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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not the first time FE oddly didn't finish a map.


Is Persia-India-China further east of Sacae?

I mean, it isn't truly unrealistic or odd, since IRL, societies operated with land boundaries that might as well have been the edge of the earth barring any long-distance luxury trade. But for some video games, it's an choice that might not make the most sense.

For a long time it has always give me the feel that it's not that there's land further east.... they just couldn't fit the entire landmass in the picture. But well... who knows...

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Inherent Tellius bias means I don't entirely dislike it. But whatever the flatulence instrument is constantly playing in the background could stand to be replaced, listening to this for the first time in years. The horns and whatnot in the foreground are fine IMO.

I'm pretty sure it's a tuba.

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10 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh, gonna share your guess?

Something something, evil god is resurrected, something something, Ike gets blessing from the goddess and kills and/or seals the evil god, the end.

Judging from patterns of other games I imagine that's what's going to happen.

Obviously the story has a lot of it's own thing going but I'm pretty confident in that specific beat.

12 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Did you had her talk to him?

Yes and I kind of wish they had more to say to each other honestly.

13 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

What does the Tornado Siren Noise even means...?

Trying to find it, I actually messed up, it was supposed to be this

Which wasn't a tornado siren like I thought it was.

I don't know what else to name it that people will understand the specific sound I'm talking about so I guess I'll just call it "the Siren head sound"

Also the point of the tier is to describe main characters who feel more like narrative devices than actual characters.

20 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Does their theme "helps"? I've always found it a bit on the silly side...

Yeah definitely a bit over the top generically evil sounding if you ask me.

Kind of reminds of some tracks in Wind Waker oddly enough.

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1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Something something, evil god is resurrected, something something, Ike gets blessing from the goddess and kills and/or seals the evil god, the end.

Judging from patterns of other games I imagine that's what's going to happen.

Obviously the story has a lot of it's own thing going but I'm pretty confident in that specific beat.

Interesting. Well, I won't say more. You still have a game and a third left to go, after all.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Yes and I kind of wish they had more to say to each other honestly.

Did you had Jill reach A support with Mist or B support with Lethe? Because Jill actually leaves the party if you don't if she talks with her father.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Also the point of the tier is to describe main characters who feel more like narrative devices than actual characters.

Yeah, that's what I was asking about; and I see.

1 minute ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Yeah definitely a bit over the top generically evil sounding if you ask me.

Kind of reminds of some tracks in Wind Waker oddly enough.

Well, it can be fitting to a degree... yes...

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8 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Does it really?

In the sense that they don't bother to map anything north of it due to a sea true north of it, and the "desert of death" to the north-east.


9 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



"I am the manager"

It does have exactly that energy doesn't it...


9 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



As far as I can remember, this is the only other time in a Fire Emblem game I've played that has talked about the reprehensible acts of our army in a way that's true and fair, the other being in Awakening, though this one is unique in that it's coming from an actual victim of our army.

Judgral has some kinda similar thing. One notable one involves a girl that if you visit the village early will proudly brag about her lover being a knight, although if you visit her after wiping out (and seizing the castle of) his army she will be in mourning over his death at your hands...


14 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:




That is a bit dark, and cruel. Alright, time for a fun fact: first if Jill talked to her father, she would become a red unit again, unless she has an A support with Mist...and the code indicates if she had an A support with Lethe as well, but in what was probably an oversight, she can't reach A support with Lethe until after this chapter is completed.


15 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



Will be updated as we go through this adventure together.

*Tornado siren noise* Lol. I do wonder a little where you will end up putting the remaining ones, I have a theory, but I am not entirely sure.


22 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:



I'm sorry, after the whole "Greil killed his own wife and crippled himself afterwords out of overwhelming shame and guilt" fiasco, I can't see these 3 as anything more than Sunday morning cartoon villains.

Yeah I kinda see that. The Burger King is basically Darth Vader from episode 4, and Petrine is fairly cartoonishly evil as well, although Ena will become a little more interesting latter on.

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15 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That is a bit dark, and cruel. Alright, time for a fun fact: first if Jill talked to her father, she would become a red unit again, unless she has an A support with Mist...and the code indicates if she had an A support with Lethe as well, but in what was probably an oversight, she can't reach A support with Lethe until after this chapter is completed.

