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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Codename Shrimp


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  • Saint Rubenio


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10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, it really is, isn't it.

Wait, this isn’t you telling me this choice was easy for you, is it—

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3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ruben is secretly a villain, confirmed?
He could join up with me to form the ultimate duo of villainy. The evil saint and the dragon... this sounds more and more like an FE game, doesn't it? XD

I'd be literally Gharnef. Which is appropriate. I even have the proper Garbage Bagman portrait! Now, which one of the Teeheers has blue hair...

Well, I guess Armagon keeps posting that image of that blue-haired girl, so let's say he's the lord. Which is appropriate too, considering our dynamic.

Just now, Sooks said:

Wait, this isn’t you telling me this choice was easy for you, is it—

Patience is a virtue, my friend. You will get answers in due time.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jokes aside though, I wish my mustache was long enough to twirl, but I cannot grow it past my lips. It's so annoying.


7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

He could join up with me to form the ultimate duo of villainy. The evil saint and the dragon... this sounds more and more like an FE game, doesn't it? XD

Now we just need a blue-haired lord and a ragtag group to rise up as the heroes. XD

Just now, Teeheemperor said:

Shrimpramblings incoming


waits for the shrimpramblings

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Patience is a virtue, my friend. You will get answers in due time.

This choice can go horribly wrong.

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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

*me* Neps internally.


8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'd be literally Gharnef. Which is appropriate. I even have the proper Garbage Bagman portrait!

Nice! I already have the rather vicious-looking dragon as mine, so that works!

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, I guess Armagon keeps posting that image of that blue-haired girl, so let's say he's the lord. Which is appropriate too, considering our dynamic.

And he didn't like Atelier Sophie, a game I really like, so... that would fit, too! XD
Joking, obviously, but still!

7 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

Shrimpramblings incoming


3 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Now we just need a blue-haired lord and a ragtag group to rise up as the heroes. XD

Teehee FE is taking shape!

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, how did you know I was talking about this just a little while ago, what kind of insane--

The algorithm knows.

And to think I was happy for you for half a sec. Then disappointed at the truth.

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You know what time it is? It's time for the comeback of Shrimpramblings!

Truth of the World

Location: Royal Castle - Innermost Chamber

The Rebellion Army successfully brought the royal capital under their control and marched to the Royal Castle, however to their surprise, they were not met with any resistance. Wanting to bring the war to an end and build the world they dream of, Our Heroes head to the innermost point of the known world, there, they come upon sightings they saw in the books and legends they encountered during the war.

''Humanity,'' The heroes hear as they enter the center of the World, ''they made the impossible possible, they dominated the world, learned how to fly, and even reached the stars. But there is one thing they were never able to learn...''

''How to save themselves.'' Continues the most mysterious member of the rebellion army, ''For to do that, they had to let go of what they knew, and change their way of life, but most of them refused to do so, or didn't know how to. And when Science failed to reach the answer to saving the world without Humanity changing their lifes...''

''They turned to the Occult.'' The first voice continues, ''Myth, Legends, Magic. Things that seemed unreal, stuff that was only in the heads of kids and in fiction. It was there that a secret to save the world was found.''

''The Power of Sacrifice!''

''Isn't that right, Survivor of a lost age?'' And the voice asks the girl shrouded in secrets.

The rest of the army, including their leader, looks in wonder, for they are about to have answer to the question they all have been asking all the time.


'Why does all this suffering exist?'

''So they went ahead with the project?'' asks the mysterious girl.

''To save the world, they had to.''

''Are you telling us,'' the leader of the army intervenes, ''All the suffering we went through, all the suffering I went through, was to save the World?''

''Correct. After all, the world needed saving, and so, it's better to sacrifice the few to save the many. Don't you agree?''

''Of course i don't! A world that can only be saved by sacrificing someone is not a World worth saving!''

''You say that, yet you, as the leader of this rebellion, didn't you also sacrifice a good amount of people and lost friends to achieve your goals? A leader has to know when to make sacrifices!''

''I, and by extension, we, fought for our lives, for our lives and the values we believe in. And in the world we create, there won't be any sacrifices anymore!''

''What hypocrisy! You do realise that by doing so, you are essentialy declaring war on the world! You'll keep fighting and fighting and sacrificing more and more!''

