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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

It has Kaiju in it. 


Perhaps the best part is that Samus doesn't look at all fazed. "Oh, Kraid. You're back. I'm not overjoyed to see you again, but it's not a problem." *Charging beam*

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Metroid Dread releasing in one month reminds me, I only bought four games this year and only one of them was released in 2021 though The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles might qualify as two games. I'll get Dread when it releases and have been planning on getting New Pokémon Snap eventually, but I'll probably save that for Christmas.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's not that hard to believe tbh. Anguirus's name was localized as Angilas in the English dub of Godzilla Raids Again but no, it really is supposed to be Anguirus.

But Godzilla Raids Again came out in 1955 and the standards for a faithful localization were even lower back then, i'd imagine.

I think a better Godzilla example of questionable translation quality would be how Rodan is called "Radon" in the English version of Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II (amongst other films), even though Rodan's English name had been established for around 40 years at that point. In Anguirus's case it took some time for his official English name to be established, while Rodan's name was the title of his debut movie.

Edited by Lightchao42
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Great. I'm stuck. I correctly deduced what I had to do, I did it, then when it didn't work I was stumped enough to check the spoilerless guide on Steam because I couldn't come up with anything else... And turns out, the guide says to do exactly what I did. It's just not working.

@DodgeDusk @Lightchao42 Are either of you there? Can you help me? I am terrified of going on Youtube to find a walkthrough. I would definitely find spoilers instead.


I'm at case 5, trial part 2. After a few presses, the third part of the testimony said something along the lines of "the victim had a gun, he should've fired instead of just yelling at her." I figured the victim couldn't have had a gun since Gina stole his gun from him, so I presented the photo that showed her holding it. While I didn't get a penalty, the judge said that wasn't conclusive enough and I was unceremoniously returned to the testimony selection. At this point, I realized the bullet that killed him entered his body from behind. It makes no sense that he'd be yelling "gimme that gun!" if he was facing away from her. So I presented the autopsy report at the same place, the third part of the testimony.

Nothing. It doesn't work. I tried presenting it in the second part of the testimory, I tried presenting it everywhere else, I tried presenting the photo again, I tried presenting the other photo, I tried pressing testimony 3 after presenting the photo... Nothing works. I've no idea what's happening. The guide on Steam says I have to do what I tried first, and yet it's doing nothing. Another guide I found after a REALLY cautious Google search even explains the same line of thought I followed. And yet I cannot progress. Help me, please.


41 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

missed this: but, level 0? That speaks for itself, i think. Ruben has no idea how to handle his units. 

The randomizer did that, not me!


I said tilting for some reason but no, I meant pointing.

Don't know why I said tilting. Although Prime 3 does have a few kinda pointless tilt controls for levers and shit.

Right. Your mistake, then.


It has Kaiju in it.

And as has been shown time and time again, Kaiju is the key to being a masterpiece.

Also sci-fi. Literally all the games in my top 10 except for Tropical Freeze are sci-fi.

I'm sure it'll be as good as folks say it will be.

...Me, I'll continue to tell myself that I like Nintendo games while pushing away the thought that the last Nintendo game I bought was Luigi's Mansion 3, which is almost two years old at this point. Since then, it's all been mediocre titles or ports. Nintendo needs to step up their games, they've been really weak for a couple years now. All in my humble opinion, of course.


I warned you.

.....but you didn't listen.

Hey, I gave it an honest shot. I've no regrets, personally. It was a good attempt, as I said.

...The number of good recommendations you've given me remains at technically zero, though. One of these days, one of these days.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:


What really caught my attention was Observer claiming that the game was like Order of Ecclesia. Beyond that, Armagon commented on my impressions about the game, but I'm not sure if we can credit him for the recommendation itself.

...Maybe we can, out of pity if nothing else lol.

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Game title?

20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Me, I'll continue to tell myself that I like Nintendo games while pushing away the thought that the last Nintendo game I bought was Luigi's Mansion 3, which is almost two years old at this point. Since then, it's all been mediocre titles or ports. Nintendo needs to step up their games, they've been really weak for a couple years now. All in my humble opinion, of course.

Play Zelda, play 3D Mario.

Splatoon is good too but it hasn’t really done anything new so I would attribute that to the original game which came out in… 2015!? Jesus…

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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Game title?

