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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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14 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Kinda sad how we will never get the strongest foe again or something on it's level

Well they did call it the "Strongest", you can't have something Stronger than Strongest!

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4 minutes ago, Robert Stewart said:

Well they did call it the "Strongest", you can't have something Stronger than Strongest!


is better

I love Oath final boss much more tho

Totally not because that asshole in Ao wiped space time continuum 50 minutes into the battle and there was nothing i could do

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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I remember I enjoyed it quite a bit, but I dropped it halfway for... some reason I cannot remember. Perhaps I should pick it up again one of these days. I still have the totally legit copy I got at the time from my uncle at N... from my cousin at Sony.

Well, I assume we're talking about the same game, haha.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Project X zones writing isn't... Stellar, to say the least. 

I mean, this is a dumb fun game so it's not like it really needs it.

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51 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Project X zones writing isn't... Stellar, to say the least. Not much to expect when they try to integrate 30+ characters every conversation. Xd

47 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean, this is a dumb fun game so it's not like it really needs it.

Heh. For massive crossovers with actual cohesive plot that's what SRW is for.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

It's always funny to remember that while the whole series is called Ys, only 3 games really take place in the parallel of rl myth lol

That isn't unusual for a franchise so auld. Who could've expected a franchise to form almost three and a half decades ago? 

I think it's sorta better than a significant portion of FE actually, in that it doesn't feel compelled to always shoehorn in some element of the Ys civilization. -Not that I've played any game other than VIII, but that is precisely what I'm basing my premise on. Megami Tensei gave up on being "new reincarnations of the goddess" after the first game, before it even added the "Shin". Final Fantasy stopped being final as the sequels came out of the woodworks, Dragon Quest is rarely about dragons. 


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Xiaomu no!

As a fun fact, IIRC, they did a later run of LoZ1 cartridges that were the boring usual gray. Because these are fewer in number, they are actually more valuable than the gold ones for collectors.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:



I like the similar but distinct postures here. Although the Cardinal of the avant garde (who ends up being surprisingly serious later) didn't transfer well aesthetically to PxZ.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:


*Garigliano. Christmas. Looks like Basel* 

The tedium returns!🎄🎁🤶🦌

The original mission in Resonance of Fate was the kind old lady Cardinal asking the three heroes to hand out presents to the children. It adapts the normal combat system of the game for doing so, as shown here.:

To hand out the gifts as fast as possible, you want Leanne to do all the tossing, as she deals more "damage" to the kids. The problem, is that because she is Santa, the kids want to get next to her, and their rambunctiousness will knock her down unable to hand out gifts. Vashyron and Zephyr can help as bodyguards to keep the overeager innocents away from her. -Assuming you want to do this fast for the not-great bonus rewards.

My problem with the Christmas event was that it overstayed its welcome for me, as I didn't exactly understand it at first, so it took too long.

Note that on the higher difficulty settings, the HP of the children also goes up, increasing the slog, the mission taking 5 times longer on Zenith. -But you're already insane if you're completing this game nine times to unlock Zenith difficulty.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Space Jam sequel will be released in the cinema today.

I have not seen any previews about it, so I am kinda interested in the reviews.

My opinion was that no classic movie like this needs a remake after almost a quarter decade.

However I love Looney Tunes, so I am still interested, rather curious quite a bit in this.

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Wow. The boss battle for the hidden mine quest is… not very good. I mean it would have been fine normally, but why did they have to stick the physical tank with nosferatu craft in the chapter where your arts use is very limited? I only won because it decided to not spam nosferatu near the end.

With that, though, I have completed all the side quests, and I should be able to wrap up at least chapter 8 tomorrow, if not the whole game.

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10 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


I'll be honest, I'll start ignoring his posts if I have to read one more complain about Three Houses. There's only so much I can stand to read...

Ah... I'm sorry. I really do complain too much about that game, don't I? I try to do it in an entertaining way, at least, but... Yeah, you're right, I could probably stand to calm down about it.

10 hours ago, Maof06 said:

Nope, you're probably so far reasonable and funny. Probably the funniest guy here.

Hah! Well, thanks. I do try.


I'm the one who should ask if I'm being an asshole.


10 hours ago, Maof06 said:

Haha, I wish I could follow your footsteps. Seriously, please someone free me. I can't take it anymore.

Think on the bright side. You'll have a future...

9 hours ago, BrightBow said:

"God bless Chick fil-A" 

Oh boy, I really needed that laugh. To think anyone would say that with a straight face.


He's fil-A with pride for his garbage food chain.

...at least I'm assuming that's what it is. Maybe I'm being prejudiced, but Chick Fil-A does not sound like the name for a gourmet restaurant.

Also, I believe this post's energy calls for the American anthem.

7 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Well, I assume we're talking about the same game, haha.

I don't think there's that many Vandal Hearts out there, so unless you were referring to TRS or just misread the name...

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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