''No, we will win here and stop these senseless sacrifices, these senseless hunts, and create something we believe in. And once we are done, we shall see if the world is worth saving, or not!...

...And if it is, we will find a way!''

-Final Battle, Start!-

Edited by Teeheemperor
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2 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

You know what time it is? It's time for the comeback of Shrimpramblings!

Truth of the World

Location: Royal Castle - Innermost Chamber

The Rebellion Army successfully brought the royal capital under their control and marched to the Royal Castle, however to their surprise, they were not met with any resistance. Wanting to bring the war to an end and build the world they dream of, Our Heroes head to the innermost point of the known world, there, they come upon sightings they saw in the books and legends they encountered during the war.

''Humanity,'' The heroes hear as they enter the center of the World, ''they made the impossible possible, they dominated the world, learned how to fly, and even reached the stars. But there is one thing they were never able to learn...''

''How to save themselves.'' Continues the most mysterious member of the rebellion army, ''For to do that, they had to let go of what they knew, and change their way of life, but most of them refused to do so, or didn't know how to. And when Science failed to reach the answer to saving the world without Humanity changing their lifes...''

''They turned to the Occult.'' The first voice continues, ''Myth, Legends, Magic. Things that seemed unreal, stuff that was only in the heads of kids and in fiction. It was there that a secret to save the world was found.''

''The Power of Sacrifice!''

''Isn't that right, Survivor of a lost age?'' And the voice asks the girl shrouded in secrets.

The rest of the army, including their leader, looks in wonder, for they are about to have answer to the question they all have been asking all the time.


'Why does all this suffering exist?'

''So they went ahesd with the project?'' asks the girl

''To save the world, they had to.''

''Are you telling us,'' the leader of the army intervenes, ''All the suffering we went through, all the suffering I went through, was to save the World?''

''Correct. After all, the world needed saving, and so, it's better to sacrifice the few to save the many. Don't you agree?''

''Of course i don't! A world that can only be saved by sacrificing someone is not a World worth saving!''

''You say that, yet you, as the leader of this rebellion, didn't you also sacrifice a good amount of people and lost friends to achieve your goals? A leader has to know when to make sacrifices!''

''I, and by extension, we, fought for our lives, for our lives and the values we believe in. And in the world we create, there won't be any sacrifices anymore!''

''What hypocrisy! You do realise that by doing so, you are essentialy declaring war on the world! You'll keep fighting and fighting and sacrificing more and more!''

''No, we will win here and stop these senseless sacrifices, these senseless hunts, and create something we believe in. And once we are done, we shall see if the world is worth saving, or not!...

...And if it is, we will find a way!''


Please play Banner Saga. I'm begging you. I would love to see your reaction to some things.

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"Once, I was one of you... but now all that remains is your opportunity to prove yourselves! Show me your power, you of the Light! If you prove unworthy, I will burn the armies of Teehee in my Eternal Hellfire!"

*battle starts*
*this theme starts playing*

4 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

You know what time it is? It's time for the comeback of Shrimpramblings!

Truth of the World

Location: Royal Castle - Innermost Chamber

The Rebellion Army successfully brought the royal capital under their control and marched to the Royal Castle, however to their surprise, they were not met with any resistance. Wanting to bring the war to an end and build the world they dream of, Our Heroes head to the innermost point of the known world, there, they come upon sightings they saw in the books and legends they encountered during the war.

''Humanity,'' The heroes hear as they enter the center of the World, ''they made the impossible possible, they dominated the world, learned how to fly, and even reached the stars. But there is one thing they were never able to learn...''

''How to save themselves.'' Continues the most mysterious member of the rebellion army, ''For to do that, they had to let go of what they knew, and change their way of life, but most of them refused to do so, or didn't know how to. And when Science failed to reach the answer to saving the world without Humanity changing their lifes...''

''They turned to the Occult.'' The first voice continues, ''Myth, Legends, Magic. Things that seemed unreal, stuff that was only in the heads of kids and in fiction. It was there that a secret to save the world was found.''

''The Power of Sacrifice!''

''Isn't that right, Survivor of a lost age?'' And the voice asks the girl shrouded in secrets.

