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12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

The "duh" was missing. 6/10, try again. XD
Well, the title doesn't necessarily have to be indicative of the content. They could just pretend to explain stuff only to explain nothing whatsoever.

True enough. Thankfully, GameXplain has been pretty reliable.

What makes them standout above other game journalist sites is how they actively interact with the community. For example, one of the members, Derrick, livestreamed Iron Man runs of all officially localized Fire Emblem games at the time.

11 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

The problem for me was that none of the other characters had enough personality to contrast with his being so obnoxious.

That's fair.

I did like the anime adaptation all things considered but the characters were honestly just alright in the end. Although i don't want to use the anime adaptation as a fair judgment.

10 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Rune factory... maybe I'll check it out!

Gonna echo Rune Factory 4 Special as the starting point. It's only $40.

Edited by Armagon
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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

True enough. Thankfully, GameXplain has been pretty reliable.

What makes them standout above other game journalist sites is how they actively interact with the community. For example, one of the members, Derrick, livestreamed Iron Man runs of all officially localized Fire Emblem games at the time.

That's always nice!

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I did like the anime adaptation all things considered but the characters were honestly just alright in the end. Although i don't want to use the anime adaptation as a fair judgment.

The Tales of the Abyss anime skips over a few things, but it is otherwise a pretty faithful adaptation of the game.

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Tales of the Abyss was the introduction in Tales for me.

I loved the combat system mainly for being that simple.

The story was great too though the characterization of a certain someone was......at least questionable for me.

Though the best part of its game are the dungeons which offer some (fun) puzzles.

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54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah. I keep forgetting that Persona 2 is a FF13 situation in that the story is split into multiple parts. I think. That's how it is for P2, right?

You can play Innocent Sin and not feel compelled to play Eternal Punishment, the way you would X2 after finishing XCX. IS ends on a resolved, happy note.

You can play Eternal Punishment and not need to know Innocent Sin beforehand- this was originally the case for international audiences actually. Innocent Sin's PS1 original version never got released outside of Japan, probably because Hitler. The West got Eternal Punishment PS1 anyhow. It wasn't until the PSP port of IS that the West got it. And oddly, the West never got PSP EP and had to settle for a PS1 Classic port on the PS3 because the PSP port released in Japan in 2012- the same year the Vita was released.

This said, Innocent Sin if possible should be watched/played before Eternal Punishment. It was created and intended to be a duology from the very start, and you will miss out on some impact if you skip to EP. But skipping to EP will spare you the oddity of seeing Maya go from "Let's think positive!" and "It's whoopass time!" to a silent protagonist, Atlus's stubborn insistence on one hurt EP Maya's interactions.


52 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I have seen a few of their videos before. Seemed to be pretty informative, all things considered.

This I feel is what reviews, understandably, can lack, but which can turn on or off people. The minutiae will drag down clear, smooth writing in any review, things that would make people want to read the whole thing and not just skip to the summary. But going into a lot of detail with the core aspects of the game and any positives and faults related to them is very helpful.


42 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

The problem for me was that none of the other characters had enough personality to contrast with his being so obnoxious.

Honestly almost everyone in ToAb starts off a wrong foot. Which character is huggable the moment they join? Guy maybe and thats it? Luke ain't alone, it's a team of abominable snowmen for a while, everyone is so icy towards each other.


41 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Rune factory... maybe I'll check it out!

I haven't played RF4, and I think I'm gonna wait until RF5 instead (I hope it adds gay marriage after SoS: FoMT did).

But I can copypaste my thoughts from elsewhere about every other game in the franchise:

  • Skip RF1, it's very lacking. About as fun as playing FE Awakening/Fates and then going back to FE1, it established the skeleton of the franchise, but there is no meat on the bones. Combat is clunky, characters are thinner than a marriage veil.
  • RF2- Definitely much better, they fleshed out the characters more and the combat is better too. The 1st Gen is limiting in gameplay, but if you pick your girl quickly and do whatever it takes to get her fast, you can finish the 1st Gen by the end of your first Summer I think. No marriage in the second being only a kid, but here is where the meat of the gameplay is with forging and full access to the dungeons. Money, monsters, and skill levels all carry over to Gen 2.
  • Frontier- The better game with Raguna (the protag of RF1 and thus the original MC of RF). Characters are maybe a little behind RF2 actually, but nowhere near RF1 bad. Combat is also still on the slower side, again perhaps more than RF2 but less than 1. Also, if you actually want to farm a lot, you'll have to deal with the chore called Runeys at some point. (Fishing as an alternative income source is very feasible.)
  • RF3- Combat becomes fast here, skill levels and forging explode in a good way. The characters in RF2 and Frontier could be compared kinda with pre-Awakening FE characters, and RF3's with Awakening/Fates characters. By this, I mean the characters in RF3 are bursting with zany personality, while those beforehand, though still having shticks oftentimes, weren't so exuberantly into them. I do not cast judgement on any character when I say this. Farming is a bit undercut in this game, which is one of the only faults. The other being Micah is a pretty badly designed protagonist visually speaking. Overall if someone has only played 4, 3 is still very playable with few issues. It is short though.
  • Tides of Destiny- Combat is still good and fast like 3, though I recall enemies being able to sometimes hit like a pile of bricks. Characters aren't so quirky as 3, and marriage to anyone is restricted until after the plot is over and you've at I believe 6 FP with all marriage candidates male and female. Traversing the ocean is a bit of time waster, but I believe the dragon shrine you can sometimes use as a pay-to-warp, and you can set the Golem to move to a pinpoint destination with time moving at an accelerated pace. The farming here is quite hands off, and this is the first game to get rid of plots of farmland in dungeons. And dungeons aren't quite as pretty visually like in the other games. 

