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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

what i think of myself when i see how much money i spend on steam...


9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

then again, it's money spent over like 10 years or something xD

I'm a habitual saver exactly for times like these.
Also, in my family, we have a saying: "Man gönnt sich ja sonst nix". XD

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

ikr lmao xD

It's basically food & clothes for me lol

Same here.

It's for this reason that, should I ever get rich, I wouldn't even know what to do with all that money. XD

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If I ever got rich, I'd put aside some of that money and put it into investment.

Which I've started to do, in fact. As a fallback/complement for whenever I have a job and steady salary.

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Its rather expected, but the Story of Seasons FoMT reviews are mixed to an extent. The biggest problem being a lack of sufficient new content in this old classic and the result is things are too simple.



I haven't gone out of my to test Overdrive on a bulky enemy and alone, but I did give Elma the following and played with this palette for a short time today.:

Upper Hand-Violent Streak-Primer-Sliding Slinger-(Overdrive)-Side Slash-Shadowstrike-Ghost Factory-Early Bird

And Hellhound (+5 seconds on OD at a minimum) and Phantom Counter (+4 to the initial OD count at a minimum) for as two of her four Skills. I leveled all of this to 3. I didn't give her any armor to increase her TP max or do anything else. 

I loaded up on the TP in prior battles, waited for a few Arts to reach Secondary Cooldown first, and then I tried Overdrive. Against a pack of four enemies, I was able to MAX before the timer got low and thus I in principle had achieved infinity. Against a lone enemy, I was more a lot more hasty in triggering Overdrive, and I juuuuust barely wiffed that key first extension for unlimited Wir Fliegen. If I had been more measured, it would've happened and from there the self-sustaining reaction could've unfolded.

Freshly unlocked, and I've proven to myself that Overdrive's boundless potential for an unceasing parade of Arts spam is possible, albeit only with the class best suited for it. I couldn't try this with any other setup, barring Assault Rifle users.

I think I'd remove Shadowstrike and replace it with Executioner, Shadowstrike is a single hit whose optimal damage requires positioning. Executioner may cost TP, but once Overdrive brought to MAX affording it, Ghost Factory and an Aura won't be an issue with Side Slash providing 1000x2 TP per use.

I wish I could say "or Hundred Shells or Stream Edge" instead of Executioner, but if the displayed numbers are accurate, someone in the programming department failed to do basic balancing. When all three Arts are at maximum level it's: 14 hits of 150% for Hundred Shells (2100%), 6 hits of 400% with Stream Edge (1800%) , and 12 hits of 300% for Executioner (3600%). All three deal double damage when their condition is met (and it's the same for Stream Edge and Hundred Shells- use immediately after a Ranged Art), and all of them being Tension Arts means they all use the Potential stat and not Melee/Ranged Attack, so Executioner isn't compensating for the lower attack of Dual Guns. The only advantage to Hundred Shells and Stream Edge is their cooldown is 18 seconds over Executioner's 27. This equates to 10.8 seconds vs. 16.2 for Tertiary Cooldown with 5x Arts acceleration at MAX. It's not even five seconds of difference, Stream Edge is half the power at not even 2/3rds the cooldown.


Okay, Overdrive and Arts math aside, I didn't do a whole lot yet, but I intend to! More NPC-given standard missions are available now as my minimap shows with each orange question mark. Murderess, Phog, and Boze are open to recruitment with their first Affinity Mission, leaving Nagi, Celica and Mia the only members not yet obtainable.

Since Lin is finished unlocking Arts and Skills, I took her out so I could make room for a different Shield Trooper, H.B., whose first meeting leaves a worst impression than I remembered, still like the superior BLADE. During the short trip back to Noctilum, I got lost in the entrance area again but found a stray BLADE operative in the field who provided a simple quest that took me exactly to where H.B. needed me to go for half of it, so it worked out well. I noticed Melancholia played during part of H.B.'s mission, it's not just "one menu you spend 3 seconds in" music.

