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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

FSA Ganondorf

-Exists only in backstory. As did ALttP Ganondorf.

And SMH at lack of HW Ganonmane. He ain't canon, but he got style.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

This is why TotK sidequests are good. For the first time ever we truly learn about all the different races that inhabit Hyrule. The Gerudo benefit the most from this, as this game truly does dive in to what Gerudo culture is like. The Gerudo went from Amazonian bandits in the desert/sea to an actual culture. Hell even the Yiga get something that makes them feel truly tangible, when back in BotW they were just Team Rocket. I mean, they're still Team Rocket, but now they feel like an threat.

The magic hand of Monolith?😛 -I know the Ninty general support studio is not the same as the Xeno development branch aka "Kadomony". Good to hear things are better in TotK, BotW's quests felt very filler.


I am curious how a normal ~100-year-male (as in non-Gdorf) would affect Gerudo society. OoT's antiquated lore says that all women would have to obey him. But would the reality be the opposite?

  • All of his society is literally female, except him.
    • I inherently assume any attempt to assemble a large group of prominent foreign royal advisors, particularly men, would be met with hostility by the Gerudo majority. The Gerudo sisterhood and its strong cultural identity would find this an affront against its ways.
  • Since Gerudo society would be used to not having a king, it would be very used to not needing him to function. His rule would be the anomaly.
  • Being raised from infancy as a king would perhaps train him to be a good monarch, in theory.
    • However, there have been plenty of kings who were born into the purple, and ended up being indecisive, ineffectual, given to hedonism over governance, or relegated by their ministers and aristocrats into a symbolic or subordinate position.
      • It seems entirely feasible that the king could be dominated by a handful of his top women. The king would in practice amount to no change at all.
  • Intercourse- The King and the bedroom.
    • Polygamy- I'll assume it's allowed.
    • Non-Gerudo women? Probably taboo to the highest degree. And I would presume that even as a male Gerudo, he could begat only daughters.
    • As for Gerudo women- one royal/chief wife? Are secondary liaisons wives or consorts?
      • I doubt, since society is 99.9999% female, that "mistresses" would be the official phrasing of choice.
    • Is there symbolic significance that would drive Gerudo women into wanting to copulate with the king?
      • While Gerudo genes seem extremely powerful, the fact is, Gerudo only bear daughters almost all the time. Women can't blend their genes together without technology that is only starting to be developed IRL.
        • Therefore, genetically, genetically, all the Gerudo are gradually losing their Gerudo-ness, or at least becoming ever the more distant from each other genealogically (unless two women choose to marry related Hylian men).
        • If this mattered to the Gerudo, then the 100-year-male represents a rare opportunity. Through his seed, it would be possible for them to genealogically reconnect on the Gerudo side. To establish a new common-ish Gerudo ancestor that reunites ever-divergent family trees.
      • Perhaps a strong Gerudo culture could be interpreted as a way of compensating for this lack of blood-kinship.
  • The Queen Mother and the Daughters of the King-
    • There is no certainty as to who she shall be. It'll just happen. Could come from any background, although I assume Gerudo society is fairly communal and egalitarian.
    • Since she might not have been raised to be a ruler, the Queen Mother could very well play no role in governance. -Or maybe she could learn to become politically-talented, it's a coin flip.
    • Neither may she play much of a role in raising her lone, sacred son. I would speculate that an army of servants including wet nurses, bodyguards, maids, doctors, and educators would be assembled for him the moment he was discovered. "We're all his mother" derived from this communal matriarchal society could crowd out the Queen Mother and see the appointment of "godmothers" -which IIRC is what Koume and Kotake were for Gdorf- who had ultimate control over the King's upbringing.
    • As for the daughters, well BotK does establish a concept of queendom. But would the daughters of the king be princesses? What of any prior queendom lineage? Would the King's daughter's daughter's have any title if their mothers did? Or would Gerudo royalty be reset once the king died?


