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9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

His best base stat is str or spd at 18, right?

Liquid's? Yeah, str and spd at 18. With a 60% and 90% growth, respectively, and lethality, which if it procs (and it often does thanks to zerker's crit rate) doubles his experience gain. Believe me, if you're willing to give him a couple bosses, Liquid is super easy to use and quickly turns into a powerhouse.

Just now, Benice said:

Oof...I have been called in to work.


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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45 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So he can! Gudmundr too, but he arrives a lot later. Frankly, I'd still rather have Egghill with the Ravens, but it's not like Egil is completely useless or anything. He's a perfectly fine character!

Except no beard, so 0/10 would get him killed again.

So far I like Egghill as a character much more, but I’m playing as Alette so of course I have to have Egil. Exclusive events >>> a good character.

Well, I wouldn’t call Egil a bad character. Far from it.

9 minutes ago, Benice said:

Oof...I have been called in to work.


Edited by Sooks
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I've finished Final Fantasy XIII before the crack of noon! 

Final dungeon was slightly long without giving a good reason why. The final boss: Phase 1 was bearable with -sols applied beforehand, I wouldn't have liked it otherwise. Phase 2 was on the slightly easy side. Phase 3 the idea wasn't bad, but to Hell with it! I struggled to get in the second Stagger before another Temporal Inversion reset the Stagger Gauge. Thank the Devil they let don't force you to redo the earlier phases.

Speaking of the final confrontation, I have to give this game's main villain, the only villain it turns out, a very in-the-raging-moment subjective 2/10. I'll 1/10 for the final final boss of both FFIX and quite possibly X. *Types a spoiler-rific statement and deletes it like a crumpled scrap of paper tossed away with profanities written all over it* A Jealous Arrogant S*** of a God. Design wise for the final battle, look like you'd fit perfectly into SMT, Merkabah -except you're not in SMT, so JUST DIE! They're so painfully generic and unlikable in a not-positive way. FF can do better than this, not that it always has, but it can.

So, moving past the bad stuff, the ending was fine, that's good. And surprisingly not overly long. But why the Friendship Ex Machina during the finale?


My thoughts on this game are mixed, so I can't exactly express a coherent review, but I'll try.:

