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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Samus Returns is fantastic and i can't wait to see what the team improves on with Dread:

Glad you able to complete it and enjoyed it!

Speaking of Dread you had to have seen the second "report" for Dread they put out yesterday. As someone who gets too nervous when dealing with stealth segments and who doesn't like horror, I do like it that they said EMMIs are restricted to specific sections of the map. Although, it does undermine the dread and anxiety that they could appear and kill you at any moment. It's a good gameplay choice, but bad for atmosphere. A difficult decision, but siding with gameplay was the better choice I'd say.


25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I love how versatile it is in this game and it's mainly due to the Spider Ball upgrade.

Spider Ball was in the original Metroid II, it isn't a new invention, not sure the other 2D games didn't continue with it.

Prime (barring Hunters) does have the Spider Ball. However, implementing freedom to stick to any surface in a 3D world? Never gonna happen. The number of glitches where you clip out of bounds would be more than there are stars in the universe. Thus, the Spider Ball got nerfed to work only on special Spider Ball tracks.

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19 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Although, it does undermine the dread and anxiety that they could appear and kill you at any moment. It's a good gameplay choice, but bad for atmosphere. A difficult decision, but siding with gameplay was the better choice I'd say.

I can see what you mean. Although "When the E.M.M.I. visually identifies Samus and begins its heated pursuit, the E.M.M.I. Zone Doors lock down. To get them back open, you have to get the E.M.M.I. off your trail" makes me think that feeling of Dread will still be there. Cause from we've seen, those things are relentless

Also they're just genuinely unsettling when they move so i think the atmosphere will be fine.

21 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Spider Ball was in the original Metroid II, it isn't a new invention, not sure the other 2D games didn't continue with it.

Oh i'm aware. i'm just saying i liked how versatile it is.

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I should probably be responsible and stop now that it’s 1 am, despite the fact that all I did was read. But I got to the opening and the title card thing for the prologue, so I think it’s fitting.

And dang, that was a good intro. A little hard to watch because of what happens, but in a very good way. Good job so far for the like five scenes there have been. I can see why Shrimpy likes it, lots of suffering.

Also, I really like Kevin.

Edited by Sooks
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6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Gaming laptop arrived!

This, this is what I have been waiting for. With this power, I can now play quite a bit I wanted to, like the rest of fe, the rest of Trails (in the Sky, at least), Berwick (and I guess the rest of KagaSaga but lol), etc. I don’t know what I’ll play first, though. Think of me as a kid in a candy store.

B .   S A G A

Also hi.

EDIT: noooooo damnit, he started Trails 2: Electric Trailgaloo. Damn you, need for sleep...!

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1udvx3mp o

Oh yeah, this is totally not luck-based, I can totally find a hole there and survive the attack, guys the green line shows me where the attack will go, it couldn't be any easier.

Yes, I've got to admit, I am still peeved at Eltosian's post yesterday. See, the problem isn't the attack itself. The problem is that the proper attack pattern stays onscreen for (and I counted it) roughly 0.3 seconds. Yeah. If it stayed just a bit longer, then yeah, it'd be fair, but as it is, I simply don't have time to find a hole in the pattern and phsyically get Miriam to it in time. She's not that fast, you know? So all I can do is spam the lethal boots technique for the invincibility frames. And even then, that doesn't work when Bathin uses the attack right after filling the room with landmines, because then I jump right into a mine. It also doesn't work when Bathin lands on me after the attack. Oh, and sometimes it just fails because it wants to. It's not often, but it happens.

This is going to end up taking as long as Andrealphus, and I don't like that, because while Andrealphus required extreme reaction times and some AI fuckery, it was a legit well made boss that was fun to fight. This just isn't, I'm just rolling the dice and hoping for the best.

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@Eltosian Kadath

Sifted Sif for a second time, then went back to the New Londo Ruins.


And I must say, DAMN the Four Kings are hard. Aside from the fantastic intro boss, this is the first boss that I can definitively say is a significant cut above something you'd fight in something like Zelda; you certainly die faster here than in something like Zelda, but death is an integral mechanic here and generally isn't too bad of a setback, whereas dying in Zelda is somewhat rare and the bosses don't end you particularly quickly; they can be much harder to actually defeat in terms of design-TP's Dark Beast, Demise, Girahim, etc. are all, in the sense of being difficult but not necessarily killing you, harder than a lot of what DS has featured so far. Don't get me wrong, most bosses have been fantastic, enjoyable, exhilarating, terrifying and memorable, and the music for them is wonderful as well. I just was expecting ~10 deaths on each one, especially when I was more blind, but DS ended up being more like something akin to a Zelda game with harder-hitting enemies than a gauntlet of pain. And you know what? If this were a Zelda game, it'd be danged fantastic, this game is largely brilliant. I like the dungeon-like design of the world, I like the puzzles (although they're of different nature) in certain areas, I adore the atmosphere, how gorgeous or stunning the game is at times, (Four Kings are something I'll never forget) and I like the way you interact with the world and find the story yourself. It's really engaging, especially if you don't divert from the intended route of Burg->Blighttown->Sen->AL so that the bulk of the story is fed a little quicker to give you a better idea of why everything is the way it is. Still it reminds me a lot of Zelda, but in a good way.


