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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Julian Teehee said:

It seems that I made a big mistake in Persona Royal 5 which forces me to replay the Sae bossfight.

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Needed to max Kasumi's rank to recruit her after this.


How much progress would that cost you at this point?
Because if I remember correctly, there is a lot of stuff that should be happening between this and what you posted earlier. And that's rough.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

 @Armagon @DragonFlames Do you guys still have the super cursed Musse Edit? I might need it for something 

Crap, I was too late. Apologies.

1 hour ago, Julian Teehee said:

That said I haven't played Persona 4 Golden yet, but I don't ever intend to since regular Persona 4 was just an unpleasant game for me overall.

I have played... maybe half of Golden before dropping that one like a hot potato.
The overall story was... okay, I guess, but most of the main cast was... oof. Like, I had maybe two characters among the playable roster that I liked and that's it.
And for me, who places great value on characters, especially in a JRPG, that's a death sentence to a game right there.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Ya know

When you find something so absurd

you don't know if it's satire or real?

Yeah i just experienced that

What happened?

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7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Crap, I was too late. Apologies

Don't apologize man XD

7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

What happened?

found a certain subreddit that is too absurd to be real

yet they claim to be serious and act like all the crazy facebook groups


on another news, i fear for my city tomorrow


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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Don't apologize man XD

Alright, alright!

Just now, Shrimperor said:

found a certain subreddit that is too absurd to be real

yet they claim to be serious and act like all the crazy facebook groups


on another news, i fear for my city tomorrow


I think I know what you're talking about. If it is what I think it is, then I read about it in a news article somewhere.

Stay safe, Shrimpy!

In other news, I've been reading some more of the manga you recommended to me.
This one has perhaps one of the most insane premises I've ever seen, but it works wonderfully. XD

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Stay safe, Shrimpy!


When going outside tomorrow me and my brother will just rent a car for a few hours. No way i am gonna use public transport tomorrow

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

This one has perhaps one of the most insane premises I've ever seen, but it works wonderfully. XD

Kobayashi is really really kino 👌

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


When going outside tomorrow me and my brother will just rent a car for a few hours. No way i am gonna use public transport tomorrow

Definitely do so!

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Kobayashi is really really kino 👌

Umu, umu!
I love the prince's reaction though. XD
"Okay, I have one important question to ask these voices from the Heavens... Can't waste it!"
And then he's like "The heck is a Tsundere?" XD

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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

*checks Myanimelist*



That doesn't bode well. XD
Have you seen this one, Shrimpy?

5 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

I read the comments after watching the OP. Apparently the OP was better than the anime itself.

And this doesn't, either.
But it does happen sometimes. Just look at the Pokémon anime after the Orange Islands arc.

Edited by DragonFlames
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2 hours ago, lightcosmo said:


If you dont mind, I'd like to be updated as to how your challenge run goes!

I always love learning how another Xenoblade player experiences things!

Yeah, just like the last time, i'll be posting periodic updates.

2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Kobayashi is really really kino 👌

I thought you were refering to Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid until i clicked on the link.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Just look at the Pokémon anime after the Orange Islands arc.

I know you've gotten disillusioned with Pokemon but i just wanna say that XY and Sun & Moon series was actually pretty good (i say as i dropped the Sun & Moon series because burnout). XY series is also when i realized that watching Pokemon subbed is way better than the English dub.

Diamond & Pearl series was also pretty good.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I thought you were refering to Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid until i clicked on the link.

I can recommend it if you want something fun!

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Diamond & Pearl series was also pretty good.

That was exactly the series that made me drop the anime for good, actually. XD
Or rather... one specific episode did. The Cresselia vs. Darkrai one, to be specific. That episode was so inexcusably bad, it was the final nail in the coffin of a generation I already wasn't too keen on.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

I can recommend it if you want something fun!

Not really a manga reader that much but if i'm in the mood, i'll take a look.

1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Or rather... one specific episode did. The Cresselia vs. Darkrai one, to be specific. That episode was so inexcusably bad, it was the final nail in the coffin of a generation I already wasn't too keen on.

Tbf, the quality of the Pokemon anime fluctuates a lot. Even the ones that are overall good like XY and Sun & Moon still have plenty of stinky episodes. 