Yes, game title is truly the greatest game.


Play Zelda, play 3D Mario.

By "Nintendo games", I should mention I meant "recently released Nintendo games." Their recent selection has been crap. I did play 3D Mario, but like... Odyssey lol. The only 3D Marios in the last couple of years have been a port of a Wii U game I'd already played and All-stars 3D, and I believe I've said enough times how I feel about that scam. As for Zelda, what, the Twilight Whatever port? I can just download the original if I wanted to play that game.

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Splatoon is good too

Hah! Yeah, Splatoon is awesome. The problem is that Nintendo Online is so garbage that last I played, I got kicked out of every second match because "connection was lost". Literally, no exaggeration there. Every second match - at best! And it's not my internet, either. My Switch was on the same location as my computer and used the same ethernet cable. No problems on PC. All of the problems on Switch. Thanks, Ninty.

Nintendo have done nothing but make me hate them in recent years. What a shame they occassionally release a good game that I cannot get anywhere else, because I'd love to just cut all ties and pretend they don't exist.

14 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I guess I win the zero award, then.

Hey, I played SRW J for like 20 minutes. That's more than I can say about anything 06 has ever mentioned.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Odyssey lol.

Yeah, that was my point. Odyssey is a wonderful game. Unless you don’t consider it recent.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

As for Zelda, what, the Twilight Whatever port? I can just download the original if I wanted to play that game.

Breath of the Wild.

Also, you have the wrong port, the one you’re referring to came out years ago. How dare you not know every game in a series you’ve never played?

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Yeah, that was my point. Odyssey is a wonderful game. Unless you don’t consider it recent.

No, I don't. I was talking the last two years, because Odyssey is fine but I already played it before. It's been two years since the last time I bought a game for the Switch. Everything since has been ports I had no interest for or mediocre games.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Breath of the Wild.

Also old, and I've never had much interest for this one.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Also, you have the wrong port, the one you’re referring to came out years ago. How dare you not know every game in a series you’ve never played?


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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I was talking the last two years


Well. Forget I said anything.

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

because Odyssey is fine


3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yeah we need new FE

Assuming new fe will be good.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, I don't. I was talking the last two years, because Odyssey is fine but I already played it before. It's been two years since the last time I bought a game for the Switch. Everything since has been ports I had no interest for or mediocre games.

Just realised I've had a Switch for less time than since the last time you've been interested in a game for it.

Shiet, that's rough. Would I'll be a git by talking about games I'm playing in future (and no, I don't mean just current hotness Latest: the Planet Concludes By Y'all)?

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yeah we need new FE

I know there's a bunch of talk about a direct this month, I could see an early announcement after they released Warioware this month.

Edited by Dayni
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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yeah we need new FE

Why are they so quiet? Because 3H was announced too early in retrospect? Because pandemic (major reason of course)? I would say the same of Monolith, but they at least had XC1DE in May last year. I don't believe WarioWare and Paper Mario are made by the same employees as FE either, 3H was largely outsourced, and so is AW Reboot. 

Nintendo doesn't have many major titles in the forecast right now, what have they announced on next year's itinerary? They need to get to announcing stuff soon.

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11 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yeah we need new FE

It is fortunate that I have a game I know I will get on the Switch in the future.

Mario XCOM 2: Luigi is Sylvis Edition. Y'know, the one Ninty isn't developing? Due next year. Not much longer now.

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Well. Forget I said anything.

It's 'kay, you tried.



Cry me a river.


Assuming new fe will be good.

Do like me, assume the complete opposite instead

5 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Just realised I've had a Switch for less time than since the last time you've been interested in a game for it.



Shiet, that's rough. Would I'll be a git by talking about games I'm playing in future (and no, I don't mean just current hotness Latest: the Planet Concludes By Y'all)?

Naah, that's what everyone here does. Just don't be too upset if nobody replies. Shit happens like that. I do read it, though, rest assured.


I know there's a bunch of talk about a direct this month, I could see an early announcement after they released Warioware this month.

Please. If only so I can be outraged and rant on the thread so as to ruin the mood for everybody else.

...Unless they give me that Dougy in HD I've been hoping for. Then it would be Shrimpy's outrage.