9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

These games don't even get the basic terminology right. How long have they insisted on calling spears "lances"?


4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Actually, thinking about it, I don't think I've ever used Klein before. Man's just easy to forget, compared to Wolt's meme mastery, Dorothy's status as anime's one and only unattractive girl, and Igrene's great character.

I suppose I owe him a shot. As much as I'd rather just use Igrene again lol

He has an okay support with Elffin IIRC, and Deke too. I think the outright confession of love Thea throws at him is unusual for Binding.

Gameplay-wise, he does have 270 in total growths. This puts him on-par with unpromoted units, odd, as most prepromotes in FE6 have significantly lower growths than the greenhorn rabble. Igrene and Garret are 200, Bartre 205, Echidna 210, Perceval 215.

Klein's well-noted advantage over Igrene is A Bows instead of B to start. Possibly useful with WEXP gain being slow in Binding. 

Looking at other stats...

  • Both join at level XX/1, but Klein loses in every single stat except Lck (+1) by at least 3 points. Ouch!
  • Now for that glitch called Hard Mode bonuses that only Klein gets.
    • With an average roll of HM bonuses, Klein will now tie Igrene in HP (32). ...But he'll still be losing everywhere else other than Lck, just not as badly.
  • By the time they both get to XX/15, Klein will have only about tied with Igrene -with HM bonuses.
    • Without them, he'd still be behind. He'd still be losing everywhere except Lck at XX/20.

So if you're looking for a "crappy" unit, maybe Klein ain't so bad? Even if Wolt and Dorothy are worse simply owing to bad bases and lower weapon rank, despite outdoing Klein once they have grown as units.


1 hour ago, Benice said:

But, like... Catalan independence has had a movement for a really damn long time, and really, if you look at history... Well, it kind of speaks for itself.

Yeah, I did read how during the reign of Phillip IV I think, near the end of the Thirty Years' War, Catalonia went into rebellion. And so did Portugal, which had entered a personal union with Spain during the reign of Philip II. Then there was the fact that Spain finally had to give up and acknowledge the independence of the Netherlands after a great many decades of war to reclaim the northern provinces (though it kept Belgium). This trio of events was the wakeup call that shouted to the world "Spain isn't an invincible superpower any longer!". 

-Although Catalonia stayed with Spain ofc, it wasn't as lucky as Portugal. The latter had a longer history of independence, as well as a legitimate alternative monarch in the form of the House of Braganza, which the Portuguese hadn't chosen decades earlier b/c "Spain is the best in the world! If we join them we'll get access to the riches of their empire! (Philly 2 had a legitimate claim as well.)" -which didn't actually work out the later generations realized. 

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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Good to hear things are better in TotK, BotW's quests felt very filler.

It is the only other game besides Majora's Mask in the series where the sidequests are worth doing.

4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

OoT's antiquated lore says that all women would have to obey him. But would the reality be the opposite?

I mean Nabooru already stood against him and that was even before becoming the Sage of Spirit. In fact, the Gerudo in general kinda don't vibe with him after Ganondorf took over Hyrule.

7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Since Gerudo society would be used to not having a king, it would be very used to not needing him to function. His rule would be the anomaly.

Well BotW already introduced Gerudo chiefs, which is essentially the same thing. Urbosa and Riju. The question then becomes "if a male is born to the Gerudo, would the ruling chief have to relinquish power?"

There is actually a new theory that the name "Ganondorf" is just the Gerudo word for king. Because men are born so rarely and all known male Gerudo just happened to be called Ganondorf, there is room for the theory. The slight obstacle is Ganondorf's last name is apparently Dragmire but this has never been brought up outside of LTTP's manual.

...yeah i should mention that TotK Ganondorf is heavily implied to be the original and OoT/WW/TP Ganondorf is actually just someone else with the same name. And with FSA Ganondorf also being someone else, there's the theory. Ganondorf is just Gerudo for king.