RFs 1-3 are DS titles, Frontier is Wii, and Tides of Destiny is Wii and PS3.

But unless you want to emulate an older title first to demo the franchise, stick to RF4 as others say.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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I wish they could make RF less Nintendo exclusive.

I've seen you Marvelous/XSEED, finally putting Story of Seasons games on Steam. Now do it with RF...

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I wish they could make RF less Nintendo exclusive.

I've seen you XSEED, finally putting a Story of Seasons game on Steam. Now do it with RF...

I agree. Tides of Destiny was on PS3. I don't understand why they've been so focused on Nintendo since then and even before then. Older HM games were on Sony consoles as well.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Gonna echo Rune Factory 4 Special as the starting point. It's only $40.

Could you go a bit more in depth about the game, if you dont mind?

2 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

Rune Factory 4 Special is an excellent place to start. It was released earlier this year on Switch if you're interested.

You two drive a hard bargain...

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

No need to apologize!
It's obvious that there would be a few stinkers here and there. Not everything can be amazing, after all. I thought that was what you were getting at, hence the reply.
I just experienced the good stuff only.

Good, I'm really glad to hear that! 

I would feel awful if I said something that really bothered you!

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ah. I keep forgetting that Persona 2 is a FF13 situation in that the story is split into multiple parts. I think. That's how it is for P2, right?

For someone who dislikes FF, you sure know alot about it!

Also, I wouldnt say its split into multiple parts, as they dont really follow the original at all. The story of XIII-2 and 3 are a complete disaster.

Edited by lightcosmo
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17 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ya know, now matter how much i try, i can never get into SE stuff

Last i tried was Trials of Mana Demo, and while it was kinda fun, it just didn't 'click' with me

I can understand this, really. What dont you like about them?

Personal bias says that FFXIII has the best gameplay, though. 


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6 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Could you go a bit more in depth about the game, if you dont mind?

Hope it's okay that I'm answering this as well..

Rune Factory 4 is a hybrid JRPG/action RPG/life sim/Harvest Moon/adventure game.

It takes elements like farming, crafting, building stats, dungeon crawling, and combat, and combines it all into one game with an overarching story tying it together. The story itself is takes place over three major arcs, but you can complete it at your leisure. The gist of how you end up in Selphia is that you lose your memory (novel idea, I know) and are assumed to be a visiting prince, taking his duties as you own. From that point on, what you do is up to you. Farming is the primary way you make money, but it's fairly simple and less involved than in your typical Harvest Moon game. Other ways for you to make money are by collecting materials (food, items or otherwise) and using the tools you get to craft items or make meals to sell in the shipping box.

Also, there are several town events for you to complete or participate in as well as the traditional side quests. Some events are necessary to advance the story or to marry certain characters, so that's something to keep in mind. Marriage in entirely optional, as there's no real benefit to getting married IIRC, but if you like a character enough, it's a fun objective to work towards. You can even take that character on dates to different locations. And you can also date multiple characters at the same time if you're so inclined. But before entering a relationship with a character, you have to raise their love points (kind of like FE4) to a certain level.

Dolce is best girl. And she's voiced by Laura Bailey, so that makes her even better.