I thought it was only up to B with Lethe, precisely for that very reason.

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43 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not the first time FE oddly didn't finish a map.


Is Persia-India-China further east of Sacae?

I mean, it isn't truly unrealistic or odd, since IRL, societies operated with land boundaries that might as well have been the edge of the earth barring any long-distance luxury trade. But for some video games, it's an choice that might not make the most sense.

Oh man I forgot how clearly European inspired Elibe's map was.

Do any of the other continents hold obvious inspirations I wonder.

29 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Did you had Jill reach A support with Mist or B support with Lethe? Because Jill actually leaves the party if you don't if she talks with her father.

Oh wait, could she actually talk to her dad with a talk commend? Because if so then my stupid monkey brain must've completely missed it.

I think she's at a B support with Lethe but I can't remember exactly.

31 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yeah, that's what I was asking about; and I see.

Inspired by this video.


19 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

That is a bit dark, and cruel.

I like to call it Narratively satisfying

In my defense, I wasn't going to originally but she was the only one in range who was actually able to kill him on that turn so I was like "Fuck it, might as well add some extra drama"


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23 minutes ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh man I forgot how clearly European inspired Elibe's map was.

Do any of the other continents hold obvious inspirations I wonder.

You mean as in their shape? I can only think up Fodlan also being Europe-esque.


Oh wait, could she actually talk to her dad with a talk commend? Because if so then my stupid monkey brain must've completely missed it.

I think she's at a B support with Lethe but I can't remember exactly.

Yep, and if you can't go back to trigger it... here, enjoy:

And I see it truly isn't possible to stop it with just B Lethe. Which means the script on Serenes has it wrong, then.


I like to call it Narratively satisfying

In my defense, I wasn't going to originally but she was the only one in range who was actually able to kill him on that turn so I was like "Fuck it, might as well add some extra drama"

You're not a true FE player if you don't.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Yooooooooooooooooooooooo!🤩☢️⚛️ Manmade nuclear fusion with a net-positive useful energy output

We're very likely not going to see fusion reactors powered humanity within our lifetimes. One scientist I heard secondhand compared this to an embryo, we've still a long way to go before it graduates from Harvard. Yet still, MASSIVE scientific breakthrough! Nigh-infinite clean energy not dependent on the wind or sun is getting closer!

Well, shit. The future's today. Now we hope some rich asshole doesn't find a way to ruin it for everyone, like always.

7 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:

We're no stranger to Marth

You know the Rings and so do i

A full Engage's what i'm thinking of

You wouldn't get this from any other dev

I just wanna equip what I'm feeling

Gotta rub you understand

Never gonna crit you up
Never gonna miss you down
Never gonna get BBQ'd and desert you
Always gonna make you cry
Ironman says goodbye
Always gonna miss a 90 and hurt you

We've played FE for so long

You wanna screw RNG but you're too weak to do it

Inside we both know what's been going on

We love the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I’m missing
Don’t tell me you’re too skilled to see

Never gonna crit you up
Never gonna miss you down
Never gonna get BBQ'd and desert you
Always gonna make you cry
Ironman says goodbye
Always gonna miss a 90 and hurt you

I don't know if I love this or if I want to burn Serenes's server to erase it from existence.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

I see your point but at the same time, the confirmed roster we do have already is pretty big. I can't see there being more than 10 unrevealed units left. And there's two characters who, even without leaks, we can go "yeah they join".

Actually, the revealed cast would be one of the smallest in the entire series. But then, lack of routes would make it feel bigger than some others, so I wouldn't be too sad if this was all there is. A bit sad, but not too sad.

Besides, less than 10's more or less what I'm expecting myself. I just think it'd be a bit weird for it only to be the two. I'm expecting a few more, but we'll see.


I think any surprise units would just be the rulers of each nation, assuming none of them bite it. Or child units but we'd know about those at this point if they were happening.

Child units aren't likely. Rulers... Eh, we'll see. We all know how much IntSys hates those, but with this game, who knows. If there ever was a game funny enough to let you use the Ugly Old Man, it'd have to be Yoga Emblem.


Correct me if i'm wrong but i believe Fates revealed most of it's Gen 1 cast. And Three Houses revealed everybody but that's Three Houses. Won't mention Echoes cause that's a remake

I wasn't around for Fates marketing, but yeah, Houses totally did do that. But then, Houses is a strange beast.