  • World Design and Narrative-
    • Almost all narrative-based video games have linear gameplay, particularly in the JRPG genre. But like FFX before it, I do see what critics mean when they say XIII feels linear. A great deal of the time, the environments are more or less straight lines. The linearity I'd say is tied into a decision to place much of the narrative in perpetual dramatic motion, the heroes have reason to keep moving or else.
    • I'm not going to bash the game for simply being linear and entirely devoid of NPC-filled peaceful villages and towns. But, I will say the "dungeons" into which the game is divided felt nonetheless despite the frequent intensity of the story as if they were dragging on. I also felt the relatively peaceful period of the Lightning-Hope and Sazh-Vanile split-up dragged on too long.
  • Combat
    • Like FFXII before it, XIII is a largely automated combat system. Leaving the game's good AI to pick out your controlled character's next set of attacks (after you've scanned the enemy with Libra) was all I did most of the time, other than the Medic role where manual input is usually better. 
      • Automation is fine BTW. After all, Tales leaves 3/4 of your team to the AI, and 2/3 for Xenoblade.
    • In contrast to FFXII though, which I'd call "micromanaging" with the Gambit system, XIII is "macro-management" with the Paradigm system. Continually rotate which of the six Roles your characters can be in as the situation on the battlefield changes. Use a Synergist and Saboteur when you feel the need to buff and debuff, use a Sentinel when you need some to draw and tank a lot of damage. Medic when hurt, Ravager and Commando together to dish out the damage.
      • Whereas FFXII's entire combat system failed me, I actually had some fun with XIII's. I can say I enjoyed it. Not perfect, yet it also had a modern few bells & whistles I liked, such as the abolishing of MP, full HP heals after every fight, and a modern quick retry system. 
    • It's not the hardest game in the world, but being AI-centric didn't invalidate the difficulty either. I'm a tad surprised.
    • Compared to some other FFs, there is a shortage of side content, mostly "kill X enemy" quests available in this game's one open section late into it.
  • Music
    • Not bad, but not memorable either. Main battle theme was a little weak.
  • Presentation and Story
    • Square will never not try to be cutting edging here. The game has aged well in over a decade, it still looks technically good. The distinctly modern Final Fantasy juxtaposition of a clean, flawless realistic world, with unmistakeable Japanese popular entertainment accents and high fantasy, takes some time getting to used to. I can't say I'll ever fully embrace it. But then, a lot of aesthetics aren't entirely huggable.
    • And of course, Square leverages this for the narrative to the best of its abilities. The kickoff to Chapter 12 where all six characters summon their Eidolons on a futuristic race track and take out Sanctum goons was pretty cool.
    • The story itself is at its heart, fairly simple- Gods and Man. Gods bad, Man good. Men cursed by God against their wills are hated by fellow Man, because Man is inherently xenophobic and that bad. 
      • Maybe you hear some fantasy jargon repeated too many times. Yet I find myself asking again- is this truly unusual in a JRPG? I don't think so.
    • However, the whole "the heroes are cursed and the world hates them" aspect is kinda interesting. The heroes spend much of the game not sure whether to obey fate or defy it or chill at home and hope for the best. But, it does feel like they get dragged around without a clear idea a little too much maybe.
  • Characters
    • Verily, I think the cast taken as a whole is fairly solid. Not to say I love them, but none are weak and none are undeveloped. Everyone had their moment, their time in the limelight. This hasn't always been true of FF, and I appreciate the effort here. 
    • Not saying I couldn't feel some character-irrelevancy syndrome altogether -I think you could make things work without Sazh and Hope if you insisted on character-cutting- but it wasn't anywhere near blatant.
    • There hardly any optional characterization scenes, and no mid-battle exchanges of dialogue, which are smaller faults. But the game does well enough without them.
    • The heroes do start rather at odds with each other. A good quantity of early screen time is devoted to Lightning & Hope Hate Snow, which creates a poor first impression. But given the time, the protagonists do cool their heels and build the usual strong bonds. 
    • I try to be an empathetic and sympathetic person, I try not to inherently hate characters or take zero fun from their interactions.
    • This said, Snow despite his efforts to redeem himself likely finishes dead last among the six heroes. I don't dislike him, but his childlike irresponsibility earlier stuck with me longer than it did with Hope.
    • Speaking of Hope and his feelings toward Snow, Hope was a bit bratty, I can see why people dislike him. He was smart enough to see his irrationality, even if he acted on it, which I think I should accept as a positive -or not? Adding in that he didn't feel so relevant makes him finish not far from Snow I think.
    • Lightning and Vanille finish in the middle of the pack.
      • The story stuff during and after the final battle left me utterly confused why Lightning is the main character. Yes, she is the first playable character, but not the main character digesting the totality of the plot, nor is she ever appointed the de facto leader of the group. In absolutely no way is Lightning supposed to represent the player as someone ignorant of the world, like Tidus was. What is she? Lightning is a character who is not bad, and who is the mascot of FFXIII.  I think her biggest contribution to the group as a whole is her emotional and calculated sense of utter defiance.
      • Vanile takes quite time before it clear becomes  why she matters. And understanding the whole story, she is actually much more important than Lightning. In contrast however, her sweet, ordinary girl personality doesn't have Lightning's flair. She does form an alright if unstated contrast with Fang.
    • Sazh is Barret 2.0, without the North American-translation cussing this time. A black male gun-toting father with a child he loves and who gets paired with Lady Cloud. The two men totally divulge from there I concede. Barret was very driven to start, Sazh looses his sense of direction and the group's old man following in whatever the young'yuns do. I might've called Sazh among the least relevant earlier, but I think his one big moment was touching, daring, and or another feeling or word I can't think of, and that is entirely why I'm giving him the silver medal.
    • Fang is a case of the best being saved for last. Australian(?) accent, pleasant design, strong personality, awesome. She felt as though she the least developed, but not necessarily the least relevant. I was considering making her a future avi of mine. But then the finale happened.😬 Fang... well it was in-character, it didn't take me long to conclude that, and characters should be allowed to be flawed. At the same time, the finale did a lot to emphasize that Fang and Vanille are the most important heroes when you strip the story down to the major conflict. Fang remains my favorite by a landslide.

