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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

It's quite a fun chapter, but many people rage quit there hahaha.

I remember taking out the giant tank and then Selveria coming out of nowhere and proceeding to destroy all my units.

Luckily, I eventually figured out she follows a set path and she also can't do shit to your tank, despite later cutscenes showing otherwise. So my tank became a good source of mobile cover.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

yup. Even then it goes on sale alot

Neat. I'll look into it during Christmas season.

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Well, damn... I only intended to mess a bit with SRPG Studio, but somehow I've wasted 11 hours on it. Made a couple maps. Nothing too impressive, but I made it, so I'm happy with it, myself. It's a fun endeavor.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

she can eat it pretty fast if she hits it from behind

but so can any unit tbf, she just does it much much faster

Yeah but the AI isn't really programmed to go for the Achilles' Heal iirc.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, damn... I only intended to mess a bit with SRPG Studio, but somehow I've wasted 11 hours on it. Made a couple maps. Nothing too impressive, but I made it, so I'm happy with it, myself. It's a fun endeavor.

Here's how i plan to proceed with SRPG studio once i finish my project this week

first read the few SSSST tutorials and create something basic
then trying to recreate a complex FE chapter as close as possible (Thracia ch5 is the idea i have in mind)
Then work on a small ''safe'' project
Then going wild

You can find the SSSST tutorials in the SRPG studio discord.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah but the AI isn't really programmed to go for the Achilles' Heal iirc.

...in 4 they are xD

There's that one map where i lost my tank on turn 1 because enemy lancer was hidden behind a destroyable wall xD

And while Claude's defeat doesn't mean gameover in VC4 (dunno why), it might as well be because you lose access to commander abilities, your strongest unit/Wall, and it's just the enemy snowballing from there haha

It's the only time i lost Claude in VC4 (but not the only game over), and i got wiped out 2 turns after xD

Edited by Shrimperor
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7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Alright Soulmates, let's dance!


Cheater has an ignore Terrain commander ability, making all his units ingore fire damage

Fellas, you ever just tell your troops to simply just not be set on fire?

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29 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Here's how i plan to proceed with SRPG studio once i finish my project this week

first read the few SSSST tutorials and create something basic
then trying to recreate a complex FE chapter as close as possible (Thracia ch5 is the idea i have in mind)
Then work on a small ''safe'' project
Then going wild

You can find the SSSST tutorials in the SRPG studio discord.

That's probably a good idea. I'm just figuring things out as I go. Gotta say, the translation is, uh... Rather subpar.

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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's probably a good idea. I'm just figuring things out as I go. Gotta say, the translation is, uh... Rather subpar.

I got SRPG Sstudio today too, and It's gonna be a real steep learning curve for me...

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So I made it to chapter 9 of Berwick and this one looks doable. Way easier than that fucking snow map, for sure. And now that Dean's back in the game, we can do some serious damage! 


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12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

So I made it to chapter 9 of Berwick and this one looks doable. Way easier than that fucking snow map, for sure. And now that Dean's back in the game, we can do some serious damage!

That map is really good (2nd or 3rd favorite in the game for me), but it's also quite punishing.

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I played through the entire campaign of VC4, though I didn't complete the extra hard bonus missions (nor any of the Squad Stories). I got a little addicted to save-and-reloading on the final map, and probably did too much saving on some others too, but not all of them, I wasn't that bad.


1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

Alright Soulmates, let's dance!


Cheater has an ignore Terrain commander ability, making all his units ingore fire damage

Quit reminding me of Dude In Love With Ice Camilla. Too. Many. Fights!

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19 minutes ago, Spara said:

That map is really good (2nd or 3rd favorite in the game for me), but it's also quite punishing.

Good to hear that! This particular map theme really sticks with me. Probably my favorite so far? So that's another positive to this map, lol.

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I've gone through two-thirds of my first Summer in FoMT. A loooooooong playlog:

