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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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I still get both amused and confused at such a decision:


You know, for a Japanese game where cats are quite prominent, it took until now for a catgirl to actually appear.

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37 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

*cries in no pc demo*

Yeah game lookin real good, but without a demo i can play i don't think i will risk a day 1 purchase

24 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

RIP, but understandable.

They did the same thing for Scarlet Nexus. Makes no sense.

It's so weird that their two biggest(?) games this years got demos on all the platforms they are avaliable on except PC. When it's PC players who are most in-need of it mainly to find out if their system can run it.


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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Finally cleared my FE scrubness. Finally

Now, should i birthright or not hmmm

What scrubness? You mean the game with the elephant?

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Just now, Sooks said:

What scrubness? You mean the game with the elephant?

No, i was kinda stuck on ch5 Fates because i was a baka.

Baka because i didn't take my old save files with me, and baka because i was stuck in a chapter i cleared like quadzillion times already

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

No, i was kinda stuck on ch5 Fates because i was a baka.

Baka because i didn't take my old save files with me, and baka because i was stuck in a chapter i cleared like quadzillion times already

Ohh, yeah, that’s very understandable.

I guess the answer depends on if you really want to Birthright or if you secretly want to Conquest deep down? 😛

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Anyways this chapter was a bit interesting. First, there was the main victory conditions


Once a unit is placed on the circle, they can't move from there and more enemies come out when you fill up half. When all circles are obtained, the rest of the enemy comes and it becomes the standard rout although it's not too bad (especially now that i know how to break the game).



We finally killed our first villain. Although it's really weird that she dies considering she wasn't a revived villain unlike some of the others. Basically the Strider timeline is fucked now.

@Benice i want you to know that Kiryu landed the final blow so i guess he does kill people. Majima is complicit.

Anyways the chapter ends with the acknowledgement of Mii Koryuji and Kogaro Tenzai, the protagonists of the first Project X Zone



Just three more chapters plus the endgame. 

So far, i have not encountered the 50 enemy bloat from the first game and even if i did, you can very easily break them. Yeah, this game is good.

31 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



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4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

btw @Ghost_06_

what's happening to AnR? has been a while since first chapter...

Ever since they reached 29k followers and posted a crumb of Eren with Mikasa they haven't said anything. A yeagerist youtuber asked them when the next chapter would be released and they said “soon”, but nothing yet. A few weeks ago the anti-AnR people started spreading rumors accusing the AOTNR team of tracing the original works, causing a stir on Twitter and this caused the account to have to post the drawing process to prove the accusations are false. We can deduce that they want to improve even more so as not to make room for the haters. The other team that was creating another ending, Operation Usurper, has already created and released alternate versions of chapters 124 to 131.

On a side note, the BR fandom hated the original ending (except for the shippers, of course) and are loving AnR. Even Eren and Mikasa voice actors made a video reacting to AOTNR (they are EMs) and most of the comments are in favor of the AnR ending. Here's a fanart from another fan project of a BR plotchad.


PS I still want to know what you were watching yesterday.

Edited by Ghost_06_
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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

@Benice i want you to know that Kiryu landed the final blow so i guess he does kill people. Majima is complicit.

Nononono, it was the wounds of the boss that killed her! Not Kiryu, because Kiryu doesn't kill people.

Also, F about your work. Hopefully you won't have to run 3.5 km to work like I did, though!


How's everyone been?

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3 minutes ago, Benice said:

How's everyone been?

Fine. Other than presently having a sudden late night guilt trip that is keeping me awake. Trying to ease the anxiety by doing a meaningless and utterly superficial spur-of-the-moment-&-after-midnight job search results in me being awash with thoughts of "I'm totally mediocre and incapable of doing anything competently and any employer out there would be better off hiring someone else other than me unless they wanted to take unwarranted pity".  -But I went through the entire day perfectly happy, other than some "should, shoulda, coulda, woulda, but ultimately didn't" guilt of various kinds.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:



Well, you did go through Christmas in Chandelier earlier. I won't ask why bring it out right now.

...I'm only now noticing Catstalkers's wardrobe overhaul.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Anyways the chapter ends with the acknowledgement of Mii Koryuji and Kogaro Tenzai

It's nice to hear that the PXZ1 duo are mentioned as doing something, considering they hit the bench in the sequel without me being aware of an IRL reason why they dropped them. But it all worked out, Shinra needs employees who don't waste the entire day surfing the web.

Just want to comment here on the PXZ1 heroine's name. Not sure if you're already aware, although I'd expect anyone with a Japanese popular entertainment preference to know of it (and I know I've given this spiel before). "Koryu" is the Japanese name for the Chinese Huang Long, the yellow/golden dragon who serves as the master of the Four Symbols/Four Holy Beasts/Four Guardians/Ssu-Ling. The many-titled animals being the:

  • White Tiger- Bai Hu in Chinese, Byakko in Japanese.
  • Vermillion Bird- Zhu Que/Suzaku.
  • Azure Dragon- Qing Long/Seiryu.
  • Black Tortoise/Warrior- Xuan Wu/Genbu. A turtle intertwined with a snake.