Next on my recruit list was Phog, and because I wanted to train up H.B. and build Affinity with Lao for his Heart to Hearts, I removed Elma. Phog from a gameplay perspective is an inferior Elma. Although it's irrelevant in the sense non-Cross characters can't advance the classes, he is Winged Viper to Elma's final tier Full Metal Jaguar- a symbolic sign of this inferiority. (Nagi is the one other character who is in a final tier class. A little odd Lao isn't given his praised marksmanship and plot relevance, but maybe they didn't want to upset the hardy Harrier Boze?) He has one less Skill slot, and trades some Arts for others such as but not only: Violent Streak is replaced by the cooler but inferior Sky High, Ghost Factory is replaced by the TP-free and stronger but user-only Ghostwalker, and he has Back Slash which is faster and stronger than her Shadowstrike with compensates with Stagger infliction. Oh, and he has the Crisis Zone Aura, which sounds very very bad because it damages you to make you stronger at low HP. Not even with Ghostwalker do I want to risk that. That said, a watered-down Elma is still a good combatant, with the same Hellhound and Phantom Counter supporting the same Dual Guns and their key Arts intact, Phog if I were to control him would be great. 

Phog took a few minutes in Oblivia to recruit, ending in a short Ganglion battle I had forgotten about with this music. I answered as nonjudgemental and noncritical to Phog whenever I was prompted to, because I'm sympathetic to him. Although I'm not as lost in thought, unaware, and slow as Phog I would like to think (and individuals normal and lightly autistic alike are never exactly the same), nor as gravely ashen under the eyes, I find him a kindred pixelated soul. He indisputably has to have Asperger's Syndrome, that mild and high-functioning form of autism I do. Normally I don't case mental/neurological judgements of this kind in games, but in his case I will die on a hill defending it, down to the little details things are perfectly aligned. Sure I concede bias, but I stand by my assertion and appreciate having in this lesser character in XCX someone very relatable for me.

Phog may be totally boring to others, I entirely understand that. But the absence of exaggeration for entertainment leaves behind a very normal kind of not-normal young man, and hence his inclusion though he be a side character is more commendatory, there is nothing to explain him except that ordinariness he is. By contrast, take... Soren from Path of Radiance. Ignoring Soren is acerbic, quick-thinking, and antisocial in radical contrast to Phog's gentleness, slowness (but he isn't dumb), and introversion (not against others' company, one merely prefers to be alone), both are generally describable as "loners". Soren's "loner" status is directly and greatly influenced by him being Branded (but not entirely given Micaiah's far different demeanor), Phog's "loner" nature can't be attributed to anything dramatic or fantastical, it is who he plainly is (and Asperger's is part of him, and no it's not the same as a magic tattoo from human on humanoid lizard action- who IRL suffer from this?). Please be recruitable in X2 again Phog; I must inform Monolith somehow that he has one fan out there.


Ending on something not Overdrive or Phog Appreciation, the Ma-non.

Candid and Credible is open, I invested a little Miranium and between recruiting H.B. and Phog, did a quest for the company's CEO by advertising some products for them through equipping their weapons and killing specific Indigens. Talking to the new arrivals to NLA and some human NPCs, the "Candid and Credible House of Fine Wares" as its full name goes I discovered, was created specifically as the Ma-non's side of the bargain for the security of living in NLA and receiving supplies from it. Originally Candid and Credible was going to manufacture all sorts of products, but as simple as that would be to do, human lifestyles and human culture is too strange and illogical for the downsized helium-voiced Xenos. The Ma-non don't like war, their technology isn't normally used for it, and some unseen Ma-non voiced objections to it, but they decided the production of weapons and armor was easier. Everyone needs weapons and armor and they aren't wrapped up in foreign values and traditions- a good and deadly weapon is an interstellar universal. And as I already knew, when it came to designing the battle equipment for humans, the Ma-non it was said took their inspirations from humanity's fantasy universes found in cartoons and films (and as said elsewhere, specifically anime).

Besides C&C, the Ma-non have been on Mira for a year, more than humans but less than the Ganglion. They were traveling through space on a route they had followed many times before and never had a hitch. This time, their navigation instruments and the like went haywire when they passed by Mira causing them to crash onto the planet, albeit with their ship intact. The Ganglion come from the Samaar Federation and are supposed to obey the Samaarians Luxaar later states, and they serve as a "first trial" for humanity if the Mysterious Powers That Be are into that kind of stuff. Plus they carried some Zaruboggans as slaves, who may be a Samaarian creation. Why did the Ma-non who have no relation to the Samaarians or humanity thus separately get brought to Mira? And if the Nopon as true natives of Mira is a lie- not impossible if the Telethia really came from the Eryth Sea with the Orphe's precious Ovah- then what would their reason be for winding up on Mira? Though perhaps not every race needs a human connection to explain their current predicament.