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Just now, Armagon said:

Not really a manga reader that much but if i'm in the mood, i'll take a look.

Don't feel forced to do it, though!

Just now, Armagon said:

Tbf, the quality of the Pokemon anime fluctuates a lot. Even the ones that are overall good like XY and Sun & Moon still have plenty of stinky episodes. 

That is the case, yes.
But still, Pokémon and I... That train has left the station and it will most likely never return to it.
Unless GameFreak somehow manages to pull a miracle out of its butt, but seeing the direction this series has taken, especially with Sword and Shield... no. Just no.

It's to me what Trails is becoming to Shrimpy.

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Unless GameFreak somehow manages to pull a miracle out of its butt, but seeing the direction this series has taken, especially with Sword and Shield... no. Just no.

Oh yeah, i'm with you there. But i can at least find solace in that Pokemon is big enough so that even though i don't care for the mainline anymore, the side stuff can still interest me. Mystery Dungeon DX is still on my wishlist and if they ever remake Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky, i'm onboard for that too.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Oh yeah, i'm with you there. But i can at least find solace in that Pokemon is big enough so that even though i don't care for the mainline anymore, the side stuff can still interest me. Mystery Dungeon DX is still on my wishlist and if they ever remake Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky, i'm onboard for that too.

True, true.

I played the demo for MD DX when that came out. I found the gameplay a little bit worse, since you don't have a zero-PP cost standard attack anymore, and you also miss a lot more, 3DS MD style, which I can see causing more than a few headaches, especially in the 99 floor dungeons. IQ skills also seem to be gone, which I don't really like, tbh.
But the picture book-esque aesthetic was cute, and the music is practically unchanged from what it was in the original game. But since I have the original games still, and my 3DS is still working, I can just play those instead. So my verdict on the game after the demo was this: it's worth it for someone who doesn't have the original games and/or has never played them. Otherwise, stick to the OGs.

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13 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm getting PTSD from these things.
Jokes aside, while these three are very hard to defeat (unless you're in the story mode of EO2U, I suppose, but that party is broken as heck anyway), they are some of my favorite boss fights in the EO games I've played. Especially the Blizzard King is a tricky, but fun boss.

As a little fun fact on the topic of the elemental dragons, I glimpsed the 30F map of EO1's Claret Hollows:



Doesn't look anything like the Untold version of the floor, that is very unusual.

I bring this up, because as you can see, you have to fight the three dragon clones before you can confront the Yggdrasil Core, called "Primevil" here due to space limitations. Makes the clones feel more important than they are in Untold, shoved into hidden spaces of three different floors of the Sixth Stratum.



I threw OpenEmu on my new Mac, though I said I wouldn't. I can't connect my spare PS3 controller to it because of USB issues, but I can sync and unsync my Switch Pro Controller to it whenever I want to. Thing runs a little warm, emulation is still difficult stuff, but it's nowhere near scorching now. Fortunately, I don't intend to emulate a lot on the laptop, I've already played most of what I wanted to try.

I started up a new file, using the "USA" patch which I can feel the difference with, definitely going to be better in the long haul. I killed the purple bear monster as ordered, no issues, completed a few little optional requests. And was then told to go to the forest with lots of Bloom- this translation's name for Dragonsbane (the Japanese is "furowaro"- looks like the English "flower" once you smooth it out)- which I showed a picture of earlier. The interior of the forest:



Gaping Gardeners! All that red is Dragonsbane. 

It actually deals a little damage to everyone as walk through it, the Bloom I step on then crumbles away. The "USA" patch (it's only nicknamed that, it doesn't mean there's a scrapped international version out there) also halves the Bloom damage, and I can understand why, the damage I received was smallish, four points I noticed on one character for one "tick" of damage received after walking through two square units of the stuff. Currently my strongest character has 63 HP, so if I used the regular patch, that would be more than a tenth of my HP gone. And if you dissect the above map, you'll notice I have no choice but to walk through the flowers. This is the first encounter with Bloom too, on one screen, sure the Knight has a skill that can reduce Bloom damage taken, but what if you weren't running a Knight? Add in the higher non-USA encounter rate, and I can visualize the combined annoyance that led to these fan changes. I pray there is no "Blue Dragonsbane" that comes around later and deals more damage to me.