If you forced me to give it a numeric score or else I'd turn monster, maybe 7.5. -But I don't want assign a number to this game, my thoughts and emotions are too mixed for seriously doing that.

I've no interest in the tiny bit of postgame stuff, and I'll hold off until I get a gaming laptop before considering XIII-2 and Lightning Returns.

And I think that's enough!


14 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Nomura is the only person who is more fucked in the head than Kojima.

How about Goichi Suda/Suda51? Ever see Killer 7?


7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

But I think the next game I will play is Samurai Warriors 5. I got it a few days back, but I haven't started it just yet.

Nice to see you back. And tell me how SW5 goes for you, as when I'm getting it is TBD ATM. The reviews seemed positive though.

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The bad part about playing Layton is that every time my parents start talking I can't concentrate, so I can't play and then I get bored. Curse my parents for wanting to communicate.

Maybe I should pick up another game to rotate when I'm feeling tired of being made a fool of by a videogame. Perhaps I should start that generics only run of Conquest. We'll see.

Well, if I do start that, please tell me. Do I brave lunatic? I mean, I can always just lower the difficulty like I did with Rev...

39 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So far I like Egghill as a character much more, but I’m playing as Alette so of course I have to have Egil. Exclusive events >>> a good character.

Well, I wouldn’t call Egil a bad character. Far from it.

Egil isn't bad, he's just... kinda basic. Egghill is a much more interesting concept for a character. Doesn't help that Egil's relationship with Alette just doesn't compare to Rook's with Oddleif.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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29 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've no interest in the tiny bit of postgame stuff, and I'll hold off until I get a gaming laptop before considering XIII-2 and Lightning Returns.

I reccommend highly having your expectations very low for the next two! Xd

They literally throw anything good about Lightning's character in the trash during the next two. And i dont want to spoil anything, but for the sake of it im gonna warn you now, Lightning Return's is void of any emotions 95% of the game. And the characters (and by that I mean Lightning and mostly generics) is very... Primitive.

Edited by lightcosmo
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3 hours ago, Benice said:

A game that makes Three Houses look like Horizon Zero Dawn:


3 hours ago, Benice said:


 I looked.

It's a messterpiece.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Personally if its choosing between that or chip damage, i'll take the high health..

Wait, so it's not chip damage for that boss?

59 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I've finished Final Fantasy XIII before the crack of noon! 

Final dungeon was slightly long without giving a good reason why. The final boss: Phase 1 was bearable with -sols applied beforehand, I wouldn't have liked it otherwise. Phase 2 was on the slightly easy side. Phase 3 the idea wasn't bad, but to Hell with it! I struggled to get in the second Stagger before another Temporal Inversion reset the Stagger Gauge. Thank the Devil they let don't force you to redo the earlier phases.

Speaking of the final confrontation, I have to give this game's main villain, the only villain it turns out, a very in-the-raging-moment subjective 2/10. I'll 1/10 for the final final boss of both FFIX and quite possibly X. *Types a spoiler-rific statement and deletes it like a crumpled scrap of paper tossed away with profanities written all over it* A Jealous Arrogant S*** of a God. Design wise for the final battle, look like you'd fit perfectly into SMT, Merkabah -except you're not in SMT, so JUST DIE! They're so painfully generic and unlikable in a not-positive way. FF can do better than this, not that it always has, but it can.

So, moving past the bad stuff, the ending was fine, that's good. And surprisingly not overly long. But why the Friendship Ex Machina during the finale?