Each of these Huang Long/Koryu is associated with a cardinal direction (the center being counted as Koryu's), one of the Chinese five basic colors, one of the Chinese five classical elements/phases, and one of the five seasons (summer is split in two). Japanese depictions of the Four Holy Beasts can do with or without Huang Long.

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7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Ever since they reached 29k followers and posted a crumb of Eren with Mikasa they haven't said anything. A yeagerist youtuber asked them when the next chapter would be released and they said “soon”, but nothing yet. A few weeks ago the anti-AnR people started spreading rumors accusing the AOTNR team of tracing the original works, causing a stir on Twitter and this caused the account to have to post the drawing process to prove the accusations are false. We can deduce that they want to improve even more so as not to make room for the haters.

I see....

7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Here's a fanart from another fan project of a BR plotchad.




they planning to translate it?

7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

PS I still want to know what you were watching yesterday.


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11 hours ago, Dayni said:

Genius? Not quite. I was uncertain about the typos being the answer, especially considering that the older mobile phones of course had a different keyboard system. I wanted to try and figure out if GCY were the consonants in a word (for some reason I thought without using E at the time) with NW in the other, but that just kept drawing blanks. I decided to look up after that and of course that all clicked, especially with Rubenio having half landed on the answer. I obviously figured E being unbitten mattered before, but I was thinking in the wrong directions.

I'd say the main reason I couldn't get over the technophile was thinking Layton was some Sherlock period piece and forgetting this game came out when texting on smartphones was more relevant than I thought it was. Luddite that I am apparently.

I wish I had made the full connection, but again, I couldn't get over that sentence out of a game I thought was set when the telephone barely existed. And of course if it was texting, considering when it came out I would have been using a phone with dialpads, so it didn't work for me in that way either. This puzzle definitely would have driven me up the wall too. Though maybe it'd have been easier if I was on a puzzle kick too, though maybe the hints would have also added up if I'd seen them, but that's beside the point.

Trust me, no matter how smart people think I am, I can find a way to consider myself kinda stupid.

Disregard all praise, everyone.

That's a lot of words that I will answer with "no, you cool."

11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Hey that’s a funny way of spelling Sooks. I actually did the logic! My ego, Ruben, my ego!

What do you mean I just combined someone’s observation with someone else’s logic/idea?That just means I’m… good at patterns or something!

You're very smart too, Sooks. But are you smart enough to beat Conquest lunatic with generics only?

...Actually, I'm really unsure that I'll be smart enough myself, but... well, while we're still here, let's keep going.

9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

should i birthright or not hmmm


7 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

PS I still want to know what you were watching yesterday.

Ah yes. Ghost "I don't watch hentai anymore" 06, everyone.

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6 hours ago, Benice said:

Also, F about your work. Hopefully you won't have to run 3.5 km to work like I did, though!

Oh that's....yeah that sucks.

I work 10 minutes away from where I live but I work 9-4 today and I hate waking up early. 

6 hours ago, Benice said:

Nononono, it was the wounds of the boss that killed her! Not Kiryu, because Kiryu doesn't kill people.

Yeah but Kiryu caused the wounds, therefore, he killed.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm only now noticing Catstalkers's wardrobe overhaul.

Yeah appearently she become a nun to honor the memory of nun who raised her.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But it all worked out, Shinra needs employees who don't waste the entire day surfing the web.

They do mention that Mii is basically only an intern at the moment because, despite being at the center of the last game's conflict, she's still in highschool so Shinra can't hire her full-time.

...there was a funny interaction where some of the characters were like "wait you're recruiting high schoolers into secret organization" as if there aren't a bunch of teenagers in the group already helping out.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Just want to comment here on the PXZ1 heroine's name. Not sure if you're already aware, although I'd expect anyone with a Japanese popular entertainment preference to know of it (and I know I've given this spiel before). "Koryu" is the Japanese name for the Chinese Huang Long, the yellow/golden dragon who serves as the master of the Four Symbols/Four Holy Beasts/Four Guardians/Ssu-Ling. The many-titled animals being the:

  • White Tiger- Bai Hu in Chinese, Byakko in Japanese.
  • Vermillion Bird- Zhu Que/Suzaku.
  • Azure Dragon- Qing Long/Seiryu.
  • Black Tortoise/Warrior- Xuan Wu/Genbu. A turtle intertwined with a snake.

I'm not sure but I think Mii's attacks had this theming going on in the names as well. I'll check later.

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:
  • White Tiger- Bai Hu in Chinese, Byakko in Japanese.
  • Vermillion Bird- Zhu Que/Suzaku.
  • Azure Dragon- Qing Long/Seiryu.
  • Black Tortoise/Warrior- Xuan Wu/Genbu. A turtle intertwined with a snake.

Seeing you mention this makes me think: FF -Type 0! As these all show up, just thought i'd share! XD

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