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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Best FE mom

32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This one? Not gonna lie; not so much.

The duality of man

You know, my first reaction to your post was "lol that's so wrong, the best mom is obviously", then I realized there's like, no relevant moms in FE. This really is as good as it gets. And that's just so sad.

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25 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Here's my current Party...it's the same one i finished the game with back then

Remove the other 2 poppi forms, they literally hurt Tora.

25 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

you do know how much i hate grinding

Well, better get to it, then!

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This manga has no right to be this good


16 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

My trend of predicting numbers incorrectly continues, since I thought she would be No. XIX (The Sun) instead. I said before that I liked the idea of previous villains joining Ouroboros, but I don't know how many more logical choices there are for such villains besides Shirley. Maybe Crow would make sense, but he's... you know. As of now the missing Enforcer numbers are III, IV, V, VII, XI, XII, XIV, and XVI, provided there are no numbers after Shirley.

You're in for a surprise, haha...

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49 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Is it true that you can combine any item on the map, any at all, to craft weapons?

If it's something that's not fixed to the ground, it's yours to fuse.

I just had an idea while typing this. Fuse a metal object to a long wooden spear. Now when it thunderstorms, it attracts the lightning but it only hits the metal part.


53 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And of course, I've seen the surfing. Only viable mean of transportation for this game, if you ask me.

Yeah the moment I heard you can fuse a minecart to your shield to make a skateboard, I knew this game was gonna be peak.

39 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Reading this just made me realize, not only is Eliwood The Dad That Survived The Game, his own mom is The Mom That Survived The Game. It fucking runs in the family! Screw holy blood and dragon blood and all the other magical mcguffin bloods, that's the real magic in this series.

Ah but only one at a time.

Eliwood's dad died, Roy's mom died. All I'm saying is Roy has a 50/50 chance.

26 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Bigger Problem is having 3x dark fast enough back without dying lol

The Blade Combo duration and Blade Special rate slider on the Custom difficulty on the table.

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24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, my first reaction to your post was "lol that's so wrong, the best mom is obviously", then I realized there's like, no relevant moms in FE. This really is as good as it gets. And that's just so sad.

You can make a point for basically any FE mom to be the best FE mom because if you put "regular" parents and Fates parents (*) on a single scale, you need a fucking microscope to spot the difference between any two regular parents.

(*) This line of argument does work for Dad of Dads Garon, too, just... mirrored, of course.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah but only one at a time.

Eliwood's dad died, Roy's mom died. All I'm saying is Roy has a 50/50 chance.

All along it wasn't Armads that cursed its wearer to an early death, it was House Pherae's engagement ring.

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I was about to bring up Genealogy!Hilda, but then I remembered.

For as much of a terrible human being she is, a bad mother she is not, surprisingly. About the worst that can be said regarding how she treats her own children is that she seems a bit selfishly motivated to support Julius courting her daughter (as it'd mean being in-laws with the Imperial Royals), but other than that...

Unless I'm forgetting something or other...

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I handled Micaiah's paralogue in a similar way to Ike's. I looked at the mob, went "yeah no fuck that" and sniped Micaiah on turn like, 7.

Micaiah did require far less Corrin abusing than Ike, though. She's a lot squishier, and she moved first so she overextended herself very easily. Here it actually kinda feels like this is the intended approach, unlike with Ike where I'm... not entirely sure what the approach is supposed to be lol

21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

If it's something that's not fixed to the ground, it's yours to fuse.

I just had an idea while typing this. Fuse a metal object to a long wooden spear. Now when it thunderstorms, it attracts the lightning but it only hits the metal part.


I'll be impressed if they actually thought that far ahead.

21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah the moment I heard you can fuse a minecart to your shield to make a skateboard, I knew this game was gonna be peak.

Some people were roasting the devs for re-using the Breath engine, but this is actually the right way to go about it. The foundation is solid, there's no need to waste time and resources building a whole other one. Just build on top and turn the quaint house into an opulent manor. It's likely that the reason these wild mechanics exist is that they didn't have to spend a few years building another engine.

Of course, even though they made an stellar job of spending their resources wisely, they then decided to charge an extra 10 bucks for no reason because Ninty just has to do something ass-backwards at any given point

21 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ah but only one at a time.

Eliwood's dad died, Roy's mom died. All I'm saying is Roy has a 50/50 chance.

If the pattern is consistent and not mere coincidence, he might be okay.

9 minutes ago, ping said:

You can make a point for basically any FE mom to be the best FE mom because if you put "regular" parents and Fates parents (*) on a single scale, you need a fucking microscope to spot the difference between any two regular parents.

