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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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♫ Do you remember that ol' lullaby
遠い日に置き去りにした 伝説(ものがたり)を
男は誰も Lonely soldier boy
十字架背負った Lonely soldier boy

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Hmm, what to play next (not Switch related). I might do Hikkikomori Route in Omori at last.

Or maybe start a SRW 30 playthrough... though that one will certainly take a while to go through, hehehehe...

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26 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

*Sees Jotari's newest thread*

Jumps Out Window GIFs | Tenor

I say "Why not?".😄 Genderbents are a quirky-good idea. There is the question of much to change of the person's design when genderbending. Do you make it a near bare-minimum flip, or do you accentuate to some extent their gendered physical and or fashion differences? I don't think there is a single correct answer, it's up to the artist to decide. It also implicitly mildly makes the artist and the viewers question how aspects of what is gendered are defined.

I'd be up for it for sure.

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8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Ffs can we stop importing american bullshit tyvm

Waiting for Disney to obliterate him from the face of the Earth.

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yes, truly preposterous that corrupt asshole is still relevant and now trying to bull murican republican bs

He's blatantly trying to run for President but he can't because Florida law currently means he has to resign from Governor to just run.

He ain't winning regardless. Disney's gonna obliterate him, he has to deal with Trump and even if he somehow beats him in the primaries, Trump hates losing so he'll just make his own party, Republicans fight among themselves, Democrats get the automatic win.

And just DeSantis has like zero charisma anyways. 

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Future Redeemed is done. It is the end... and the beginning.

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The Xenosaga... the Xenosaga is real! Apparently there are references to Xenoblade X and Xenogears too, but the Xenosaga references are the ones I immediately recognized. Alpha's final form seems to be inspired by Deus's final form, which is neat.

It's nice that Alvis got to be a playable character, even if he is technically a girl (sort of, or not male at least) this time. Getting to see the original pre-experiment world was a surprise, it makes FR really feel like the end of the saga. More Trinity Processor lore is good, and the absence of the other two is explained somewhat. Pneuma is Matthew's weapon... somehow, and it also implies that the Sword of the End has something to do with Logos.

The post-credits implies that the two worlds somehow fused back together, how nice (after the base game ending kept them separate for some reason). And is the blue light a reference to Xenosaga Episode III's ending? The KOS-MOS.... the KOS-MOS is real!



The base game implied the two worlds remerged, FR just outright confirms it.

My theory for the blue light without having to get into the Xenosaga stuff (there'd be a lot to retcon) is that it's one of the colony ships returning.


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10 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Ffs can we stop importing american bullshit tyvm

I support Bavarian independence just so the rest of us don't have to deal with those "christian" "social" fuckers anymore.

(if you happen to be Bavarian, I'm sorry that you have to share your state with millions of people who vote for those "christian" "social" fuckers)


5 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:


As I simply don't have the health to finish him off with Struggle. Needless to say I needed to go back into the grass to levelup and burn through PP again, and the next major attempt, starting at level 19, but leveling to 20 on the Geodude


It is clear with just a little more luck I can make it past this at this level, so I reset, and after two more failed attempts


Not gonna lie, this is roughly how I expected the Brock fight to go, what with non-Yellow Pikachu not really learning any moves to potentially bullshit its way through. Good luck with the run! Electric monotype seems like it could be an exercise in frustration, with only one Pokemon being able to learn Thunderbolt, and everybody else being limited to Thundershock as STAB for almost the entire game. Everybody learns Thunder in their 40s, if not 50s, if at all (Magneton doesn't...). Even Electabuzz doesn't learn Thunderpunch before Lv. 42.



Happy hoe day, everybody!

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This is cursed. This is fucking cursed lmao (XBC3FR)

40 minutes ago, ping said:

I support Bavarian independence just so the rest of us don't have to deal with those "christian" "social" fuckers anymore.

Not like Merz 2025 will be any better than those fuckheads 😞 

44 minutes ago, ping said:

if you happen to be Bavarian

dw i am not.

But there are enough AFD voters and CDU'ers who want go even more right everywhere 😞 

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With the conclusion of XC3 FR


I have renewed hope about seeing anything Xenosaga related after this point!


Edited by Lightcosmo
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6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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This is cursed. This is fucking cursed lmao (XBC3FR)


"Riku does say this, but apparently Melly would ask of Dadapon to put on this blond wig and carry a tiny replica of the Monado. Riku doesn't know why, but it seems Dadapon had lots of fun."

Or wait... how exactly is the family tree here? And is Rex gonna find himself there somehow?


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I like how the creator of both color hacks for Super Mario Land 1 and 2 went out of their way to make Luigi a playable character with slightly different physics. There was no need for it, they just did it 'cause. Feels like if Ninty had released those two games on their Super Mario Advance series, they would've done exactly the same thing. I mean, they did, with World.

Anyway, Micaiah paralogue. I think I'll do this and then go back to some mainline chapters. Leave Celica and Marth for later. Really wanna kill the two amigos already.

