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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Let me guess: Dorcas had less HP than Hector?

No, he actually had more. Hector was at 8 while Dorcas was at 23. Serra was standing next to Hector and Dorcas and I wanted to heal Hector so he could enemy phase-kill the boss (Serra was the last unit I could move that turn), but I put the cursor on Dorcas instead and healed him. In other words, that was just me being stupid and careless.
^ A recreation of my reaction if I had a bunch of rock plates available to me.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I might be at fault here.


I'm joking btw.

Even though you're joking, that's not on you. That's entirely on me.
I just didn't "get" the game, if you will. Not your fault, not the game's fault, the blame lies entirely with me, I believe.

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


My Wallpaper Folder

Others has everything else not big enough. Although some images there could use their own Folder as well

That's a lot of folders.


And speaking of wallpapers, these are the ones I'm currently using in rotation

Feel free to grab some of them if they catch your fancy (I just hope they stay there).

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I was doing what's called "homework gaming" rather than playing it because i genuianly wanted to.

Thank you, I think I'll have to add this term to my lexicon. For when you feel compelled to play the "classics" for no reason other than they have been deemed "classics". Easily adjustable for some other hobbies, such as cinema/TV and literature.


2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Dota 2

Doto is a meme name xD

Very random because of the four letters and Ds and Os, but has that Fate series you've chatted about here ever featured Dido? The fandom wiki didn't show it, but the mythical Queen of Carthage sounds like she'd have great potential anime-tized.

Her story summarized:


"Dido, also called Elissa, was the founder-queen of the city of Carthage. She founded the city after fleeing from an attempt on her life in her home city of Tyre. She appears both in the foundational myth of Carthage and in Virgil's Aeneid. It is likely she was a real, historical person, although many elements of her life were mythologized or fictionalized. They do make for a good story, though.

Records from around the 1st Century CE by Timaeus and Josephus both describe her as the sister of the Tyrian king Pygmalion. In a more detailed Roman story (which calls her Elissa), she was married to Acerbas, the chief priest of Hercules (but most likely the Phoenician god Melqart) and the second-most-powerful man in the city. Pygmalion wanted more power for himself and had Acerbas slain, and would have slain Dido, but she agreed to exile from the city.

Acerbas' temple had a large treasury, which passed to Dido. Dido knew that Pygmalion coveted the treasure, so she made a great show of sending container after container from the temple to the docks, then before departing Tyre, poured the contents of containers into the harbor in sight of Pygmalion's spies. Pygmalion assumed she had sacrificed the treasure, but Dido had in fact substituted sand in the containers and departed with her deceased husband's treasure safely hidden.

She wandered the Mediterranean for years afterwards, accompanied by her faithful retinue. She landed on Cyprus, where she added a group of desperate young women of the island to her band, who became wives for her soldiers.

The wanderers came to the North African coast, and there encountered a local king named Iarbas. Dido negotiated with Iarbas for permission to settle, saying she wanted “only as much land as an oxhide could cover.” Iarbas agreed. Dido ordered the cowhide sliced into a long, thin strips, and used the strips to encircle a hill near the coast. In honor of this bit of clever topology, the main hill of the city of Carthage became known as the Byrsa, which is a Greek word for oxhide.

There are two main accounts of her death. In the Aeneid, an anachronistic Aeneas stops in the newly-founded city of Carthage, and Dido falls madly in love with him, forgetting her vows to her deceased husband. Aeneas, reminded by Mercury of his destiny to found a great city of his own, departs suddenly, without bidding her farewell. Dido, heartbroken, realizing she has betrayed the memory of Acerbas, stabs herself with Aeneas' sword and swears unending enmity between Carthage and Aeneas' descendants. Aeneas sees her funeral pyre from the sea, and is briefly saddened by the turn of events, but then promptly goes back to the business of being a hero. This Roman account speaks volumes about Roman attitudes towards the Carthaginians, but maybe says less about Dido's history.

In the second account, King Iarbas demands Dido's hand in marriage from a Carthaginian delegation, and threatens the destruction of Carthage should she not comply. The delegates, knowing their queen's temper, cannot bring themselves to raise the issue to her, even despite the danger of war. One of their number phrases the situation delicately to her saying: “King Iarbas has requested the hand of one of our citizens in marriage, and says he will destroy the city if she does not accept.” To which Dido snaps: “Anyone who would not accept this marriage request, and so doom the city, should be put to death.”

When she realizes that the marriage proposal was extended to her, Dido agrees to the marriage, but says she must placate the spirit of Acerbas before marrying Iarbas. To this end, she constructs an immense pyre, and makes offerings, before slaying herself (and remaining loyal to Acerbas and outside of Iarbas' rule) rather than marrying Iarbas. Thus she remains faithful to her own word as queen, her own vows, and her own independence.

