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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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I half expect The Dragon Prince to knock off these at some point.

2 minutes ago, Emperor_Siegfried said:


Oh no, what have you done?

I have heard of that name, why have you invoked it?

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:


My brain hurts.

Good luck, I'll admit I have no idea what is up with that image.

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Just now, Punished Dayni said:

Good luck, I'll admit I have no idea what is up with that image.

I have no more context than this, myself. This is it, this is what I have to work with. Oh, I found a sledgehammer in a room, but that's unrelated I'm pretty sure.

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15 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

The only Pokemon professor in the entire of Unova.

Is it the same with other professors? Like do they get a single math professor per region or a single history professor and there's literally no one else furthering that academic study throughout the entire region.

There are other Professors in some pokemon regions (in fact I think you will met another in Unova...), its just one that gets the title of THE Pokemon Professor.


15 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

Oooh, what game was that?

7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Best I know, games that do that are the Mother/Earthbound ones. If there's others, then I can't recall.

Pro points to Acacia Sgt for getting the reference


14 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

She evolved to get a worse design. Woo!

The awkward teenage middle evolution is always the ugliest...


12 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Okay, I'm really beginning to notice SF won't let me edit posts in this here thread. Wonder what's up?

Ah the classic bane of LPers on this site. Supposedly its related to post size, so getting comically long, have too many images, or having video tends to lead to it...


7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Admittedly, my name is the generic as heck Juan, so I'm not too bothered with seeing it used by someone else. We Juans are dime a dozen, so what's one more.

My name is fairly common, but it is long, and common enough that I ended up with one of the less common shortenings as a nickname, so I rarely see it used in videogames (but I did see the long version once in Pokemon...)


3 hours ago, Loliko said:

In case anyone is wondering , chapter 16x is going great.

Capture d'écran_20230113_194404.png

Fun fact I learned in a Sacred Stones ironman, enemy Berserk Staff users will target staff units that are incapable of attacking...

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Lesson of the day- two staffers with Restore cannot be assumed to be totally sufficient.😝 Have one for every enemy status staff user if you intend to enter their ranges all at once.

That is also where I learned that three staffers with Resore staff tends to be the magic number.


2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Apparently it's already outselling the new Pokemon for this month. And I mean, sure, it's 2 months old and also universally hated, but hey. We're beating Pokemon in any capacity! That's incredible!

Yeah, universally hated is a strong word. The performance issues with it are embarrassing, and regularly lambasted, but a lot of people loved the innovations the game introduced to the Pokemon formula, and the story.


31 minutes ago, Sooks said:


Dumb question: how/why is it out in the wild now?

To have the game ready to the entirety of the world for the release date, it needs to be shipped to numerous stores in advance of that release date, and people who work in retail are not paid enough to actively care about maintaining that release date. If you have a friend who works at a Walmart, or willing to bribe one, you could probably get your hand on a copy now...


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12 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The awkward teenage middle evolution is always the ugliest...

Wartortle is genuinely one of my favourite Pokemon of all time, and I think the middle form of Johto's grass starters looks the best out of all nine Johto starter forms... but generally speaking, I can't disagree.

Come to think of it, you named a Seedra in your TeeHee Nuzlocke after me, which I find is another middle form (although it wasn't one at first) that looks better than the final evolution.

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2 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Ah the classic bane of LPers on this site. Supposedly its related to post size, so getting comically long, have too many images, or having video tends to lead to it...

These are for posts that absolutely should have been able to edit, they were not that large.

6 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

There are other Professors in some pokemon regions (in fact I think you will met another in Unova...), its just one that gets the title of THE Pokemon Professor.

There's two people who kinda fit, but not quite I can think of.

2 minutes ago, ping said:

Wartortle is genuinely one of my favourite Pokemon of all time, and I think the middle form of Johto's grass starters looks the best out of all nine Johto starter forms... but generally speaking, I can't disagree.

Come to think of it, you named a Seedra in your TeeHee Nuzlocke after me, which I find is another middle form (although it wasn't one at first) that looks better than the final evolution.

Torracat was cool in it's line, so's Naclstack, two cases of my favourite in a line being in the middle.

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10 minutes ago, Punished Dayni said:

Torracat was cool in it's line, so's Naclstack, two cases of my favourite in a line being in the middle.


Actually, yeah. I don't like too human-like Pokemon that much (Pokemon are still treated as pets, so... they feel weird), so I definitely like Torracat more than Incineroar. I was completely unaware of the salty line (and the NaCl names are so terrible. I love them and also hate them), but I agree that Naclstack is the most interesting one between them.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Speaking of that... I always thought it was pretty stupid that more countries don't use two surnames. One surname makes it VERY easy for "John Smith" situations to occur. Two surnames lowers the chances of it significantly. Be like Spain, people. Embrace two surnames.

Pretty much all of Latin America does this.