  • I've had one typhoon so far, forcing me to skip the entire next day, and then I saw the forecast for the next day would be another typhoon, at that point, I reset and reloaded, two typhoons in three days was not what I wanted.
  • The one typhoon I allowed surprisingly didn't destroy a single crop of mine, including none of those six bags of pineapples I had planted, which are pricey and take the entire season to grow, but yield 500 gold per fruit, thats tremendous. Did the remake ban crop destruction? I also have two tomatoes, two corn, and two onions, because sometime during my second year, I want to unlock the seeds that are only buyable if you've sold 100 of each of the other non-flower crops of the season.
  • Shortly after my prior entry in the Spring, I bought a white and a brown chicken. Because of the BS play happening here, I named them Eggina and Eggnid. Chickens are super-low maintenance in this game, as long as it isn't Winter or Rain, you ring the bell on the coop to let them outside and as long as they spend at least 4 hour out there, you won't have to feed them. I don't have to worry about having to bring them in, because the chickens, like all other livestock and your horse, will automatically return inside at 8:00 PM in this remake, a great if unrealistic change.
  • During the waning days of Spring, I was able to buy a cow sooner than I thought, I named them Martha. Halfway into the season (I was fairly poor, waiting for the new crops to grow for returned revenues) I bought a sheep, which I named Drauga. Yes, more FE names, albeit males one with "a"s tacked on to feminize them because obviously all SoS livestock is female. I picked Draug for the sheep, because unless someone enlightens me otherwise, sheep seem to be strictly inferior compared to cows as money makers, the same way knights tend to be bottom tier in FE.
    • The untamed farm starts with a field of grass in the lower right corner, this is a great addition, because it means I don't really have to buy fodder until Winter. Grass in this game has a chance of spreading to adjacent unoccupied tiles in this remake and it doesn't need to be watered, so left on its own, the grass field will get big enough to sustain my barn of cows and sheep and alpacas, each of which eat 1 grass tile per day.
  • They did away with animal sickness and death of both of sickness and old age in this remake. This said, they did invent a new reason to breed at least a few times, that being that store-bought animals have a maximum of 5 hearts, and each time you breed an animal, its child has +1 heart maximum, up to a maximum of 10. Affection determines the quality and hence sellable price of animal products. Thus, eventually, Martha and Drauga will be sold for brisket and mutton, when I need to make room for their next descendants.
    • I know Martha's child will be "Alma" (who shall be followed by either Celica or Sigrid), and I'm thinking "Ardena" for Drauga's b/c Gaiden weird. But I'm not sure what to do for Eggina and Eggnid.
    • I'm wary of breeding my chickens until I upgrade the coop for the second incubator, because eggs laid by both colors of bird are identical, so I won't know what I placed in the incubator until the chicks are born and grow up. I want to main an equal number of brown and white chickens in the coop, plus two of those angora rabbits. Though once I have four chickens, it will be impossible to be certain of retaining color parity.
  • Oh, and my horse's name is Hetairoi, Greek for "companion", in honor of the Hetairoi cavalry which served Philip II of Macedon and his legendary son Alexander the Great so well. Plus "companion" is a good name for a dear pet in general.
  • My farm's name, I forgot this earlier, is "Samsara", the Hindu-Buddhist concept of rebirth. It represents me being "reborn" into SoS after many years of absence from it.
  • I checked Fogu to see if the Harvest Goddess has dislikes regarding what she'll accept as an offering or if it's inopportune to give her stuff on rainy days or holidays. I was mistaken, she'll take almost anything. Thus, I immediately began making a daily routine out of giving her one offering a day, a flower for now because they're free and not worth much. I wanted that Power Berry for 10 offerings now, and I eventually want that 150 gifts ultimate reward- the beach house. I got the Blue Berry from 10 Cucumbers to Kappa too, but I have no intentions of marrying either him nor the Goddess, though I've left the door open to the HG by saying I want to get closer to her, I don't want to marry too fast in this game, so I didn't want to name a candidate I'd want for the LP boost.
  • On the marriage front, I got the "introduction to Cliff" random event. When do we get married? A shy and awkward loner from elsewhere, but kind, and with rather good artwork by the remake's standards. How can I say no to the sweetness? I don't need to look any further. Don't know what he likes and loves, and I don't want to know right away, because I don't want to marry too fast, so I'll wait until he starts dropping hints of what he likes somewhere in our relationship. This does mean I'll miss my chance for the upcoming fireworks festival with him, oh well. I did glimpse on Fogu that he gets LP if you visit the church X number of days, which is where I'll usually find him. And visiting the most distant point in town from the farm is not an issue, because...
  • I am in need of slave friendly labor! The Harvest Nature Sprites (and yet the Harvest Goddess is still the Harvest Goddess, what gives?) from the hut behind the church will have to do. I should've started befriended them in the Spring instead of Summer, but better late than never. The old trick of giving them cheaply buyable Flour still works, and is building up their FP fast. They should be ready to start toiling in my autumnal fields before I know it. Though as the minigames that improve their laboring are tedious, I intend to just let them learn on the job, with me helping and compensating for their initial ineptitude. Four for crop watering, three for crop harvesting, because time stops indoors and milking and sheering costs barely any stamina, I don't see why I should ever assign them to animal husbandry.


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Lol Nintendo needs to fix their goddamn internet. 

Game disconnects me: 

"If you keep disconnecting, you may be unable to play online for a while". What a fucking joke, as it's not my fault for their bad code, they punish me. 0/10 would praise them for it.

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I finally beat chapter 21. So it was super hard, you may conclude? Nope! I’m just stupid. It was actually pretty easy.

I lost the first full attempt (and when I say full I mean attempts where I got past the first turn because I was putting a unit in range of a 40%~ grit) because I forgot stairs were uncovered when I put a flier near them, already knowing that ambushes, potentially now wielders, spawn from stairs. The second full attempt I died because I put that same flier (poor Gerome) in range of an aircalibur mage who’s range I HAD IN RED as like a “hey! Don’t put your fliers here!” (Since I do that with bow and wind magic ranges already) and the the third attempt I lost because I didn’t possibly think that the siege tome mage could have any spells other than the siege tome. heavy sigh I better start working on my McDonald’s resume...

14 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Lol Nintendo needs to fix their goddamn internet. 

Game disconnects me: 

"If you keep disconnecting, you may be unable to play online for a while". What a fucking joke, as it's not my fault for their bad code, they punish me. 0/10 would praise them for it.

Oh yeah their internet is atrocious.

Edited by Sooks1016
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