(*) This line of argument does work for Dad of Dads Garon, too, just... mirrored, of course.

I don't even think of the Fatesawakening characters as moms or dads because of how paper-thin the whole parenting side of those games is. Same with Genealogy characters, actually. Parenting is not a part of any of these characters' arcs or development, it just exists as an excuse to have shipping and eugenics simulators.

2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I was about to bring up Genealogy!Hilda, but then I remembered.

For as much of a terrible human being she is, a bad mother she is not, surprisingly. About the worst that can be said regarding how she treats her own children is that she seems a bit selfishly motivated to support Julius courting her daughter (as it'd mean being in-laws with the Imperial Royals), but other than that...

Unless I'm forgetting something or other...

Hilda be like:


Edited by Saint Rubenio
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My save files says I have engaged for 70 hours.

Jesus fucking Christ, not even Berwick. Primarily because Berwick doesn't have the shitty-ass loading screens this game has, but... Yeah, might have to start skipping paralogues in my future replays. This is way too fucking much lol

The Two Hounds up next. After that I just have... Celica, Marth, time travel, unearned melodrama and the finale left. Six more maps and I'm finally done with Maddening Engage. Mostly without DLC, though I could not keep myself from using the well for SP supplements. I guess my pride will have to accept fun beats bragging rights any day.

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Of course, even though they made an stellar job of spending their resources wisely, they then decided to charge an extra 10 bucks for no reason because Ninty just has to do something ass-backwards at any given point

Obligatory complaint about cost. Xd

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Time to Finish this little Electric type Monotype run. With my Rare Candies, I can get 3 of my team to level 44 (My Electrode, Electabuzz, and Pikachu), the rest (other than Zapdos) to 43, and I finally evolve Pikachu before starting my first attempt at the Elite Four


And seeing a super effective Thunderbolt not one shot the Cloyster is a really bad sign. Admittedly thing go just fine, I beat the Cloyster easily, switch to


Television to do the classic Mimic Amnesia strat, but I do get rather unlucky while doing so, not only does the Slowbro time its move rights to get an Amnesia boosted Water Gun off before I start boosting, but then I crit the Jynx twice in a row to give it an extra attack against me. Although we make it out just fine.


Psychic makes Bruno easy, especially with Television's crit rate being so high, making one of the Onix a one shot, and getting past Machamp faster as well.


...Seeing that damage was really worrying, but I do get past it only losing Lightning themselves. Lightning does have a lot of things going for them here, outspeeding, a very high crit rate, and a chance to Paralyze


Plus super effective Psychic does a bit better damage, and Television still has a high crit rate.


That fight was a bit lucky, but we did have a lot going for us.



Now the Lance fight was a close call, we don't have anything particularly good against the Dragonairs, and the Aerodactyl even outspeeds Television, but we have enough Pokemon to power through both of them. When the Dragonite comes out, its time for Speakers the Magneton's set to shine, using Toxic and Supersonic to setup a stall strat on it


And we make it through the Lance fight just fine thanks to that little edge


Although it was the closest battle we had in the Elite Four so far...but as is apparant I still have Power Plant the Zapdos in the back, who has yet to act in any of these fights.

Now onto the Champion fight, Lighting easily gets past the Pidgeot, but I make a massive mistake against the Alakazam that makes me worry I might need to reset. I go for Light Screen instead of a full health Explosion, and I get punished by a crit that ignores the Light Screen, and one shots


But it doesn't go for Reflect until it is too late, which even lets Television finish the Alakazam on his own.


I was hoping Psychic would deal better here...


So I switch to little Cell Phone to Seismic Toss it down instead. Cell Pone manages to Thunder past the Gyrados just fine, but the Arcanine manages to take Cell Phone down, with a Take Down, that even takes it out with recoil


Which puts me into a position to immediately Thunder Wave the Venusaur


But Double-Edge doesn't do the best at dealing with the Venusaur


And thanks to both Paralysis, and it deciding to go with Solar Beam, Television manages to Psychic our way to the victory


And like that, we have a first try victory, and without using Zapdos at all. The bug's did it at a slightly lower level, but I mostly put that down to getting two of these guys at level 35-36, where as highest level I caught a bug type at was 25, as the Electric team faced less optional trainers overall...I guess the grind for Brock may have impacted things a tiny bit as well, but Pikachu wasn't as overleveled as Charmander was in the Fire run as I started skipping trainers with him far sooner. Oh I guess the slaughter of the Power Plant Voltorb/Electrode might have had an impact as well. The Electric team did really, really well in the latter half of the game, but getting past Brock was a real hurdle. Alright, time to show off the final team







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36 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Obligatory complaint about cost. Xd

I mean, if you're okay with risking the standard price for videogames becoming higher, be my guest. Personally, I think if they have no need of the extra money (and they don't, they're Nintendo), it just feels rather greedy.