1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why are they so quiet? Because 3H was announced too early in retrospect? Because pandemic (major reason of course)? I would say the same of Monolith, but they at least had XC1DE in May last year. I don't believe WarioWare and Paper Mario are made by the same employees as FE either, 3H was largely outsourced, and so is AW Reboot. 

Nintendo doesn't have many major titles in the forecast right now, what have they announced on next year's itinerary? They need to get to announcing stuff soon.

Plot twist: IntSys doesn't exist anymore. It's just an intern making calls to "outsource" everything. Kaga poisoned everyone else.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Mario XCOM 2: Luigi is Sylvis Edition

yeah lookin forward to that one as well

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why are they so quiet?

tbf nintendo has been like that with almost every game for the last couple years

but yeah with FE it's extra quiet

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Naah, that's what everyone here does. Just don't be too upset if nobody replies. Shit happens like that. I do read it, though, rest assured.

  What I meant by that sentence was that me talking about games I liked on the Switch might seem callous if you're not enjoying things on it.

I'm not worried about people replying, if I were looking for responses I'd have been recording off the Switch already specifically to do videos by now. Regardless don't read the spoiler parts, I'd like people to appreciate the game on it's own terms and not through my rambling. 😛

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...Unless they give me that Dougy in HD I've been hoping for. Then it would be Shrimpy's outrage.


1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:

They're quiet because there is no new game. They're full-time working on FEH now. New game won't come until FEH reaches its end.

At least it'd be an answer and that'd be one less game to worry about for a while so I can play other things.

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Cry me a river.

7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Do like me, assume the complete opposite instead


Whether or not the next game is good basically comes entirely down to how faithful the remake is.

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59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Great. I'm stuck. I correctly deduced what I had to do, I did it, then when it didn't work I was stumped enough to check the spoilerless guide on Steam because I couldn't come up with anything else... And turns out, the guide says to do exactly what I did. It's just not working.

@DodgeDusk @Lightchao42 Are either of you there? Can you help me? I am terrified of going on Youtube to find a walkthrough. I would definitely find spoilers instead.

Ah yes, this is the part I was talking about when I previously said I had trouble during case 5. It's the only place in either of the games (so far) that I got a game over.


I think you have to present the crime scene photo, the one of Windibank's body, on the second statement.


11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I would say the same of Monolith, but they at least had XC1DE in May last year.

Actually we already know Monolith has another game in development, we just don't know what it is yet. It's been in development since Torna released, which was three years ago now so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw it soon.

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5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

They're quiet because there is no new game. They're full-time working on FEH now. New game won't come until FEH reaches its end.

Worst timeline.

3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

  What I meant by that sentence was that me talking about games I liked on the Switch might seem callous if you're not enjoying things on it.

Naaah that's okay. I'm not "not enjoying things", anyway, as much as I'm just not finding things to enjoy on the Switch.


3 minutes ago, Dayni said:


No man, even when Dougy leaves the king's side he's still at his king's side spiritually, for Dougy's sworn duty and one reason to live is to forever serve his liege and master with undying loyalty, the glorious king of Etruria, may he live long and prevail in his ever bright reign of peace and prosperity!

Damn, I had so much fun with that in the LP. Good times.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Aye. Here we go. That's a river all right.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Whether or not the next game is good basically comes entirely down to how faithful the remake is.

There's way too many factors for me to be optimistic in the slightest.

I just want Dougy's beard in HD. That is all. Please, IntSys. Do me this one favor.

2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Ah yes, this is the part I was talking about when I previously said I had trouble during case 5. It's the only place in either of the games (so far) that I got a game over.

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I think you have to present the crime scene photo, the one of Windibank's body, on the second statement.



Well, you were slightly off the mark (it was the third statement, not the second) but that's it.

Fucking Ace Attorney. The autopsy report clearly states the victim died from a bullet to the back, but apparently everyone in the courtroom is too lazy to read up to page two, so they need the photo instead. Fssss...

Thank you so much, Lightchao! A little longer and I would've become desperate enough to look for a walkthrough. And that's just the way to get spoiled.

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6 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Actually we already know Monolith has another game in development, we just don't know what it is yet. It's been in development since Torna released, which was three years ago now so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw it soon.

Xenosaga remasters? Lmao

I hoped for Pyra/Mythra for smash and got my wish, so im still holding out! And i will till it happens!

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