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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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I don't understand anime eyes.

See, that's why bearded old men are better. They have simple, small, one-dot eyes as opposed to massive colorful orbs that I'm incapable of drawing convincingly.

35 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:



There is a version of Okarin somewhere that isn't cripplingly gullible.

It is the bad version, because he doesn't go HYYYYUUUUUUUUU. HYYYUUU > brain.

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Stalling out post game final final boss like a freaking boss


I love walling enemies....and really really hate it when it happens to me

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There is a version of Okarin somewhere that isn't cripplingly gullible.


Gamma/Hyde of the Dark Dimension

Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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If only it was that easy


Omori vibes


And that's Touhou Puppet Dance Performance -Shard of Dreams-

Was a small fun journey.


Well, there's still something akin to the battle tower to do, but i don't think i will bother with that. These can become very unfun very fast in Pokemon, from experience.

Edited by Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων
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6 hours ago, Benice said:

It's fantastic! Kalinnikov's 1st symphony is my favorite piece of music ever; we started learning it four years ago when I was in Grade 9, but our performance of it got canned by the 'rona; now that I'm (probably) in my last year with the orchestra, the directors brought it back! I was so elated that I couldn't help but jump around.

Oh, nice. Congrats!

6 hours ago, Benice said:

This sums it up:


I've been doing well, though! School's just back in, and it's really nice to see everybody. I'm in my school's choir now too, so that's pretty neat.

I see. I hope you get some writing done and you’re able to enjoy school.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Return of the socks.

Good to see you again! I see you're playing one of the forbbiden ones. I hope you enjoy it! Do not forget, if Factory Worker Garon makes his grand return, you must let me know. You must!

Hi, good to see you again too! I will if he returns, but the bad news is I’m fairly certain you don’t visit his town in this game, so his odds of making an appearance are low.

4 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

  Hello to you too Sooks.


3 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Just some flair XD

It's Greek for Emperor of Shrimps...according to google tl

Oh, cool.

3 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Welcome back!


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4 hours ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Me and you right now

I will not comment further on that matter


Haha, can't argue with that! CS III just lacks something that makes it fun. I mean, with modding CSIV can be made playable, but III just... bleh.

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8 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:



Seriously though, i've said it before and i'll say it again, it's core isn't bad, just the balance decisions around it are. 

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8 hours ago, joevar said:

oh theres another that actually annoys me. the fact that game forces one human - one spirit people in party composition. so theres more than one occasion that somehow we battle with soren and one spirit despite theres already several of them in party. even when theres Rose, Armatization gives more problem since the party become 2 people when both doing armatization and annoys me when AI decide to keep attacking instead of reviving when character i use downed

tldr; armatization is counter productive imo

It was annoying that during the brief time between Alisha's departure and Rose's recruitment that I could only field two characters, I actively avoided fighting. The events on the battlefield made it clear that's not how it works. I should've been able to field all the seraphs instead of having them in reserve indeed.

As for armatization, I'm used to it now and are willing to bear with it. Yet I do agree that halving your team isn't the funnest thing in a Tales game. Maybe it'd be better if I could field six characters at once and thus be reduced to 3 when fully armatized, which is much better than 2. Or, I should've been able to bring out the reserve seraphs to temporarily fill the empty slots. Aesthetically, armatization isn't as cool as it could've been, I think the pure white attires should've been more customized with more color and flair based on which seraph has been merged with. Conceptually, I don't think it was a bad idea, and perhaps it's some attempt to evolve a stronger teamwork mechanic from Xillia's character-linking. I'll have to look up and see if Namco stated the inspirations for armatization once after I've played more of the game.

As for the 2 humans, 2 seraphs requirement. Well humans are entirely physical fighters in gameplay, while the seraphs are typecast as mages. 2 physical 2 mage is a balanced team composition, if an inflexible one because it has been 2 humans to 4 seraphs. Not losing Alisha would've offered a modicum of variety on the human front. 2 physical 4 mage is the same ratio as Abyss though, this isn't the first time Tales has done it, so I can bear with it. Anise was technically physically competent, except she was so slow and awkward with her giant plushie punches, so why bother with that compared to spell spam?