The RPG aspects can be seen in how your character (Lest or Frey, male and female respectively, although you can name them whatever you want) has a bunch of stats to level up, as listed here (which is not :

  • HP: Your maximum health points. Increases amount of hits you can take before dying. Can be permanently increased through various means or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.
  • RP: Your maximum rune points. Increases amount of farm chores done or attacks and spells used before becoming exhausted. Also allows you to craft more items at a time, or items above your current skill level. Can be permanently increased through various means or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.
  • ATK: Your attack. Increases damage dealt with non-magical weapon attacks, weapon skills and bird-throwing. Can only be found or upgraded into weapons and equipment.
  • DEF: Your defense. Reduces damage taken from non-magical monster attacks and traps. Can only be found or upgraded into weapons and equipment.
  • M.ATK: Your magic attack. Increases damage dealt with magic spells and staff attacks. Can only be found or upgraded into weapons and equipment.
  • M.DEF: Your magic defense. Reduces damage taken from magic attacks and elemental traps. Can only be found or upgraded into weapons and equipment.
  • STR: Your strength. Each point of STR increases ATK by 1. Can be permanently increased through various means, upgraded into weapons and equipment, or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.
  • VIT: Your vitality. Each point of VIT raises DEF and M.DEF by 0.5 each. Can be permanently increased through various means, upgraded into weapons and equipment, or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.
  • INT: Your intelligence. Each point of INT raises M.ATK by 1. Can be permanently increased through various means, upgraded into weapons and equipment, or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.

In addition to these stats, you also can raise your stats for different weapons (like FE's weapon ranks), and you even have stats for stuff like bathing (in a local hot spring, not in an actual bath) and sleeping.

The combat and exploration is like what you would find in an action RPG, with battling taking place in real time in a fairly large overworld rather than in turns, and you have a variety of weapons at your disposal in addition to magic attacks. If you want to, you can also invite certain townsfolk to join your party when you go fight monsters or explore other areas.

It's a good idea to chat with the townspeople every day (a cycle which you control by going to your bed and sleeping, just like in Harvest Moon), since they may have requests for you to complete.

Overall, the game is a varied experience that I think can appeal to different players depending on what your looking for. If you want to spend a day fishing, you can do that. If you want to hunt for materials, you can do that too. If you want to advance the story at any time, you can. While I think RF4 is best experienced if you give every aspect of the game a chance to shine, I also think that it's a pretty customizable experience for those who want to focus on one gameplay aspect over another if you choose to do that.

Other than what I've mentioned already (which is probably a poor explanation, tbh), if you want more info and some tips if you do decide to get RF4, this may be of some help to you: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/635388-rune-factory-4/68399954

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Playing DQV.
"Hey, use this spell! I don't know what it does! But you can use it now!"

Me: *uses spell*
> entire party gets paralyzed


I'm desperately trying to like this game, but the only reason I haven't put it to rest and moved on to something else is because Caster played through the beginning again for me after I lost my save file.

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

DQ (2traditional4me)

It's also tedious to play, tbh.

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

For some games, like DQ (2traditional4me) i know why i don't like them

others just don't click with me, dunno why haha

Well, if you like games with exploration, than the FFXIII series is not for you, as they have none.

7 minutes ago, Wraith said:


I like the fast paced gameplay that forces you to think on your feet, plus the stagger system is a fun mechanic that allows for amazing follow ups. 

4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Hope it's okay that I'm answering this as well..

Rune Factory 4 is a hybrid JRPG/action RPG/life sim/Harvest Moon/adventure game.

It takes elements like farming, crafting, building stats, dungeon crawling, and combat, and combines it all into one game with an overarching story tying it together. The story itself is takes place over three major arcs, but you can complete it at your leisure. The gist of how you end up in Selphia is that you lose your memory (novel idea, I know) and are assumed to be a visiting prince, taking his duties as you own. From that point on, what you do is up to you. Farming is the primary way you make money, but it's fairly simple and less involved than in your typical Harvest Moon game. Other ways for you to make money are by collecting materials (food, items or otherwise) and using the tools you get to craft items or make meals to sell in the shipping box.

Also, there are several town events for you to complete or participate in as well as the traditional side quests. Some events are necessary to advance the story or to marry certain characters, so that's something to keep in mind. Marriage in entirely optional, as there's no real benefit to getting married IIRC, but if you like a character enough, it's a fun objective to work towards. You can even take that character on dates to different locations. And you can also date multiple characters at the same time if you're so inclined. But before entering a relationship with a character, you have to raise their love points (kind of like FE4) to a certain level.

Dolce is best girl. And she's voiced by Laura Bailey, so that makes her even better.

