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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eyy, Rook profile pic!

I almost made it Iver but decided I preferred Rook’s design for my pfp, but then I almost didn’t make it my pfp because I didn’t realize until I got the image that he holds an axe in his art which felt a little weird.

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I... actually did none of those things. I didn't enter Frostvellr at all. I just left. However, I encountered Onef as I was leaving and took him along, so I didn't miss Egghill, thankfully.


Oh. Sorry for the mild spoilers, then?


Why didn’t you enter Frostvellr?


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Just now, Teeheeooks said:

I almost made it Iver but decided I preferred Rook’s design for my pfp, but then I almost didn’t make it my pfp because I didn’t realize until I got the image that he holds an axe in his art which felt a little weird.

He does use an axe when up close, so it's not entirely out of character.

1 minute ago, Teeheeooks said:

Oh. Sorry for the mild spoilers, then?

It's all right, I did enter the town in this current run. No spoilers at all!

1 minute ago, Teeheeooks said:
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Why didn’t you try to enter Frostvellr?




Uh... To be brutally honest? I didn't want to cause trouble by breaking down the gate, and I failed to realize there were other options. The game gave me the option to raid a supply cart leaving Frostvellr, but I didn't want to do that either because that's dickish. So in the end, I just sort of... left without doing anything lol


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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Oh hey! It's the crow girl that throws multiple friggin' SUNS at you.
Though to be fair, that boss looks a lot more terrifying than it actually is.
... Or at least the person I watched made it look like that.

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Here is my music post.

12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He does use an axe when up close, so it's not entirely out of character.

I… never even noticed that. I just assumed he was whacking them with his bow.

…pfft, okay, when I type it out it sounds ridiculous.


It's all right, I did enter the town in this current run. No spoilers at all!


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Uh... To be brutally honest? I didn't want to cause trouble by breaking down the gate, and I failed to realize there were other options. The game gave me the option to raid a supply cart leaving Frostvellr, but I didn't want to do that either because that's dickish. So in the end, I just sort of... left without doing anything lol



If it makes you feel better, the “non-trouble causing” way of entering the city (sneaking in through the water way) leaves you having to fight a bunch of guards to open the gate for Ived, and those guards might maybe be innocent ish. And then I trusted Egghill who betrayed me, so I trusted Onef who betrayed me, and it was all downhill from there.


Edited by Teeheeooks
Whack has an H. I forgot that, for some reason.
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Just now, Teeheeooks said:

I just assumed he was wacking them with his bow.

Pffft... Turns out Rook is the strongest character in the series, capable of lugging around and shoot with a bow made of solid steel.

1 minute ago, Teeheeooks said:


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If it makes you feel better, the “non-trouble causing” way of entering the city (sneaking in through the water way) leaves you having to fight a bunch of guards to open the gate for Ived, and those guards might maybe be innocent ish. And then I trusted Egghill who betrayed me, so I trusted Onef who betrayed me, and it was all downhill from there.




To be fair, Egghill's not a bad guy. He's kind of a weak-willed weirdo, but ultimately, he gives some pretty damn good advice to both Rook and Alette, and when push comes to shove, he fights valiantly to protect the caravan. Even if you take him prisoner. Yeah, the man straight up fights Onef's underlings with his hands bound. Badass.

Just wanted to take a moment to appreciate Egghill, because I honestly love his character. He survived in my run, too! So that's great.

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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Lucifroz, or Lucifrost, or Lucifer Frost, or Lucifer Wannabe Frost, he has gone through several English names. Although the Romanji is "Rushifa Furosuto".

Although Lucifer and Satan are usually separate entities in SMT FYI. Lucifer appears far more frequently in a plot important role, as either the leader of the Chaos alignment and all its demons, or as a neutral or interested observer of humanity's present struggle. Satan has only two games of narrative significance in the great many obscure titles of SMT: II and IV Apocalypse, the two cases differ, but they agree that Satan is actually aligned with what the Abrahamic God stands for. However, Satan questions in both instances if YHVH is living up to what He proclaims to be and represents, and thus Satan shows a willingness to kill YHVH for the sake of restoring ideological purity, and he instantly dies after doing so.

TL;DR In SMT, Lucifer is the "Satanist deity", and Satan is actually more akin to super-duper-zealots with Christianity.

Yeah, I'm not the best at avoiding using Satan, especially when plenty of the stories that use it are quite clear Satan != Lucifer. That's on me.

