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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Caster said:

Only two of these bother me, and only 1 is moderately more than an inconvenience for me.

I hate all of these, because they add next to nothing but frustration to the games they are in.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Tbf, while i speak 3 languages pretty well, i wouldn't say i can speak any of them perfectly, either. I was kinda speaking from experience here when i was talking about bi-lingual people, because i've been speaking all languages since i was young-ish (english is the last language i started learning, and that was when i was 10 iirc) haha. So i can confirm that the confusion is real. Travelling around alot when young makes it even more confusing xD

I can imagine that. XD

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

this so much.

Me every semester: ''I'll sign up for jp classes this semester for sure!''


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Ya know, that language talk reminded me of my personal life dream that i will probably never achieve

Travelling all around the world, and getting to know the different cultures and stuff. 

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And Dragon Quest V is now officially six for six on having things I dislike in JRPGs.

A boss that can attack twice in one turn and is able to heal itself on top of that.
You could say that makes seven for six, because bosses that heal themselves are ALSO annoying.

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26 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Because I felt like it, I ended up finishing my Xeno character "tier list". I use "tier list" loosely because I organized it based on what I thought was funny more than anything. It has spoilers for every game, but here it is:

  Reveal hidden contents


If this is too small, you can also view it here. I haven't played through Xenoblade X yet, so "Stuck on a different planet" is for X characters I wasn't clever enough to put somewhere else. I also haven't played Xenogears, so let me know if some placements are inaccurate. Several characters could fit into more than one "tier" so don't think too much about who went where.

...did you just rate Tatsu "perfect?" Are you feeling alright? 

Perhaps you really are feeling unwell.

Pyra and Mythra best girls? That I am on board with!

Of course, I agree about Allen as well.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

You could say that makes seven for six, because bosses that heal themselves are ALSO annoying

Bosses that heal themselves only really work in games like Trails, where healing has a cast time and so you can stop the boss before self heal and it's all on you if you don't (except in CS3 because falcom forgot what game design even is in CS) and in games like Fire Emblem because the information is usually clear when healing happens

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

(except in CS3 because falcom forgot what game design even is in CS)

Is Cold Steel (the series) pretty bad in comparison to the Sky games?

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15 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Is Cold Steel pretty bad in comparison to the Sky games?

Depends on who you ask.

For me....

let's just say i view Cold Steel like how some of the FE fanbase view Fates. Atleast Fates had conquest which had amazing gameplay. CS is totally irreedemable in my eyes and i dropped the series because of it. Imagine going from Ike to Corrin. Going from Estelle to Rean is worse than that

As much as i love Sky Trilogy (SC and 3rd are my all time fav. games ever), playing through CS just hurt me. I only have a sliver of hope that next arc changes stuff. If i see they removed the stuff i hated from CS, i will try to push through the rest of CS and get back in... But it's not looking likely.

TBF though, most of the stuff i hate in CS started in the Crossbell games.

Of course you should form your own view on it, and i am pretty much a villain to alot of current Falcom fans for these views. I am pretty much the Trails version of FE Elitists xD

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20 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Bosses that heal themselves only really work in games like Trails, where healing has a cast time and so you can stop the boss before self heal and it's all on you if you don't (except in CS3 because falcom forgot what game design even is in CS) and in games like Fire Emblem because the information is usually clear when healing happens

All very true.

17 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Is Cold Steel (the series) pretty bad in comparison to the Sky games?

I've only played a few hours of Sky and I enjoyed it much more than any length I spent on the Cold Steel games. Especially 2 and 3 really dropped the ball in the story department.

