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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Saboteur isn't as interesting at first glance as I'd thought the debuffer class would be. I thought it'd have actual ailments, not merely def/magic def down, I remember reading long ago you can instakill the final boss of this game as a reference to Final Fantasy Legend. Maybe it'll bloom later.

The "tutorial" Eidolon battle was bad, I had to resort to a guide after losing four times. I didn't have any idea as to what to do, since nothing was building the Gestalt Gauge before I got killed by the countdown. And now I'm stuck on the second one, first the Shiva sisters, so next should be Ifrit or Ram- Odin?! Thats jumping ahead in the summon hierarchy! How am I supposed to know what I'm to do to win? He kills before I get to land a single hit or pop a Cure. Why don't I have Sentinel for this? He isn't using Zantetsuken, but he might as well to save me a few seconds of waiting before I die. 

On the positive side, I know this will sound absolutely bonkers, but I think I've found something Xenoblade could borrow from Final Fantasy XIII. No, it's not "become a hallway simulator". It's the "enemies can get into fights with each other". I'm thinking of the wildlife in Xenoblade games in those beautiful open environments- and how natural it'd be to see something like a pack of Grexes fighting some Potamuses in a case of attempted predation. Or to see some Prone Ganglion at the perimeter of their compound having to lay suppressing fire on an approaching Ictus. 


4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Any of the characters interest you at all so far? Character wise or gameplay wise?

So far character-wise, not exactly.

  • Vanille must be hiding something, because otherwise "ordinary girl" reminds me too much of Selphie, who was kinda there in VIII, she didn't contribute much to the group. I hope Vanille doesn't run into that problem.
  • Sazh- Using guns, being black, and initially paired to Lady Cloud against a Robot Scorpion says "yeah, you're Barret 2.0". And he's implying he has a child, another Barret trait. I'm not calling him a Barret clone, the leading of a resistance force and the anger associated with it was passed to Snow, but I'm interested in seeing how he differs from the original.
  • And I know I just called Lightning "Lady Cloud", which is sure to bother you. Don't take it too seriously. Nonetheless, I can see how they tried to give her the badass persona of Cloud. More abrasive than Cloud I'd say so far, but I'll postpone judgement until it's later or outright over.
  • Hope- Alright. Not sure why they needed a child's story tossed in the cursed heroes mix, except for variety's sake, as with Vanile, will there be more to him?
  • Snow- Agreed to some extent with the criticism he acts like a child. Fisticuffs are nice. Looks a little old for Serah (or rather she looks slightly too young), but I'll forgive the couple on the grounds she could've instantly turn into a monster any day, so tying the knot ASAP is fine. If he is supposed to be the main male protagonist, he isn't doing too hot with me ATM.

Gameplay-wise, there isn't a whole lot to remark on the character differences so far.

  • Sazh as a Synergist seems weak however, he has to spend a lot of time applying temporary single-target buffs to everyone. "Bravega" or whatever party-wide variants of his buffs if they exist eventually would seriously up my want to use the role.
  • Why is Snow the only Sentinel so far? He has been MIA long enough that it seems remiss. Not that this game demands tanking, but it'd be good to have it anyhow.
  • Hope and Vanile are doing okay as the "mages". The game's choice to leave out dedicated magical and physical classes and instead make roles mix them according to the specific character is different and acceptable.
  • If not everyone gets all roles, why does Lightning have Medic? I think it could make sense on her, but not right now. I'm not sure if more than one Medic in a Paradigm will ever be that useful, and I haven't played with something like L-Med, V-Sab, H-Syn, or maybe it'd make more sense if I had Snow back and paired him and Lightning with Sazh.


2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

i thought i would buye the western version once they hit because i liked the games

but no way am i paying 50 bucks for 10+ year old game lmao

especially not when i already dropped the series

Well, one can hope for what it looks like Atlus is doing. SMTIII: Nocturne, a good but 18-years old game with a mediocre port, was put on the eShop for $50 back in May, and Atlus has already put it on sale for $35 USD once, and I believe twice actually.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He kills before I get to land a single hit or pop a Cure. Why don't I have Sentinel for this

Equip the thunder resistant accessory to make it easier. Helps a ton, trust me.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And I know I just called Lightning "Lady Cloud", which is sure to bother you. Don't take it too seriously. Nonetheless, I can see how they tried to give her the badass persona of Cloud. More abrasive than Cloud I'd say so far, but I'll postpone judgement until it's later or outright over.

Why would that bother me? We dont see characters the same way, after all! I personally like the way she grows throughout the game, it resonated with me. Whereas Cloud is boring, the end. 

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

If not everyone gets all roles, why does Lightning have Medic? I think it could make sense on her, but not right now. I'm not sure if more than one Medic in a Paradigm will ever be that useful, and I haven't played with something like L-Med, V-Sab, H-Syn, or maybe it'd make more sense if I had Snow back and paired him and Lightning with Sazh.

They get them all eventually, but you wont get the chance to have everyone dip in all roles, the CP cost for their abilites and status gains are WAY too high.

