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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Does Byleth actually qualify for Avatar status? What makes an Avatar... An Avatar in game anyways? 

I think a good way to describe it would be A character that is characterized vaguelt enough to sufficiently serve as a stand-in for the player or a character imagined by the player. Byleth tries to be this, as evidenced by the name and gender choice, the blank slate personality and their status as most beloved person in Fodlan; however, they aren't not great at it, since they cannot be customized at all to fit your personal preferences.

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18 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I don't even know their names or what it's about lol. Never cared about or watched it

I'm told it's one of the greats.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Hahaha... Byleth is great. They have zero customization aside from something so trivial as the name, making them a bad avatar, but they also suffer from every single avatar issue ever on top of not speaking, making them a bad character. The story does lampshade their lack of personality, which is funny, and admittedly they do exactly one legit cool thing with it, but... Sheesh.

Okay from here on out I'm going to try and exercise some restraint as you react to this game. We all know how I can get...

Oh yeah, since all names are voiced, giving the option on the name means nothing if it's never going to be spoken.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The church personnel have exactly one braincell they pass around.

Except Seteth, who has a bunch, but he won't share them. The prick.

Meanwhile, Rhea is spouting so much conservative religious nonsense that I'm almost on board with the assassination attempt against her.

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19 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm told it's one of the greats.

It's genuinely very good. And Iroh would be the best character even if he shaved. Even if he wouldn't breath fire as one of his signiture moves, because his badassery, while being a contributing factor, isn't the main reason why he's great.

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5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ah yes, the "We're indie, so we're not very popular and don't have the luxury of a large consumer base who'll buy any DLC we charge them for, so we're kinda forced to give stuff away for free" approach to DLC. 

Well the last big batch of Inti DLC was horrible. $5 each for....boss fights.

This is a complete 180 of that and more in line with what they did with the BMZ games, where DLC characters released and were free the initial two weeks....only this time it's massive and it seems it will always be free.

New story content is a big one, they've never done this before. Word is it's going to be an epilogue.

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4 minutes ago, ping said:

It's genuinely very good. And Iroh would be the best character even if he shaved. Even if he wouldn't breath fire as one of his signiture moves, because his badassery, while being a contributing factor, isn't the main reason why he's great.

And even if he couldn't catch lightning.

Discworld gods would hate that guy.

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3 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

And even if he couldn't catch lightning.

Discworld gods would hate that guy.

Well, they have to deal with a ceramic atheist already, so they've already had contact with somebody they can't smite.

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You know, I like basically all of Sacred Stones's soundtrack.

...Except the earlygame map theme. That one's like nails on a chalkboard. Even Winds Across The Plains isn't this bad.

20 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Oh yeah, since all names are voiced, giving the option on the name means nothing if it's never going to be spoken.

Yes, it's rather unfortunate.

20 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Meanwhile, Rhea is spouting so much conservative religious nonsense that I'm almost on board with the assassination attempt against her.

Turns out you were an Edelgardian all along

10 minutes ago, ping said:

It's genuinely very good. And Iroh would be the best character even if he shaved. Even if he wouldn't breath fire as one of his signiture moves, because his badassery, while being a contributing factor, isn't the main reason why he's great.

Again, don't even need to watch it to know he's the best.

Well to be fair I've seen like all of his relevant scenes, so I do have plenty of reason to know he's the best.

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Again, don't even need to watch it to know he's the best.

Well to be fair I've seen like all of his relevant scenes, so I do have plenty of reason to know he's the best.

Ah, sorry. I've made the - completely baseless, I'm sure - assumtion that you simply deduced that from his beard game.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Whichever you pick, have fun! If you go for Kiwami, ping me as well as Benice when you share your impressions. I've some interest in that one and I'd like to hear another opinion if possible.

Thanks and sure thing.

1 hour ago, Benice said:


Yay! I really, really hope you enjoy 'em, or at least whichever one you decide to play.

I apologize for the incoming wall of text!


In my opinion, Yakuza 0 is the best starting point in the franchise for a variety of reasons. Being the chronological first game in the series, it does a fantastic job of introducing the setting and characters of the series, and the story is, in short, a masterpiece with so many incredible moments, both exhilarating and sorrowful. In addition to the stunning main story, everything that belongs in a Yakuza game is here! The substories in this game are overall very strong, the minigames are plentiful and fun*, the karaoke selection is fantastic, and the music throughout the game is excellent. Plus, I know I already mentioned the story, but Majima's portion is just so good...

*We don't talk about the JCC, ok?