Estelle getting frustrated over Cassius hogging her glory is kind of ironic, when that's pretty much the entirety of CS2 and 3.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

let's just say i view Cold Steel like how some of the FE fanbase view Fates. Atleast Fates had conquest had amazing gameplay. CS is totally irreedemable in my eyes and i dropped the series because of it. Imagine going from Ike to Corrin. Going from Estelle to Rean is worse than that

And then there's me, pretending that Fates never happened. (It has some good characters, but that's about it)
Because that "irredeemable" you apply to CS is what Fates is to me. XD

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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Especially 2 and 3 really dropped the ball in the story department

In the gameplay department as well tbh. If i enjoyed CS' gameplay i would've alteast pushed through as i am usually a gameplay guy anyway.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

In the gameplay department as well tbh. If i enjoyed CS' gameplay i would've alteast pushed through as i am usually a gameplay guy anyway.

I actually liked the CS trilogy from a pure gameplay perspective (bosses were still better elsewhere), but I had no comparison to other games in the series and little to no comparison to other games in general.
Now that I'm playing Sky FC, I'm seriously reconsidering that opinion...

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Depends on who you ask.

For me....

let's just say i view Cold Steel like how some of the FE fanbase view Fates. Atleast Fates had conquest had amazing gameplay. CS is totally irreedemable in my eyes and i dropped the series because of it. Imagine going from Ike to Corrin. Going from Estelle to Rean is worse than that

As much as i love Sky Trilogy (SC and 3rd are my all time fav. games ever), playing through CS just hurt me. I only have a sliver of hope that next arc changes stuff. If i see they removed the stuff i hated from CS, i will try to push through the rest of CS and get back in... But it's not looking likely.

TBF though, most of the stuff i hate in CS started in the Crossbell games.

Of course you should form your own view on it, and i am pretty much a villain to alot of current Falcom fans for these views. I am pretty much the Trails version of FE Elitists xD

I see.

Well, from what I've played of Cold Steel (I tried the CSIII demo on Switch for the heck of it) and from what I've heard other people say about CS, CS seems to me like what FE became after Awakening (more anime-esque overall, almost like 3H in a way), while the Sky games kind of remind me of what FE was before Awakening--focused on strong world-building with solid characters and a good story, not relying on tropey characters for the most part but executing them well when they do appear (Olivier for example).

The latter is why I found myself enjoying the older FE games as I played them (barring 3H) more than the games I discovered the series with (Awakening and Fates). Story and characters are huge for me. If they're bad or poorly-written, then the rest of my experience is just not going to be as enjoyable.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Now that I'm playing Sky FC, I'm seriously reconsidering that opinion...

I'm guessing that because I've been spoiled with Sky FC (and SC eventually), I'm probably going to dislike CS more than I would have otherwise when I do get to it. Maybe not Crossbell though. The screenshots I've seen make it look very similar to the Sky games.

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1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Tbf, while i speak 3 languages pretty well, i wouldn't say i can speak any of them perfectly, either. I was kinda speaking from experience here when i was talking about bi-lingual people, because i've been speaking all languages since i was young-ish (english is the last language i started learning, and that was when i was 10 iirc) haha. So i can confirm that the confusion is real. Travelling around alot when young makes it even more confusing xD

Some of us monolingual folk still admire that you're able to speak coherently in multiple languages at all. Not all monolinguals are complete masters of their sole tongue either, mastery is a term that should be reserved for the writers big and small of good literature (and maybe some other arts, and even comedy). 

And then the super polyglots blow us all away. I can't find the source anymore, but I remember one professor whose work on Qing China I read said they know English, Chinese, Russian, French, Manchurian, Mongolian, and I know the list had to be longer. They were even in the process of learning computer programming languages- thats as difficult as real languages to me.


1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Me assigning a language to each topic is also why you find me playing all my games in english, even if a german version is available. Doing any nerd stuff in any language but english is just... wrong xD. I've been doing that since i was like 12 or something lmao.

Funny Story: I was once watching an Anime with german sub, but my mind auto translated the sub automatically to english xD

Somewhat related, I read Japanese gamers don't like their video games entirely in Japanese. Because it's been the case since the day games were invented, it feels more natural for a game to have some English.