12 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Therefore, genetically, genetically, all the Gerudo are gradually losing their Gerudo-ness, or at least becoming ever the more distant from each other genealogically (unless two women choose to marry related Hylian men).

Gerudo women actually began developing the Hyilian ears at some point. But it's still just fantasy genes. It's like the Viltrumites in Invincible. If you have Gerudo DNA, it will override non-Gerudo DNA.

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Hmm, would it truly be so rare? Just what would their average lifespan be if they show up once every hundred years. Suppose they die in their eighties, seventies, or even sixties. That's still more time with a Gerudo male around than not. Then there is a chance one of them gets to live over a hundred, and thus you have two of them around.

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7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hmm, would it truly be so rare? Just what would their average lifespan be if they show up once every hundred years. Suppose they die in their eighties, seventies, or even sixties. That's still more time with a Gerudo male around than not. Then there is a chance one of them gets to live over a hundred, and thus you have two of them around.

The thing that throws a wrench into that is BotW. The Great Calamity happened 100 years prior. Now the localization states that Ganon gave up on reincarnation. The original JP text says the exact opposite (this is an instance where the mistranslation sounds cooler). This is important because there was non Ganondorf prior to the Great Calamity. In fact, Urbosa says "it is said that the Calamity once adopted the form of a Gerudo". She speaks about it as if it were legend and BotW/TotK is set like eons after all the other games. There has not been a male Gerudo since Ganondorf, so it looks like the whole "male once every 100 years" is just antiquated OoT lore.

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57 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


Had it wrong myself due to Fire Emblem. I credit Berwick Saga for enlightening me.

57 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

He has an okay support with Elffin IIRC, and Deke too. I think the outright confession of love Thea throws at him is unusual for Binding.

Everyone in Binding Blade has good supports. Even people like Bors, Barthe, Wolt and Roy himself have some great convos. And of course, the likes of Astolfo, Igrene, the Ilian mercs, Niime and everyone related to her, Bartre, Lot, Saul, Dougy, Cecilia and more... are incredibly robust characters that have nothing to envy the widely considered greats in the series.

Really, it's pretty much just the horrible unlock speed of BB's supports that lets these folks down, because there's plenty of gems hiding in this cast that people don't explore because they can't really unlock them naturally. The Bonding Blade series over at Reddit's a big eye-opener in that regard. Everyone should check out a few threads there, especially base unbelievers like @Shrimpy -Limited Edition-

...This all makes Wendy even funnier, because not only is she a completely godawful unit, she's also a complete bore of a character among hidden gems somehow. Sophia at least is a good character, but Wendy? Her brother, friggin' Chin McMenton with the dumbest hair in Fire Emblem has excellent supports with Astolfo, Lilina and Goddamned Legoman Barthe, and yet she has nothing! A decent comedy support with Bors and nothing else! She gives even Astolfo nothing to work with!

57 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Gameplay-wise, he does have 270 in total growths. This puts him on-par with unpromoted units, odd, as most prepromotes in FE6 have significantly lower growths than the greenhorn rabble. Igrene and Garret are 200, Bartre 205, Echidna 210, Perceval 215.

Klein's well-noted advantage over Igrene is A Bows instead of B to start. Possibly useful with WEXP gain being slow in Binding. 

Looking at other stats...

  • Both join at level XX/1, but Klein loses in every single stat except Lck (+1) by at least 3 points. Ouch!
  • Now for that glitch called Hard Mode bonuses that only Klein gets.
    • With an average roll of HM bonuses, Klein will now tie Igrene in HP (32). ...But he'll still be losing everywhere else other than Lck, just not as badly.
  • By the time they both get to XX/15, Klein will have only about tied with Igrene -with HM bonuses.
    • Without them, he'd still be behind. He'd still be losing everywhere except Lck at XX/20.