My thoughts on this game are mixed, so I can't exactly express a coherent review, but I'll try.:

  • World Design and Narrative-
    • Almost all narrative-based video games have linear gameplay, particularly in the JRPG genre. But like FFX before it, I do see what critics mean when they say XIII feels linear. A great deal of the time, the environments are more or less straight lines. The linearity I'd say is tied into a decision to place much of the narrative in perpetual dramatic motion, the heroes have reason to keep moving or else.
    • I'm not going to bash the game for simply being linear and entirely devoid of NPC-filled peaceful villages and towns. But, I will say the "dungeons" into which the game is divided felt nonetheless despite the frequent intensity of the story as if they were dragging on. I also felt the relatively peaceful period of the Lightning-Hope and Sazh-Vanile split-up dragged on too long.
  • Combat
    • Like FFXII before it, XIII is a largely automated combat system. Leaving the game's good AI to pick out your controlled character's next set of attacks (after you've scanned the enemy with Libra) was all I did most of the time, other than the Medic role where manual input is usually better. 
      • Automation is fine BTW. After all, Tales leaves 3/4 of your team to the AI, and 2/3 for Xenoblade.
    • In contrast to FFXII though, which I'd call "micromanaging" with the Gambit system, XIII is "macro-management" with the Paradigm system. Continually rotate which of the six Roles your characters can be in as the situation on the battlefield changes. Use a Synergist and Saboteur when you feel the need to buff and debuff, use a Sentinel when you need some to draw and tank a lot of damage. Medic when hurt, Ravager and Commando together to dish out the damage.
      • Whereas FFXII's entire combat system failed me, I actually had some fun with XIII's. I can say I enjoyed it. Not perfect, yet it also had a modern few bells & whistles I liked, such as the abolishing of MP, full HP heals after every fight, and a modern quick retry system. 
    • It's not the hardest game in the world, but being AI-centric didn't invalidate the difficulty either. I'm a tad surprised.
    • Compared to some other FFs, there is a shortage of side content, mostly "kill X enemy" quests available in this game's one open section late into it.
  • Music
    • Not bad, but not memorable either. Main battle theme was a little weak.
  • Presentation and Story
    • Square will never not try to be cutting edging here. The game has aged well in over a decade, it still looks technically good. The distinctly modern Final Fantasy juxtaposition of a clean, flawless realistic world, with unmistakeable Japanese popular entertainment accents and high fantasy, takes some time getting to used to. I can't say I'll ever fully embrace it. But then, a lot of aesthetics aren't entirely huggable.
    • And of course, Square leverages this for the narrative to the best of its abilities. The kickoff to Chapter 12 where all six characters summon their Eidolons on a futuristic race track and take out Sanctum goons was pretty cool.
    • The story itself is at its heart, fairly simple- Gods and Man. Gods bad, Man good. Men cursed by God against their wills are hated by fellow Man, because Man is inherently xenophobic and that bad. 
      • Maybe you hear some fantasy jargon repeated too many times. Yet I find myself asking again- is this truly unusual in a JRPG? I don't think so.
    • However, the whole "the heroes are cursed and the world hates them" aspect is kinda interesting. The heroes spend much of the game not sure whether to obey fate or defy it or chill at home and hope for the best. But, it does feel like they get dragged around without a clear idea a little too much maybe.
  • Characters
    • Verily, I think the cast taken as a whole is fairly solid. Not to say I love them, but none are weak and none are undeveloped. Everyone had their moment, their time in the limelight. This hasn't always been true of FF, and I appreciate the effort here. 
    • Not saying I couldn't feel some character-irrelevancy syndrome altogether -I think you could make things work without Sazh and Hope if you insisted on character-cutting- but it wasn't anywhere near blatant.
    • There hardly any optional characterization scenes, and no mid-battle exchanges of dialogue, which are smaller faults. But the game does well enough without them.
    • The heroes do start rather at odds with each other. A good quantity of early screen time is devoted to Lightning & Hope Hate Snow, which creates a poor first impression. But given the time, the protagonists do cool their heels and build the usual strong bonds. 
    • I try to be an empathetic and sympathetic person, I try not to inherently hate characters or take zero fun from their interactions.
    • This said, Snow despite his efforts to redeem himself likely finishes dead last among the six heroes. I don't dislike him, but his childlike irresponsibility earlier stuck with me longer than it did with Hope.
    • Speaking of Hope and his feelings toward Snow, Hope was a bit bratty, I can see why people dislike him. He was smart enough to see his irrationality, even if he acted on it, which I think I should accept as a positive -or not? Adding in that he didn't feel so relevant makes him finish not far from Snow I think.
    • Lightning and Vanille finish in the middle of the pack.
      • The story stuff during and after the final battle left me utterly confused why Lightning is the main character. Yes, she is the first playable character, but not the main character digesting the totality of the plot, nor is she ever appointed the de facto leader of the group. In absolutely no way is Lightning supposed to represent the player as someone ignorant of the world, like Tidus was. What is she? Lightning is a character who is not bad, and who is the mascot of FFXIII.  I think her biggest contribution to the group as a whole is her emotional and calculated sense of utter defiance.
      • Vanile takes quite time before it clear becomes  why she matters. And understanding the whole story, she is actually much more important than Lightning. In contrast however, her sweet, ordinary girl personality doesn't have Lightning's flair. She does form an alright if unstated contrast with Fang.
    • Sazh is Barret 2.0, without the North American-translation cussing this time. A black male gun-toting father with a child he loves and who gets paired with Lady Cloud. The two men totally divulge from there I concede. Barret was very driven to start, Sazh looses his sense of direction and the group's old man following in whatever the young'yuns do. I might've called Sazh among the least relevant earlier, but I think his one big moment was touching, daring, and or another feeling or word I can't think of, and that is entirely why I'm giving him the silver medal.
    • Fang is a case of the best being saved for last. Australian(?) accent, pleasant design, strong personality, awesome. She felt as though she the least developed, but not necessarily the least relevant. I was considering making her a future avi of mine. But then the finale happened.😬 Fang... well it was in-character, it didn't take me long to conclude that, and characters should be allowed to be flawed. At the same time, the finale did a lot to emphasize that Fang and Vanille are the most important heroes when you strip the story down to the major conflict. Fang remains my favorite by a landslide.