52 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ya know, that language talk reminded me of my personal life dream that i will probably never achieve

Travelling all around the world, and getting to know the different cultures and stuff. 

It can't be an easy dream to achieve, many will fail. For "travel" means "money", and money means having a job. Yet unless you're a freelance journalist, an ambassador, maybe a work on a cruise ship or for an airline, or in another niche profession, having a steady job conflicts with constant travel.




Writing out a detailed list "things/improvement you want to see in sequel/remake" tends to feel embittering to me, even if I'm not embittered with the game. I want to do it, but I have to stop myself from doing so. And partly it's disappointing because either you know it won't happen, or if there is a chance of the sequel/remake happening, there is absolutely no certainty it will happen, resulting in a feeling of dashed hopes by having jotted any down at all.

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One thing I can say, however, is that CS1 and 2 have some really awesome music.
3... does not. At all.

Meanwhile, CS1 gives us... this. And then CS2 has this.

And yes, these are both the themes for regular battles. And they're both really awesome.

None of these are as good as this regular battle theme, though. To me, at the very least.

But the true best thing to come out of the CS trilogy is Musse.
And by extension Shrimpy's CYOA.

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I speak English and Filipino fluently. My German and French are becoming less and less passable by the day (took them as electives in college), and I no longer know how to speak in Swedish or Norwegian (trading music--tapes/CDs/vinyls with people from Stockholm, Oslo and Bergen waaay back gave me a feel for both).

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Meanwhile, CS1 gives us... this.

I love the piano throughout. Of course, I also really love the piano in the Sky FC battle theme as well.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

And then CS2 has this.

Both are excellent. The second one reminds me of some MegaNep tracks I've listened to.

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26 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I actually liked the CS trilogy from a pure gameplay perspective (bosses were still better elsewhere), but I had no comparison to other games in the series and little to no comparison to other games in general.
Now that I'm playing Sky FC, I'm seriously reconsidering that opinion...

And FC gameplay is pretty weak when compared to SC and especially 3rd. Look forward to them 😉

21 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I see.

Well, from what I've played of Cold Steel (I tried the CSIII demo on Switch for the heck of it) and from what I've heard other people say about CS, CS seems to me like what FE became after Awakening (more anime-esque overall, almost like 3H in a way), while the Sky games kind of remind me of what FE was before Awakening--focused on strong world-building with solid characters and a good story, not relying on tropey characters for the most part but executing them well when they do appear (Olivier for example).

The latter is why I found myself enjoying the older FE games as I played them (barring 3H) more than the games I discovered the series with (Awakening and Fates). Story and characters are huge for me. If they're bad or poorly-written, then the rest of my experience is just not going to be as enjoyable.

Anime tropes doesn't mean bad though. We have 3H as an example for that. Counter example for me would be Xenoblade 1, as Characters aren't tropey at all, but i find myself meh on them due to lacking characterization. It's how you use the tropes. Even in CS there are characters i love, even though they got the trope down to a T.  

To explain the Trails analogy to FE more, CS is if like 3H was Fates 2.0. And they keep doubling down. IS atleast realized after Fates to calm down with that stuff a bit. I usually don't mind fanservice (look at my profile picture, at what games i play and what manga i read haha. And you know my opinion about FE dragons as well), but it has it's moments, and i don't want it in a serious game. Hajimari has VR Bath events.

I usually say ''3H is if CS was actually good''.

21 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I'm guessing that because I've been spoiled with Sky FC (and SC eventually), I'm probably going to dislike CS more than I would have otherwise when I do get to it. Maybe not Crossbell though. The screenshots I've seen make it look very similar to the Sky games.

Crossbell is very Sky like...

but it's also what started all the stuff i hate in CS. It all orginated from there. And then CS kept doubling down more and more with each entry.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And then the super polyglots blow us all away. I can't find the source anymore, but I remember one professor whose work on Qing China I read said they know English, Chinese, Russian, French, Manchurian, Mongolian, and I know the list had to be longer. They were even in the process of learning computer programming languages- thats as difficult as real languages to me.

