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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh my God but this map tho.

Pablo slow down my peerless strategic mind cannot keep up with your moves...

When they're not bandits, the Hispanic is a corrupt politician.

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*me spending a few hours trying to change enemy setups in Trails the 3rd*

*also me not even in the right area of data at all. *

Ah well, at least I found battle settings (I.E. BGM played during X fight) so it wasnt a TOTAL loss...

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Okay, finally I've got a good strategy down. It does require some manner of good fortune, but Forde dodging one 32% per turn really shouldn't be that much to ask for... should it?

5 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

When they're not bandits, the Hispanic is a corrupt politician.

He has the same name as the current leader of Spain's right-wing party

Just a fun fact

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I thought I was supposed to go to Redcliffe first.

You commited the same mistake Ruben made.


Although the game itself allows you to visit Denerim and Orzammar immediately after leaving Lothering, you're not meant to do so until much later in the game. Unfortunately BioWare does not make this clear at all. Going to these higher-level areas too soon is a contributing factor to some players reporting that the game is "too difficult" for them even on Normal mode. BioWare meant for the Bounty Hunters outside Orzammar as you approach it for the first time to be a "gating encounter" to scare you away if you're still too low level for the intended challenge level of Orzammar. Likewise for the Ser Landry encounter (the duel in the back alley) in Denerim. Both encounters will be doable, if not downright easy, if you come to these areas well after level 10 as intended by BioWare. However, lower-level players may find these locations rewarding in both experience and higher-tier items.

The preferred order to visit each area is as follows, based solely on the lower and upper limits of BioWare's hard-coded challenge scaling for each area. It is of course perfectly legitimate to follow a different order for roleplay reasons or because you want to add a specific companion or items to your party sooner. However, you might find that some areas are too difficult if you visit them too soon, and conversely some areas might be too easy if you visit them too late. For example, Redcliffe Village/Castle has an upper limit of level 10–11 for normal enemies and below, level 12 for lieutenants, and level 14 for bosses.

See Challenge Scaling in Dragon Age: Origins for details.
  1. Ostagar and Korcari Wilds
  2. Lothering
  3. Circle Tower
  4. Redcliffe Village and Redcliffe Castle
  5. Brecilian Forest
  6. Haven
  7. Denerim and Orzammar in either order you prefer
  8. Landsmeet and the rest of the game

The Circle Tower is best done first for two reasons: You reap the early-game benefits of acquiring permanent stat boosts from essences and fonts found throughout the Fade during the Lost in Dreams quest; and you can recruit the dedicated party healer there and at a certain point in the Redcliffe Castle later on, you can get the mages' help with the quest.

Although many players and the Prima Strategy Guide lump the Arl of Redcliffe quest arc and The Urn of Sacred Ashes quest arc together as if they were two halves of the same major quest arc, this is not the case. Arl of Redcliffe takes place in Redcliffe Village and Redcliffe Castle, which are designed for players at level 6+. The Urn of Sacred Ashes takes place in Haven and is designed for players at level 8+. So the intended order, based on challenge scaling, is to go to Redcliffe for the Arl of Redcliffe quest arc at level 6+, then Brecilian Forest for the Nature of the Beast quest arc at level 7+, and then to Haven for The Urn of Sacred Ashes at level 8+.

Completing the Mage's questline gives you your only healer.

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Innes is terrifying in this hack. As he should be, snipers really need to make up for their bowlock with stats, but... well, it's always nice to see it happen, especially in GBAFE.

Also I made a disgusting mistake on the final two enemies and Forde almost died, but he dodged a 67%.

My heart.

2 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

You commited the same mistake Ruben made.

The game pushes you really hard in that direction in many ways, though. Thanks to Alistair, it's the only specific, short-term goal you have. It feels like the devs changed their minds halfway through development or something.

Just now, Dayni said:

Clearly he's played SS before and took inspiration from his namesake.


I... wouldn't even be surprised. Though to his credit, Spain!Pablo isn't as old or decrepit as Carcino!Pablo. In fact, he has a remarkable lack of any memorable features. He's politician.png.

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Pft, what a story behind the Nuka-Cola Quantum. It's a good thing we put behind the whole atomic craze. Can you imagine still trying to put radioactive isotopes in food? Geez...

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If that's what an endgame boss on Ultimate's like, I'm terrified about postgame already.

14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I... wouldn't even be surprised. Though to his credit, Spain!Pablo isn't as old or decrepit as Carcino!Pablo. In fact, he has a remarkable lack of any memorable features. He's politician.png.

Yeah, he'd have to be younger to have a chance of playing SS.

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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Pft, what a story behind the Nuka-Cola Quantum. It's a good thing we put behind the whole atomic craze. Can you imagine still trying to put radioactive isotopes in food? Geez...

They did put radium in paint at one point. I forget the specifics, but a factory in the American northeast, they had young women working and doing something with radium paint and paintbrushes. They informally chose as part of the manufacturing process to apply a little paint to their lips. Cancer followed, expectedly in the jaw IIRC, the "Radium Girls" met very sad ends.


2 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:


I am concerned about SMT taking on a little too much Persona to broaden its appeal. As much as like both Devil Survivor games, SMTIV: Apocalypse had an insufferable, out of place cast. -Plain old IV's was fine however, and a throwback to SMT1.

But, I'll remain cautiously optimistic.

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60lisc5v o

Omg Valter you're so relatable

22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I suppose in today's climate being unmemorable is a good thing these days...

True enough.

10 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Yeah, he'd have to be younger to have a chance of playing SS.

Now that'd be one hell of a backstory. He played SS and was so inspired by his namesake that he decided he, too, wanted to be a saturday morning cartoon villain.

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47 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He has the same name as the current leader of Spain's right-wing party

Just a fun fact


45 minutes ago, Ghost_06_ said:

You commited the same mistake Ruben made.

But the game was all like “I think we should go to Redcliffe first, let’s go there!” 15 bazillion times.

So… should I keep going with that quest line? The big battle with the undead didn’t give me too much trouble. The only time the game has been two difficult for me was the boss at the top of the tower right before the plot happens at Ostagar, where the difficulty randomly shot up way too far and then plummeted back down afterwards.

But you say I can get the mages help in the castle if I do their quest beforehand, how recommended is that?

I think everyone I’m using (imagine using Leliana) is around level 7-8, but Morrigan is at 9 for some reason.

Edited by Sooks
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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I am concerned about SMT taking on a little too much Persona to broaden its appeal. As much as like both Devil Survivor games, SMTIV: Apocalypse had an insufferable, out of place cast. -Plain old IV's was fine however, and a throwback to SMT1.

But, I'll remain cautiously optimistic.

The second I got to the choice between Dadga’s offer to rule the universe as the new creator god or suffer more friendship speeches, I didn’t take long coming to a decision.

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