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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Ultimately, I question more not Yuugiri becoming Reina, but all the name truncating they did with some of the Hoshidan names.

Like, why Kazahana to Hana. Suzukaze to Kaze?


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ultimately, I question more not Yuugiri becoming Reina, but all the name truncating they did with some of the Hoshidan names.

Like, why Kazahana to Hana. Suzukaze to Kaze?

Threehouse thinks the audience is too dumb to understand long and foreign names.

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Why is there a guy in tighty-whities called "Walking Erection" in Yakuza?!

Just now, Maof06 said:

Threehouse thinks the audience is too dumb to understand long and foreign names.

To be fair, in my case at least, they're right. I am hopeless with Japanese names. When they're long like that I just can't ever remember them.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Just now, Maof06 said:

Threehouse thinks the audience is too dumb to understand long and foreign names.

At least Yukimura didn't became Yuki...

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Also, which game should I play now: Rune Factory 4 or Trails? I think I can post some impressions here in order to reach page 2500 faster.

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Just now, Maof06 said:

Also, which game should I play now: Rune Factory 4 or Trails? I think I can post some impressions here in order to reach page 2500 faster.

RF4, definitely.

End the Trails supremacy this place has.

Also, since RF5 releases tomorrow, so best we get in the mood already.

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5 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Also, which game should I play now: Rune Factory 4 or Trails? I think I can post some impressions here in order to reach page 2500 faster.

Rune Factory 4, definitely.

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6 minutes ago, Maof06 said:

Also, which game should I play now: Rune Factory 4 or Trails? I think I can post some impressions here in order to reach page 2500 faster.

I’ll say I enjoyed Trails in the Sky FC a lot, the gameplay was fun and the story, while slow in the beginning, really picks up. There are some really likable characters and a few memorable tracks as well, but I doubt you’ll have a fun time on nightmare as your first run. You really should turn it down to hard, I still had to think a lot about the quartz I used and where it went and when to use what crafts and such.

But Acacia has made a good case for Rune Factory. I haven’t played it though.

Edited by Sooks
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I don't know if this is blessed or cursed anymore.


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25 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I'm used to seeing her with the big eyes and stuff that a more normal proportioned picture is now the one that weirds me out, haha.

Still, looks cute.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Okay, there's a cult infiltration sidequest in Yakuza and it's absolutely disgusting. @Benice When do I get to cave in the cult leader's skull? Because I'd really like to make that Majima's first ever kill.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, there's a cult infiltration sidequest in Yakuza and it's absolutely disgusting. @Benice When do I get to cave in the cult leader's skull? Because I'd really like to make that Majima's first ever kill.

Or he could not kill him by throwing him into a prison from a helicopter.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Okay, there's a cult infiltration sidequest in Yakuza and it's absolutely disgusting. @Benice When do I get to cave in the cult leader's skull? Because I'd really like to make that Majima's first ever kill.


2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Oh look it's third best girl.

double ninja'd. nice.

And who's first and second?

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13 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Or he could not kill him by throwing him into a prison from a helicopter.

Well, I didn't get to kill him.

I just broke every bone in his body, and when he ordered his disciples to get him an ambulance, they performed the "dance of healing" instead. So he probably bled out right there in his own office as a result of his own manipulation.

That's my headcanon, at least. I mean, Majima didn't kill him, he just... Uhh, fastened him to the means of his demise.

13 minutes ago, Maof06 said:


I thought Kiryu was already ridiculous stomping on people's heads and making them go "splotch", but then Majima just straight up breaks people's necks and that somehow doesn't result in death or at least paralization.

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Finished Future Connected, will watch the plot and Quiet Moments another day. Gameplay was fun and good, which was predictable.

I took Armagon's advice and Casual Moded past the Ponspector baddie just to get it done (why ~50% resistance to Monado Purge?), and the Igna/Kromar in the quarry too, b/c its combination of aoe physical with two single-target possible insta-death followups is a lot. I was able to foil Bana again with only one failure (the mass sleep was the main issue), and the Fog King's first phase was too easy. The second phase- what is up with starting the fight by Toppling everyone for what felt like 10 seconds? I almost lost, seriously, Kino was the only survivor at one point, who resurrected Melia who I was controlling, and then I fortuitously survived long enough to get a little more Party Gauge to resurrect Nene. So a decent challenge from a nonphysical mysterious possibly otherworldly entity.


That was the only thing I was playing at the moment, so now I have to decide what I'll open next. I want to finally double down and start FFIX, I've had it for what is getting closer and closer to a decade, I must fill that numerical gap in my Final Fantasy catalogue. But knowing me, I might delay yet again.😅

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28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I didn't get to kill him.

I just broke every bone in his body, and when he ordered his disciples to get him an ambulance, they performed the "dance of healing" instead. So he probably bled out right there in his own office as a result of his own manipulation.

That's my headcanon, at least. I mean, Majima didn't kill him, he just... Uhh, fastened him to the means of his demise.

Guess that's enough of a loophole.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

That was the only thing I was playing at the moment, so now I have to decide what I'll open next. I want to finally double down and start FFIX, I've had it for what is getting closer and closer to a decade, I must fill that numerical gap in my Final Fantasy catalogue. But knowing me, I might delay yet again.😅

It has best boy.

I will recommend.

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