I once had a swiss teacher that spoke German, English, French, Italian and Arabic. And is better in every language than all of us. We were all amazed.

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

None of these are as good as this regular battle theme, though. To me, at the very least.

That's quite a good battle theme 😄

This remix of FC's battle theme though 


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

And FC gameplay is pretty weak when compared to SC and especially 3rd. Look forward to them 😉

I am! 🙂

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

That's quite a good battle theme 😄

My favorite in video games, in fact.
That entire game has a bangin' soundtrack.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

This remix of FC's battle theme though 


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10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

3... does not. At all.


Even Music is not up to par anymore ;_;

3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

My favorite in video games, in fact.

huh. Interesting. I thought it would be NoA for sure.

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And by extension Shrimpy's CYOA.


Now you reminded me that i need to work on it...

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Anime tropes doesn't mean bad though. We have 3H as an example for that. Counter example for me would be Xenoblade 1, as Characters aren't tropey at all, but i find myself meh on them due to lacking characterization. It's how you use the tropes.

Yeah, I meant to mention that. I have nothing against anime tropes at all, and enjoy them quite a bit when done well.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I usually don't mind fanservice (look at my profile picture, at what games i play and what manga i read haha. And you know my opinion about FE dragons as well), but it has it's moments, and i don't want it in a serious game.

That's my biggest contention against more fanservice in FE. There are game series dedicated to fanservice and stuff like that and that's fine. It's not for me, but other people enjoy them and that's wonderful for them. But that design philosophy doesn't mesh with what has largely been the serious tone of FE, in my opinion. Awakening especially is less like a story of war and other conflicts and more like a rom-com anime, from my perspective at least. Tellius has its light moments but never overplays those moments to the point of killing the tone of the story.

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Hajimari has VR Bath events.


7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

This remix of FC's battle theme though

I already loved the battle theme from Sky FC. This only improves on perfection. 👌

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12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Even Music is not up to par anymore ;_;

Zoro Agruga's battle theme is lame af (it's just the regular boss theme). DSV did the Dark Dragon of Ruination much more justice.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

huh. Interesting. I thought it would be NoA for sure.

NoA doesn't really have a regular battle theme due to being a somewhat musou-like ARPG (albeit with less button mashing and MUCH more strategery - if you button mash against the bosses in those games (even moreso in the first), you're toast).
If it did have one, it'd probably be my favorite, though. XD

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


It's genuinely what I think.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Now you reminded me that i need to work on it...

I need to work on mine, too, now that I think about it.
Uh... whoops.


And because we talked about it, it's time for another episode of Draggy Shills for his Favorites!
This time, we have my 5 favorite regular battle themes in video games.
Shining Resonance Refrain - Armonics no Shirabe
Atelier Sophie - Spring Wind Skylark
Fate/Extra - Battle 2
Bravely Default - Conflict's Chime
Blue Reflection - Overdose

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10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

That's my biggest contention against more fanservice in FE. There are game series dedicated to fanservice and stuff like that and that's fine. It's not for me, but other people enjoy them and that's wonderful for them. But that design philosophy doesn't mesh with what has largely been the serious tone of FE, in my opinion. Awakening especially is less like a story of war and other conflicts and more like a rom-com anime, from my perspective at least. Tellius has its light moments but never overplays those moments to the point of killing the tone of the story.

Defo agree there.

7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And i know what i will listen to in the next 20 minutes or so xD

As for my fav. main battle themes

Get over the Barrier


Mechanical Rythm

Dimension Zero


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Since we are posting ost, here my fav. Field/plains tracks 😄

Sunshine Coastline

Gaur Plains

Forest of Judgement

First Step Towards Wars -> Next Step Towards the Unknown

The Boy's got wings

Iclucian Dance

Yes Ys pretty much dominates this one xD

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