If you forced me to give it a numeric score or else I'd turn monster, maybe 7.5. -But I don't want assign a number to this game, my thoughts and emotions are too mixed for seriously doing that.

I've no interest in the tiny bit of postgame stuff, and I'll hold off until I get a gaming laptop before considering XIII-2 and Lightning Returns.

And I think that's enough!

I mean, I don't hate Necron (As a boss, he is pretty much out of nowhere for the sake of it), but then again I didn't finish XIII, so I'll shut up there.

Character opinion's also surprisingly similar, though I'll disagree on the main battle theme. As for the combat system, I feel like if I didn't manage to progress with it easily enough I would have put it down much sooner.

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9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Wait, so it's not chip damage for that boss?

Even at level 1 with lowest strength stat possible, you can deal at least a half a health bar per comboes. More with a critical counter.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

How about Goichi Suda/Suda51? Ever see Killer 7?

Suda at least maintains consistency. And No More Heroes is kino.

56 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

I reccommend highly having your expectations very low for the next two! Xd

They literally throw anything good about Lightning's character in the trash during the next two. And i dont want to spoil anything, but for the sake of it im gonna warn you now, Lightning Return's is void of any emotions 95% of the game. And the characters (and by that I mean Lightning and mostly generics) is very... Primitive.

I offer a counterpoint: XIII-2 has Caius.

12 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I mean, I don't hate Necron (As a boss, he is pretty much out of nowhere for the sake of it)

B-but theme!

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23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I mean, I don't hate Necron (As a boss, he is pretty much out of nowhere for the sake of it), but then again I didn't finish XIII, so I'll shut up there.

I meant purely that randomness of Necron, no regards for the gameplay, although it was kinda tough for me IIRC.

To remember the ontological argument for the existence of God as I had read in a philosophy textbook, God is defined as "something which one can conceive of, which there is nothing greater than". "Greatness" is defined as "the sum of positive traits", therefore, the greatest thing possible, God, must exist, because existence is defined as a positive trait. However, is existence truly "positive" if you apply to a tornado that sweeps through a town and kills several? So conclude that I could understand that one could deem Necron not that bad, even though it comes into the story three seconds before you fight it, and disappears immediately after you've won. What matters may not be how much a character exists in a story, as it is what they do with the time they have.


23 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Character opinion's also surprisingly similar

I wanted to know what went into the making of each character, so I checked the FF Wiki. It didn't say as much as I wanted, but it did offer a few tidbits.

Namely that Vanille was being considered as the official main character of FFXIII, but they had already released a trailer and art featuring Lightning. Vanille is also the character who changed the least over the game's development. 