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well Veyle wasn't leaked at all but the one i'm talking about is Mauvier. Like even without the leaks, he looks so normal compared to the other Four Hands that you know he's gonna go "are we the baddies" and defect.

I can actually see Marni turning blue as well. She's kind of a jerk, but compared to Griss and Zephia she doesn't seem as outright hostile or invested in world-ending. I doubt she'd join by herself, but I could see Mauvier persuading her, perhaps.

Still, nothing to be done there but wait and see. Dream'd be the shopkeeps and the hot pirate lady and Hyacinth but I'm 100% not getting all of those, if any.

4 hours ago, FlyingKitsune said:

You should play Etrian Odyssey 3 haha
What is it about modern games do you dislike? Is it a more sylistic thing, or is it because of the directions or games having different goals or what? Just curious. There's probably SOME modern game, indie or otherwise that can fit your tastes.

Yeah, people tend to just call famous triple As "modern gaming" when there's so much more if you just look for it.


I can recommend Shovel Knight, for one.

Plague Knight best knight.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Alright, enough doing stuff around Aiyo Faraway. Time to advance the plot...

Wholesomeness time.

2 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This is the only Camus I will accept.

Does he even count as a Camus?

Guess the cat's out of the bag, so I'll just say it: If Jill talks to him, she defects to his side, unless she has an A support with Mist. How many people have told you now?

This is, in theory, a really cool thing that beautifully brings Jill's development to a turning point. In practice, it makes you reload an hour of monotonous PoR gameplay because you did a thing, and best case scenario you get absolutely nothing.

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

 Oh wait, could she actually talk to her dad with a talk commend? Because if so then my stupid monkey brain must've completely missed it.

Lucky you, you won't have to reload the entire map.

Still, that's too bad. PoR fans swear by that moment as one of the best in the game. Check out a video Acacia linked.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And I see it truly isn't possible to stop it with just B Lethe. Which means the script on Serenes has it wrong, then.

Fairly certain not, if I recall my PoR run correctly.

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29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, shit. The future's today. Now we hope some rich asshole doesn't find a way to ruin it for everyone, like always.

Headlines from 2025: "Elon Musk reveals how he invented nuclear fusion"

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oh man I forgot how clearly European inspired Elibe's map was.

To be honest, I don't entirely see it. Nabata peninsula = Iberia, I assume? Clearly FE7 plays in the future, after the desertification of Iberia is complete. And bonus points for Aquileia being where Aquitaine would be. But I don't see equivalents for Italy or Scandinavia in Elibe.

Or do you mean a more general "vibe", like frozen lands in the northeast, islands in the NW, decentralised confederation in the center?

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Christopher Nolan just wanted to do a nuclear didn't he?

6 hours ago, Hectorcopter said:

I regret buying Pokémon Scarlet. I’ve come to realize that I hate open world games because I always feel stuck and never know what to do. I was frustrated with Breath of the Wild for the same reason but since it had been over five years since then and Pokémon should theoretically be an easier game I thought it would be different. I thought wrong. That’s on top of all of the game’s actual problems.

So it's open world nature just makes you feel like there's no structure to it? Is it a sort of decision paralysis?

Pretty understandable critique, but it doesn't help that S/V is so successful already.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Neither's Reddit.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


This is the only Camus I will accept.

Does he even count as a Camus?

I wouldn't think so? Considering he's defected in the past and is thus caught in two here.

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Will be updated as we go through this adventure together.

I will critique Marth and Azura now:

Marth: Is a prince before he is a son or brother

Azura: Actually planning on taking over in the vacuum that arises from the chaos she enables

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


I'm sorry, after the whole "Greil killed his own wife and crippled himself afterwords out of overwhelming shame and guilt" fiasco, I can't see these 3 as anything more than Sunday morning cartoon villains.

I'll concede that with Petrine.

(Even if I think she'd fit in the GOP ticket these days, I've only been proven right since I played PoR)

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Inherent Tellius bias means I don't entirely dislike it. But whatever the flatulence instrument is constantly playing in the background could stand to be replaced, listening to this for the first time in years. The horns and whatnot in the foreground are fine IMO.

Oh jeez, this track.