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Hi, good to see you again too!

What've you been up to? I don't think anyone asked you yet. Or else I missed it. Sorry if they did!

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

I will if he returns, but the bad news is I’m fairly certain you don’t visit his town in this game, so his odds of making an appearance are low.

Terrible. Utterly despicable. Worst CS game. I gauge the quality of these games bssed on the Garon appearances.

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8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Incredibly forced feeling and possibly annoying complaints/“conflict” dialogue right at the beginning when the class is first getting introduced… no, I’m seeing more parallels.



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16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Maybe it'd be better if I could field six characters at once and thus be reduced to 3 when fully armatized, which is much better than 2

this. it feels way different when its 3. its a bit different, but in Xenoblade 3, i feel they implement it better since theres 7-man party, 3 combined char + 1 non combinable char in the field.

2 char in battle is just way too few. not to mention you're still vulnerable. which in Xenoblade 3 case, you arent vulnerable when combining, so you are not punished for using "cooler form" 

and lore wise it should be possible to swap partner freely, but iirc you cant mid battle. also restricting party based on physical + magical is still counter intuitive. since not every enemy has to receive equal damage to both afaik. i always find it weird when a game declare game over when not all party member actually down, only the active one

either way its too restrictive. thats my only gripe with zestiria combat. thankfully they abandon it in Arise

Edited by joevar
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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Buffered combat is instantly a turn off for me.

buffered as in? 

im not saying arise has the best combat style. but zestiria way too restrictive its just feel weird. i know its partly due to plot but still

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We can never escape


13 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

L'arachel is the only non-protagonist character I knew from Sacred Stones before playing it now I believe. I usually just end up disliking snobby arrogant noble characters but L'ara is just entertaining, at least from what little I've seen of her.

You are NOT immune to hot lady troubadour

13 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Myrmidons are my often my favorite class of units aesthetically and I'm a big fan of the dashing rogue archetype so I'm already a fan of Joshua.

You'll want to check Eirika's chapter 14 then

12 hours ago, Sooks said:


Welcome back. Where have you been?

12 hours ago, Sooks said:

It’s cool that I got Gligar, but it would’ve been cool if I got Gligar in a game where it could evolve.

You just have to play the best pokemon game, bro

Iwata Pergunta | 1. Duas sequelas, dois anos depois | Iwata Pergunta: Pokémon  Black Version 2 e Pokémon White Version 2 | Nintendo

11 hours ago, Armagon said:


Osborne's VA sounds like he has lung cancer

Nakata Jouji supremacy

9 hours ago, Benice said:


Benice, no!

8 hours ago, Benice said:


We are always our own worst enemy...

By the way, didn't you participate in the last entry? I was sure I saw you say you had a song idea to write a story.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

In all honesty, the images were questionable at best. Especially because a man with a beard appeared in one of them. FE hasn't remembered what beards look like for 15 years. But one can dream.

Inb4 there are many bearded men in the game, but they're locked behind a gacha

32 minutes ago, Armagon said:


After all, what does this reaction mean?

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20 minutes ago, joevar said:

buffered as in? 

im not saying arise has the best combat style. but zestiria way too restrictive its just feel weird. i know its partly due to plot but still

Umm... i am awful at explaining so you might be best looking that one up, haha. 

Edit: i see Shrimpy has it under control. XD although it's more complex than that, but not gonna explain since i suck at it and will confuse you more.

No i'm not saying Zesteria is good by any means, just better than Arise simply cause the buffer system.

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6 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:
  Hide contents


XeNtrblade Chronicles (3 Spoilers ofc)

lol, i've seen part of it.. they just had to edit it even further huh

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