Fang was originally written as a man, but later changed to a woman and given the "sex appeal" and "flirtatious" traits planned initially for Lightning. Although both of these supposed traits are, thankfully fairly tastefully subdued in Fang IMO. The sex change makes me ponder an unanswerable hypothetical of "would, because underlying sexist bias, have Fang been written differently if they had been intended as female with from the start?". -Not to condemn Square by asking this question or anything, it's just a thought, pretty absent of negative emotion. 

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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13 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

B-but theme!

I mean, that's part of why I found the 1/10 harsh (Also, a challenging enough boss, hooray!), but beyond the thematic purpose, he does kinda just show up within the narrative without obvious explanation.

Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey guys, on a scale from 1 to 10, how insane would I have to be to make a healer Corrin in lunatic Conquest?

Seems pretty nuts.

What's the end class you intend to go for?

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey guys, on a scale from 1 to 10, how insane would I have to be to make a healer Corrin in lunatic Conquest?

You have a Berserker Yubello with capped stats in your signature--I'd say you can do anything.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey guys, on a scale from 1 to 10, how insane would I have to be to make a healer Corrin in lunatic Conquest?

You'd be missing out on their offense, and getting all the Chapter 15 goodies would be difficult if you haven't promoted. But, Corrin can have viable Magic, and they're no guaranteed war god statistically. The Yato and Dragonstones aren't by any means necessary either, other than maybe the final boss for Yato. It's possible to be bad at status staffs, but it is impossible to be bad at healing, due to the Magic barely mattering for healing. And then come promotion, you'll get some sort of weapon back.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey guys, on a scale from 1 to 10, how insane would I have to be to make a healer Corrin in lunatic Conquest?

Not that insane, really. You get a lot of other offensive units, you’ll be fine unless you make a team like your first play through.

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Fuck it.

I regret nothing. Nothing! This is Drill Sergeant Toffmann. He isn't actually a military officer, but he watched a lot of military movies in his childhood, so he likes to pretend. He's a really tough man, or so he likes to think, so he puffs up his chest and grows that strength. Unfortunately, he's not a very quick fellow due to his lack of exercise. Oh, and he has no idea how to use a weapon. For the time being, at least.

This is a terrible idea. I look forward to having to reduce the difficulty.

10 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Seems pretty nuts.

What's the end class you intend to go for?

The one that uses lances. I remember Azama being pretty effective in that one.

9 minutes ago, DodgeDusk said:

You have a Berserker Yubello with capped stats in your signature--I'd say you can do anything.

Hah! True enough. Heck, that one was in lunatic New Mystery. What the heck am I worrying about?

8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You'd be missing out on their offense, and getting all the Chapter 15 goodies would be difficult if you haven't promoted.

All of my Corrins have promoted by chapter 15, and healers can be made to grow fast if need be, so I'm not too worried there.


But, Corrin can have viable Magic, and they're no guaranteed war god statistically. The Yato and Dragonstones aren't by any means necessary either, other than maybe the final boss for Yato. It's possible to be bad at status staffs, but it is impossible to be bad at healing, due to the Magic barely mattering for healing. And then come promotion, you'll get some sort of weapon back.

All right, thanks.

8 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh God, no.

...At least I'm assuming this is a "oh God no" worthy amount.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Not that insane, really. You get a lot of other offensive units, you’ll be fine unless you make a team like your first play through.

Generics only Sooks

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20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Generics only Sooks

Sounds fun.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The one that uses lances. I remember Azama being pretty effective in that one.

Boo, everyone knows troubadour is one of the coolest class lines.

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Just now, Sooks said:

Sounds fun.

It probably will be, once I get past the first couple of maps where I have no generics.

Just now, Sooks said:

Boo, everyone knows troubadour is one of the coolest class lines.

Generic strategist though. Corrin can't possibly compete with smug waifu.

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26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The one that uses lances. I remember Azama being pretty effective in that one.

Shame you can't get Hoshidan Noble for the staff utility, the Str works fine enough with that class.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Generic strategist though. Corrin can't possibly compete with smug waifu.

Of course.

You could have made him a but(t)ler

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