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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

''With our powers combines, we will invade jrpgs and make it a school genre!''

"And next to none of them will be nearly as good as we are!"

And in light of this music playing when a character overcomes/confronts their issues, they literally rip their faces off, and a giant manifestation of their psyche in the shape of a mythological/historical monster/individual pops out of them and they proceed to kick some major ass, I will NOT concede that point. XD

Edited by DragonFlames
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Oh Teehee

Smiling ever brightly, grinning ever fiercely

Without despair, and without sadness

Upon those who lack smiles

Grant your Aura of Happiness

For this is the only path

Salvation Teehee!


What listening to jrpg boss tracks does to someone

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:


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Oh, these choices aren’t that different? Dang. And you even keep Ludin and Yrsa? Interesting. Well, that’s maybe a little bit disappointing.

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Considering the fact that I had maxed all of Bolverk‘s stats except for willpower my odds of winning… weren’t great.

Serenes formatting is making it impossible to separate these two spoiler boxes.


Yeah, the choices end up changing things up a lot less than the arrow choice from tbs1. If I'm not mistaken, development of tbs3 was a bit rushed, and though I believe they managed to create a wonderful conclusion to the trilogy, you can tell in some parts.

Still, while it's a shame that the two choices eventually converge onto the same path, they at least do it in a way that does make sense, I believe. I'll tell you more as you go, but suffice to say, it's nothing like the shitshow that was Telltale's Walking Dead Season 3, rest assured.


Yeah, winning against Bolverk is a lot easier when you know what's going to happen, so you don't invest in him as much. With his dual blow ability he can deal some mean damage even without much stat increase.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Big effect or little effect?

Uh... Little, to be honest. It's another of the parts I mentioned earlier where you can tell the game was rushed.

Though in my opinion, it's drowned out by the absolute badassery that surrounds it. Seriously, the final stretch of tbs3 is brilliant. I cannot wait till you get there.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I would say losing Gudmundr is worse because loosing all those clansmen at the end is brutal.

Oh yeah, it's really bad. No two ways about it.


22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

@Saint Rubenio i think your youtube recs are invading mine


So it seems.

Now let it invade your Steam account as well.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

that's a hella weird boss track ngl

The first version


Baten Kaitos was doing Xenoblade X before Xenoblade X lol.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I better not catch wind that you buy anime instead of my recommendations next time there's a sale

more likely i won't buy anything because i plan to visit my parents soon and i can't take my PC with me, so aside from emulation stuff i won't be playing anything for a while when i visit them lol

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The reason is Japan.

Ah yes, Japan, where the age of consent for sex is legally 13, thanks to a 1907 law that has never been changed. Apparently, one Japanese politician got into hot water recently over saying they're fine with that.


56 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Persona 3: Shoot yourself in the head to summon your Persona
Persona 5: Rip your own damn face off to summon your Persona
and then Persona 4 is like: "We crush tarot cards!"


And for Persona 1 and 2, all you need to awaken to your Persona powers is to form a circle with some friends and run from one spot to another saying "Come come here Persona, Persona!" or something to that affect, which will knock you unconscious, and you'll wake up not having remembered you entered the Sea of Souls and met the "guardian angel" of humanity's Collective Unconscious- Philemon. Although awakening from other means, namely intense emotions of anger or grief, or receiving your Persona from a shady being, are also possible.

For creating new Personas, Igor calls someone on the phone (the collective unconscious?), parts of the Velvet Room levitate off the floor, and a bunch of End Magnus Tarot Cards glow big and golden and fuse together into the Persona you desired to make. It says its introduction blurb, and then enters a giant card which afterwards vanishes for you to carry.

In battle, you don't do anything fancy to bring it out again. Simply shouting "Persona!" or another word will work. You can summon your Persona, even if you're collapsed on the ground and unable to physically do anything to help someone you love -if you're so desperate and like 8 years old and don't actually know what a Persona is or that you have one.