It's a game that I don't find to be hard to the point of being unfun most of the time, and it is legitimately one I could recommend to people who don't play many games, as long as they got a bit of guidance. There's a lot here I'd be stuck on were it not for guides, (I don't think I'd have thought to go to Sif to get an item to fight the Four Kings, for example, and a lot of NPC events and such are far too obscure-I have no clue how I would have returned to the Asylum since the only hint that you can is very vague and reaching that spot is really tough, thusly also locking me out of Ariamis, I would have just given the Lordvessel to Frampt and therefore would never see a bajor bit of the story, I'd have never found the Chaos covenant or known illusory walls existed, etc.) and my first playthrough didn't go well since I didn't know what I was doing, so not only did I go to the Catacombs first, but I had no clue which weapon to use and ended up being unable to do much damage with anything and died if anything poked me. This is my first sort of "Grown-Up" game, though, so maybe this is par for the course in games intended for people with brains and therefore expect a lot of thinking and tinkering. And the problem with the tinkering is that this game isn't particularly tinkering-friendly. Unless you do the Arrow glitch, of course!

If there are two things I'm not huge on, it's the complete lack of ambient music aside from certain locations and bosses. I do like the creep silence, but I feel like there are times where some ethereal music or quiet, distant melodies would have amplified some moments. I don't hate the absence of music, but I think quiet and isolated could have been done a LITTLE better. The silent walk down to the Abyss for the Four Kings, though? That was great. Same with arriving in the silent Anor Londo. The tension and atmosphere were spot-on. I just wish that a few other portions of the game had some sort of thing going on to make the contrast even more stark.

The other thing I don't like is Tomb of the Giants.


Anyways, I think the Kings took me a good 12 attempts. Why does everyone meme about Ornstein and Smough? Smough's a great lumpy ball of jelly who can't do anything to you and can't keep up with Ornstein, and Ornstein's attacks are really easy to dodge through since they're just stabs that take a long time for him to recover from. Super Smough is pretty tough I suppose, but since you probably just got the ring of Favor and Protection, you should be able to survive a mistake while learning his moves or straying too close to his attacks.

Meanwhile, the Four Kings are in a really, really weird arena, are really tough to read due to their appearance, have a few attacks that hit hard and require you to play extremely aggressively and well from the get-go, lest you get surrounded. You mess up once, your whole attempt becomes much more perilous. I really did enjoy both fights a lot, but...I dunno, maybe the build I have works extremely well specifically against Smornstein? I guess heavy armor would make getting out of the way from Smough pretty tough, and unless you have the poise to tank Ornstein's hits before retaliating...I suppose there'd be "Smough"* way to go but to the grave!

*Translator's note: Smough is pronounced Smo.


I have now met with Kaathe. I really need some time to think on this... I wasn't big on the story's structure at first, but dang. This is really amazing.

Uh, when he asks you to join him, does saying "no" lock you out from anything?

Edited by Benice
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Gotta say, the magical method to go to bed and in the morning all of a sudden I realize I was wrong and the boss is actually super fair failed miserably. This is still the worst thing ever.

...Well, I lie. I did notice one thing. Around 1000 health, it uses the landmine + bullshit attack combo and ends the fight. No two-ways around it, that just straight up ends the fight 90% of the time. So I have to get him to 1000 health, and then... somehow knock him to 0 in 10 seconds before he can do the combo.


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It's over. Absolutely nothing different happened this time. I did the exact same things, I just happened to get lucky this time. Then I spammed my strongest attack and the boss died a fraction of a second before I took damage.

What a fucking shitshow. I am going to assume that everyone in the dev team was high on LSD that night and that no other boss will be like this. I mean, right now the score goes 8 great bosses against 1 horrible boss. There is no reason to believe every boss from here on out will be crap.

...Hoo boy, though. That was not fun.

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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

that's pretty damn accurate actually xD

gj Ruben

Thank you.

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

It's about time, you mean. XD

That is not the title screen of B. Saga, therefore I say it's not time.

Clearly in the future I must forego sleep entirely so I may be ready to push people to play Berwick whenever the opportunity arises.

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