The chronology of Pygmalion's rule and the foundation of Carthage roughly support the story of Dido and her wanderings. Some archaeological evidence also supports her existence, although some scholars say these inscriptions are referring to the Phoenician goddess Tanit. If she did exist, and founded the city of Carthage while remaining independent and a ruler in her own right as in the myth, it would have been a remarkable achievement of the ancient world. Establishing the foundation of a mighty power from a humble start as refugees clinging to an unfriendly coast speaks volumes to her capability and guile as a ruler."


Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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13 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That's a lot of folders.

Honestly i think i should split others to organize a bit.

I need to organize Trails folder as well as it's a bit messy xD

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

and got the Next Nep and Noire pics


The Next Form ones, I assume? ^^

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Honestly i think i should split others to organize a bit.

I need to organize Trails folder as well as it's a bit messy xD

I need to organize my folders too. They're chock full of "meme-y" screenshots (usually out of context lines I can use for potential reaction images, like the "What a thrill!" one I use occasionally) mixed with potential wallpapers mixed with fanart.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

i don't think so.

Then again gacha game has everything nowdays

Speaking of which, I'm very intrigued by the fact that Fate doesn't seem to have Yukimura Sanada yet.
After all, that guy is pretty much considered Japan's biggest historical hero, as far as I know (feel free to correct me on this).

He even cameo'd in freaking Blue Reflection of all things.
Granted, he's only mentioned by name, but still...

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Just recorded a presentation pitch but my TV gave off a lot of glare so now i have to edit in the slides.

56 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

No, he actually had more. Hector was at 8 while Dorcas was at 23. Serra was standing next to Hector and Dorcas and I wanted to heal Hector so he could enemy phase-kill the boss (Serra was the last unit I could move that turn), but I put the cursor on Dorcas instead and healed him. In other words, that was just me being stupid and careless.

Ah. Cause i was gonna say, the cursor always defaults to whoever has the lowest HP,  which can screw you over if you're a bit too fast. Has happened to me plenty of times.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

And speaking of wallpapers, these are the ones I'm currently using in rotation

I like how there's literally one Fate art in there lmao.

I'm not one to talk, i had one Doctor Who wallpaper in my compilation.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

but the mythical Queen of Carthage sounds like she'd have great potential anime-tized.

I read this as the Queen of Cabbage and i was really confused for a moment.

Anyways, i found that story pretty interesting. Greek/Roman mythology interested me a lot when i was younger (courtesy of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series), i'll admit i haven't really pursued that interest but i still think that Greek/Roman mythology can be pretty interesting.

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Has Xenoblade 2 soft locked on anyone else when warping? This is the first time it's happened to me, considering I've played over 1k hours, I find that unusual. The music was still playing and everything, it just locked up on me. 

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"Oh, Shulk, you say that every day."

Since I wanted to take a break from Xenoblade today after getting to the Central Factory, I decided to replay Cubivore after being reminded of it from the "what is the most obscure game you have ever played" question. Chapter 13 took 14 hours to finish (mainly sidequesting to get the fourth skill trees for the remaining characters), and the entirety of Cubivore is much shorter than that. I also remembered that I still have save data for Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, so I might replay that afterwards too.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah. Cause i was gonna say, the cursor always defaults to whoever has the lowest HP,  which can screw you over if you're a bit too fast. Has happened to me plenty of times.

Still made me feel quite stupid.
To lose a run to a wrong heal... I guess that was Dorcas' revenge on the world for meme'ing on him...

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

I like how there's literally one Fate art in there lmao.

Don't forget one picture each for Shining Resonance and Trails. XD
There will probably be more later down the line. I think.

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3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:


A classic meme reborn.

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Has Xenoblade 2 soft locked on anyone else when warping? This is the first time it's happened to me, considering I've played over 1k hours, I find that unusual. The music was still playing and everything, it just locked up on me. 

This has never happened to me once. 

I'm aware that the final cutscene can turn into a powerpoint if the Switch has been on for too long but that was an issue with the system and not the game, and i'm pretty sure newer models don't suffer from this since i haven't heard about this issue since the game came out.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Don't forget one picture each for Shining Resonance and Trails. XD

I didn't recognize the Shining Resonance pic until i saw the Sega logo in the corner.

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I didn't recognize the Shining Resonance pic until i saw the Sega logo in the corner.

Don't blame you, tbh.
And even though I love the game, I haven't shilled it as hard as I did certain others.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

This has never happened to once.

I'm aware that the final cutscene can turn into a powerpoint if the Switch has been on for too long but that was an issue with the system and not the game, and i'm pretty sure newer models don't suffer from this since i haven't heard about this issue since the game came out.

It's happened twice only. And both times when I was warping to a different area. It doesn't bother me, i was just curious if anyone else ever had that happen.

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Tio x Lysithea



Lysithea: Wow Tio, you did best in the exam and finished it as first in no time! You’re impressive!

Tio: I just reproduced acquired knowledge, nothing special.

Lysithea: Still, that’s impressive! Even all my learning isn’t enough to touch you. How can you do that?