The RPG aspects can be seen in how your character (Lest or Frey, male and female respectively, although you can name them whatever you want) has a bunch of stats to level up, as listed here (which is not :

  • HP: Your maximum health points. Increases amount of hits you can take before dying. Can be permanently increased through various means or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.
  • RP: Your maximum rune points. Increases amount of farm chores done or attacks and spells used before becoming exhausted. Also allows you to craft more items at a time, or items above your current skill level. Can be permanently increased through various means or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.
  • ATK: Your attack. Increases damage dealt with non-magical weapon attacks, weapon skills and bird-throwing. Can only be found or upgraded into weapons and equipment.
  • DEF: Your defense. Reduces damage taken from non-magical monster attacks and traps. Can only be found or upgraded into weapons and equipment.
  • M.ATK: Your magic attack. Increases damage dealt with magic spells and staff attacks. Can only be found or upgraded into weapons and equipment.
  • M.DEF: Your magic defense. Reduces damage taken from magic attacks and elemental traps. Can only be found or upgraded into weapons and equipment.
  • STR: Your strength. Each point of STR increases ATK by 1. Can be permanently increased through various means, upgraded into weapons and equipment, or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.
  • VIT: Your vitality. Each point of VIT raises DEF and M.DEF by 0.5 each. Can be permanently increased through various means, upgraded into weapons and equipment, or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.
  • INT: Your intelligence. Each point of INT raises M.ATK by 1. Can be permanently increased through various means, upgraded into weapons and equipment, or temporarily buffed by eating high-quality food.

In addition to these stats, you also can raise your stats for different weapons (like FE's weapon ranks), and you even have stats for stuff like bathing (in a local hot spring, not in an actual bath) and sleeping.

The combat and exploration is like what you would find in an action RPG, with battling taking place in real time in a fairly large overworld rather than in turns, and you have a variety of weapons at your disposal in addition to magic attacks. If you want to, you can also invite certain townsfolk to join your party when you go fight monsters or explore other areas.

It's a good idea to chat with the townspeople every day (a cycle which you control by going to your bed and sleeping, just like in Harvest Moon), since they may have requests for you to complete.

Overall, the game is a varied experience that I think can appeal to different players depending on what your looking for. If you want to spend a day fishing, you can do that. If you want to hunt for materials, you can do that too. If you want to advance the story at any time, you can. While I think RF4 is best experienced if you give every aspect of the game a chance to shine, I also think that it's a pretty customizable experience for those who want to focus on one gameplay aspect over another if you choose to do that.

Other than what I've mentioned already (which is probably a poor explanation, tbh), if you want more info and some tips if you do decide to get RF4, this may be of some help to you: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/635388-rune-factory-4/68399954

It's fine! I was asking anyone, actually, just quoting on phone sucks.

Thank you for the information! considering getting it, but we'll see!

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Playing DQV.
"Hey, use this spell! I don't know what it does! But you can use it now!"

Me: *uses spell*
> entire party gets paralyzed

Wait, there's a spell that paralyzes your own party?

The heck?!

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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

Wait, there's a spell that paralyzes your own party?

The heck?!

Hocus Pocus does a random effect.
...Like in Smash Bros.

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53 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Could you go a bit more in depth about the game, if you dont mind?

Rune Factory is basically a life-sim game, kinda like Animal Crossing, except it's actually good. It's basically just Story of Seasons/Stardew Valley but with a fantasy RPG twist to it. You farm, raise animals, craft items and food, interact with the townsfolk and eventually marry one of the bachelorettes (or bachelors if you're playing Rune Factory 4, as that was the first game to have a female player character from the start). 

39 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Ya know, now matter how much i try, i can never get into SE stuff

Last i tried was Trials of Mana Demo, and while it was kinda fun, it just didn't 'click' with me

Same but for me, it's mainly the Square Enix big three. I'm fine with their smaller, often forgotten titles.

51 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

For someone who dislikes FF, you sure know alot about it!

Also, I wouldnt say its split into multiple parts, as they dont really follow the original at all. The story of XIII-2 and 3 are a complete disaster.

Well it is common knowledge that FF13 is a trilogy. I wouldn't say i hate it, i just rarely hear good things about it.

10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

In addition to these stats, you also can raise your stats for different weapons (like FE's weapon ranks), and you even have stats for stuff like bathing (in a local hot spring, not in an actual bath) and sleeping.

Also worth noting that early game, all these stats level up so often. Heck, they might as well have made breathing a stat lmao.

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Playing DQV.
"Hey, use this spell! I don't know what it does! But you can use it now!"

Me: *uses spell*
> entire party gets paralyzed

DragonFlames used Hocus Pocus and learned the hard way that he should not use Hocus Pocus unless he is desperate or just wants to be funny (but the latter only applies in Smash Bros).

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3 minutes ago, Caster said:

Hocus Pocus does a random effect.
...Like in Smash Bros.

Kind of like a devil axe then, I see.

Just now, Armagon said:

Rune Factory is basically a life-sim game, kinda like Animal Crossing, except it's actually good.

Wow, I'm actually not alone in thinking that.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Kind of like a devil axe then, I see.

Well a Devil Axe either works or it doesn't. Hocus Pocus is just complete chance. So many effects but will you be lucky?

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