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4 minutes ago, Benice said:

Ah, you promoted Lot, I see! Or are those Gonzo's?

False, although Lot will probably be promoted next chapter. I promoted Lilina.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

False, although Lot will probably be promoted next chapter. I promoted Lilina.

Nice. Lugh also gets +3 to magic, so they both get the stat they need the most!

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When even in mechas you have armor units...

Most significant utility is that it's effectively a second HP bar. Destroy an armor unit and you still have the regular variant left.

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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Why does the Mecha have a different hair color xD

Beats me.

Fun little fact, that mecha was designed by the girl's father. Which is in part based on the one he made for himself:

He made that for him, and for his daughter...

Can't be helped, it's a father's hobby.

Gotta hand it to him, it's an impressive feat to make such a realistic looking mecha that can even emulate the pilot's facial expressions.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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So apparently I get a knight crest if I keep all of Percival’s troops alive and recruit him? But if never actually says anywhere which troops are Percival’s... just Percival’s troops. Help?

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7 minutes ago, Sooks1016 said:

So apparently I get a knight crest if I keep all of Percival’s troops alive and recruit him? But if never actually says anywhere which troops are Percival’s... just Percival’s troops. Help?

They should be labeled as "Soldiers".

Chapter 13 or 15? I think it's the same either way.

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Just now, lightcosmo said:

So I want to download another Atelier game for in the future scenario, and am torn between Arland 1st and 3rd games.

I'd say play Rorona first! Some things in Atelier Meruru will only really make sense (or rather, be funny) if you do!
Besides, Rorona is very lenient on its time limit mechanic overall, so it's a good game to get you used to that!

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'd say play Rorona first! Some things in Atelier Meruru will only really make sense (or rather, be funny) if you do!
Besides, Rorona is very lenient on its time limit mechanic overall, so it's a good game to get you used to that!

But I like the other main characters design more... XD 

Crap... now that's a hard choice.

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9 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I'd personally probably go for the Beast, especially if there's something else you want to use with it, like the Palmchemist.

Yeah, I took the Beast. I'll be on the lookout though for Troubadours at the Grimoire trades, I'd so well with some Fantasia and Prelude.

And thus my team is complete:


Sword!Dark Hunter- Yuri:


The face of an underdog, they're angry and they're struggling, but they're determined to get through it! Cute. And, they're a shirtless guy, can't say no to that.😋 Named after the white-haired Yuri of Infinite Space, I came to love his character. 


Palm!Alchemist- Hypatia:


Named after this historical woman:

"In the year 416 AD, a mob of Christian radicals stormed a carriage in the streets of Alexandria, dragged the women within into a nearby church, where they beat her with roofing tiles. Thus died Hypatia, the first great female scholar of mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. She was, at the time of her death, head of the Neoplatonic School in the cosmopolitan city … but declared a Hellenistic pagan by the bloody-minded mob.

Daughter of a mathematician, she was born in Alexandria c. 370 AD. Being quite brilliant, she was sent off to be educated in Athens, returning to her home around 400 to become head of the well-respected school in Alexandria. There she lectured on mathematics and philosophy, assisted her father in his monumental commentary on Ptolemy’s 'Almagest,' and herself produced a new version of Euclid’s 'The Elements.'

But it was her dabbling with pagan tools such as astrolabes and musical instruments, as well as her willingness to accept anyone – including non-Christians and foreigners – into her school that brought approbation. Church leaders ranted about her “Satanic wiles” and worse, she ignored all those Biblical pronouncements about the proper behavior of women.

It all came to a head when Cyril (later “St. Cyril”) was appointed patriarch of Alexandria in 412, and promptly became a bitter political rival to Orestes, the Roman governor, as the church and state fought for control. Hypatia happened to be a friend of Orestes, as well as the city’s leading intellectual light … and female. She soon became the focal point of riots and fighting between Christians and non-Christians, and her murder soon followed."


Tanking!Beast- Ungnyeo:


Finally, I use the panda artwork! I did a quick lookup for bears in mythology and named it after the bear-turned-woman who became the mythical mother of the founder of the first ever historical kingdom in Korea- Gojoseon.


Medic- Hariti


I wanted the motherly figure for some reason. I realize the blonde female Alchemist is practically her twin, but I didn't want to take advantage of that. Named after a Buddhist goddess of parenting.


Hexer- Aphra 


Named after a famed English female writer, poet and playwright of the 1600s. Hardly anything is known of her life, but she did serve as a British spy for a time and was buried in Westminster Abbey. Spies are underhanded, so are Hexers. I had to pick the loli Hexer, I know, I apologize for wanting cuteness.


