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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Not sure if I can add anything here, I think you gave the general gist of it 👍.

Good, good! Thanks!


Don't care what anyone says, this music is fire.
It also appeared in the game that I played on the 3DS, which is not the one in the title/thumbnail.
Final Boss music, btw.

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Oh no.

We need to discuss leaving the region to have adventures with Dad once he gets back.

Fuck no, red alert! Red alert! Funny how immediately after that line a red alert did light up behind Aina.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand there we go. Dad is dead. Who could have possibly foreseen this.

...Well, actually, he's not dead. He's only disappeared. Which this being fiction, means he's 99% not dead. Woohoo! Dad is safe now!


Well, that was the prologue. So far, this game feels... very RPG'ish. The story is fine, intriguing, I like most of the characters, that's fine. The problem is that the gameplay sucks and gets in the way of the story all the time. Well, rather than "sucks" I should say, it's not the kind of gameplay that I enjoy. At all. It wasn't what I expected, frankly. The positioning system only serves to make regular attacks even more pointless and has little relevance otherwise, and the "arts need to charge" system is also completely irrelevant because the only way to interrupt charges is to kill the character. The result is that every fight, including the bosses, has boiled down to spamming attack arts and S-breaks, with the occassional heal, until the enemy dies. In other words, the absolute worst kind of RPG combat for me.

I will take you all at your word and keep going in hopes that the game gets better after the prologue. But to be brutally honest, so far I am very disappointed. It shouldn't take 10 hours for a game to get good.

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Nearly done with Cold Steel 3. Is it me or does this game feel kinda.... unnecessarily long? Maybe it's the pacing.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

, and the "arts need to charge" system is also completely irrelevant because the only way to interrupt charges is to kill the character.

Impede Crafts say hi.

You probably don't have that yet but a good chunk of the Crafts you get are used for interrupting charges.

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Just now, Armagon said:

Impede Crafts say hi.

You probably don't have that yet but a good chunk of the Crafts you get are used for interrupting charges.


5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It shouldn't take 10 hours for a game to get good.

I hope it doesn't take 30 hours to get some of those, because I won't last that long on just this shitty, basic combat.

At least Estelle is a great protagonist. She speaks what I think every time. If Joshua was the only MC I don't think I'd even bother continuing lol

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

I hope it doesn't take 30 hours to get some of those, because I won't last that long on just this shitty, basic combat.

You should get some fairly early. In fact, I believe Schera has one.

The thing about RPGs is that the start of the game is pretty much always gonna be the weakest part gameplay-wise because you don't have access to everything. I guess that's why you could never really vibe with them.

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7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Nearly done with Cold Steel 3. Is it me or does this game feel kinda.... unnecessarily long? Maybe it's the pacing.

It's not just you. I had the same impression.
The pacing is all over the place with this one, since it tries to continue the old story while clumsily weaving new characters into it. It also tries to be CS1-2, which... is not great, tbh.

Also, I won't forgive CS3 for turning what should be an amazing boss fight into a complete joke (spoilers, to be safe).


It's not a good thing when a much smaller game does your MAJOR boss more justice than you... when said MAJOR boss is naught but a sidequest in said smaller game.

Funny thing is, it still manages to be the best part in CS3, easily. XD


Music totally not related to what I said above. Nope.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You should get some fairly early. In fact, I believe Schera has one.

Not her, but I did have one from a quest.

...On that useless shitstain Joshua, who failed every time.

Yeah, that one's on me, I'm afraid. Putting it on someone useful now.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

It's not just you. I had the same impression.
The pacing is all over the place with this one, since it tries to continue the old story while clumsily weaving new characters into it. It also tries to be CS1-2, which... is not great, tbh.

Yeah and the weird thing is that the story is structurally the same as Cold Steel 1 but that game didn't feel nearly as long.

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I mean, don't get me wrong, 50% chance to cancel an art is still garbage. I'm relying on luck here. Not good, not good at all. But, eh. Better than nothing, I guess.

All right, on to Bose.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Yeah and the weird thing is that the story is structurally the same as Cold Steel 1 but that game didn't feel nearly as long.

To be fair, CS3 does dump a lot of lore on you that was left out of CS1, and CS3 has way more of what I like to call "minigame sidequests", which also might not help matters. But yeah, I agree with you.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, don't get me wrong, 50% chance to cancel an art is still garbage. I'm relying on luck here. Not good, not good at all. But, eh. Better than nothing, I guess.

All right, on to Bose.

