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14 hours ago, Sooks said:

No 06, that’s how you get the bad ending!

Pirating EA's games is always morally correct.

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16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...The what?

The Musou franchise, known in English as "Warriors". Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, Warriors Orochi, Warriors All-Stars, Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors, etc..

Genealogy I agree has a military scale and an epic quality to it that'd make it appropriate for a Warriors-based game. You dash across entire countries, fighting entire armies, taking entire castles. And the Crusaders and their blooded descendants are said to be demigods in terms of battlefield prowess, which is how it can feel playing as a Musou character.

I think you would dislike it. Musou to its critics is mindless button-mashing that is no fun whatsoever and shallow as heck. I have the hunch you would be in that camp.

For someone like me however who does not do well with reflex-based difficulty (Dark Souls, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry -those hardcore action games are not for me) there is a "catharsis" of power that comes from mowing down hundreds of grunts and like 20 officers per map. That, and I do like the overall vibe of Musou games, which was from the outset with Dynasty Warriors, supposed to give you the feeling of being a hero in the epic tales of yore. Having to juggle multiple tasks in real time to assure the battle goes as smoothly as possible for the good guys/you don't lose adds a hectic element providing a semblance of the nature of real warfare. 

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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13 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

*only because I'm not looking forward to an Echoes rendition of it that'll be faithful enough for me not to enjoy it.

better than a too faithful Binding Blade echoes rendition lmao

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Some knight dude in the capital believed Snape's lies and challenged me to an honorable duel. I accepted... Mainly because in a one-on-one, I could just run around and get his AI caught up in the NPCs standing by, letting me recharge Dirty Fighting until he died. Not very honorable, but God knows I needed that, I dealt chip damage to the bastard.

Then I stole a purse for some guy called Slim and upon trying to travel to a different part of the city, I was attacked by like 20 enemies and instakilled. Yeah, I think it's time to skip town.

In other news, I wasn't expecting Sten to be such a softie. He's been around for a shorter time than Morrigan or Alistair, and yet he's opened up way easier. Already our relationship is warm, he's confessed his backstory and now I get the option to help him with the search for his sword. The first hint... Coincidentally landed me where Ghost had told me to go first. The sword was apparently taken by some douchebag who's left for some other place, but I suppose since I'm here, I might as well go to the Circle of Mages's tower and see what's up.

Oh, and the tower looks like a dick, as Morrigan helpfully pointed out. This game's dialogue is too much.

1 hour ago, Ghost_06_ said:


I cannot speak for Twilit, but as someone who agrees, my reasoning is that I have zero faith in a Genealogy remake being even remotely good. Either they make it too faithful and it retains all the flaws Genealogy had (long stretches of time spent just walking and backtracking, everyone who isn't on a horse is garbage and not worth using, pursuit being the name of the game, secrets you could only possibly find with a guide...), meaning there'll be no point in playing it over the original, or they change it too much and it might as well be a different game. The truth is, Genealogy is a really distinct FE game, and a lot of its flaws stem from its unique design. To "fix" them, you'd need to strip Genealogy of everything that makes it Genealogy. It probably isn't impossible to strike a balance, but I seriously doubt IntSys would be able to do it well.

On the other hand, FE6 could be a great FE, but it was made in a hurry by inexperienced folks right after the series director's departure and it shows. It is more average, so all it needs is polish in a few areas and the improvement of some of its more stupid design choices (like, seriously, give me more promotion items) and balance. This, I feel IntSys has a better chance of pulling off.

The community has been trying to achieve such a thing for as long as ROM hacking has been a thing. Might as well let IntSys have a shot at it.

...Inb4 they decide to catch everyone off-guard and remake FE8. Moulder's stache in HD let's goooooooooo

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Musou franchise, known in English as "Warriors". Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, Warriors Orochi, Warriors All-Stars, Hyrule Warriors, Fire Emblem Warriors, etc..

Genealogy I agree has a military scale and an epic quality to it that'd make it appropriate for a Warriors-based game. You dash across entire countries, fighting entire armies, taking entire castles. And the Crusaders and their blooded descendants are said to be demigods in terms of battlefield prowess, which is how it can feel playing as a Musou character.

I think you would dislike it. Musou to its critics is mindless button-mashing that is no fun whatsoever and shallow as heck. I have the hunch you would be in that camp.

For someone like me however who does not do well with reflex-based difficulty (Dark Souls, Bayonetta, Devil May Cry -those hardcore action games are not for me) there is a "catharsis" of power that comes from mowing down hundreds of grunts and like 20 officers per map. That, and I do like the overall vibe of Musou games, which was from the outset with Dynasty Warriors, supposed to give you the feeling of being a hero in the epic tales of yore. Having to juggle multiple tasks in real time to assure the battle goes as smoothly as possible for the good guys/you don't lose adds a hectic element providing a semblance of the nature of real warfare. 

Right. Pretty sure someone already told me about it, but I completely forgot. Whoops.

50 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

better than a too faithful Binding Blade echoes rendition lmao

Honestly, I feel both would be equal wastes of time. If the remake is too faithful, why even bother playing it over the original? Graphics? If they use the Three Houses engine, not even that.

Well, there's good ol' legitimacy, I suppose. But that's really it.

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Something that I think would be cool in an FE6 remake would be including the original as well, so that if you prefer vanilla to the changes they made in the remake, you can play both! A built-in randomizer would be neat as well.

...although I don't see how a single remake would take 2+ years, tbh. A trilogy remake could perhaps justify the wait, though! Or a Thracia/Genealogy duology as well.

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