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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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4 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:
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I swore she dies on AM too, or am I just assuming that because she was kept similarly imprisoned to the other routes that she'd die inevitably. On AM Byleth is explicitly Archbishop, so that also might have explained my coming to that conclusion.


No, she always lives in AM.

Basically, what causes her to die is that she has to once again tank Javelins of Light in VW (while in SS it's due to going feral), unlike Azure Moon where there's no assault on Shambala. Thus she can just retire to Zanado. As for Silver Snow, I guess it's her bond with Byleth that lets her live, while the difference between the A and S outcomes is that she doesn't become as close to Byleth to decide to return to her post. Instead she retires to Zanado as well.


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 minute ago, Acacia Sgt said:
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No, she always lives in AM.

Basically, what causes her to die is that she has to once again tank Javelins of Light in VW (while in SS it's due to going feral), unlike Azure Moon where there's no assault on Shambala. Thus she can just retire to Xanado. As for Silver Snow, I guess it's her bond with Byleth that lets her live, while the difference between the A and S outcomes is that she doesn't become as close to Byleth to decide to return to her post. Instead she retires to Xanado as well.



Not gonna like, I would have liked the idea of Hegemon Edelgard using Seiros in it's creation, the weapon created as an attempt to overthrow Seiros using her to bring it this far. But then again a fair amount would need to be done to alter the routes to aid differentiating them.

I guess it's ShambAll or nothing with her fate huh? Admittedly I cleared SS once so I didn't realise Rhea could survive on A rank as well.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

This video is extremely important

It's probably just me, but seeing Clodsire get washed concerned me because it's weak to water.

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6 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

It's probably just me, but seeing Clodsire get washed concerned me because it's weak to water.

Water Absorb is one of it's abilities.

Sadly my Clodsire does not have that, it has Poison Point instead.

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I wish FE gave every official heights right now. It's annoyed me before, but ATM I'm really bothered by not knowing how at what angle I'd be making eye contact with Skrimir. Dude should be massive, very possibly taller than I, but for some reason his official artwork makes him look stout to me. The other two should definitely be taller than me, but I can't tell with the young beary hunk (assuming that best describes his physique).


Speaking of diet stuff, I do appreciate those who forswear or reduce meat and animal product consumption. I'm not going to say they're "more moral", particularly if they simply grew up with it and have never had the temptation to go carnivore, but I still consider it a good thing b/c eco/no-killing/healthy that I'm incapable of doing. Then there's knowing that I'm getting older so it'd be nice to change diet now so I age less painfully later. And... *sigh*


Another night where I felt like I wasn't in the proper mind to play anything. How many days have I gone without really playing a video game at this point? Once more, I squander my good fortune of being able to be indolent, yet without enjoying what it offers that those who are overworked are left longing for.

...Yeah, I don't think I'm existentially depressed right now, but self-loathing seems to be at elevated levels.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Wanted to play Omori tonight, but only did minor stuff (water Basil's plants, get the show tickets, and pick up some Hero Tag items I missed). Still, next time I'll definitely head to Pyrefly Forest now. I know the Orange Oasis also opened up, but I'll put it on hold for now.

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20 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Hey teehee, what game should I play that specifically has a physical edition on the switch or ps4?

Okay, not on Switch, but...


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

This video is extremely important


I require the sire.

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9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I see. Hmm... uh, say, how long have you been eating that way? Don't know what to make of it, but a part of me has the feeling the inflammation could have been a consequence of that. So the idea that you were suggested the Keto is that a change of diet could induce the inflammation to recede?

But well, I'm no expert. Humans are omnivorous for a reason, so the idea of discarding stuff is an alteration to that so it wouldn't surprise me if it induces side-effects. Taking supplements is a modern solution to that issue, at least. In any case, go for what you feel will help best. It's probably the best I can advice, maybe

Supposedly I've had it since I was born so no diet issues there.

Besides, I partially lied, I do eat meat sometimes. I used to be a devote vegetarian but better understanding that plants are just as alive as animals and that I cannot live as living creature without killing something else has opened me to meat, if only during events since I'm not as used to it.

Fun fact about the diet I've learned is that since my body is so used to sugar (Another thing I learned is that my brains often craves sugar to keep it awake) going off of it for this diet will apparently make the first 10 days of it absolute hell.

9 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, if it's consolation, Rhea dies in Verdant Wind no matter what, so she's not placed back in power.

Oh she does? I could've sworn there was flavor text in the end that said something about her "Respecting other faiths" maybe that was just the church itself.

Hey that's another thing I learned, I'm really prone to forgetting things.

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well... At least now you know what it is. It's something, right?

>tfw you've lived your entire life self-loathing for not being able to do basic tasks that every one else around you can do and only now learning that it's not actually your fault.

I mean I had a hunch but you know what I mean.

8 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

So it getting caught in your ADHD checks is a positive in that you know this is the case, but the cause could very well be a separate change. Were there symptoms that you had related to the inflammation?

Just about every symptom I had noticed got checked with this brain scan.

6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

We're a very caring little group in an odd corner of the Web. Better that we overreacted than under, no?😆

Heheh, true indeed. It is a nice taste of fresh air though. Often times when I tell people that I have ADHD they undermine it quite a bit. A lot of that is thanks to just how the illness is named, many people don't think ADHD to be as serious as it actually is.


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btw @Edelguardiansing, a propos of nothing, might I recommend the play/film A Raisin in the Sun to you? Considering how much you enjoyed what PoR has had to say about racism so far, I've a feeling you might really, really enjoy this one. It was the first Broadway play written by a black woman, (that being Lorraine Hansberry, perhaps the most slay person ever to walk the earth), and the first directed by a black man as well, and I must advocate for it. The characters are outstanding, the emotional roller coaster it takes you on is remarkable, and what it has to say is top-notch on many levels.

