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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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I'm considering going against all of my principles and picking Narron at the second Marlon choice. I've never used him, I'd say it's high time I experienced the hype for myself. Plus, being recruited late should be enough to limit his absurd potential at least a little bit. Yeah, I think it works, myself.

Besides, it's not like he's going to reach the levels of epic that Luca has. I have great plans for that man. More on that down the line.

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11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I think I know what she'd say to your frustrations at getting one item. "Claim it if you can!"😜

I still remember that quip all these years later.


(An aside, it's just her one whose rate's frustrating me in particular because unlike most of the other bosses you can't boost the rate with a fusion attack, alongside the trickiness of getting a chain high enough to guarantee it. Also not the most confident of my chances at a sufficiently low level for Ultimate (dropping by 55!) because I still don't think I'm all that great at the game (see: me playing the new bosses and having to drop difficulties despite being level 60+ at the time).)

13 minutes ago, Benice said:

Oh my god, I did SO badly in HHM...Just you wait. I surprised myself.


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Alright, so i'm gonna make a current pro/con list of Pyra/Mythra, imo of course.

first: pros:

  • It's the Aegis girls, of course! XD
  • Alot of power in the case of Pyra, and speed for Mythra.
  • decent "presence" on hitboxes, meaning alot of coverage/range for defence.
  • switching up pacing with the change mechanic.
  • beautiful attack flame/light graphics that don't get in the way and hinder gameplay for other players. (I.E. Hero)
  • unique animations overall, not alot of "Marth" or "Link" attack animations,
  • different special moves, making mixups easier with them.
  • pressure game isn't awful for Pyra and decent for Mythra.
  • the XC2 references are amazing, and they went way out of their way, which i love.
  • they feel very "complete" as DLC characters.
  • alot of lingering hitboxes are always good to have.
  • very good at 2 framing with d tilt for setups.

and now for some cons:

  • Their recovery isn't great. in fact, it's terrible.
  • Air speed is bad for Pyra and okay for Mythra.
  • Pyra isn't good when caught in shield pressure situations, and if you aren't Mythra already, little options to escape pressure.
  • not great move speed. bad for Pyra and okay for Mythra. Mobility matters in Smash Ultimate too much for this to not matter.
  • bad at getting back down to the stage when being sharked by anyone.
  • and of course, no Tantal theme on the XC2 stage, this was criminal, but they made up for it by adding Zeke's personal battle theme in, which is awesome!
  • Against faster characters, netting a KO is going to be difficult since Pyra is slow and Mythra really doesn't kill that well. hitting them is going to be a headache for poor Pyra.
  • Poor grab game.

and... that's about it till i play more. 

edit: added poor grab game to the list.

Edited by lightcosmo
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10 minutes ago, Benice said:

Hey @lightcosmo, d'you happen to know how to show the character ending screen in FEBuilder? (Like the part where it shows photos like this)muoOqt8.png

hmmmm, have you tried using "the end" event code?


i assume that draws all the credits, but i would assume they are all tied together.

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

not great move speed. bad for Pyra and okay for Mythra.

What do you mean "ok" for Mythra, she has the fastest run speed out of any swordie. Only Speed Mode Shulk is faster and that's just a temporary buff.

Actually, I wonder if Limit Cloud is faster too. Imma check and get back to you.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:


I still like how this doesn't look like your typical Tales game, at least visually.

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8 minutes ago, Robert Stewart said:

So, uh, can you not unequip a ballista in TRS after you've attacked with one? You're just stuck for the rest of the map?

Yup. Once you use a ballista, the unit is stuck in place for the rest of the map. Thanks, Kaga. Real nice.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yup. Once you use a ballista, the unit is stuck in place for the rest of the map. Thanks, Kaga. Real nice.


Well, now I know to never use a ballista in TRS because i will be punished if I do.

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@lightcosmo Mythra is evenly tied with Limit Cloud, is faster than Marth/Lucina, I think evenly tied with Roy/Chrom (I could've tested that wrong tho) and against some non-swordies, looks to be tied with Fox and leaves Pikachu behind in the dust.

So yeah, just by this alone, I have to disagree with Mythra's run speed being just "ok".

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Well, now I know to never use a ballista in TRS because i will be punished if I do.