Some class considerations I had made:

  • I was really considering the War Magus, but I felt the Beast was served somewhat better by the Medic.
    • While War Magus has synergy with the Sword!Dark Hunter, the food that assures ailments last 3 turns doesn’t exist until the postgame, and until then, do I want to wait another turn to use Soul Liberator and risk missing my chance because the ailment wore off? Too much of a risky headache.
    • A Whip!Dark Hunter would be more perfectly synergistic, due to the Whip Hunter relying on Binds and thus being able to leave Ailments in place, and the power of Displace + Chained Benefit/Stigmata. But I used a Whip Hunter in EOU, so I wanted to try a Sword Hunter here now that it is better.
  • The Palm!Alchemist is in no way optimal, but I really really wanted one! What other EO has such a thing? It did mandate the Beast and thus limit my offense to 2 characters, but I don’t mind too much, because it gives me an assured victory in a certain fight that’ll give my team issues.
  • Haven’t used a Medic in a while either, and Chase Heal is made for the Beast in multi-enemy fights. A Medic has a higher STR + TEC total than a War Magus, so though it can’t get it to 20, the Medic is capable of a good Ailing Slash if I want it. All I need is to backline the Beast on the turns I use it.
  • I read some EO maniac made a Palmchemist-Sword Hunter-Protector-Hexer-Troubadour team work for their first run. Whilst items and Grimoires exist, the convenience of a healer class is too good for me to skimp on one. And some say Protector isn’t enough to save the frontline Palmchemist on Expert, so the Beast it is.
  • I’ve got the Highlander DLC, so maybe if I get super-lucky I could Grimoire Trade for a level 10 Stigmata. I don’t have any other paid DLC, but spending the $2.50 for the Hot Springs DLC for the Bikini Armor would be wonderful for my Beast. And no, I’m not interested in the topless Arianna and Chloe artwork that you can then set as their in-battle portraits.


Guild name is Kalmar, after the Kalmar Union of the 1400s which brought the three Scandinavian kingdoms of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden (which included Finland) into a personal union (shared monarch, but otherwise separate governments).

Cafe name is Andenes, after the terrace farms of South America, which enabled the Incan Empire to create a populous empire in the harsh high altitudes of the steep Andes Mountains. Cafes serve food, not the worst possible connection.


So far, almost at the 5th floor, things are going well at level 10. No Game Overs yet on Expert, though a few close calls and some deaths.

  • Looks like I miscalculated, level 18 is the minimum for Soul Liberator, though getting it to 10 needs me to reach 27. That will be all Yuri aims for for now.
  • Hypatia has mastered Palm Mastery to get Additional Palm, which effectively doubles her very damage. I intend to master Additional Palm and then afterwards invest in the Fire/Ice/Volt Palms themselves. Hypatia gets 2HKO'ed when defending, so the Beast must be here. But I can use a Palm every turn no problems because they cost so little.
  • Ungnyeo intends to get Preemptive Roar mastered first (only 5 SP), because stacked with a Grimoire of the skill, it has a 100% chance of activation. Haven't decided whether to go Protect on the grounds I want to keep the Beast alive- too many hit redirections could stop that- and I think my Dark Hunter can survive without help, or to invest in Hit-Taker instead. Protection Vow is a long way off, but could work alright in randoms with Chase Heal. Bosses...
    • Protection Vow at 20 can proc 6 times with an 8% decrease in its activation rate per successful proc, meaning the sixth proc would have an 60% chance of activating. Though if I'm against a single enemy with a target-all attack, I need only 4 procs and I don't really need any proc after the one for the Palmchemist.
  • Hariti has put 7 into Heal Mastery to learn Chase Heal, though it isn't great at a minimum. Got Line Heal for some crowd restoration, and is now working towards 1 SP into Revive for the convenience (Revive doesn't get better until at least 5, I don't feel like invest more this early into it). After that it'll be Chase Heal again or Healing, not sure if Line Heal was a good idea actually or if the first Salve would've been better. No biggie though, heals are always great.
  • Aphra has a very simple course of progression, no tough decisions. Venom Curse to 9 or 10 (almost done), finish Curse Mastery. Curb Attack Up, Chained Benefit, and then my choice of the myriad of curses.


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Want units that can tank? SRW Super Robots got your game.

Doesn't this vary based on game and whether the pilot has the Guard Spirit? Of course, I'd assume 9 times out of 10 somebody in a giant hunk of Super Zol-Orichalum instead a lethe skeleton of Real aluminum would have Guard. From what I remember of OG2 (yes I know my SRW experience is highly limited), it wasn't hard to wreck the Giganscudo if Tasuku didn't cast Guard, only with it, which is limited by SP (though SRW fights barring a few shouldn't be so long or hard as to make SP management a major concern), was the giant shield invincible.

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20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Doesn't this vary based on game and whether the pilot has the Guard Spirit? Of course, I'd assume 9 times out of 10 somebody in a giant hunk of Super Zol-Orichalum instead a lethe skeleton of Real aluminum would have Guard. From what I remember of OG2 (yes I know my SRW experience is highly limited), it wasn't hard to wreck the Giganscudo if Tasuku didn't cast Guard, only with it, which is limited by SP (though SRW fights barring a few shouldn't be so long or hard as to make SP management a major concern), was the giant shield invincible.

True. Though in general they do have higher survivability if they have high HP and Armor. Unlike the units that rely on Mobility.

Also depends how much you've upgraded their stats.

Only exception was SRW D, where due to a bug or just a bad design, Defense relies more on the character's Defense stat, with the mechas' Armor rating actually not mattering too much. You can still use Armor-reliant units, but it makes D the one game you're better off using dodge-tanks. Also like one of the few games that Getter 2 is more reliable than 1 in the defensive department, thanks to being able to combine Open Get with Mach Vision for auto-dodging.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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