I was sent here because of the mysterious Bloom and unusually menacing monsters. This game's world seems to recognize that Dragons exist already, but it seems they treat them as nothing out of the ordinary. And they don't fully understand the effects of Bloom, they don't get that the Dragons cause it, though they do have a basic understanding that Dragonsbane causes confusion and other ailments to those in its presence.

And sorry to dawdle, but...


...there it is (sorry it's cut off at the top). That bead-ish blue dot southwest of my position fully healed me, so I'm primed for this. Behold:



The appropriately named The First Dragon. The first ever encountered draconian monstrosity in the series.

If you notice, one of my characters is Blinded, because the dragon got an ambush on me somehow and used it's damageless all-Blind skill, fortunately it's very inaccurate. It also has a basic attack and Sonic Boom- a partywide physical. The ability to hit everyone is not good when I only have single-target Cure spells, but careful HP monitoring, some use of Front Shield, and a few of the healing items I had obtained for free allowed me to win without difficulty on the first try.


The standard victory screen. The dragon gave like no EXP, nor money or items, what a cheap global menace.

As an aside, allow me to explain the names of my Guild and its members.:

  • The Guild's name was originally Alpega, Alpha + Omega, the beginning and the end. It is the start of the 7th Dragon series, but also my personal last. I decided upon starting over "Eh, too much Greek is too uncreative" and then changed it to Satali, Satya + Kali, the first and last of the Yugas- world ages- of Hinduism. Same idea, but now more exotic.
  • Novus- Latin for "new". Even though I only came up with his name yesterday, I forget why I chose it.😅 But I do like the word.
  • Dihya- Originally I was thinking of taking her name from Ana Nzinga, an African warrior queen, but I had weird political-correctness issues with that being the Lucier girl is totally white (I didn't want to culturally appropriate from Sub-Saharan Africa), and stumbled on Dihya, a woman of whom little is known who rebelled against the Arab-Islamic conquest of the Maghreb (North Africa), that sounded better to me.
  • Medjay was originally Pitati, because I noticed the prominent bow in his artwork. The Pitati were archers from Nubia, Pharaonic Egypt's neighbor to the south, they were so skilled with the bow, that Egypt itself hired Pitati as mercenaries. My restart file opted for Medjay, different elite soldiers from Ancient Egypt, because to not use a bow as I determined I wouldn't with the Rogue and still name them Pitati felt odd.
  • Ariad- Short for Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos, who gave a ball of thread to Theseus when he went to slay the Minotaur in the Labyrinth. She is the daughter of a king, and hence an appropriate name for a girl of the Princess class.

All the Bloom vanished and the forest returned to normal after this.

You know, so far, this game feels... absentminded, ordinary. The opening before I could make my first character started with look at the planet from space, accompanied by lines that read "Call it something, call it farming, call it grazing. Call them Dragons.", basically summarizing what Dragons do with every planet they visit. Then the opening mentioned Hunters- the term for the guild-organized groups of adventurers- which it basically cast as a heroic contrast to Dragons, and as it showed an overview of Kazan, it said along the lines of "Today, your fate begins, blah blah blah, you're the special Hunter". But after this, it was directionless completion of a few menial requests, then the cave bear killing, and then this dragon. The world is bright, the world seems very nonchalant.

But thats a tangent. Right after I slew the First Dragon, I was dragged back to Kazan and met with the old man president of the country, a former and talented Hunter himself and pretty well-liked by everyone, you can bump into him several times already. After the meeting, he saw how tired my Guild was after slaying the Dragon and said a doctor was being fetched for at the Guild. I went back there, and...





Oh cool, time for a delayed opening movie. -Well no actual movie, just some unskippable scenes of people talking all over the world about what has happened. I didn't take many screenshots. But if you notice:


Look down, Dragonsbane sighted! 



Long time no see Emel! You look more lively than when we last met; nice tiara, did you found a country? -And more cartographic red.



"???"? Please, she then said "sister", I know who you are. Watcha doin' in the middle of ruined Kazan Aytelle? 