But hey, in this specific case, it's not like I care, myself. I'm not getting this game lol. I'll care if this leads to a general increase for all games, but this conversation's been had before, I believe.

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46 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, if you're okay with risking the standard price

Literally everything in the world at this point. 

And even so, the standard hasnt changed really. Its like saying "a remake of a game is $40 so all games should be $40." Thats just not going to happen cause the effort isnt as required for a remake of a game. 

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15 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Literally everything in the world at this point. 

And even so, the standard hasnt changed really. Its like saying "a remake of a game is $40 so all games should be $40." Thats just not going to happen cause the effort isnt as required for a remake of a game. 

I mean, yeah. If TotK was exceptionally expensive to produce, I would understand the increase in price. It's just that, at first glance, there's nothing in the game that indicates that - on the contrary, shouldn't the engine reuse, in theory, serve to cut costs? Don't get me wrong, this is not me saying the game was lazily made or anything negative. Quite the opposite, making a good use of one's budget is a good thing. But at the same time, because of that, it doesn't seem like this game cut into Nintendo's coffers in a way that would force them to increase its price to make a profit. It just seems like they know this game will sell like hotcakes no matter what, and are getting greedy lol

Of course, we don't know the actual number for anything, so I'm just guessing here. I just think it's important to call these things out, because blind acceptance is how we end up with stuff like consoles forcing you to pay subscriptions to use the internet connection you already pay someone else for, offering only the most token, cheapest advantages in return.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, yeah. If TotK was exceptionally expensive to produce, I would understand the increase in price. It's just that, at first glance, there's nothing in the game that indicates that - on the contrary, shouldn't the engine reuse, in theory, serve to cut costs? Don't get me wrong, this is not me saying the game was lazily made or anything negative. Quite the opposite, making a good use of one's budget is a good thing. But at the same time, because of that, it doesn't seem like this game cut into Nintendo's coffers in a way that would force them to increase its price to make a profit. It just seems like they know this game will sell like hotcakes no matter what, and are getting greedy lol

Of course, we don't know the actual number for anything, so I'm just guessing here. I just think it's important to call these things out, because blind acceptance is how we end up with stuff like consoles forcing you to pay subscriptions to use the internet connection you already pay someone else for, offering only the most token, cheapest advantages in return.

As I know next to nothing about it its impossible for me to judge. 

I usually dont play Zelda, I want to buy it so my brother can. 

If that were true, Pokemon would be far past $70 at this point lmao.

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First typhoon in RF5, the crack of thunder upon walking outside caught me off guard. The crop damages are kinda big, maybe I should've sold and rebought each seed after it gained a level instead of immediately replanting it. Hopefully one of my turnips working towards that level 10 crop request survives the storm.

Ludmila's design is rather conservative for a succubus, shoulders covered in fishnet aside. Her personality though... subcubus much? Well, I guess it's just part of her species's nature. Taller than I expected, also relatively mature-looking by the bachelorettes' standards, which is say much lower than than guys' with Murakumo and Lucas. I also noticed they gave Terry dialogue teasing the player with his ineligibility to be wed, he seriously should've been the sixth male, not Cecil.

I recall hearing perhaps in the past year or two that originally long ago, the bachelor options in Story of Seasons were an afterthought, repurposing characters who weren't intended to be marriage material for the separate female version of the game. Thus, the bachelor options in these games could be a bit more diverse in terms of age/physique than the female ones. Rune Factory 5 might come eons after those primordial days, but comparing the selections makes me think of that. With RF5, Martin & Ryker are good symmetry with Priscilla & Lucy as "ordinary teenage villagers", while Reinhard and Beatrice are also "medieval courtly" symmetric with the knight-princess thing. The remaining three bachelors and bachelorettes don't align so well. Fuuka does look like the youngest of the females, so she kinda pairs with Cecil? -But then being a were-humanoid ties her with old Murakumo. Scarlet maybe pairs Lucas since both are unlocked during the story's first chapter, but that's about it and you possibly say Ludmila is Lucas's symmetry because she would otherwise have none. Scarlet and Cecil as symmetrical dutiful workers then?