So if you're looking for a "crappy" unit, maybe Klein ain't so bad? Even if Wolt and Dorothy are worse simply owing to bad bases and lower weapon rank, despite outdoing Klein once they have grown as units.

Yeah, I always knew Klein was an odd growth prepromote in a game that really doesn't roll like that. I also always knew that he's a rare HM bonuses enjoyer that fails to match a peer that doesn't get them, which is all sorts of hilarious. Igrene is just that awesome.

In this case, I'm afraid he's in the awkward spot where he's just not bad enough to be noteworthy, like Wolt and Dorothy, and the superior counterpart is good in a fun way and also an awesome character on her own right, which counters her goodness. I have a whole system, you see. Still, it may be fun to give him a whirl. Dorothy's turning out well, but I've used Dorothy a lot.

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23 hours ago, Armagon said:

The good news is that it's not like the states are completely unsalvageable. Maybe something like idk Arkansas which has always been redneck territory would just always be that way but Florida and Texas are swing-states with huge populations. There was a time where California was right-wing too and now they are arguably the most progressive state in the country. So we can't give up.

Back when the Oregon territory was still being invaded, it was originally planned to be a "whites only" state. Oh how far we've shifted from that...

Education and personal experience is one of the best ways to combat this rise in extremism, even if seems some republicans just reject the facts, many can't lie to themselves forever.

23 hours ago, Armagon said:

Right-wing state or gang-violence capital of the world. But, El Salvador is actually fighting back. A mega prison feels like something out of a dystopia but like what else are they supposed to do at this point? Ever since they built it, they've actually done a pretty good job of cleaning up last I checked.

El Salvador managed to quell down the gang violence to levels not seen in over 90 years and this is because the president cut a lot of the legal trouble that came from gangs by basically arresting anyone who was suspected to be part of a gang without trial

...Which is a huge human rights violation and likely many innocent people have been jailed but it destroyed gang violence to a monumental level so he's really popular among voters.

Though the president also has mentioned wanting to "unite" Central America which is...yeah, pretty sus.


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56 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Which is a huge human rights violation and likely many innocent people have been jailed but it destroyed gang violence to a monumental level so he's really popular among voters.

At the same time, practically everyone arrested was sporting MS-13 tattoos, which apparently require initiation from the gang leaders. So I mean.....if they are there, they probably deserved it. I did read recently that a few of the actually innocent ones have been released.

57 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Though the president also has mentioned wanting to "unite" Central America which is...yeah, pretty sus

But he's.....in South. 

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See? This is why you read FE6 supports. Because you run into gems like this.


I think I need this screenshot framed and hanging on my wall.

It's just... it's absolute perfection.

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

See? This is why you read FE6 supports. Because you run into gems like this.


I think I need this screenshot framed and hanging on my wall.

It's just... it's absolute perfection.

Man needs to look in a mirror. Xd

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4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

One could say it might be better if DeSantis won, since Trump's ego won't let him accept that and chose to run third party, thus splitting the vote. Then again...

I suppose tha would work too. Though that reminds me, what happens if the charges against Trump go forward and he can't run? DeSantis would pretty much win by deafult, right?

13 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like I said, they're wannabe Trumpers. Guess their rise means we too want to be America.

Churroburgers become the new official food of Spain. And Catalonia is renamed to Texas or something.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well. It's official. I am henceforth, and until new notice, unemployed.

Oof, I think. Hopefully your next job is also pretty manageable and interesting!

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

That's every conspiracy theorist. They just make something up and then gaslight themselves into thinking it's real

I guess that's what makes them conspiracies...

I guess I'm just apalled because Catalan separatism as a movement has such a tangible motivation and cause- There's absolutely nothing shady about why many Catalan people want to be independent. 

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

DeSantis' talking points are almost full-on Nazi. Like they are thinly veiled.