I also will say, that snowboi looks like he'd hide in among cherubs surprisingly well. Fitting.

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Just now, Teeheeyni said:

Yeah, I'm not the best at avoiding using Satan, especially when plenty of the stories that use it are quite clear Satan != Lucifer. That's on me.

Let's call him Fire Boy instead.

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“Rook, I am not certain how the dredge will react when you do this. And there is a sudden drop behind us. So be careful.” Oh boy, here we go. But both of these characters are too plot important to die now… right?

Okay, so I chose to climb to the top and grab an easy to get out piece of the special silver… and after getting it easily, I was given the choice to grab another. I just felt like I should go for it, even though the game generally doesn’t let you be greedy. I mean, this is supposed to help stop the end times or at least delay them. And… it worked! Woo, I likely picked the best choice!

Wait, did that choice give me renown? I have 47 and no clue how. Oh well, that means I can get Rook to max level and then promote someone else! This session is off to a good start.



Hey, Hakon’s group joined, which means I can max level Ludin too!


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Now I can factor Hakon’s group into this team. I’m going to bench Egghill and Krumr for Hakon and Ludin. Assuming the groups don’t split again in this game, that means my final team will likely be Iver, Hakon, Ludin, Rook, Eyvind and Alette.

And also assuming that no one dies.

Edit: wait, then joining means I get all their supplies.

48 days worth! Yes!


It seems their massive amount of Varl really did die defending the city though. F.


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1 minute ago, Teeheemperor said:
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This is the biggest Dose of Kuro Hopium yet

On that second image: that is definitely not helping the case for them for an outsider like myself.

(Also, man the boneritis too, RIP me apparently.)

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4 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:
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This is the biggest Dose of Kuro Hopium yet

The fact that they're talking so seriously about waifus is laughable (and concerning) to me, ngl.

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4 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

CS fans complaining in the spoiler (lmao at FE comparison)

What does Kuro filtering people mean?

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Just now, Teeheeooks said:

What does Kuro filtering people mean?

CS fans not liking what they seeing, hence not getting the games, hence ''Filter''


yeah i am super toxic atm i should stop, but this is like, biggest Hopium dose yet

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Oh god… ohgodohgodohgodohgod.


I have to choose who shoots the one special arrow at Bellower. Alette, or Rook. Now I like, Alette, and I really don’t want her to die, but… she has a point. If she is a better shot, well, I’ll let her do it. I mean sure, she could die, but I’d rather her die and us win then her live and us lose. So, Alette it is.


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Remember her?


This is her now, feel old yet?

Vyegwryt o
31 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:
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“Rook, I am not certain how the dredge will react when you do this. And there is a sudden drop behind us. So be careful.” Oh boy, here we go. But both of these characters are too plot important to die now… right?

Okay, so I chose to climb to the top and grab an easy to get out piece of the special silver… and after getting it easily, I was given the choice to grab another. I just felt like I should go for it, even though the game generally doesn’t let you be greedy. I mean, this is supposed to help stop the end times or at least delay them. And… it worked! Woo, I likely picked the best choice!

Wait, did that choice give me renown? I have 47 and no clue how. Oh well, that means I can get Rook to max level and then promote someone else! This session is off to a good start.

I believe Hakon's leftover renown might've been added to Rook's? I'm not entirely sure, actually.

31 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:


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Hey, Hakon’s group joined, which means I can max level Ludin too!


Best boy!

21 minutes ago, Teeheeooks said:
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Now I can factor Hakon’s group into this team. I’m going to bench Egghill and Krumr for Hakon and Ludin. Assuming the groups don’t split again in this game, that means my final team will likely be Iver, Hakon, Ludin, Rook, Eyvind and Alette.

And also assuming that no one dies.

Not too shabby a team.

Just now, Teeheeooks said:

Oh god… ohgodohgodohgodohgod.

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I have to choose who shoots the one special arrow at Bellower. Alette, or Rook. Now I like, Alette, and I really don’t want her to die, but… she has a point. If she is a better shot, well, I’ll let her do it. I mean sure, she could die, but I’d rather her die and us win then her live and us lose. So, Alette it is.


No comment.

1 minute ago, Teeheemperor said:

nah, i am, being happy people are not liking something is definetly kinda toxic xD

I can relate. Nothing I love more than somebody agreeing with me about Three Houses.

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