-I'm not saying there needs to be loose bachelor/ette symmetry, but I find it a bit strange that they did it with half but then went in completely separate directions afterwards. Although, I could see that as intentional at the same time.😆 The shared half provides people who are attracted to guys and people who are attracted to girls with things along similar contours, so that they would be less likely to see something on the opposite side and complain they had nothing like it. The distinctive second half I suppose would be there to branch out into archetypes that might be more exclusive to a given gender.

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Elliot lost Resounding Beat, how am I supposed to get past the early game now? Though I'm guessing Brave Orders are supposed to be the replacement for team buffing crafts.

Half of the things Musse says come across as threats for some reason, teehee.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

>Zelda reviews out

>10s across the board, no literally, i don't think i've ever seen this many 10s for a single video game

Can't wait for the Zelda Sweep at TGA this year.

I remember watching Arlo's big fat review of BotW and he said something to the effect of "if BotW is already this good, just imagine how good the next one will be!" And now the next one is out and it's pretty good, it seems.

I don't think I'll be getting it at launch though, probably in a few months when I'm done with Trails into Reverie and Pikmin 4.

9 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

*Insert ""Professional" reviewers are biased towards AAA big names" rant here*

But Zelda isn't Western, photorealistic, or a cinematic experience, does it count as AAA?

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Seforia was right there, Ninty. Now that one is the definition of awesome. This one? Not gonna lie; not so much.

But Lumera was friends with Sommie, surely that counts for something. Lumera should get her own game, featuring Sommie as her sidekick.

6 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

You're in for a surprise, haha...

I can't wait to find out who they are (one or two games from now).

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>takes nap

>wakes up after midnight


7 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

This manga has no right to be this good

still pissed off he dyed his hair black


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

The Blade Combo duration and Blade Special rate slider on the Custom difficulty on the table.

Or that lol

7 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Remove the other 2 poppi forms, they literally hurt Tora

wait why? Other poppi's not only come with more Blade combo elements, but also have really good arts.


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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'll be impressed if they actually thought that far ahead.

I mean the electric conduction thing was already a thing in BotW. You out in the field and it starts thunder storming, you have to remove your metal equipment or you get fried.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Some people were roasting the devs for re-using the Breath engine, but this is actually the right way to go about it. The foundation is solid, there's no need to waste time and resources building a whole other one. Just build on top and turn the quaint house into an opulent manor. It's likely that the reason these wild mechanics exist is that they didn't have to spend a few years building another engine.

Of course, even though they made an stellar job of spending their resources wisely, they then decided to charge an extra 10 bucks for no reason because Ninty just has to do something ass-backwards at any given point

I feel like the reason it might be $70 is because it's doing something no other triple AAA game has done yet. You see, the open world games we've gotten all have seamless maps. No loading screens. Xenoblade X, Skyrim, Elden Ring, you name it. Non-open world games can also do it, Future Redeemed, Atelier Ryza 3 and in really linear cases, games like Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart and Portal.

But those seamless worlds are all restricted to one map. A map divided into different regions but a map regardless. Xenoblade X is one map, Elden Ring is one map. In the case of Atelier Ryza 3, that game has four maps but the seamlessness only happens within each map. There are no loading screens in map 1 but going to map 2 will bring up a loading screen.

Tears of the Kingdom is three, full-scale, open world maps with complete freedom. Three maps that you can go through seamlessly, without loading screens. You can jump from the highest sky island, down to the surface, fall into a hole and emerge into the depths, all without any interruption. Decade-old hardware btw. Even games on PS5 don't have three seamlessly connected worlds in that way.

I'd say that's probably the big reason why the game is $70. Cause no one's done it that way yet.

No one's done the Fuse mechanic that way either. It would've been so easy for Nintendo to just like add a crafting table or a blacksmith NPC. Instead they made it so you could go wild with infinite combinations. 


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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But those seamless worlds are all restricted to one map. A map divided into different regions but a map regardless. 

Tears of the Kingdom is three, full-scale, open world maps with complete freedom. Three maps that you can go through seamlessly, without loading screens.


Wait, then how are they three maps instead of just one map divided into three regions?

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24 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

wait why? Other poppi's not only come with more Blade combo elements, but also have really good arts.

Speedy Swoosh for QT PI is THAT broken, it breaks on all 3 hits, making him an ungodly broken breaker. 

You want Tora to focus on getting breaks since the enemy break resistance is set at 90%, a break resistance reduction accessory goes a long way for him as well if you prefer that strategy or have nothing better to put there.

Edited by Lightcosmo
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