This one kills me.

 It's the bloody foot marching beats that play through the whole thing, those are just a no.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is, in theory, a really cool thing that beautifully brings Jill's development to a turning point. In practice, it makes you reload an hour of monotonous PoR gameplay because you did a thing, and best case scenario you get absolutely nothing.

Me, getting Mist and Jill A rank: Let's go!

41 minutes ago, Benice said:


Genesis truly peaked when Scott The Woz was their lead singer.

Thanks Youtube, I hate it.

Mostly because it's obvious you're searching for the band but it throws other topics up. I hate the algorithm

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4 minutes ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Also walking around after battle?

Should've seen DP/Turnwheel (what should we call this that isn't just referencing another series or just picking one game's name for it?) coming, though that doesn't preclude tight map design, I'd hope. And yeah, we were beginning to think news would run out for Engage.

Second sounds a little 3H'y. Too short a clip to make any serious judgments.

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1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:


Awesome, now I can make full use of my time (since I will be doing a full semester for the Spring).

So that map is Ch.17 it seems, so we at least have confirmation of up to that point. Hortensia is promoted so I'm gonna assume this is past the midway point of the game.

1 hour ago, Imperator Squilla said:

Also walking around after battle?

Mmmm I hope this isn't mandatory. It might seem cool at first but the novelty would definitely wear off.

Maybe it's only for specific maps.

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Wait....Cavalry moving normally on a desert map? Instead of whole map, it's just specific patches of the desert that hinder movement?

Oh....oh my God. They did it. They made desert maps not steaming piles of garbage.

Engage is the best game in the series by default.

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Does it really matter all that much when cavalry only has like 4 movement in the first place?

In any case Dark Knights in Tear Ring Saga had unrestricted movement on both sand and forest terrain. As if Zieg wasn't busted enough as is.

In Berwick Saga Light Infantry could traverse sand terrain without any penalty. Worth noting that light Infantry basically means ALL infantry besides Axel.

Interestingly Berwick Saga also has the Acrobat skill, which reduces movement cost on all traversable terrain to 1. Although it's not actually used for any PC or NPC. Not even as a food bonus.

Edited by BrightBow
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17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Wait....Cavalry moving normally on a desert map? Instead of whole map, it's just specific patches of the desert that hinder movement?

Isnt this a good/bad thing? I mean, you could easily abuse the A.I with limited movement. XD

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2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Isnt this a good/bad thing? I mean, you could easily abuse the A.I with limited movement. XD

Desert maps have never been fun because of how much it hindered you for no reason.

The real reason they probably did this is because of the nerfed movement counts to begin with. Imagine your 5 mov unit entering a desert map.

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3 hours ago, Imperator Squilla said:



Map is Chapter 17: Shattered Peace

Victory condition: defeat all 6 commanders.

Sounds spicy.

Ok so here's something i noticed: Hortensia is promoted in this clip. Timerra is also promoted and that's not the first time we've seen her like that on this map. Ivy was shown on this map back then as a Lv.1 Wing Tamer and her stats were higher than Hortensia at Lv.20 in the same class. Could Ivy be a late-ish joiner after all and despite being unpromoted, her stats are higher to compensate? Or is this just dev shenanigans again? We already know you can grind. Guess we'll find out next month i suppose. At the very least, by the time you reach Ch.17, Ivy is already on your side. Whether she joins on this map automatically at the start or she joins earlier remains to be seen.

For reference, Xander joins in Conquest at Ch.17 and in Rev, both him and Ryoma join at Ch.16.

9 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Okay now I actually feel really bad.

I made Annette lodge her axe into Gilbert's spine and i also did this.

I hope when i inevitably have to kill Haycinth in Engage, i can make Ivy and Hortensia do it.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Not the first time FE oddly didn't finish a map.


I am just now noticing that.


I have been informed the English previews are up. A whole month in advance. I won't watch, i'll simply wait for the SparkNotes to be filtered in, i don't feel like watching IGN be bad at the game.

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36 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Desert maps have never been fun because of how much it hindered you for no reason.

The real reason they probably did this is because of the nerfed movement counts to begin with. Imagine your 5 mov unit entering a desert map.

I dont know if it bothers me that much except FE4 where its hell. 

Like, RD's desert map feels short to me, idk why.

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