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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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And done with Fate/Extra!
You know, when I first started the game, I did not expect it to be as enjoyable as it was. But let's take things from the top, shall we?

What I liked:

  • The most standout thing about the game is definitely the soundtrack. I didn't have a single track that I really disliked, and every track fit the mood of the situation very well (with some exceptions, but we'll get to that in another section). Standout examples are the second battle theme (which has become one of my favorite regular battle themes in games), this battle theme that plays during select special battles as well as one Servant fight, the three main Servant themes (of which I only heard one this playthrough), the theme of the final "dungeon", and this beautiful, yet sorrow-laden track
  • The game looks beautiful. Sure, some character models are rough around the edges, however, this game came out on a handheld console (the PSP) in the year 2010. I know 3DS games that wish they'd look this good. The animations flow well, the character designs are great, and they obviously put a lot of effort into a Servant's special ability, also known as their Noble Phantasm. The activation animation for Unlimited Blade Works in particular stands out, as it usually does.
  • I like that the game gives you a choice between three Servants in the beginning. They are also your difficulty level. You can pick the easy to use Saber, the unique and middle of the road Archer, or Caster, who is harder to use in the beginning, but will wreck house come late- and endgame.
  • For what it's worth, I also liked the story in this game. Sure, it may not be on the level of the original Fate/Stay Night visual novel (though I would not know, as I have never read it), but I was invested in it from minute one all the way until the ending, which has to count for something. The story's strongest point is definitely the weight which each of your opponent's deaths has. Even though they are ultimately your foes, you can't help but feel sorry for most of them (except Shinji, because f*** that guy).
  • I like the idea of the Holy Grail War in this: as an elimination tournament between 128 Masters instead of a battle royale between "only" seven of them. It gives the setting of Fate/Extra its own identity in a way and helps to separate it from other Fate materials.
  • I absolutely love the main character, Hakuno Kishinami. They are a silent protagonist, but have a clear personality of their own, one that I happen to really connect with and came to care about. Female Hakuno (also known as Hakunon, according to Caster and Shrimpy) looks absolutely adorable on top of that.
  • I picked Archer for my playthrough and I absolutely loved Hakunon's interactions with him. It felt like they were in a competition of who could out-snark the other with more often than not outright hilarious results. Watching their bond grow and develop as they spent time together was really nice to see and easily one of my absolute favorite aspects of the game.
  • Speaking of Archer, he has a unique mechanic that makes his combat really interesting: He has a Projection level that is tied to what skills he can and cannot use that goes from nothing to five. Over the course of the game, he will learn skills to increase the Projection level and allow for a wide variety of skills to be used. There is also one skill that does damage depending on his Projection level, which will of course be at its strongest once that level reaches 5. Using this correctly is key to his effectiveness and while it took a while to learn, it is very satisfying to do so.
  • While I am somewhat conflicted on the trial-and-error nature of the combat system, I won't deny to having enjoyed it, as well. Trying to find enemy patterns and countering them accordingly is really satisfying and forces you to think about every move you make. Some battles, particulatly the Servant battles, can get really tense as a result, which makes the boss fights in this game really enjoyable.
  • I also like that you can customize your Servant's stats to a degree. Each level up earns you skill points, which you can invest into one of five parameters: Strength, Endurance, Agility, Magic, and Luck. I decided on giving Archer his "canon" stat spread from Fate/Extella, which probably hampered his overall damage output a bit, but seeing as how I'm here writing this "review" after finishing the game should tell you that it is very doable.

What I did not like:

  • Shinji Matou, one of the most despicable vermin in fiction, is in this game.
  • While I have almost nothing but praise for the music, I will say the boss battle themes leave a lot to be desired. They don't really capture the intensity of a life or death battle, in my opinion. The tracks are great on their own, but they don't exactly fit the mood, as it were.
  • The combat system being mostly trial-and-error I am still somewhat lukewarm on, because the difference between curbstomping and getting curbstomped is a very thin line, and often dependant on luck, especially if you're facing off against an opponent for the first time and have little knowledge of what they can and will do.
  • There is a scene rather late into the game that plays out like your typical highschool drama love triangle and makes Hakuno seem like a stupid moron, which is completely out of character for them.
  • It is sadly fairly obvious that either the developers or the writers were not really confident that this game could stand on its own two feet, so they threw side and main characters, such as Rin Tousaka, Issei Ryudou, and Kotomine Kirei from the "main" visual novel into the game. While I do not necessarily mind this and just find it a shame if that was really the reason, this causes no shortage of confusions regarding the continuity of it all. Especially the presence of Archer, while welcome for his snark and wit, as well as his hilarious chemistry with Hakunon, is rather headache-inducing if you know the "main" stuff this game is a spin-off of.
  • The fact that the game takes place on the Moon is a rather neat idea, but the additional fact that it's a virtual world generated by a super computer makes this aspect of the game's premise be bait for the "die in the game, die in real life" meme, which cheapens the impact of some of the deaths a bit.