Yeah, he genuinely scares me. Beyond even his stances on immigration and LGBTQ stuff, and me personally not being a fan of conservative economics... The laws he's passed and tried to pass in Florida that give him more power are terrifying. Like, that anti-mob thing he tried to pass in 2020 is genuinely dystopian- It gives vigilantes immense power to use firearms protesters with impunity, and basically just makes any kind of large protest illegal, regardless of nature. Erasure of the history of racism in America and a general perspective of making "anti-americanism" something to be combatted is really threatening to democracy as well. Add that to how he's trying to go after Disney, an enormous player in Florida's economics, for daring to speak against him, and the Jan. 6 insurrection that already happened... Yeah. 

I admit I don't know much about how diplomacy works, but I feel like he'd be disastrous in the international arena as well.

2 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

El Salvador managed to quell down the gang violence to levels not seen in over 90 years and this is because the president cut a lot of the legal trouble that came from gangs by basically arresting anyone who was suspected to be part of a gang without trial

...Which is a huge human rights violation and likely many innocent people have been jailed but it destroyed gang violence to a monumental level so he's really popular among voters.

Yeah, I'm not so sure what to think of the El Salvador move. Maybe I'll understand when I'm older?

I think the situation merited drastic action, but all the same... Well, drastic action and skipping of judicial processes is  dangerous. I've been trying to keep a closer watch of world news lately (though I might be too reliant on Al Jazeera as a news site, it's probably best to use multiple), and... Well, it seems like it's going well so far?

What I think I'm most excited for in world happenings right now is Colombia's mostly based president trying to shake things up. I really hope he's able to do what he's set out to do...

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5 minutes ago, Benice said:

I suppose tha would work too. Though that reminds me, what happens if the charges against Trump go forward and he can't run? DeSantis would pretty much win by deafult, right?

Assuming the inability to run is included in the end and gets applied. Since even jailed, he can still run for president.

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Elen got the first promotion of the run. I hate how much of an afterthought light magic is in this game. Being weak, I can accept. Being exclusive to the bishop class, I can work with. But why in the everloving world does the first lightning tome have to be available for purchase at chapter 11? Any run I want to seriously use either of the healers, they are already ready for promotion at chapter 9! There's a shop there, let me get a lightning tome so Elen can start doing stuff!

She's still probably the best candidate for promotion, though. Lilina is still in training, Lugh might get shafted by deployment slots and Elen rammed her level cap already. Would prefer for her to keep gaining levels without delay.


...Especially when they're looking like this. Hot damn, Elen.

24 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Man needs to look in a mirror. Xd

That's cruel, you're seeing what he'd have to see if he did look in a mirror?

Perhaps almost as funny is this couple of lines he spits out a bit earlier in the support.


(It's so fucking nice to have a support record in this game, the fanslation team is awesome also the FE6 fanslated version actually beats Engage in this regard which is all sorts of silly)

First, I find it really cute that they acknowledge the existence of the arena at Ostia in a support. It's a nice little touch that makes the world feel a bit more alive. FE6 does a lot of subtle stuff like this, things like Noah having a good sword rank because he looks up to the Sword Saint, Raigh's starting nosferatu tome having lore, this... It's neat.

Second, you're full of shit, Barthe. Knights get eviscerated in the arena, you're too alive to have done what you say.

5 minutes ago, Benice said:

Churroburgers become the new official food of Spain. And Catalonia is renamed to Texas or something.

Never. I will not allow it.

5 minutes ago, Benice said:

Oof, I think. Hopefully your next job is also pretty manageable and interesting!

Well, the contract only lasted until now. Public administration means... well, it means they say they can't do shenanigans like extending contracts willy-nilly, but then people just appear out of thin air in positions and nobody knows quite where they came from, so I think my problem here is that I don't know any of the current politicians lol

Thanks! I sincerely hope so too. Or y'know, that they call me back. It won't be instantaneous, but there are ways, and having a year inside is valuable for those.

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59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Second, you're full of shit, Barthe. Knights get eviscerated in the arena, you're too alive to have done what you say.