Oh you're talking about Quartz.

No I meant, there are Crafts that will cancel an Art garuanteed. If a Craft says it will Impede, it will do it.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I'm gonna need a source.

....That's my bad, turns out to be an "insider source". With all the shakiness at best that entails.

Crossing out that bit now.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh you're talking about Quartz.

No I meant, there are Crafts that will cancel an Art garuanteed. If a Craft says it will Impede, it will do it.


...Well, that sucks.

Anyway, I just found that the game has a built-in speed up feature, by pressing alt. Wonderful. Now I get to effectively skip all the boring traveling.

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Also, this is the last I will say about it, then I'll shut the fuck up, because I don't want to ruin everyone's fun (you should have fun), and don't get me wrong when I say this, but it is kind of comforting to know that there is at least one other who isn't enamored with Trails the Sky as much as everyone else is. For how beloved that game is around here, I felt like there is something seriously wrong with me for not enjoying it, and, like with every other widely beloved game I didn't enjoy (Conquest/Xenoblade 2), this frustrated me to no end, because I thought to myself "what the fuck am I missing?"
Because, from what I played, I wasn't floored by like, anything. There was nothing setting the game apart from other JRPGs I've played in the gameplay department, and the storytelling was no better than CS (it had all the bullshit that bothered me in those games), and the music... eh, a matter of taste, but I didn't really like the battle theme all that much.


Ah well.
Ignore me.

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Also, this is the last I will say about it, then I'll shut the fuck up, because I don't want to ruin everyone's fun (you should have fun), and don't get me wrong when I say this, but it is kind of comforting to know that there is at least one other who isn't enamored with Trails the Sky as much as everyone else is. For how beloved that game is around here, I felt like there is something seriously wrong with me for not enjoying it, and, like with every other widely beloved game I didn't enjoy (Conquest/Xenoblade 2), this frustrated me to no end, because I thought to myself "what the fuck am I missing?"

Eyy, same to you! Not gonna lie, it feels worse to spew my usual rants about this game than others. Everyone else is so passionate about it, and well... Believe it or not, the guy who can't shut up about his burning hatred for Three Houses does mind people's feelings. I really don't want to be an annoying pest.

At the same time, well, I'm not going to lie.

Just now, DragonFlames said:

Because, from what I played, I wasn't floored by like, anything. There was nothing setting the game apart from other JRPGs I've played in the gameplay department, and the storytelling was no better than CS (it had all the bullshit that bothered me in those games), and the music... eh, a matter of taste, but I didn't really like the battle theme all that much.


Ah well.
Ignore me.

I do rather like the story. It's nothing groundbreaking - quite the opposite, so far it's been extremely predictable, but it's a cozy little RPG tale, and the characters not named Joshua are fun, so I'll take it.

Otherwise, yeah. This is basically my opinion so far, as well.


Just now, DragonFlames said:

I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it, man. It's okay not to like the same things as others, it really is. Opinions be like that.

Just now, DragonFlames said:

Just feeling miserable and taking it out on you for no reason.

Well... I won't pry, but I hope you can cheer up soon.

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11 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm sorry.
Just feeling miserable and taking it out on you for no reason.

Don't be. There's nothing at all wrong with having an opinion.

I'm sorry you're feeling that way. I really hope things get better for you.

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With Awakening I never mind insulting it because people who didn't feel insulted by the main cast praising the player self-insert for their supposed genius in burning millions of people alive on the freaking "sea" couldn't possibly feel insulted by something as trivial as me picking on a game they liked.

But of course Awakening is a special level of disgusting that few pieces of entertainment media could ever hope to match. Most certainly nothing I've ever experienced. And I've seen some shit.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

And when you don't have signal, what then?

I've signal even in underground trains 😛

55 minutes ago, Maof06 said:



Let's Goooo!

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Yeah and the weird thing is that the story is structurally the same as Cold Steel 1 but that game didn't feel nearly as long.

CS1 wasn't trying to mix 500 storylines at once.

CS3 wanted to continue on what Sky/Crossbell did and what CS1/2 did, and we got a boring mess.

I admit, i did love it when it was following Sky/Zero storylines, but i despised it everytime CS1/2 storyline continued and the new cast got shafted or we were back in school. Ultimately the CS'ness of it got to me.

They should've cut the school and CS1/2 stuff completely out.



1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm sorry.

Don't be. I always tell you it's ok to not like something man. Be more confident.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, I just found that the game has a built-in speed up feature, by pressing alt.

Wait you didn't know?

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