Setting aside speculation for other minutiae, according to a BLADE observer of when the Ganglion were shooting at the Ma-non ship in Chapter 5, they noticed not a scratch to the paint, the Ma-non tech must be durable. A BLADE and former biologist who visited the Ma-non ships says they remind them of amphibians back on Earth, but are astounded by how different they behave and is curious as to how they came to evolve. A Ma-non speech bubble had one of them calling the general human body shape weird in in its slenderness, like some unintelligent lifeforms on a planet they had visited (the throwaway planet was given a name, but I forgot it). And fresh off the ship living it up in NLA, the Ma-non have already found the Ultimate Reality known as "pizza" and are making demands on the one pizza shop to the point its female employee is worried about her boss's mental health, said boss nor her husband can be found outside anymore I think. Going from no business to "business is killing me so I'll kill it" is happening in a very short time. Oh, and I saw a few more stray Nopon in NLA despite no official migration, one was conversing with a Ma-non. Oh, and the reason Ma-non are technologically advanced is laziness. You invent once, and after that, the invention takes care of whatever you needed it to do, no more exertion of effort on your part.


Now I have to decide who I recruit next. Because Lao is trained up and I want to get his Affinity up (nearly 2 hearts out of 5 now), I want to keep him on, but I want to keep H.B. and Phog onboard too to train them. Who do I remove so I can recruit the rest? I wish I could swap out Cross or that the characters I wasn't using in my active team gained experience, this is in the long run not a problem, but in the short term it annoying. Yelv's my next target, and likely Frye and Murderess. I may wish to delay Alexa and Hope because of Sylvalum and Cauldros and I want to save some exploration for later. But Alexa is the Ramjet Rifle, and I need only dip my pinky toe in Sylvalum to get her.

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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm thinking of replaying Atelier Lulua sometime soon, actually.

Speaking of, i ended up downloading the Totori and Meruru DLC. I had enough Gold Coins to cut the price down by half for each of them so i only spent $10 total instead of $20. Both characters have a friendship meter which means that there's likley events with them, and if their recruitment cutscene is anything to go by, they are fully voiced. Idk if they have endings as well though, i never checked.

4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Ya know, i wish more games do split MC/Party/lead thing. 

As long as it's executed well, i would like to see more of it, yeah. I only say that because it's easier to mess up split MC things as opposed to messing up a singular MC.

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

There is a certain something to have songs performed live.


From Xenosaga Episode III. Don't let the intensity fool you, this is not the final boss theme.

4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

what defines a final boss theme

Ah, philosophy.

I have a few i'd consider my favorite but i haven't really thought about what defines a final boss theme. Is it just what my favorite one is or is there more to it?

But when it comes to regular battle themes, i can think of three that i think fit the bill for defining a regular battle theme.

  • Time to Fight (Future Connected)
  • Battle (Torna ~ The Golden Country)
  • Get over the Barrier (Trails to Zero)
3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

And now Gust has those reins. In my opinion, at least.

Monolith Soft's been holding on to those reins since 2010 no i'm not biased.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Their ost is usually pretty damn high tier

Yep. Honestly, i didn't think cutesy Atelier would pump out absoulute bangers in most of it's games. Gust gets the Armagon seal of approval.

Atelier Dusk trilogy has the best OST of the series overall imo. 

3 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

MegaNep OST is like Mega Man X on steroids.

Well now that you mention it, you're right. I didn't really think about that until now.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

If they ever rerelease the old Trails games on a console I have (such as the Switch), I'll get the Sky trilogy in a heartbeat.

No lie, that's not out of the realm of possibility. Falcom's been getting more comfortable with Switch releases.

  • Ys 8
  • Ys 9
  • Cold Steel 3
  • Cold Steel 4

And if you think it's just recent/upcoming releases, Ys Origin was announced for Switch a few days ago.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Its rather expected, but the Story of Seasons FoMT reviews are mixed to an extent. The biggest problem being a lack of sufficient new content in this old classic and the result is things are too simple.