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Admittedly, I also have a middle name. Which, yeah, combined with two surnames, makes it practically impossible to have an exact match.


My middle name is actually the name my mom wanted to give me. But she fainted right after i was born and when she woke up, i had already been given my name and she was like "it is what it is".

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


it's out in the wild

Appearently the guy wasn't allowed to buy it yet.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

find it hilarious how everyone in the reddit post is going "4 HOUNDS PLAYABLE YAY OR NAY." I know a lot of people want them, but with the massive villain energy they exhude I honestly wouldn't have too high hopes.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The other part of me realizes there's like, three characters left for me to discover and I kinda wanna know if Sfoglia exists going in.

Turns out the previews accidentally revealed the total number of playables (though you have to do the math) via the Photo Mode and uh.....let's just say that we basically already saw most of them.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

In prior games (minus maybe 4, which as I've repeatedly said before I never played), the most you got was seeing NPCs standing next to the entrance to of their gender's bath. You never actually saw them in the pools.

Can confirm 4 lets you see them in the pools.

1 hour ago, Sooks said:


Sooks unbased, ya hate to see it.

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4 minutes ago, ping said:

I don't like too human-like Pokemon that much (Pokemon are still treated as pets, so... they feel weird), so I definitely like Torracat more than Incineroar.

Personally, Incineroar's my least favourite pokemon, so yeah Torracat being better is arguably by default but it was neat and could have had a cool evo so it getting Incineroar is rough.

4 minutes ago, ping said:

I was completely unaware of the salty line (and the NaCl names are so terrible. I love them and also hate them), but I agree that Naclstack is the most interesting one between them.

That line is peak salt

That line's from Minecraft, I can't accept any other origin.

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Already clicked on a leaked image. The artbook's been leaked, to be specific.

I'm so happy I did that. That is the single happiest surprise I've had from this game since Vandad's existence was revealed.


I was just testing you. Don't go clicking on spoiler boxes, weak-minded folks. For anyone who truly does want spoilers...








I mean now's when she's not playable but even just the fact that she exists at all pleases me. Just... Niime finally got a friend. Niime FUCKING FINALLY got a friend.



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1 hour ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

The awkward teenage middle evolution is always the ugliest...



4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

My middle name is actually the name my mom wanted to give me. But she fainted right after i was born and when she woke up, i had already been given my name and she was like "it is what it is".

Damn… that’s a cool story if you ended up with a cool name, and it still works if you ended up with a “bad” name.

But do babies really have to be named that quickly?

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Sooks unbased, ya hate to see it.

I mean, I love the Oshawott line. But my first ever Pokémon…

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But do babies really have to be named that quickly?

Well my mom was out for a pretty long time lol.

But i think they need a name for legal purposes anyways.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't go clicking on spoiler boxes, weak-minded folks

I do as i please.

Anyways yeah, that's pretty cool.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But my first ever Pokémon…

My first ever Pokemon was Oshawott. So i understand.

Water superiority btw.

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I must cleanse the thread of Engage leaks with New Years Altina

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I find it hilarious how everyone in the reddit post is going "4 HOUNDS PLAYABLE YAY OR NAY." I know a lot of people want them, but with the massive villain energy they exhude I honestly wouldn't have too high hopes.

...So let's talk real business: SFOGLIA PLAYABLE YAY OR NAY

I mean, it's not like people were begging for Kronya and Solon to be playable. Actually I've seen requests for Kronya... I mean, it's not like people were begging for Thales and Solon to be playable.

Real business: VEYLE PLAYABLE YAY OR NAY Just kidding I don't want to know yet.

14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

My middle name is actually the name my mom wanted to give me. But she fainted right after i was born and when she woke up, i had already been given my name and she was like "it is what it is".

Huh, so who ended up naming you then? I'd think your mom would discuss the name she wanted with someone beforehand.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

But my first ever Pokémon…

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

My first ever Pokemon was Oshawott. So i understand.

I think my first Pokémon was Piplup. But I didn't understand the concept of "using more than one Pokémon" back then, so I made more progress when I played through Sinnoh with Chimchar. Thus, I am a disciple of Fire starter superiority.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I do as i please.

Anyways yeah, that's pretty cool.

Fuck you, it's not "pretty cool". It's more than "pretty cool". It's immensely cool and I will accept no less coolness than that.

...Sorry. I'm just really happy right now. Have you any idea how long I've wanted this exact thing from FE? I didn't! I just realized it now!

The 20th can't arrive soon enough.


Inb4 she's unplayable and I only set myself up for a fall by clicking on spoilers lololololololol

By the overall set-up of the artbook I'm seeing so far it would seem that she's very likely to be playable, but I had better calm down and force my expectations down before I doom myself.


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Just now, Lightchao42 said:

I mean, it's not like people were begging for Kronya and Solon to be playable. Actually I've seen requests for Kronya... I mean, it's not like people were begging for Thales and Solon to be playable.

