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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Oh, okay, so easier than i thought. 

...well, there goes my luck with that then. XD

Just equip Heaven's Eye and Hide and evading surprise attacks from mobs should be no problem.

Hide also overrides Scent iirc.

Edited by Shrimperor
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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Just equip Heaven's Eye and Hide and evading surprise attacks from mobs should be no problem.

Hide also overrides Scent iirc.

Good to know, although now that i think on it, i might have noticed that. XD

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5 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

About the Tales of Destiny playthrough that I am watching, there is a beta translation available of the Director's Cut version of the game. And they were serious when they said 'beta', since you can tell the text has been translated word for word instead of based on context of what is actually said, which makes some of the dialogue look... incredibly strange. xD

Well it is nice to a translation is proceeding at all.


Since according to that recent list, Destiny is the third best-selling Tales of all time, and highest selling of all time specifically in Japan. Must be factoring the original and the PS2 remake, but even so, that is impressive. Particularly considering the far superior Director's Cut never came abroad.

It'll take time to refine, proofread, and edit it the script to a fine professional polish. Tales has so much text that I could see it taking a very long while. But, this is a very good sign and will -I want to believe- culminate in a finished translation.

If they've inserted English text everywhere already, that is an important step, because fan translations are actually two battles: translating & localizing the script, and having programmers insert it into the game without problems. Some games are poorly coded with the dialogue, and so it's laborious to find every sentence's location in the data and then replace them and avoid glitches and whatnot. I'll assume that in the process of assembling a complete beta translation, the fans would have assembled tools and guides to make future editing of the script remarkably easier.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Since according to that recent list, Destiny is the third best-selling Tales of all time, and highest selling of all time specifically in Japan.

Oh so that's why Destiny was in NxC and not Symphonia.

....I meant to put this quote at the bottom but I accidentally put it here and I can't move it because mobile so now my post looks weird.

8 hours ago, Zan Partizanne said:

more flexible alchemy system since new recipes can be learned by spending SP instead of having an alchemy level

Yeah, I really like this. I was hoping they wouldn't cop-out and be like "oh Ryza hit her head and forgot all the recipes from the first game" and I'm glad they didn't. Explaining it by saying the alchemy equipment is a little bit different and then saying that Ryza can use the old recipes again after getting used to it and then showing that by having the player unlock those recipes through SP is a really good way to go about it.

Ryza 3 is inevitable so I'm gonna assume they'll go with this justification again.

6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

more flexible alchemy system since new recipes can be learned by spending SP instead of having an alchemy level

Oh so he's actually just like that. See, when he shows up in Namco x Capcom (the Tales reps in that game Stahn, Rutee and Leon, idk why they went with Tales of Destiny when Symphonia was already out but w/e), he's like, acting really weird and murderous. I assumed this was the big bad controlling him or whatever, especially given he's playable later (I didn't get that far tho, NxC was gonna spiral into tedium), but turns out he's actually just like that.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah! Anime! Don't scare me like that...

...Is it just me or does that description have just... huge passive-aggressive energy? Like the devs were saying "okay fans, here it is, now quit nagging us to make this character."

Considering this franchise obliterates the fourth-wall on a daily basis, that was probably intentional.


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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I really should've learned japanese while i had the chance

Never too late.

Unless you're dead. In which case it would be too late.

1 minute ago, Zan Partizanne said:

Anyways I did not understand the unlocking of new ruins at all, at least not the part of using the right crystal or whatever it is in the right slot.

You examine the little glowing spots and then you place them in the appropriate spot in the journal.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So zombies can't moonrune?

....Considering some settings making at least a handful of zombies clever enough to read text, there might be an exception in these settings I don't agree with.

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11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

So zombies can't moonrune?


11 minutes ago, Zan Partizanne said:

I see.

It's a weird mechanic for me.

You'll get used to it.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Oh so that's why Destiny was in NxC and not Symphonia.