Oh, and the dead guy there is the President of Kazan, Doris as you saw his name above. He fought to buy time for everyone to flee the town for Miross to the east as the dragons invaded. The heroes couldn't fight on because they were too exhausted. I'd pin a 5% chance on Aytelle miraculously reviving the old man, but I seriously doubt it, handsome and beautiful young people live in anime, the old sacrifice for the young for forever.

And more Bloom.



And so the wakeup ends. With yet another expansion of those fatal flowers.

And ten black-red squares? It's 7th Dragon, either something is wrong here, or I assume incorrectly as to what they mean. I would think those are the places where the great evil dragons are whose vanquishing will clear some of the globe of the Bloom.



I took this picture for no reason other than it's cute, seeing my characters in bed like this, in the old-time RPG style. 

And I talked to a few NPCs afterwards while I was trying to find where I could save now. They said 3 years have past and 80% of the world is now covered in Dragonsbane. Honestly, being asleep for three years sounds too unbelievable, maaaaaaybe I could've bought it if like the other games I was treated to a party wipe battle by some big nasty dragon I'd later kill, but even then it's a bit of stretch.

I will say however, that because I'll be roaming the entire world on this quest, that the apocalypse may feel more real than before. Being stuck in Tokyo in all the other games, even with VFD's time travel, undermined how the Dragons were committing global genocide.

Menas here was entrusted with the people of Kazan by order of the President as the chaos unfolded. The President added my Guild would be the heroes in this crisis, and Menas obeyed but seems to have doubts about that. Thus, he is demanding that after all the time he had my Guild protected as they snoozed, that it sets out immediately to liberate Kazan from dragonkind. Not sure how I'll get there when Miross pulled up the bridge to Kazan to try to limit the Dragon threat.

But, that'll be another day's journey.



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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As a little fun fact on the topic of the elemental dragons, I glimpsed the 30F map of EO1's Claret Hollows:

  Reveal hidden contents


Doesn't look anything like the Untold version of the floor, that is very unusual.

I bring this up, because as you can see, you have to fight the three dragon clones before you can confront the Yggdrasil Core, called "Primevil" here due to space limitations. Makes the clones feel more important than they are in Untold, shoved into hidden spaces of three different floors of the Sixth Stratum.


Oh, that's interesting!
I have to admit, I never managed to reach the 30th floor in EOU (aside from the scripted part in story mode). EO2U and Nexus are the only EO games I beat the postgame in. Everywhere else (IV, Untold 1, V), I failed miserably.

9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I went back there, and...

Seems like everything up until that point was just prologue stuff to get you acquainted with the gameplay mechanics and such.
Interesting, seeing how 7th Dragon III got to the point very quickly, as it were. But maybe this one was just trying to lure you into a false sense of security.

Do Dragons attack twice per turn in this game, too?

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Do Dragons attack twice per turn in this game, too?

Can't exactly tell from a sample of one.:^_^: I've a long ways to go, I'll find out eventually.


3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I have to admit, I never managed to reach the 30th floor in EOU (aside from the scripted part in story mode). EO2U and Nexus are the only EO games I beat the postgame in. Everywhere else (IV, Untold 1, V), I failed miserably.

The Claret Hollows is terrible design, seriously, it bad. I love it's appearance, a cavernous place that looks like it you could see all of Yggdrasil's roots becoming enmeshed there, but also like a cave where aliens that have transformed due to illegal nuclear waste dumping lay, ready to hijack the bodies of the curious or lost soul who wanders inside. But getting through floors 26, 29, and 30 are painful hassles that aren't at all worth it.

V's postgame is thin- no little events at all in the 6th Stratum. But the 6th Stratum itself becomes easier to navigate when you understand the warps have strict rules about where they send you. You always get teleport in the direction you stepped towards, and the number of spaces is determined by the warp's color.

The only ultimate 6th Stratum superboss I've fought is the Warped Savior, with the weakening chemicals applied. The rest need grind I never did and very specific team setups I'd rather not retool for.

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Went back to where I left off in Radiant Dawn Ch. 3-5, and things went from bad to worse pretty quickly tbh. Lost three units and ended up restarting because of a game over (forgot that the enemy units can seize the castle). On the bright side, I can restart and play through without any casualties this time. Already off to a good start, so hopefully the rest of the chapter will be that way when I finish it tomorrow.

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