That's because Those Who Slither In The Dark are utterly abysmal villains and the only thing they had going for them were Kronya's tits. These guys have actual flair.

Just now, Lightchao42 said:

Real business: VEYLE PLAYABLE YAY OR NAY Just kidding I don't want to know yet.

Veyle can be recruited by Norag in chapter 27xx.

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4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Huh, so who ended up naming you then?

My dad. I share his name. And my dad's side of the family has this JoJo thing going on where a few us have a variation of the same name.

5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

I think my first Pokémon was Piplup. But I didn't understand the concept of "using more than one Pokémon" back then, so I made more progress when I played through Sinnoh with Chimchar

....from a trade? What?

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Fuck you, it's not "pretty cool". It's more than "pretty cool". It's immensely cool and I will accept no less coolness than that.

...Sorry. I'm just really happy right now. Have you any idea how long I've wanted this exact thing from FE? I didn't! I just realized it now!

The 20th can't arrive soon enough.

  Reveal hidden contents

Inb4 she's unplayable and I only set myself up for a fall by clicking on spoilers lololololololol

By the overall set-up of the artbook I'm seeing so far it would seem that she's very likely to be playable, but I had better calm down and force my expectations down before I doom myself.



You fool, she's gonna be an enemy unit. There is nothing you can do hahahahahhahahaha!

Nah she's Brodian so she's probably playable. There's about three to four unrevealed characters. Saphir is one of them, perhaps from a Brodian paralouge. If Jean is from a Firenean paralouge, we can expect at least two more paralouge units, from Elusia and Solm.


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Just now, Armagon said:
  Hide contents

You fool, she's gonna be an enemy unit. There is nothing you can do hahahahahhahahaha!

Nah she's Brodian so she's probably playable. There's about three to four unrevealed characters. Saphir is one of them, perhaps from a Brodian paralouge. If Jean is from a Firenean paralouge, we can expect at least two more paralouge units, from Elusia and Solm.




I was going to say "Anna, Seadall, Yunaka" but then I realized, that's just the randos from each country. Anna and Jean may be paralogue units, but we don't really know about the others. Yunaka in particular doesn't seem as likely, it would seem from NWR's screenshots that she joins in the same map as Micaiah's ring... and they wouldn't just make an Emblem missable. AND she's the Brodian rando! Then again, Momphir gives me more "lategame prepromote" vibes than paralogue vibes, but I've been consistently wrong about everything in this game since it was revealed--

Ah what the fuck, it's too late, I'm too tired for profound speculation. I'm just SO FUCKING HAPPY Momphir is a thing. Vandad and Momphir! I can't believe it!

This game is the gift that keeps on giving. Every time I think I have it all figured out, something like this happens. The wait for the 20th just became twice as difficult.

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I have 5 minutes to live before Ruben discovers where I live.

Anyway, someone remind to check was his spoiler boxes are about after I finish the game.

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Water superiority btw.

17 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Thus, I am a disciple of Fire starter superiority.

Guys, no, I can’t defend this…

Grass superiority all the way.

Edited by Sooks
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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I have 5 minutes to live before Ruben discovers where I live.

It is too late.

You are my child now.


Anyway, someone remind to check was his spoiler boxes are about after I finish the game.

Oh, believe me, you'll know. You're going to see SPOILER and your first thought will be... well okay, I'm not that important, but at some point you're going to come to the thread, remember I exist and go "oh yeah that's totally what had him so worked up."

EDIT: TIL typing "[ SPOILER ]" without the spaces causes a spoiler box to appear

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Just now, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

@Saint Rubenio did captureable generics get confirmed or something XD

That's the only thing i can imagine would make you that happy

I don't wanna open the spoilers XD

I will answer your question in these here spoilers and nothing more.




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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It is too late.

You are my child now.

You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew. Even Garon wouldn’t adopt me in your position.


Oh, believe me, you'll know. You're going to see SPOILER and your first thought will be... well okay, I'm not that important, but at some point you're going to come to the thread, remember I exist and go "oh yeah that's totally what had him so worked up."

I mean that depends, how big a deal is SPOILER and am I going to care about SPOILER? Because if the answer to both is “Not at all and no” then I’ll probably just forget about it lol.

5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

EDIT: TIL typing "[ SPOILER ]" causes a spoiler box to appear


Edited by Sooks
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3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew. Even Garon wouldn’t adopt me in your position.

Then I will pee on your toilet seat. Pick your poison.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I mean that depends, how big a deal is SPOILER

Uhh... Actually? I don't know.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

and am I going to care about SPOILER?


3 minutes ago, Sooks said:


You need to remove the spaces. I put the spaces so that you could see it instead of, you know, a spoiler box.

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12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Grass superiority all the way.

Grass enthusiasts when Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, and Bug-Types appear (Grass-Types are the most oppressed Type)


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