EDIT: It does have slurs in it, though, so do be aware of that.

Apparently both the 1961 and 2008 film are quite good: I've never seen either, though. The 1961 version had the screenplay written by Hansberry herself, so I'd sooner recommend it on the basis of being most faithful to the original vision.

You could also just read the play; unlike reading Shakespeare's plays, I found that I actually understood what was going on in the play while I was reading it, and it translates quite well into a text.

Either way, sorry to bother you! Just a random late-night thought I had while I was supposed to be writing my essay on the play. Or sleeping, since I'm on vacation.

Edited by Benice
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Well, that's Leif. He's boring in gameplay and the hair glow he gives makes no sense. Mint? He's like, the only lord whose hair color doesn't conflict with anybody else. What reason did they have to give him a color that doesn't make any sense for him?

Ah well. At least his outfit is pretty kick-ass. Good on Leif amiibo owners, I guess?

Also, it would appear Etie has been seen in another wildly different class again. Lance flier this time, apparently. Reclassing seems to be pretty open once more, if her constant profession changes are any indication.

6 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, can't get enough of this!


And that's not even the best boss theme. Just you wait till the boss of the area after the forest...

1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:

>tfw you've lived your entire life self-loathing for not being able to do basic tasks that every one else around you can do and only now learning that it's not actually your fault.

I mean I had a hunch but you know what I mean.

I do, yes. I can relate. Before my mother told me about my asperger's the only reference I had was my classmates telling me I was insane. Certainly a relief to know that wasn't it.

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3 hours ago, Sooks said:

Hey teehee, what game should I play that specifically has a physical edition on the switch or ps4?

Persona 5. Fun fact in almost exactly one month Persona 4 and Persona 3 will also be available on both as well.


1 hour ago, Edelguardiansing said:


Besides, I partially lied, I do eat meat sometimes. I used to be a devote vegetarian but better understanding that plants are just as alive as animals and that I cannot live as living creature without killing something else has opened me to meat, if only during events since I'm not as used to it.

That is how I see it as well, although I am far more accustom to meat than you are.


As for Lief, the powers they gave him are baffling, he is literally in the game where the weapon triangle advantage/disadvantage bonus/penalty is weakest, and the only way the Killer Axe makes any sense is if it is 1-2 range and secretly the pugi (or Bhuj or Vouge, whatever the official translation actually is). It is down right disappointing.


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Also I like how they keep using that wonderful shot of Vandad t-posing lol

24 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

As for Lief, the powers they gave him are baffling, he is literally in the game where the weapon triangle advantage/disadvantage bonus/penalty is weakest, and the only way the Killer Axe makes any sense is if it is 1-2 range and secretly the pugi (or Bhuj or Vouge, whatever the official translation actually is). It is down right disappointing.

Everything about Leif is incomprehensible. They based him on the game where he is a secondary even though he's only here because he was the protagonist in a different game - never mind the fact that Thracia had so many mechanics they could've adapted into emblem abilities.

Plus, everything he has just feels so... Uninspired. Less damage when WTA, automatic WTA, big attack with lots of weapons, a crit axe... It's all such minor, underpowered stuff compared to every other Emblem.

He feels like a complete afterthought. By far the worst Emblem so far, and I doubt he'll be beaten. Only good thing about him is Vandad t-posing lol

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

>Final map remix

If user uses Martial Arts, it breaks everything.

Okay, Tetra Trick is cool. Leif's one of those who's great for those who are already good units when engaged (Adaptibility may be nice to stop breaks, but if you can't take all the hits it doesn't matter after all) and until then is alright (I'd like the sync skill to reduce damage more, maybe that comes with increased bond levels.)

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The automatic WTA is pretty big tho since that means he can't be broken.

Automatic WTA is nice, yeah, but... Well, you compare it to the other Emblem powers and it just seems oddly mundane. I've even seen people point out that it might be a double-edged sword, capable of equipping people with weapons that might weigh them down.

...of course, maybe the game comes out and he turns out to be the only one that can be used without breaking the game lol. But if I had to choose, I'd rather have one bad emblem than 11 Seths I have to avoid.


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6 hours ago, Sooks said:

Hey teehee, what game should I play that specifically has a physical edition on the switch or ps4?

Since you liked 13 Sentinels, you should check out Odin Sphere on PS4. I don't think a physical copy should be too hard to get. It's similar to 13 Sentinels in that it follows multiple characters through non-linear storytelling although you do follow the characters in a set path so it's easier to talk about. Gameplay's more engaging too, I'd say.

If not that, then Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Or Metroid Dread.

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Fates 2 woop woop?

This is a good balance.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

By far the worst Emblem so far,

Well he does come from the worst Fire Emblem game so I guess it's accurate lol lmao gottem.

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Incidentally, this is a couple days old already, but


Apparently this spritesheet is being given out by some store as a preorder bonus.

Checks out, it has all the important people revealed so far. Maybe they will truly be the only playable characters... But then, final boss is also there lol, so who knows.

Eh, as long as I can unjeigan Vandad quickly and make him into the beard warrior he was always meant to be...

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well he does come from the worst Fire Emblem game so I guess it's accurate lol lmao gottem.

Haha Armagon, what a story.

He's not Ike tho, is he?

12 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Leif is in FE6?

Wait actually, what DID Roy have? I completely glossed over him, but didn't he have like, an even more underwhelming kit than Leif? Poor dudes...

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