4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

that's a hella weird boss track ngl

Appropriately chaotic, and it hits all ordinary understanding of what music is just as hard as the first boss encounter that uses this does to you! Thrashingale! *Loses more than half your HP, from the second boss in the entire game*

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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah yes, Japan, where the age of consent for sex is legally 13, thanks to a 1907 law that has never been changed. Apparently, one Japanese politician got into hot water recently over saying they're fine with that.

But, each prefecture can set their own age of consent and in most prefectures, it's 18.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And for Persona 1 and 2, all you need to awaken to your Persona powers is to form a circle with some friends and run from one spot to another saying "Come come here Persona, Persona!" or something to that affect, which will knock you unconscious, and you'll wake up not having remembered you entered the Sea of Souls and met the "guardian angel" of humanity's Collective Unconscious- Philemon.

Ah, power of friendship then.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Thrashingale! *Loses more than half your HP, from the second boss in the entire game*

I still don't understand why he hit that hard bro.

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

more likely i won't buy anything because i plan to visit my parents soon and i can't take my PC with me, so aside from emulation stuff i won't be playing anything for a while when i visit them lol


6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah yes, Japan, where the age of consent for sex is legally 13, thanks to a 1907 law that has never been changed.

The infamous law. Though apparently each prefecture sets its own age, so in actuality nowhere in Japan is the age of consent 13. Still... The fact that the possibility technically exists is stinky, not gonna lie.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


well, it's not so bad, 2nd half of the year is usually filled with Steam sales, and when i visit them i might get a good laptop, hence i might be able to buy games

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Is it just me, or does it sound like the damage numbers have been inflated to an extent since then? Setting aside the aforementioned Guts spam inflating the HP more than it appears at first.

So that's the logic for his recruitment. OG2 never made it mandatory nor a Battle Mastery requirement to destroy the Thrudgelmir, which could be because Alpha Gaiden trauma I guess.

And thus I continue to have the one commenter, just a different one from years ago.

Well, remember it was still the days when video games assigned only so much bits for HP values. The absolute max was 65535, and games kept to 65K for the most part. SRW was no different. It was OG1 the first to break this pattern, having bosses with more than 65K HP for the first time ever in SRW.

In return we got the awesome Woodan Ymir and Sänger Sombolt teamup, heh.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

well, it's not so bad, 2nd half of the year is usually filled with Steam sales, and when i visit them i might get a good laptop, hence i might be able to buy games

And then you can get Banner Saga because I say it might appear to you in particular and I'm always right so there's no room for doubt.

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18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Serenes formatting is making it impossible to separate these two spoiler boxes.

That happens every time.

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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Yeah, the choices end up changing things up a lot less than the arrow choice from tbs1. If I'm not mistaken, development of tbs3 was a bit rushed, and though I believe they managed to create a wonderful conclusion to the trilogy, you can tell in some parts.

Still, while it's a shame that the two choices eventually converge onto the same path, they at least do it in a way that does make sense, I believe. I'll tell you more as you go, but suffice to say, it's nothing like the shitshow that was Telltale's Walking Dead Season 3, rest assured.

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Yeah, winning against Bolverk is a lot easier when you know what's going to happen, so you don't invest in him as much. With his dual blow ability he can deal some mean damage even without much stat increase.



I know nothing about any of the Telltale walking dead games, beyond the fact that the first one was popular and what you’ve said about the choices between two characters to save in the first two games.

18 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Uh... Little, to be honest. It's another of the parts I mentioned earlier where you can tell the game was rushed.

That’s okay, battles I lose are supposed to be the ones with little effect.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:


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I know nothing about any of the Telltale walking dead games, beyond the fact that the first one was popular and what you’ve said about the choices between two characters to save in the first two games.

Leave it at that, trust me on this one.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That’s okay, battles I lose are supposed to be the ones with little effect.

Why, you...

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Leave it at that, trust me on this one.

Haha, well that was the plan for all telltale games I know nothing about (which is most of them, actually).

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