Also, Lightning isnt a great medic, just use it for emergencies mostly. Thats imo, ofc but ive played the game a lot, so i think I know some things! Xd

Always put debuffs on: they go a LONG way, eapecially poison, unlike most FF games, poison is bonkers in XIII.

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18 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Did I miss anything big? I see lightcosmo started Crossbell, and F for that composer leaving Falcom.

Benice finished Dark Souls and I spent like 30 minutes in Metroid Prime 2's underwater level before I got the Gravity Suit (or Gravity Boost, in this game) and that legitimately sucked ass because Metroid has never had a good underwater level and probably never will.

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's the "enemies can get into fights with each other". I'm thinking of the wildlife in Xenoblade games in those beautiful open environments- and how natural it'd be to see something like a pack of Grexes fighting some Potamuses in a case of attempted predation. Or to see some Prone Ganglion at the perimeter of their compound having to lay suppressing fire on an approaching Ictus. 

And the best example: every once in a while you'd see a Tyrant just absolutely decimate something and that's your visual cue to stay the fuck away from it unless you're equipped well enough to take it on.

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18 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

On nightmare mode as well! 

Only about 12 game overs so far, most of em from guests getting killed, lmao.

Do you think that’s too easy?

15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Green units


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Benice finished Dark Souls

Oh yeah, glad he enjoyed it (unless the ending is really bad or something). I personally am not insane enough to try one as of right now.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

and I spent like 30 minutes in Metroid Prime 2's underwater level before I got the Gravity Suit (or Gravity Boost, in this game) and that legitimately sucked ass because Metroid has never had a good underwater level and probably never will.


Water levels being bad in general actually seems to be a not uncommon opinion. I don’t know a lot about them, though I do think that water dungeons in 3D Zeldas tend to be the best ones, but that’s an unpopular opinion and I played the remake of Ocarina. Other than that I’ve played them in a few Mario games, and they tend to not be as fun as regular levels, but not too bad.

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28 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Did I miss anything big?

I subtly implied that you should play Dark Souls! I even stated that I'd get Ninty Online so that you could summon me to stab all the baddies.

(I can paste my "review" of the game if you're interested in knowing my semi-full thoughts on it)

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17 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Equip the thunder resistant accessory to make it easier. Helps a ton, trust me.

I tried that, the 20% damage reduction didn't seem like it made any difference. it's like Thundara-Something Physical-Thundara, all practically right after each other so I didn't get the time to use any heals. I need to resort to a guide to see what I'm doing wrong here.


10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

and that legitimately sucked ass because Metroid has never had a good underwater level and probably never will.

Mario's track record is better I admit, and so is Link's. But in neither case does water readily invoke feelings of joy, it's more "please don't be bad". Water isn't good in general.


10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

And the best example: every once in a while you'd see a Tyrant just absolutely decimate something and that's your visual cue to stay the fuck away from it unless you're equipped well enough to take it on.

Or potentially, just maybe, it'd mean you could take on that Tyrant.

The way FFXIII handles it is that once you've begun battle against one enemy presently fighting another, both sides can take damage from each other. And, as long as you don't hurt anyone from one side, they will completely ignore you and focus all their effort on their initial target. Thus, you can size up with enemy group is stronger and kill that one with a little help from the weaker pack, and then you kill the weaker enemies. -Group attacks and aoe aggro-skills could ruin this in Xenoblade however.

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

I subtly implied that you should play Dark Souls! I even stated that I'd get Ninty Online so that you could summon me to stab all the baddies.

(I can paste my "review" of the game if you're interested in knowing my semi-full thoughts on it)

I am not insane enough to play Dark Souls. Which is to say, I don’t know if I’d like extreme difficulty in an action game.

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

. I don’t know a lot about them, though I do think that water dungeons in 3D Zeldas tend to be the best ones, but that’s an unpopular opinion and I played the remake of Ocarina.

The water dungeon in Majora's Mask is actually pretty decent. But that's because Zora Link.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Mario's track record is better I admit, and so is Link's. But in neither case does water readily invoke feelings of joy, it's more "please don't be bad". Water isn't good in general.

As far as 2D goes, the one game I can say that actually had amazing water levels is Tropical Freeze. Because the water controls are so smooth bro.

I mean, one of the best levels in the game is when you're being chased by the giant squid.

3D games can control a bit better depending. Swimming underwater in the Mario Galaxy games is pretty good.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I am not insane enough to play Dark Souls. Which is to say, I don’t know if I’d like extreme difficulty in an action game.

It's really not that hard-I'd compare it to a Zelda game. You definitely will die, but the game rewards thinking, can be broken in half fairly easily, and has a pretty solid difficulty curve-It doesn't throw everything it's got at you right out of the gate. And it's really simple as well, so it's just about getting better at the few tools you have.

Plus, with summons, you can always have someone else give you a hand!

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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

This was in a Donkey Kong game?

Yes and it's not the only one of it's kind

As far as pure 2D platforming goes, i don't think anything tops Tropical Freeze.

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So it's July 23rd.

I am now 21 years old!


I like exclusively reserve this gif for my birthday lol.


