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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Anyway, I'm not sure if I promoted this here or not, but I am streaming FE4 on a weekly basis (usually) right now.

Gonna stream the last bit of chapter 8 in about an hour or so

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1 hour ago, WraithReborn said:

Gentlemen what we of the legal drinking age need at this time is a good gin and coke, preferably with three shots in it of course.

@twilitfalchion @Newtype06

Eh, I'll take it.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'm always reminded of this one old man villain in a b-grade game I played who, upon returning to this world after being sealed for some years and on seeing an old friend, has this to say- "Time doesn't care about us". Indeed, time is vicious, time is heartless, time is unrelenting. Without its passage there is no existence, but with its passage, all existence changes and eventually fades. Its arrow flies beautifully through the air of space and matter, but stings like little else the same.

1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

Ah yes, deflecting rather than admitting, always a favorite argument of mine!

True! And that's why you try to twist my arguments to fit your narrative!


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After being stunlocked by Puff the Magic Dragon and his seahorse demons, I decided I'm in the mood to finish Sky the 3rd soon. Is there anything I should do or know before I enter the final dungeon? I feel like I should defeat the Tempest Pom beforehand, however I do that...

It wasn't until SC that I figured out how to defeat Poms, actually.

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Okay, so I made the choice I wanted to in Triangle Strategy. While I was unsure if I was gonna be able to get the persuasion, due to the way the mechanic is utilized, it should be physically impossible to not get the choices you want. This is because every choice has come with an even 50/50 split of characters automatically on one side or the other, and one “undecided” character who will, presumably, always listen to what you tell them. Since you only need one higher vote to win… yeah. Of course, they could start making the choices not 50/50 but that would mean that if a player wanted to make a specific choice that automatically started with an advantage, they would get it by default (although every scenario has a default choice anyway, even with the undecided character, because if you just skip that scene, that’s the choice the game will make). It would also make it obvious which choice is the “correct” one if you had to work really hard to get it and not the other one. Oh well, it was a cool concept. And I guess it’s a good thing that you won’t be locked out of saving the world because you didn’t tell Hughette that Roland should ride her bird that one time.

Now on to the really good battle from the demo. It was hard, but the game gives you a “secret weapon” to make things easier. However, this weapon has serious negative consequences on the town is used, so I’ll do what I did in the demo: not use it. The game makes it very clear that it’s difficult to not use it, but absolutely gives you the freedom to try and I appreciated that. Let’s see if that’s still true in the full game. My other secondary goal for this battle is to have Roland kill the boss, since now that I have context for what’s going on, I can have the drama unfold, like I would if this were FE.

Actually, I do have to wonder if not using the secret thing will have an effect on the game. It assuredly won’t be anything major but… @lightcosmo


Didn’t you choose not to surrender Roland? Did you use those fire thingies in the resulting battle at all? If you did, did that ever come up later in some throw away dialogue or could you see the ruins of the house(s) that used ti be there when you went back to the Wolfort castle town?


15 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Is there anything I should do or know before I enter the final dungeon?

You’ll need to use every character. Every single one of them.

Getting them all caught up is pretty easy due to the way exp works, just run through like one floor of the abyss with them in the party and they should be getting 9999 exp per battle for a little bit.

You also can’t trade quartz and equipment between them, so you will need stuff for all of them.

Also, Ries has to be in the party when you fight the final boss (along with Kevin, obviously). So make sure she has some good stuff.


I feel like I should defeat the Tempest Pom beforehand, however I do that...

Offensive S-crafts.

Edited by Sooks
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16 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Is there anything I should do or know before I enter the final dungeon?

you will split into 4 Parties, each will face a boss, withe Kevin's Team the final boss.

16 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Tempest Pom beforehand, however I do that.

ah yes

I could only with Kloe's Sanctus Nova

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

You also can’t trade quartz and equipment between them, so you will need stuff for all of them.

Iirc you can send equipment from one party to the next one by unequipping it.

You won't be able to equip them again on the same party however if you finished their part

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11 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Iirc you can send equipment from one party to the next one by unequipping it.

You can but each party’s section stops right before their boss fight and then you have to fight all bosses back to back, so if you unequip them they’ll be fighting bosses without equipment.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You can but each party’s section stops right before their boss fight and then you have to fight all bosses back to back, so if you unequip them they’ll be fighting bosses without equipment.

yeah i said as much

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

As far as Triangle Strategy is concerned 

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Yeah I chose to not surrender Roland, and i dont remember much about what happened, sorry.


That’s perfectly alright, I can just find out for myself!

I mean, you did give the game a 6/10 anyway.

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Imagine my face when I saw "Sooks mentioned you in a topic: is it normal to think panne is sexy" in my notifications.

I didn't even have time to share an opinion before the thing was closed up. I mean, I can't say I necesarily disagree.

Anyway, before my pal arrived so we could play some Curse of the Moon 2 (currently in the middle of beating the game for the fourth time. Iga continues to troll us in brand new ways every single run), I finished Donnel's map. Level him up to level 4, which was nice.

4 hours ago, BrightBow said:

That's not too insignificant. Tear Ring Saga actually gives most characters arcs. They don't just stop existing the moment they are recruited.

Heck, from the 5 characters in the prologue, 3 might potentially leave the army permanently. Just because they are recruited doesn't mean they don't have shit to do later on.

Yeah, that's what I was saying. Binding Blade throws its characters away into the support realm as soon as their join chapter is over, and most of the plot ends up being Roy talking to the same three characters as a result. Not much room for elaborate fantasy-fullfilling schemes there.

