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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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It is done. Genishiro, and the spirit of his grandfather in his prime, Isshin Ashina, the Sword Saint have been defeated. I went with the best ending this time, where the Divine Child of Rejuvenation prepared herself to become a cradle to take the Divine Heir of the Dragon Heritage into the West where once it came, with our newly christened Shinobi of the Dragon joining this journey to the West. I am tempted to go through the New Game + for the worst ending, as it has two fights unique to it in that run, but we will see how I feel about that a bit later. I will probably do a longer writeup about how I feel about the game, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, sometime tomorrow.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Pretty good! This is during Aria, right? You thought of tackling how Dawn would be affected in this timeline?


Yep. Right at and after Aria's bad ending.

Well, the idea is that Dawn gets thrown out completely, as we know it at least, since I headcanon that it is significant that both plot important eclipses are from Saros Cycle 145. So next time Castlevania could show up won't be until 2053. So either the cultists do wait that long, or something else would happen altogether.

Still, if I do write more, I won't get that far for a long time.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I've never felt like this image more in my life

Also why in God's name did they make it so you couldn't turn on auto-siege with multiple armies selected

17 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think it may have to do with Spain not actively attacking it's own people. Spain doesn't go through school shootings every two hours. Spain doesn't have gerrymandering and (i think) doesn't try to disenfranchise minority voters.

Spaniards can take a whole summer off of work and not go bankrupt.

With the state of things as a great power it's become harder and harder for people in the US to not pick some kind of side as progressive moments have been dragging the country into the 21st century while centrists and conservatives are kicking and screaming not wanting anything to be changed, or worse going back to a status quo that only ever existed in their imaginations.

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8 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:



I've never felt like this image more in my life

Also why in God's name did they make it so you couldn't turn on auto-siege with multiple armies selected

I mean, on one hand, ouch.

On the other, there's just... something... to see Poland beat up Muscovy...

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41 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wait, how would a New Game Plus work on something like Pokémon? You keep your Pokémon, levels and all?

I... Dont actually know? I would have to read the doc! Xd

This mod is legit amazing. It has SO many CoL changes that G/S/C needed.

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Realizing the lack of a no genderlock hack for FE12 the other day has made me go and check out what the hacking situation for 12 is.

Turns out, someone made some pretty crazy FE12 hacking tools... and then proceeded to disappear off the face of the earth before releasing them.

Well, now I wanna cry. That's just too fucking sad. I will drown my sorrows in drawing.


3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Yep. Right at and after Aria's bad ending.

Well, the idea is that Dawn gets thrown out completely, as we know it at least, since I headcanon that it is significant that both plot important eclipses are from Saros Cycle 145. So next time Castlevania could show up won't be until 2053. So either the cultists do wait that long, or something else would happen altogether.

Still, if I do write more, I won't get that far for a long time.

There's room for something to happen. Celia would still be around, as would the other Dracula successor candidates, and none of them really have any way to know a new Dracula has already been chosen.

25 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


That's too relatable. I too wanted to cry when I got to chapter 22.

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43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, now I wanna cry. That's just too fucking sad. I will drown my sorrows in drawing.

So you say, a Drown of Sorrow?

43 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's room for something to happen. Celia would still be around, as would the other Dracula successor candidates, and none of them really have any way to know a new Dracula has already been chosen.

I mean, they still found out Soma was Dracula's reincarnation, inherited his powers, but then rejected becoming the next Dark Lord. On the other hand, it's possible that they knew because Soma released all the souls he absorbed after Aria and one of them decided to blab, so maybe that's how everybody and their grandma knew they had to target Soma. So yeah, it's possible that in the scenario of my fanfic, they'd remain in the dark about it.

So as I said, things will still happen, just not as we saw in Dawn. They could try to unseal Castlevania on their own, or as per Olrox in the novel, try to take up the mantle of Dark Lord themselves. Though I won't be writing it any time soon, I did thought up a scenario for that. Though as it stands, it'd be my own take of the events of the novel adapted to my scenario essentially. As in, Olrox still plans to become the new Dark Lord, but hides it under the guise of wanting to release Soma. In this case, they would be aware of what happened. Mostly since I think it's unlikely that there wasn't at least one monster that thought on bailing out before the eclipse ended. So word would've still got out. At least, I'd think so and would be that way for my ideas.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I mean, on one hand, ouch.

On the other, there's just... something... to see Poland beat up Muscovy...

Absolutely poetic


Edited by GuardianSing
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CDN media


19 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I don't want anything too questionable... I'll think about it.

Start with the classics



Everything you need is here: https://www.readtsukihi.me/home

1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

This mod is legit amazing. It has SO many CoL changes that G/S/C needed.

Did they fix the awful level curve?

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52 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:


Depending on how your Agressive Expansion is looking, you might be able to just annex them in a separate peace deal when you fight Poland the next time. You take double AE if you don't set them as co-belligerant, but they won't bring the Hanse that way. If you kill all their troops and occupy their province, they will eventually drop below 0 war enthusiasm and accept full annexation. It might just take a few months.

Alternatively, if AE is of concern, you can use the next war vs. Poland to force Riga to break their alliance with Poland. This lasts for 10 years minimum so as long as you keep your separate peace deal with Riga below 50% value (or below 40% to have a bit of a buffer), your truce will run out before they can re-ally the Poles. You'll still have to fight the Hanse when it's time to eat Riga, but without Poland-Lithuania, the numbers should be much more in your favour.

You might also want to upgrade your troops. I believe the newer unit models are always better than the old ones. And you might want to give your manpower some time to recover before jumping into the next big war :lol:

You could also consider changing your unit composition a bit - you're using a lot of horsies, which, while stronger than infantry, are also very expensive to mass.  I generally only go up to four Cav regiments, since that's the most flanking that you can do. If money really isn't an issue, you can use the money to hire more mercs to reduce the drain on your manpower. And when tech 16 arrives, you want to invest into a full backline of artillery, which is fairly expensive to maintain, too.

And of course, you can tell me to shut up if you're sick of unsolicited advice.

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42 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

You can reverse gyms at any set level group, so yes.


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I'm gonna have to restart chapter 24 of Engage. I made the mistake of trying to brave all lanes and I don't think I can win as it is.

I... really don't feel like restarting chapter 24 of Engage. Man, three chapters are going to take me the rest of the year... And I can't move on and play something else until I do it, or else I can't say I've beaten Engage Maddening! It's so frustrating.

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20 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Man, talk about an overhaul.

Are you referring to the link i posted? If so, yeah it's pretty insane. It's not for everyone of course.

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5 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

With the state of things as a great power it's become harder and harder for people in the US to not pick some kind of side as progressive moments have been dragging the country into the 21st century while centrists and conservatives are kicking and screaming not wanting anything to be changed, or worse going back to a status quo that only ever existed in their imaginations.

I wonder how farther along we would be if that assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan was successful.


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31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I... really don't feel like restarting chapter 24 of Engage.

I'll notify you on how often I'm going to have to restart Clash! once I get there, if it'll make you feel any better.

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