Looking over the release dates, Destiny PS2 remake (Director's Cut being an update of that) came out the year after NxC. So the choice to include Destiny would've been entirely based on PS1 original sales, which still topped 500k in Japan, not unimpressive.

Symphonia had been released in 2003 on the GameCube, its Japan-only PS2 port on Sept 22nd, 2004. The PS2 release I would say was plausibly too late to influence NxC, released May 26th, 2006. NxC was reportedly 70% finished in January of that year. The PS2 port did sell 486k, but this number was as of December 2007.

I'd think it therefore feasible that had NxC spent a few more minutes in the oven, that ToS could've been chosen over ToD. -But this is assuming NxC always wanted the absolute most popular people. Looking over its roster, who decided to include two total nobodies from a Resident Evil spinoff I've never even heard of in any other context? Chris and Jill were probably so flabbergasted their gaping jaws broke off and they died and themselves became undead. 


49 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I really should've learned japanese while i had the chance

Don't so many of us in the JRPG & the ilk fanbase?

At least you're bilingual or better. I'm stuck with one, but at least I'm fortunate it is the current lingua franca.

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9 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Looking over its roster, who decided to include two total nobodies from a Resident Evil spinoff I've never even heard of in any other context? Chris and Jill were probably so flabbergasted their gaping jaws broke off and they died and themselves became undead. 

True. And then there's the fact that over half of the Namco reps are literal whos from obscure one-off games.

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4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Well it is nice to a translation is proceeding at all.

That is true!
For my part, as much as I cannot play PS2 games on my system at all, I will say that I am happy to get the story experience, at least!

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Since according to that recent list, Destiny is the third best-selling Tales of all time, and highest selling of all time specifically in Japan. Must be factoring the original and the PS2 remake, but even so, that is impressive. Particularly considering the far superior Director's Cut never came abroad.

Oh, that is a very interesting list, to be sure! I did not know this!

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It'll take time to refine, proofread, and edit it the script to a fine professional polish. Tales has so much text that I could see it taking a very long while. But, this is a very good sign and will -I want to believe- culminate in a finished translation.

I think the chances are pretty good of this actually coming to pass. The beginning is really really solid already, it is just towards the end when the hiccups and word-for-word translations become frequent.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If they've inserted English text everywhere already, that is an important step, because fan translations are actually two battles: translating & localizing the script, and having programmers insert it into the game without problems. Some games are poorly coded with the dialogue, and so it's laborious to find every sentence's location in the data and then replace them and avoid glitches and whatnot. I'll assume that in the process of assembling a complete beta translation, the fans would have assembled tools and guides to make future editing of the script remarkably easier.

On that note, so far, there was one, and only one, instance of this: in one cutscene, some text was disappearing at the top of the screen. I imagine they placed the start of the line too high. Everything else was fit neatly into the textboxes and aside from the word "Save" still being written in Katakana in the background of the save menu, all the menus are translated, as well.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh so he's actually just like that. See, when he shows up in Namco x Capcom (the Tales reps in that game Stahn, Rutee and Leon, idk why they went with Tales of Destiny when Symphonia was already out but w/e), he's like, acting really weird and murderous. I assumed this was the big bad controlling him or whatever, especially given he's playable later (I didn't get that far tho, NxC was gonna spiral into tedium), but turns out he's actually just like that.

He's not the big bad (he joins you for a long period of time, even), but he's definitely far, far from being a good person. I heard the PS2 remake turned his jerk traits down a peg... I don't even want to know how bad he was originally, if the asshole in the Director's Cut edition of the game was a turned down version of him.

He's also not very murderous as far as I could tell. He's just an edgy ass, really.
Perhaps he was murderous and bloodthirsty in the PS1 original, though. That, I do not know!

Aaaand of course this asshole is the most popular character from the game.
When Philia is right there.
What the fuck, Tales fandom?

Edited by DragonFlames
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I think Destiny 2 (the actual Destiny 2, not Eternia which was first localized as Destiny II... for some reason) helped much to Leon's popularity as well.

There's also the fact he's Rutee's brother, so he's more logical to add if you already have the other two in there.

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