There are situations where you can make use of them. Not many, but they exist. You just have to be strategic about it.

That being said, the biggest problem of TRS's ballisticians, more than the ballistae restricting their movement, is the fact that ballistae are extremely rare, and without them artillerymen (that's the proper name of the class) are units with 3 movement, colossal terrain penalties and bows as their only means of attack. Ballista or no, it's nigh impossible to make use of them.

...Is what I'd be saying if I were a sensible person, but the time I Ironmanned TRS here in Serenes I used Tom, the first artilleryman, for the entire game. It was a great experience, I recommend it to everyone.

I mean, seriously. How can you look at this image


and not go "I want that on my team"?

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I've been thinking of a Berwick Saga Reverse Recruitment theorycraft I did a while ago, and I forgot how strange and funny the effects would be on the story...

For example, Ruby and Clifford become Saphira and her drunken father, Derrick.

Or now Owen and Weiss have an intense homoerotic relationship, or a tsundere Czene who has a massive crush on Arthur... Also, Faye would be the one to save Faramir's ass after getting beat up by Chaos.

Man, some of that is cursed. Except the Owen and Weiss stuff.

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Oh, and if event requirements didn't force Leon to swap with Burroughs in this hypothetical, Adel and Leon would also be a couple. I think that's funny.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ballista or no, it's nigh impossible to make use of them.

Actually, Thomas was great for arena abuse for me. Being bow-locked gets rid of a lot of non-magical dangerous enemies for him, given his very high Def and surprisingly good when trained Spd. Plus, overleveling him didn't make things any easier overall. All I wanted out of the arena abuse anyhow was Gold b/c things cost a lot in TRS.

Now Hagar... lost cause, lost cause, lost cause. He is an Est I cannot contest, his growth are great though he come late. But the only arena he can abuse has its nearby problems, and he'd need that Move Potion, which is tricky to get. Sure you've used him, but there is practically no chance for him to shine and barely any for him to grow in the first place.

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10 minutes ago, Spara said:

Ruby and Clifford become Saphira and her drunken father, Derrick.

Derrick's only drunk in his own awesome power.

10 minutes ago, Spara said:

Also, Faye would be the one to save Faramir's ass after getting beat up by Chaos.

How the turntables.

...Wait a minute, that's not so strange. That's just lategame Faye at work!

9 minutes ago, Spara said:

Owen and Weiss have an intense homoerotic relationship

Okay, I've got a new objective in life: get a job that will net me enough moneys to commission some artist in the dark corners of Deviantart to make this a reality.

Also Owen would prove to be far more of a match for Weiss's wit than Sylvis and now I unironically wanna see it

8 minutes ago, Spara said:

Oh, and if event requirements didn't force Leon to swap with Burroughs in this hypothetical, Adel and Leon would also be a couple. I think that's funny.

Ahahahahahahaha... I mean, considering how awkward both of their romantic subplots are, I think it would probably be an improvement.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Now Hagar... lost cause, lost cause, lost cause. He is an Est I cannot contest, his growth are great though he come late. But the only arena he can abuse has its nearby problems, and he'd need that Move Potion, which is tricky to get.

Oi! Don't diss my boi Hagar, I've--

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sure you've used him, but there is practically no chance for him to shine and barely any for him to grow in the first place.

Pfffhahahahahaha... Okay, but seriously though, even I'm not insane enough to use Hagar, usually. I pushed myself for the sake of the audience that time. Hagar's even more of a joke character than Derrick. Like, Derrick has some moderate use in a handful of early maps. Hagar is... quite possibly the worst unit in all of Kaga's games, and it's obvious that he was intentionally made that way.

Besides, being used by me is pretty much par for the course. It doesn't take much. If a unit hasn't been used by me, that means they're either a god among the living, or so utterly horrible that even a madman like me would stay far away. No middle ground.


TRS's AI will never cease to amaze me. It seems every time I play it manages to do something incredibly dumb and hilarious.

61heirnw o

Like, seriously, why the hell is Maerchen walking himself to me? I've never seen him do anything like that before! I thought he was supposed to be a coward and stay away from my units, hiding behind his cronies! Why would he do this?! The only explanation I can come up with is that he's so scared of Krishna that he'd rather put himself within Roger's pilum range. Which... honestly, is very in-character for him. He's stupid enough for that.

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