary chance something greater emerged in the future, I would not be afraid to acknowledge it).

Just sign a pact for me declaring that Monolith's first step towards worldly artistry, albeit of a different kind than Xenoblade's superior 3D open worlds, was Baten Kaitos.

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30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But I'd chalk up some of the difference in the handling of open world to Xenoblade being made with an open mind for something totally new- I would imagine its nothing like Xenosaga- it's definitely not Xenogears or anything else Monolith had made up to that point.

Yeah, you're correct. Xenosaga is super linear. There isn't even an overworld.

Episode II also drank from the Final Fantasy kool-aid and had you solve a puzzle like every five minutes, at least on the second disk (i recall that some Final Fantasy games really loved puzzles and minigames).

34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Square for decades has cherished some great presentation, going back as far as FFIV I'd say. It hasn't always aged the best, but for its moment in time they aren't at all deficient.

Yep. While people feel Square Enix is currently on a hit-or-miss train these days, the one thing that has remained very consistent is their presentation. I remember being shocked to hear that Final Fantasy 13 came out in 2009 when it doesn't feel like it did.

36 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Also, there was Final Fantasy XI, the game to directly precede XII, it is a pure MMORPG so it might have been open world, and I think the game might still have active servers. But because $$$ subscription, I've never played it, so I don't know.


Did a quick search. The console servers have been dead for about four years now, only the PC servers are still up.

I am curious as to how Final Fantasy 11 is holding up. I imagine most of it's players are really hardcore fans, i can't imagine playing Final Fantasy 11 when current Final Fantasy 14 exists.

40 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(if by some extraordinary chance something greater emerged in the future, I would not be afraid to acknowledge it).

Yep. I'd be pleasently surprised too.

41 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just sign a pact for me declaring that Monolith's first step towards worldly artistry, albeit of a different kind than Xenoblade's superior 3D open worlds, was Baten Kaitos.

Tbh, i'd agree. I still haven't beaten Baten Kaitos this time i have an excuse, my old PC's screen broke a month ago and i haven't completely transfered everything over yet but i like the premise of the world and should it get a proper remake, Baten Kaitos would look beautiful.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Episode II also drank from the Final Fantasy kool-aid and had you solve a puzzle like every five minutes, at least on the second disk (i recall that some Final Fantasy games really loved puzzles and minigames).

If you want a bad case of puzzles & dungeons in a JRPG, Tales of Symphonia takes that wedding cake and dislocates its jaw to swallow it whole. I actually enjoyed the puzzles as a kid, I loved Zelda, so why wouldn't I? However, I did have the Brady Games guide, which provided a step-by-step solution to every puzzle, and no dungeon was without one. Without a guide to support me, I could imagine making a Wavebird fly into my TV. The Temple of Darkness and Ymir Forest come to mind, the latter has no boss and is fairly small, it's all one big chain of summoning wildlife to knock a fruit off a tree and bring it to shore so a little kid will move out of the way. If Colette put those holographic angel wings to use and flew to the fruit, none of this would've been necessary.

Yet, after Tales of Symphonia, puzzles start to die in Tales, they're brainless in Graces three games later, and the remainder have since abandoned them altogether. I miss ToS when I think of this.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Tbh, i'd agree. I still haven't beaten Baten Kaitos this time i have an excuse, my old PC's screen broke a month ago and i haven't completely transfered everything over yet

Don't feel rushed, remember how long it took me to get playing XC2 and finishing it, and finishing XCX's Mira Survey while we're at it. And as someone with an old computer that can sometimes heat up from running just the Internet nowadays, I'm wholly sympathetic.

As a piece of advice, I think it's possible in principle to softlock yourself against the first boss after Anuenue- as in you might not be strong enough to defeat it and be screwed out of being able to get stronger. But in practice I doubt this, the boss wasn't that difficult for me, though won't hurt to make a separate save pre-departure while in Anuenue just to be safe if it turns out you need to grind. The real infamous boss battle is not until the 1st dungeon of Disc 2 as a reminder.

And soon after Anuenue, there is one minigame that you'll never encounter in the rest of the game. It's basically a shump, enemies can't kill your ship, but if you don't destroy an entire wave of 4-5 enemies, you'll be forced to fight them in a normal battle. If you fail too many times, you'll be forced to redo the minigame from the start, though I think you get to keep any Magnus you obtained in battle. When you fully destroy a shump wave, the last enemy drops a Magnus you must fly over to obtain. The 10th wave gives you Lyude's fourth finisher Diminuendo, which might be useful. Completion of the Gathering of all 1000 Magnus demands you both fight and take pictures of the enemies, and obtain the Magnus of the last two waves as well, but the Gathering isn't worth completing- you can't sell it online to a card fanatic.

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