As i've never played the original, i'm fine with this. But that bolded stuff was a problem for me with Link's Awakening HD. I loved the original (i.e DX version) but i don't feel like buying the Switch remake at full price.


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4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Final Fantasy XIII does this, too. It's one of the things I liked about that game, actually.
But other than those three, I can't think of many games that have done this.

Dynasty Warriors not counting? Are you looking specifically for "characters who meet up, join, and then split apart"?

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51 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Dynasty Warriors not counting? Are you looking specifically for "characters who meet up, join, and then split apart"?

I would think Dynasty Warriors pulls more the "they leave and not rejoin" sort of thing to count? Even if they rejoin, you don't really get to play with them while you're away.

Although, I think DW has pulled that sort of thing.

I remember that in 8XL, Jin's Hypothetical has both Sima siblings split up to take down Shu and Wu almost simultaneously, and you get to play through both. So I guess that does count?

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8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Pretty sure Monono is the last one you get. He can be found in Gran Dell but you can't really do his quest until you recruit all of the other Ponspecters.

Sorry, the shared image wasn't updated.

I have them all except for Monono, unless there's a "hidden" one who wasn't shown in the list.

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5 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I have them all except for Monono, unless there's a "hidden" one who wasn't shown in the list.

Nope, there's only 12. Monono is the last one you need. Again, he's in Gran Dell.

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4 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Is Tyrea playable?

Unfortunately no. She does have two Quiet Moments with Melia but that's it.

I wish she was playable though. If Nene and Kino are Reyn and Sharla clones respectively, I could easily see Tyrea working as a Fiora clone. But alas.

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1 minute ago, ZemZem said:

How have you been? Enjoyed the new releases of FE and all?

Fine I guess.

Well, with no Switch, can't play them new releases.

Though I recently got SoV. So there's that, and I am enjoying it.

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Okay, time to go exploring Faerie Lea... again! First the Dwarf's Den, where our old friend Dwight still dwells, and is now a recruit-able party member. Although like Saber, for all intents and purposes he's a monster party member. Well, he ain't human, at least. However, I'm not really going to use him, so straight off to Monty he goes.

Now next stop, the ex Winter Palace. Now that it's not winter, well, the place melted down, but now a T 'n' T board was built in its place. This time around, I got lucky enough to win on the first try. Although... it was a wild ride. I got lucky to end in a ? tile that got me ten more die rolls! I also landed in a few roll-adding tiles too... and once in one that took away rolls, though thankfully just one. Some things were crazier. Like landing twice on the same teleportal tile, which being the tail-end, meant I was sent back both times! Then I also landed twice on a "Go back five spaces" tile. Then a weird though fortunate thing happened. The initial track ends in a teleportal tile which like the Finish tile, I have to land exactly there or I go back. Thing is, I needed a one, but ended up rolling a six. However, the backtrack sent me back to the "Go back five spaces" tile... except since I was coming in the other direction, it meant going back forward! And being five spaces, I could land exactly in the teleportal! That said, my bad luck also included landing in a "Loose half your MP" tile, a damaging floor tile which made me loose a good number of my HP, and a ! tile, which decides a permanent stat change by die rolls. Madason lost one agility. Oh well, not a big loss and can be recovered with a seed. On the flip side, I also landed on an inn tile, and since I had landed in a few gold rewarding tiles as well, I could afford it while still making a profit. To top this off, just before the end I landed in a "die rolls slowly and you can choose when it stops" tile. Unlike last time, I made sure to get it right on the first try. Well, I still had enough rolls left, but at this point I was glad to end it right there and there.

Prizes of this T 'n' T were a Miracle Sword and the Happy Hat. The sword has a HP leech effect, and I equipped it on Madason, being the strongest he can get for now. The Happy Hat recovers MP by walking, though of my current party only Madchen and the King Cureslime can equip it, so off it went to the former, giving the Hermes' Hat to the latter. Speaking of, I also got a second Hermes' Hat on the board, so that's that.

Well, what a fun ride, though now it's back to return to the Neverglade. Will continue... next time.