Sorry, this got a bit more wall-of-text-y than I intended. Ehehe.
Bottom line is, I had some issues with the game, but overall, I really had fun with it and I am inclined to go back to it and play as the other two Servants at a later point in time.
With that, I'll leave you with this:

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5 hours ago, Armagon said:

He visually looks like Mumkhar but has zero entertainment value and his character sucks. But i'll admit, i'm more ok with him on account of him being a minor villain. The main villian of Torna is Malos who, i may have said this before, is my favorite villain in the entire series.

I personally liked the cutscene where Jin is threatening to cut his limbs off, sick guy deserved it if he would have.

You have good taste, Malos is well done character with plenty of personality. 

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13 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Although it still feels a bit stale to me considering that, apart from the addition of multiplayer, there was little innovation or new ideas in NSMBW compared to the first "New" game on DS.

Mmm well, the way i see it, NSMB Wii is kinda like the modern SMB 3. The original Super Mario Bros had the Mushroom, Fire Flower, Star and that was it. New Super Mario Bros had the same powerups plus the Mega Mushroom (and maybe Mini? I don't remember). Meanwhile, Super Mario Bros 3 expanded on the level design and added more powerups and while i wouldn't exactly say NSMB Wii expanded on the level design like SMB 3 did, it still added a lot of cool new powerups.

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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Hm? The one piece of the Arthurian canon I've read- Le Morte D'Arthur- had Gawain enchanted to grow stronger as the sun rises, and thus weaken as the sun goes past noon.

Le Morte D'Arthur is the one thing in the Arthurian Cycle that wasn't translated into Middle High German, so I've never had the opportunity to read it, even though I would really like to.

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I played the first's DS port, and the games do get only better in the gameplay department I'm informed as the franchise goes on, but I didn't like it, it was disappointing actually. The main story doesn't demand a ton of grinding and could call for actual strategy. But the postgame is basically all grind for stupidly high numbers that exist only for the sake of higher numbers. Disgaea is not from this earth, it's from the Heaven of Hardcore Grinders, only they need apply for it.

The story for the first game is alright though, I once saw someone say it's the best in the franchise, a balance of touches of seriousness with a lot of farce.

Yeah, that doesn't seem all too pleasant in all honesty.

Though that development studio did make a game that I ended up really liking. It's called Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk.
Its gameplay is a little rough around the edges, but it could be called Etrian Odyssey with a larger focus on story.

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4 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

With that, I'll leave you with this:


And that's all I needed to see. So kawaii!

wait, did I just say kawaii?

Just now, DragonFlames said:

Le Morte D'Arthur is the one thing in the Arthurian Cycle that wasn't translated into Middle High German, so I've never had the opportunity to read it, even though I would really like to.

Oh yeah, I actually was assigned to read that (or an excerpt from it) in my senior year of HS. It was pretty good, although I'm not a terribly interested in the Arthurian stories.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Mmm well, the way i see it, NSMB Wii is kinda like the modern SMB 3. The original Super Mario Bros had the Mushroom, Fire Flower, Star and that was it. New Super Mario Bros had the same powerups plus the Mega Mushroom (and maybe Mini? I don't remember). Meanwhile, Super Mario Bros 3 expanded on the level design and added more powerups and while i wouldn't exactly say NSMB Wii expanded on the level design like SMB 3 did, it still added a lot of cool new powerups.

True. Fair point.

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25 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Le Morte D'Arthur is the one thing in the Arthurian Cycle that wasn't translated into Middle High German, so I've never had the opportunity to read it, even though I would really like to.

If you don't mind reading it in English, I'll sell you my copy, it makes a good footrest. I don't know if all Arthurian literature is like it, but boy it was dry. There were some good parts I admit, but it was very long, and it isn't an entirely cohesive work, it's basically an anthology of so many Arthurian stories, albeit not all of them. And Gawain is a less honorable knight than elsewhere in the canon here.

It starts with Arthur well and good for say two big parts if memory serves, and then turns to other knights for the bulk of the book, Frenchalot du Fanfiction chief among them of course, but Gareth comes to mind as another. I disliked the Tristian and Isolde segment, because Malory lost the third section of his French sources, so doesn't it have a resolution. You've got the Holy Grail quest of mostly LancesGuinevereAlot, Galaperfect, Percy, and Bors the Only Had Sex Once. And finally it wraps up with the demise of Camelot.