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Family's been visiting so I haven't had much time for gaming, but I'm back to Xeno some blades!


See look! Look! It's it's!

...Nah nevermind, the joke's worn off.


This is one of those games where it doesn't feel like it has fall damage but does anyway.


Falling into the void is still pretty fun.


A great way to measure the quality of a game is figure out how fun the spinny spin is.



Alright I admit it, post-battle dialogue is adorable sometimes.


Aaand that's chapter 5 done, surprised that such a long session didn't give me that much to say on it. There are some mystery elements being thrown into the story which I appreciate and I look forward to seeing how it develops.


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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

This is one of those games where it doesn't feel like it has fall damage but does anyway.

Xenoblade X is the only game in the series that doesn't.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Falling into the void is still pretty fun.

Fun fact, in Colony 6, if you look down by the cliffs, you can see Colony 9.

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Cold Steel III Ch. 1


As Azure's ending implied, Shirley joined Ouroboros as Enforcer No. XVII, and she stole her dad's nickname too (Sigmund's whereabouts at the moment aren't made clear). I'm sure Randy is real sick of her by now. I do like her voice acting though.

My trend of predicting numbers incorrectly continues, since I thought she would be No. XIX (The Sun) instead. I said before that I liked the idea of previous villains joining Ouroboros, but I don't know how many more logical choices there are for such villains besides Shirley. Maybe Crow would make sense, but he's... you know. As of now the missing Enforcer numbers are III, IV, V, VII, XI, XII, XIV, and XVI, provided there are no numbers after Shirley.

Anyway Duvalie is stuck as Shirley's babysitter, I wonder if the Anguis dump her on anyone they deem unreliable. Elliot, Laura, and Fie are now cool enough to rescue us from the villains, they grow up so fast...

I can kind of understand wearing a towel in a hot spring, but why does Juna wear a towel while she's showering? I'm guessing she's "supposed" to be be naked and it's just for the sake of the rating, but maybe she's just concerned about people walking in on her.


18 hours ago, Armagon said:


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The base game implied the two worlds remerged, FR just outright confirms it.

My theory for the blue light without having to get into the Xenosaga stuff (there'd be a lot to retcon) is that it's one of the colony ships returning.


Future Redeemed stuff


I doubt they'll make the entirety of Xenosaga canon to Xenoblade, maybe just that some version of XS's events happened in the XC universe (or Takahashi is pulling a Nomura and is remaking Xenosaga within Xenoblade). Vector Industries existing in the XC universe in some form might explain why XC2 KOS-MOS has knowledge of how the World Tree was built, if she still has a connection to them in this continuity (Shion and Allen already have Xenoblade equivalents, per XC2's artbook).

As for the blue light, maybe Deus won in this universe and succeeded in returning to Lost Jerusalem? It will be the plot of Xenoblade Chronicles 4.

I just realized that Shania is most likely descended from Reyn and Sharla, her ability to freeze time as Moebius must be her version of Reyn Time.


40 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I might resume my Trails FC playthrough... at least it's been only like, a year instead of seven...

If you need a refresher on the plot, you should review the Bracer Notebook. It's a good thing Estelle is very thorough when it comes to summarizing the events of her adventure.

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1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Family's been visiting so I haven't had much time for gaming, but I'm back to Xeno some blades!

Hopefully that was a pleasant experience.


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:



A great way to measure the quality of a game is figure out how fun the spinny spin is.

Waiting "puzzles"...


1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

...Lol, its funny how you are looking back only for him to spawn from the other side.

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Lies. It's aliens in temporal stasis. Our primitive technology fails to perceive the truth.


29 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The Elma battle is such bullshit

Since I wanted Elma outside of the LoC ASAP during the maingame, I minmaxed the Custom settings to their easiest. I still struggled. Both non-Morag characters got KO'ed sometime after I applied Seal Reinforcement. I then spent the entire fight spamming Corvin's level 1 special while perilously running away from the Elmas. Still might've taken me a few tries, as getting ganged up and Driver Combo'ed by Elma et bunshins was still deadly.

It's good old evidence that boss fights with multiple enemies > boss fights with a single "stronger" foe.

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35 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The Elma battle is such bullshit

I mean, you refuse to use the pay2win button you have at your disposal, what do you expect?

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3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Future Redeemed stuff

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It's more likely just taking Xenosaga terminology and adapting it into Xenoblade. Like how Xenosaga had Zohars and the Uzuki name, things taken from Xenogears.



2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The Elma battle is such bullshit


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Both non-Morag characters got KO'ed sometime after I applied Seal Reinforcement.

I think that's the main reason why Elma is so hard to fight. Seal Reinforcements is a must but you can only have one Seal effect at a time. So it's just Seal Reinforcements and never complete another Blade Combo ever again.

1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

I mean, you refuse to use the pay2win button you have at your disposal, what do you expect?

Nah even with Corvin it's still tough as hell.

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