The rest of the army, including their leader, looks in wonder, for they are about to have answer to the question they all have been asking all the time.


'Why does all this suffering exist?'

''So they went ahesd with the project?'' asks the girl

''To save the world, they had to.''

''Are you telling us,'' the leader of the army intervenes, ''All the suffering we went through, all the suffering I went through, was to save the World?''

''Correct. After all, the world needed saving, and so, it's better to sacrifice the few to save the many. Don't you agree?''

''Of course i don't! A world that can only be saved by sacrificing someone is not a World worth saving!''

''You say that, yet you, as the leader of this rebellion, didn't you also sacrifice a good amount of people and lost friends to achieve your goals? A leader has to know when to make sacrifices!''

''I, and by extension, we, fought for our lives, for our lives and the values we believe in. And in the world we create, there won't be any sacrifices anymore!''

''What hypocrisy! You do realise that by doing so, you are essentialy declaring war on the world! You'll keep fighting and fighting and sacrificing more and more!''

''No, we will win here and stop these senseless sacrifices, these senseless hunts, and create something we believe in. And once we are done, we shall see if the world is worth saving, or not!...

...And if it is, we will find a way!''

Write a damned book already so that I can read it. XD

In all seriousness, this is awesome!

Edited by DragonFlames
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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Please play Banner Saga. I'm begging you. I would love to see your reaction to some things.

I shall await a sale...

Especially since soon i will visit my parents and won't be able to play anything for a while anyway unless i get a super good laptop...

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

In all seriousness, this is awesome!


2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Write a damned book already so that I can read it. XD

It is more for my fangame idea than a book, but considering how much i suffered during both the Bachelor and Master Thesis---

writing such short things is fun, but writing a whole thing can be.. ugh...

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1 minute ago, Teeheemperor said:

I shall await a sale...

Especially since soon i will visit my parents and won't be able to play anything for a while anyway unless i get a super good laptop...

Ah, yeah. That's fair. I mean, I myself did say to wait for a sale lol

But seriously, I'd love to see you in particular play Banner Saga. See how you handle certain things.

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4 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:


You're welcome! ^^
I mean it, though! It's great!

4 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

It is more for my fangame idea than a book, but considering how much i suffered during both the Bachelor and Master Thesis---

Then make the damned game already so that I can play it. XD

4 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

writing such short things is fun, but writing a whole thing can be.. ugh...

Yeah, I agree.
Because of this, my own writing efforts have been more focused on short stories lately, too.

I was thinking of starting a "series" of loosely connected short stories based on some original stuff I was cooking up.
We'll see how that goes in the near future, perhaps! I do have some ideas in mind already!

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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

"Once, I was one of you... but now all that remains is your opportunity to prove yourselves! Show me your power, you of the Light! If you prove unworthy, I will burn the armies of Teehee in my Eternal Hellfire!"

"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Teehee. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."

-The God-Emperor of Mankind

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To talk more about that certain episode of Shrimpramblings!

My idea for a this FE like game is basically a witch hunt setting in a continent ('the known world') where there's a strong centeral country and everywhere else are basically the wild lands. MC-chan is a survivor of a witch hunt herself.

During the war their will be hints that the known world is basically a big fat ass lie, and they are basically on a Planet (totally not earth ™️ ) that aeons agon used to be on the verge of destruction. Through ruins, legends and books found during the war, the party will learn about a strange technological society...

That at the end of the game you find out is actually the rest of the Planet, and thus ends game 1.

Game 2 will be the fantasy vs. Tech idea i talked about before xD

6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I was thinking of starting a "series" of loosely connected short stories based on some original stuff I was cooking up.
We'll see how that goes in the near future, perhaps! I do have some ideas in mind already!

Don't forget to share!^^

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But seriously, I'd love to see you in particular play Banner Saga. See how you handle certain things.

From what i am seeing, i should always go with the bastard choice xD

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Oh I also recommend Banner Saga to anyone who wants to play it! I don’t know what’s special about Shrimpy’s choice ability, but I guess I will see if he gets them.

3 minutes ago, Teeheemperor said:

From what i am seeing, i should always go with the bastard choice xD

I don’t get it, what kinds of choices are those?

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