I'm mixed on the paragraphs where they consisted of nothing except naming off "Sir A, Sir B, Sir C... Sir Z, Sir AA, Sir AB...", they're dually absurd. Le Morte D'Arthur does contain the world's first Same Turn Reinforcement, a "Sir Brunis Sans Pites" who several times rides in out of nowhere, jousts at someone, says his name, and flees, never is he caught. I want him in FE.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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8 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I know that I'm not a huge fan of the gameplay, but I cant explain why I feel that way. What's missing that it's not as good? 

I still find the story interesting, at least. 

Also, of course I like pain, I'm playing Super Thracia. This is nothing!

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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

I still find the story interesting, at least. 

Episode II's story is good, but you're still better off just watching the cutscenes.

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So my curiousity got the better of me and i decided to take small a look at the beginning of XB2. Just a pretaste, so to say

-World seems more...diverse? Alive?

-Fast Auto Attacks Yes!

-British gang at it again haha

maybe i will get it sooner than expected

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20 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So my curiousity got the better of me and i decided to take small a look at the beginning of XB2. Just a pretaste, so to say

-World seems more...diverse? Alive?

-Fast Auto Attacks Yes!

-British gang at it again haha

maybe i will get it sooner than expected

The world is very amazing in 2, IMO. Lovely views, decent amount to explore. Amazing map themes, as well. I think it strikes a very good balance for length and size for exploring, so it's not too boring, confusing, etc.

Auto attacks being fast depends on the weapon being used and which character is using said weapon.

Gameplay has a huge number of fun combinations/options for you to try out and learn.

I personally like the story alot as well, but I cant say that it's for everyone.

take it from me, I almost have 2,000 hours invested into it.

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26 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

-World seems more...diverse? Alive?

I mean the world is quite literally alive. It has the same basic concept of Xenoblade 1's "what if we lived on the bodies of giants" but this time you can actually see the different pieces moving around. Idk how much you saw but here's Gormott, the "Bionis' Leg" of Xenoblade 2.


You can actually see Gormott's head moving around and if you go towards the rear, you can see it's tail moving around as well. Shit like this is honestly really cool and even though i do like how Xenoblade 1's areas all interconnected, i think i like how the concept was executed more in 2/Torna.

Also there's a lot more towns as well, so that contributes to it feeling more alive. 

26 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Fast Auto Attacks Yes!

And they can get faster (i'm refering to the Art recharge rates, since auto-attacks charge that up). I've said this before, Xenoblade 2 and Torna's combat is much faster than Xenoblade 1's but it is worth noting that it's a combat system you actually have to understand to fully enjoy. If you don't understand it, it might end up feeling "slow" and admitidly, the game doesn't do a good job at explaining it. Luckily, there's several people in this thread that can help and if you want some good video guides, Enel on YouTube is your best choice.

9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Auto attacks being fast depends on the weapon being used and which character is using said weapon.

It's ok, you can say the Greataxe.

Honestly, since you're more often than not doing auto-attack canceling, you don't really need to worry about how long it takes to complete one auto-attack cycle. The one time that actually mattered i've learned is with Lora in Torna. The first and second hits of her auto-attack come out really fast so it's faster to auto-attack cancel after her second auto-attack.

6 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

In general the overworld is much bigger, so more to explore but also easier to get lost.

Wouldn't exactly say bigger (but they are still pretty big) but the sizes are more consistent than in Xenoblade 1, i'd say. It does help that Landmarks are way better placed.

Getting lost in a Xenoblade world is a good thing.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Wouldn't exactly say bigger (but they are still pretty big) but the sizes are more consistent than in Xenoblade 1, i'd say. It does help that Landmarks are way better placed.

Getting lost in a Xenoblade world is a good thing.

In size, yeah, probably not (much) bigger, but the areas have more levels which are hard to be found (even with the improved nagvigation)

Gormott is definitely the most complicated field in this game, at least it was for me.

I didn't mind getting lost mainly because I had more time to enjoy listening to the music.

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2 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

In size, yeah, probably not (much) bigger, but the areas have more levels which are hard to be found (even with the improved nagvigation)

There's definitly more verticality to the areas in 2 compared to 1. Generally.

Actually now that i think about it, the Bionis Shoulder in FC is kinda like that. Despite only having one level in the map.

3 minutes ago, Julian Teehee said:

Gormott is definitely the most complicated field in this game, at least it was for me.

People got lost on their way to the docks on the left side of Gormott and i feel like i'm the one person that never got lost going there.

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Actually now that i think about it, the Bionis Shoulder in FC is kinda like that. Despite only having one level in the map.

Yeah, this was the only place in 1 which confused me in some quests.


People got lost on their way to the docks on the left side of Gormott and i feel like i'm the one person that never got lost going there.

I discovered the last angle of Gormott close before the end when I did the remaining quests.

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