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of, i ended up downloading the Totori and Meruru DLC. I had enough Gold Coins to cut the price down by half for each of them so i only spent $10 total instead of $20. Both characters have a friendship meter which means that there's likley events with them, and if their recruitment cutscene is anything to go by, they are fully voiced. Idk if they have endings as well though, i never checked.

That would be something to find out, certainly.
Would be great if they had them.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Monolith Soft's been holding on to those reins since 2010 no i'm not biased.

It's fine. I'm totally not biased, either, even though two Gust games are among my favorites of all time.
And I consider Nights of Azure's soundtrack to be the best (read: my favorite) in any game ever.
But I'm totally not biased. Nope. Not at all. *totally not biased and innocent whistle*

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Dynasty Warriors not counting? Are you looking specifically for "characters who meet up, join, and then split apart"?

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I would think Dynasty Warriors pulls more the "they leave and not rejoin" sort of thing to count? Even if they rejoin, you don't really get to play with them while you're away.

Although, I think DW has pulled that sort of thing.

I remember that in 8XL, Jin's Hypothetical has both Sima siblings split up to take down Shu and Wu almost simultaneously, and you get to play through both. So I guess that does count?

Dynasty Warriors does count, but I was more talking about JRPGs, of which Dynasty Warriors isn't really one. And you usually get to select who you want to play as in those games.

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Unfortunately no. She does have two Quiet Moments with Melia but that's it.

I wish she was playable though. If Nene and Kino are Reyn and Sharla clones respectively, I could easily see Tyrea working as a Fiora clone. But alas.

Yes, I wished she was playable too.


Have started my Teehee-run of Cold Steel III:





Teehee count: 3


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12 hours ago, Armagon said:

I have a few i'd consider my favorite but i haven't really thought about what defines a final boss theme. Is it just what my favorite one is or is there more to it?


i guess? xD

It also feels the most final-bossy, so to say.


so yesterday everyone's random Shrimp decided to go and try some japanese SRPG studio titles (and tried to use a texthooker to tl, but that was a disaster)

First one i tried, called Yggdrasill, had the following: 

- Morale system. You get Hit/Avo/Crit bonus the better you do on player phase

- Weapon durability that regen every map, but have low durability instead (imagine 3H magic but on all weapons instead)

- 2-3 range bows

- 3H like danger lines

- Unit based skills instead of class based

- an assault system where unis who didn't attack can move again in exchange for stats. It's also somehow tied to the morale system, but can't figure out how yet xD 

One of my main problems with english srpg studio fangames is how they try to copy FE 1:1 most of the time, so i decided to check and see some jp ones. First one already lookin pretty cool (not using standard srpg studio art or assets, or gba ones for that matter, helps quite a bit in making the game more appealing)

Also early pegasi get's such a good skill. 100% evade next attack after defeating a unit. Kinda op, but i like xD

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Started playing FFXIII again just now. 

This is generally what endgame stats look like:, for anyone who hasn't seen them before.


As you can see, I've played this file 149 hours, which is a pretty good amount for a single file, which i have alot more of.

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Beaten Future Connected "officially" this time.

Did all the quests, but still didn't unlock Tyrea's supports somehow.

The boss of Monono's quest was the "true" boss of this story.

The only one which caused me trouble.

The second phase of the final boss was almost oneshotted by one single "chain" attack.

Can't say I was overleveled with level 76.

Anyways I'm done with Xenoblade 1 for now!

I know I still have to do plenty of things in the maingame, but the crowd of undone games is still long.

Will focus on Tokyo Xanadu and my "Teehee-run".

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Curse of the Moon 2 first impressions. Just like the first game, this is classic Castlevania, for better and worse. Your only two difficulty options are still Veteran and Casual and Veteran still has knockback damage. And because knockback damage in a 2D platformer is ass, i have no choice but to play on Casual.

3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

It also feels the most final-bossy, so to say.

But even then, there's different ways that could go. Cause there's "this is it. The climactic final battle" and "THIS IS THE FINAL BATTLE, LET'S DO THIS".

4 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Did all the quests, but still didn't unlock Tyrea's supports somehow.

Ah, there's two. You have to do the first one in order to do the second one. The first one is by the northern shore of the big lake in Gran Dell.

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