Tio: I have the ability to gain and process knowledge in rapid time. That’s owed to my former jobs.

Lysithea: Hmpf…I can’t buy that. You’re sure you’re not… cheating? Answering all the questions a normal human being would take ten times longer than you did seems a bit… out of place… if you ask me.

Tio: You think I deceived the test? I apologize if this answer might not require your expectations, but the test result is only based on my acquired knowledge. I didn’t use any illegitimate tools to pass it.

Lysithea: Sorry, for distrusting you Tio, but I’m kinda overwhelmed to believe that such a girl in your age is able to be a genius as you are.

Tio: As far as I’m acknowledged we’re only one year apart, and you shouldn’t deny that you still had the second best exam result.

Lysithea: Well, I guess you are right. I could learn the one or other thing from you after all. Since you’re very well informed with the newest magical weapons, I’d definitely use this opportunity to increase my knowledge in this area to improve my fighting abilities.

Tio: If you meant me to support you for certain questions, then feel me to contact me whenever the need is.

Lysithea: Alright! Thanks for accepting my request, Tio!

Tio: This will be beneficial for both us since this would extend my knowledge as well. I’m looking forward to learn together.

Lysithea (to herself): I still can’t believe her being a genius. I will use the opportunity to get behind the secret.


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Haha, whoops. I forgot to prepare for the Jin fight in Temperantia, and got leveled. That's what I get, I guess.

Ah, why can't you have access to those attacks in Torna!? That would be fun! I just like his arts in general, not just the fact that their broken.

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I started a new Three Houses, One Basement playthrough today after sleeping until, like, 12 o'clock.
Went with my first house, the Blue Lions, and got some amazing, near perfect level ups on Byleth three times in a row (gunning for Wyvern Byleth, as I haven't tried that yet). Dedue's first level was Magic, of all things, along with Charm, and Dimitri is Defense-blessed: He has 10 Def at level 4 (Tankmitri? Dimitank?). Sadly, his Speed is a bit low at the moment, with only one point more than his base three levels later. I hope this isn't a bad omen...

10 hours ago, Falcom Knight said:

Tio x Lysithea


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Lysithea: Wow Tio, you did best in the exam and finished it as first in no time! You’re impressive!

Tio: I just reproduced acquired knowledge, nothing special.

Lysithea: Still, that’s impressive! Even all my learning isn’t enough to touch you. How can you do that?

Tio: I have the ability to gain and process knowledge in rapid time. That’s owed to my former jobs.

Lysithea: Hmpf…I can’t buy that. You’re sure you’re not… cheating? Answering all the questions a normal human being would take ten times longer than you did seems a bit… out of place… if you ask me.

Tio: You think I deceived the test? I apologize if this answer might not require your expectations, but the test result is only based on my acquired knowledge. I didn’t use any illegitimate tools to pass it.

Lysithea: Sorry, for distrusting you Tio, but I’m kinda overwhelmed to believe that such a girl in your age is able to be a genius as you are.

Tio: As far as I’m acknowledged we’re only one year apart, and you shouldn’t deny that you still had the second best exam result.

Lysithea: Well, I guess you are right. I could learn the one or other thing from you after all. Since you’re very well informed with the newest magical weapons, I’d definitely use this opportunity to increase my knowledge in this area to improve my fighting abilities.

Tio: If you meant me to support you for certain questions, then feel me to contact me whenever the need is.

Lysithea: Alright! Thanks for accepting my request, Tio!

Tio: This will be beneficial for both us since this would extend my knowledge as well. I’m looking forward to learn together.

Lysithea (to herself): I still can’t believe her being a genius. I will use the opportunity to get behind the secret.


A.k.a. the best girls support
I like this! It sets up a mystery and the two of them have common ground right from the get-go. Great work!

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Tomorrow is the New Game+ Expo, Sega will be there. Will Atlus have something amazing to show? I've been waiting with hope, I'm bracing for disappointment.

There are three things Atlus could show/announce that I would love to see:
- Shin Megami Tensei V
- That Etrian Odyssey-related thing they teased a while back
- The localization of Persona 5 Scramble

14 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Honestly I'd not recommend to read the upcoming levels if you haven't played Trails from Zero yet because you'd get spoiled (unless you don't mind spoilers).

I honestly don't mind spoilers from the Crossbell games.
CS3 already spoiled the end of that duology (I think), and it did divulge some secrets about Tio, as well.

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I just said it because you hardly got to know anything about Tio's backstory in Cold Steel III and hearing it might... well... I won't say anything further.


Tio x Lys is by far my favorite support conversation because both share so many traits and both are so adorable. They belong in my top ten videogame characters list for sure.



Also a gift to "true" Hilda fans: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/82488019

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5 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Tio x Lys is by far my favorite support conversation because both share so many traits and both are so adorable. They belong in my top ten videogame characters list for sure


I liked Tio in CS3 the moment she first appeared on screen.

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