Where Kiwami surpasses 0 is in the combat. 0 has some skills locked behind progression of the business minigames, which is kinda a bummer (especially for Rush style), and both playable characters have at least one style that snaps the game like a twig. This isn't to say that the combat isn't fun, it's just that it's not the series' most engaging entry in that regard since you can just power through a lot of the bosses. 0 isn't horrible in this way, but Kiwami really puts it to shame regardless. The level up system in Kiwami is much more balanced and the bosses have really interesting movesets that really demand of you to use the different abilities of the styles, and the Change Up system that first appears in Kiwami (Though Kiryu can get the Quick Change clothes in 0, which I highly recommend equipping) allows for much deeper combos and versatility in play styles than in 0. And Kiwami has Tiger Drop. Tiger Drop is very funny.

In every other regard, however, I think that Kiwami is a worse starting point than in 0. You've probably heard me say this before, but OG Yakuza 1 has aged like milk, and Kiwami 1 is pretty faithful to it in some ways- This is mostly reflected in the substories, which are much, much less interesting than in 0. You also see it in the gameplay at times too, with the game starting with a long fetch quest which isn't very engaging at all. The karaoke's okay in K1, but it doesn't stand up to 0's.

Secondly, while Kiwami's combat allows for really high highs and has some terrific bosses... Whoof. We've also got a few really, really bad ones. They don't ruin the game in my opinion, but they are worth mentioning. Third, while the combat in Kiwami 1 is extremely refined, it does come at the loss of having just one playable character. Kiryu essentially has the same three styles as before; they are now much more balanced than in 0, but his fourth style, Dragon, is absolutely borked- You have to do a lot of grinding to make it usable in the main game. The fourth style sounds really enticing, but sadly, it doesn't really add too much to the game because of how slowly it unlocks. As a minor side point, the music in Kiwami is still okay, but there's just not as much of it- There is one theme that every single setpiece in the entire game uses.

Finally, Kiwami 1's story is made much better having played 0 first- K1's plot is pretty simple and hits a lot harder if you're experiencing it with characters you know and love as opposed to random Johnnies who you just met. Story and side content are massive parts of the Yakuza experience, and 0 easily wins out for both for me- It's also a much bigger game in general. Plus, I know I dunked on the gameplay earlier, but I personally really enjoy 0's. The styles are still really fun to use and feel great, and my issues with the combat being too easy aren't too perennial or overbearing- It still has a few really incredible fights, including the final boss.

There is no better way to enter into the wonderful world of the Yakuza series than with one of the best games in the whole franchise, Yakuza 0.

...0 also has 24-Hour Cinderella. It is automatically the better game.


tl;dr, while Kiwami has better combat, 0 does pretty much everything else better and strengthens Kiwami's narrative all while standing on its own two legs.

There is also a third option! You can take the sigma route and play OG Yakuza 1 to enjoy the absolutely horrible dub it got, the resident evil camera angles throughout Kamurocho and the lock-on camera where Kiryu can't turn around properly so you just punch a wall!


Sorry, that was really disconnected. I have a hard time putting my love for 0 into words...

I see, I see!

Well, that answers my question, and quite thoroughly too. Thanks much.

And no worries, I understand the feeling when you really love something.

1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

I don't even know their names or what it's about lol. Never cared about or watched it

Single best show I've ever watched.

Nothing has or ever will top it.

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1 hour ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:



1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Or that. That too is an Avatar.

Iroh best character and I don't even need to watch it to know

Did somebody say Avatar?


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My keyboard's spacebar is kind of screwy now so now I've just been pasting space with Control+V lol.

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1 hour ago, ping said:

Ah, sorry. I've made the - completely baseless, I'm sure - assumtion that you simply deduced that from his beard game.

To be fair, he IS a pretty amazing beardman. Just another thing that's cool about him.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:


Hah! Yeah, let's go with that.

34 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:

My keyboard's spacebar is kind of screwy now so now I've just been pasting space with Control+V lol.

Life hacks.

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41 minutes ago, FlyingKitsune said:

My keyboard's spacebar is kind of screwy now so now I've just been pasting space with Control+V lol.


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think a good way to describe it would be A character that is characterized vaguelt enough to sufficiently serve as a stand-in for the player or a character imagined by the player. Byleth tries to be this, as evidenced by the name and gender choice, the blank slate personality and their status as most beloved person in Fodlan; however, they aren't not great at it, since they cannot be customized at all to fit your personal preferences.

How could the player be defined by a character that has little to no emotion, though? 

Choices are usually driven by emotion, and I assume that would play part in "avatar" status. I understand it was the intention, but it's not how I percieved it at all at any rate. Ofc that COULD just be me.

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3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Does Byleth actually qualify for Avatar status? What makes an Avatar... An Avatar in game anyways? 

Not as much as Corrin and Robin. The only thing you can customize is the character’s gender

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