4 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

C'mon, selling a girl to slavery only happened in TRS.

I mean, if you want to be that specific, yeah, but things of that ilk? A-plenty in these games. Even Berwick couldn't help itself in a couple of instances. Even if I do consider one of them to be forgivable just because of how well handled it is, for the most part.

4 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

First I'm hearing of this. Believe it or not, I do not read hentai.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Decided to change up my avi, once every three months is good to me. Hadn't thought of what to use in advance, and I latched onto something else first. But then, I remember that this is Autism Awareness Day (and Autism Awareness Month), so I decided to opt for the one perfectly ordinary video game character, who although never stated to be autistic, screams it so loudly to me that I can't possibly think it otherwise.

Phog admittedly isn't the most interesting of avi choices, but eventually I found a close up of him pointing a gun, which gives it some dynamism and doesn't leave the impression of him being an absentminded normal-looking boring kid. Sure in context he's pointing the firearm at a crystal that readily diffuses, not an actual threat, but it nonetheless reminds me he can fight like everyone else. Now if only I was as useful as he, even if he is strictly inferior to Elma gameplay-wise.

Interesting... Who is he and where is he from?

4 hours ago, Robert Stewart said:

I had some Berwick names, just not ones i ended up using on my main team. There weren't that many Pokemon I caught that fit with Berwick characters.

I had a Pikachu from the Power Plant named Percy, and a second Meowth named Ruby...that was it, I think.

Ahh, that's good, good.

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

Triangle Strategy’s gameplay is actually pretty good.

I did say as much!


I’m also learning the hard way that I play way too recklessly, probably from FE. I need to get used to the fact that when I throw a non Erador unit ahead of everyone else to take care of some enemies, they will die.

Hahah... Well, to be fair, you really shouldn't be trying to beat maps without casualties in this game, either. Sacrifices, when employed wisely, can be of use.


Anyway, this most recent map is basically an “escape” map where you make a beeline for the bridge but you have to clear all the enemies on the bridge in order to escape, all the while reinforcements come from the other side of the map and will get to the bridge/overwhelm you if you take too long/play too safely. Good stuff, especially at the end when there were only like two enemies left on the bridge but the reinforcements were just about to step on to it and I barely won.

Yeah, TS is really fun. Super solid strategy game, right there.

4 hours ago, pong said:

I still think BinBla is conciously setting up its story beats to mirror Akaneia, just to then subvert them, at least most of the time. Perceval is very, very Camus-y (minus a relation to Nyna Guinivere) - but you can recruit him. You have the two red-haired wyvern siblings, the sister joins you first - but Zeiss turns out to be a decent guy and will swich sides eventually. Elphin basically narrates the opening of Book 2 to Roy in a "hey, this might totally be happening in Lycia right now" - but it turns out that he's just seeing if Roy can remain level-headed. Lilina is Mage!Shiida. ...ok, not much subversion there, really.

Is that why Merlinus is a complete idiot who is wrong the entire time? He's supposed to subvert the Malledus trope? Wow, that's... not something that had ever occured to me, surprisingly enough.

3 hours ago, Benice said:


Hey is anyone in the mood for an argument about lolis? How about some Three Houses hate, for old times sake?

28 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Actually, I do have to wonder if not using the secret thing will have an effect on the game. It assuredly won’t be anything major but… @lightcosmo

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Didn’t you choose not to surrender Roland? Did you use those fire thingies in the resulting battle at all? If you did, did that ever come up later in some throw away dialogue or could you see the ruins of the house(s) that used ti be there when you went back to the Wolfort castle town?


I chose this in my second run.


Whether or not you use the fire traps has a specific effect, but it shouldn't matter for a first run. The text at the end of the battle changes a bit too. No other changes as far as I know.


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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Hey is anyone in the mood for an argument about lolis?

Me, somewhere else on the net right now calling out the hypocrisy of shipping 17M x 25F (or even 35 i don't remember) and people being against 17M x 18F but because 18 looks short it's bad

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Me, somewhere else on the net right now calling out the hypocrisy of shipping 17M x 25F (or even 35 i don't remember) and people being against 17M x 18F but because 18 looks short it's bad

I just don't get why Japan loves its risqué age ranges so much. What's so wrong with people being in their early twenties, exactly?

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

I just don't get why Japan loves its risqué age ranges so much. What's so wrong with people being in their early twenties, exactly?


she's 20

People on the net still complain because she apparently doesn't look 20

or somehting

It's all about looks. 15 x 40 would be cool aslong as the looks fit

But how dare you be ok people of the same age just because on of them is short

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25 minutes ago, Sooks said:

That’s perfectly alright, I can just find out for myself!

I mean, you did give the game a 6/10 anyway.

I did? Huh, i don't remember that! XD

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"I'd give anything to have lasses offering me their pies all the time."


That's how you can tell this Fire Emblem was not localized by Treehouse. It actually has dialogue that is good.

4 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


she's 20

People on the net still complain because she apparently doesn't look 20

or somehting

It's all about looks. 15 x 40 would be cool aslong as the looks fit

But how dare you be ok people of the same age just because on of them is short

Ah, well, I mean. I guess the ginormous eyes, small face and the loli tooth do lend the impression of being childlike. But then there's... y'know, the upper torso.

Honestly, I don't think the character looks like a kid or like an adult. It simply looks bad. A poor mishmash of opposites to try and appeal to as large a variety of horny people as possible. Probably because that's exactly what the intent was.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

A poor mishmash of opposites to try and appeal to as large a variety of horny people as possible.

I come back and read this!? 

...what happened the few minutes I was out!?

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