Got myself a little something to celebrate right now


Except i can't play it right now because it doesn't release until Tuesday lol.

But since this is Inti Creates, i'll probably put one of the three games on the rotation on the backlog until i beat BMZ3. I think i'll probably send Atelier Firis to the backlog when BMZ3 comes out.

Also Inti Creates, can you not imply Eve is gonna die or whatever? Jason and Eve are like your only protagonists that actually get happy endings, please don't let their finale be not happy.

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Not yet over here, but... Happy Birthday! Fellow July'er, huh.

Huh, 21? Didn't knew you were only turning 21 just now. A 2000'er, eh. I have a cousin who is also from 2000, heh.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:



This... is not reassuring...

Also, happy birthday Armagon!

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Happy birthday @Armagon. How does it feel, being one year closer to the eternal sleep?

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

Okay! Vacation over! Where was I again?

Oh yeah, finishing SC. It’s too late for that tonight, so I’ll do it tomorrow.

Did I miss anything big? I see lightcosmo started Crossbell, and F for that composer leaving Falcom.

Welcome back, Sooks. As for me, I played Metroid Fusion on Armagon's recommendation. Didn't really like it. Then I played Beard Blade and I loved it because I got to weaponize my beard. Then Observer mentioned an old RPG where you can craft spells by stringing words together. The potential for dumb jokes is too much to resist, so I'll be starting it today.

Oh, and I gotta go to the dentist in a couple hours. That's fun.

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Happy 21st birthday, @Armagon! Hope it'll be a good one for ya!

16 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

She got that FE fem swordmaster look down pretty well

She also btfo'd Mr. Blackhole. She's close to perfection already xD

Let's just hope her personality holds up to that promise!
And she isn't relegated to non-important side character role. xD


Also, I got around to actually finishing Ys V yesterday, so the only games I have yet to see/play in that series are IX, Seven, and Celceta (the latter of which I will be getting back to next).

And what do I think of it?
Well... Atelier Sophie, Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World, and Fate/Extra (kinda, in this game's case) are all considered to be not great, even black sheep of their respective series, but I enjoyed them all, so to almost no surprise, this game that was so badly received it almost killed its own franchise (alongside internal problems at Falcom at the time, afaik) is one that I actually enjoyed playing.
It does have some glaring flaws, which I already went over in my impressions (wonky to useless magic, weird combat that lacks fluidity), and the difficulty is all over the place (the final few bosses are, like, earlygame Ys VIII tier in difficulty, whereas there's an early-midgame boss that is much harder), however, but those didn't exactly cause me to throw the controller in rage or quit the game. Heck, I finished the game, which should tell you something. Granted, it's only 8 hours long, but I have quit games for incredibly petty reasons before, so... yeah. xD
Also, something I found quite hilarious is the Isios Sword, that thing that appears for all of one fight in Ys VIII and is then chucked into the ocean, never to be seen again. Here, you find it in a treasure chest without fanfare in the final dungeon, and the description reads "strongest sword ever"... which is very blatantly untrue, as Ys VIII shows (there are plenty of swords that are stronger than the Isios Sword in Ys VIII).

Still, I think it's overall a pretty solid experiece, and certainly not the worst thing in the world. Story was pretty good, gameplay was enjoyable, if odd. I also liked the music quite a lot, even if it is different in style compared to the other games in the series. Different does not mean bad, however, and I feel like the bad rep this game gets is... vastly overblown.
It had some neat ideas that I would not mind returning to the series someday, especially the "craft your own magic" part. Balance out the elements you get better, don't make everything need Fire, and make magic actually worth using and we're good!

Make a remake of this game, Falcom! It needs one!

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Let's just hope her personality holds up to that promise!
And she isn't relegated to non-important side character role. xD

Aslong as she btfo's blackhole she's queen xD

2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Make a remake of this game, Falcom! It needs one!

Falcom itself needs a remake

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Happy birthday @Armagon!

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I tried that, the 20% damage reduction didn't seem like it made any difference. it's like Thundara-Something Physical-Thundara, all practically right after each other so I didn't get the time to use any heals. I need to resort to a guide to see what I'm doing wrong here.

If i remember correctly, focusing to much attention to defence actually hurts you here. Using Rav-Rav helps alot to buid the chain meter up quickly.

Also i believe you can use Aegisol, fortisol, and the like on boss fights, right?

Edit: I'm gonna take that as a sign that you still don't find the battle system that great. XD

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Do you think that’s too easy?

I wouldn't consider myself an ace by any means, so yeah, probably.

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Some of my so far not so positive opinions of Trails from Zero:

The characters stats don't feel different enough, for example: the ATS difference is like, 20 from lowest to highest, this isn't enough to make a character stand out imo. Now perhaps this changes later on, but atm, the characters don't feel like they can offer anything "unique". 

Magic is way too weak. 120 damage average? Yeah it's not close to what physical damage can do, and that doesn't have cost or CT. Not to mention the enemies elemental resistance is SC tier of annoying. And i don't wanna shell out 29 EP to do 400 damage and then risk having none for the next few fights.

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