He trained his dexterity by hitting the B button very quickly.

Your Ellen being 5 points behind in Magic at promotion (and 4.5 after that level-up) is very sad. I normally find that the difference between Saul and Ellen really isn't very big if you're not playing at a dondon pace since she can more or less catch up to his base level before he joins, and she actually catches up with his Mag at promotion and slowly gets ahead afterwards. But yours, well... Hey, at least she'll hit the enemy very reliable in all the combat that she's going to see.

I do think it's a bit of a shame that there is no unpromoted Light user in BinBla, since it makes the legenary Light tome almost unusable. Every other legendary weapon is, at worst, potentially useful, but you'd have to spend so much time to grind Ellen and Saul to S Light... 😕

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27 minutes ago, gnip said:

He trained his dexterity by hitting the B button very quickly.

Your Ellen being 5 points behind in Magic at promotion (and 4.5 after that level-up) is very sad. I normally find that the difference between Saul and Ellen really isn't very big if you're not playing at a dondon pace since she can more or less catch up to his base level before he joins, and she actually catches up with his Mag at promotion and slowly gets ahead afterwards. But yours, well... Hey, at least she'll hit the enemy very reliable in all the combat that she's going to see.

I do think it's a bit of a shame that there is no unpromoted Light user in BinBla, since it makes the legenary Light tome almost unusable. Every other legendary weapon is, at worst, potentially useful, but you'd have to spend so much time to grind Ellen and Saul to S Light... 😕

Oh sure, forget the old man will ya.

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This is one wild invasion strategy.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

At the same time, practically everyone arrested was sporting MS-13 tattoos, which apparently require initiation from the gang leaders. So I mean.....if they are there, they probably deserved it. I did read recently that a few of the actually innocent ones have been released.

What I'm hoping is that they'll realize that this is a temporary solution to a very ingrained problem.


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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's cruel, you're seeing what he'd have to see if he did look in a mirror?

Um... I don't mean it in that sort of manner. 

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I have spent

WAY too long

trying to recolor Cath.

Why must the cloak use the same colors as the thieves' skin? That makes no sense. It works okay for the other two, but Cath has zero brown on her design. I had to redo the entire animation's color palette just so I could make her cloak white. Now why I chose to spend this amount of time on Cath, of all people, I'll never know.

...Well, she is another one of the units I've never used. For reasons that should be immediately obvious, and yet now I need to use her. If only to justify the time I've spent tinkering with her combat palette.

46 minutes ago, gnip said:

He trained his dexterity by hitting the B button very quickly.

Ah, of course.

46 minutes ago, gnip said:

Your Ellen being 5 points behind in Magic at promotion (and 4.5 after that level-up) is very sad. I normally find that the difference between Saul and Ellen really isn't very big if you're not playing at a dondon pace since she can more or less catch up to his base level before he joins, and she actually catches up with his Mag at promotion and slowly gets ahead afterwards. But yours, well... Hey, at least she'll hit the enemy very reliable in all the combat that she's going to see.

I mean, she is ahead of her average speed by 2 points. That's also Saul's level 15 unpromoted average, but keep in mind Elen has a distinct advantage: She is alive.

Besides, there's her fantastic skill blessing! Yeaaah that's totally gonna carry her to victory. Those crits will be tasty. Who would give her crit on support, I wonder? Chad. Perfect. I'm going to use the thief for support purposes. And then the other thief, too.

For the love of-- This is going to be my most ridiculous FE6 team ever, isn't it...

46 minutes ago, gnip said:

I do think it's a bit of a shame that there is no unpromoted Light user in BinBla, since it makes the legenary Light tome almost unusable. Every other legendary weapon is, at worst, potentially useful, but you'd have to spend so much time to grind Ellen and Saul to S Light... 😕

Yeah, agreed. They could've had the decency to let Yoder join with S light, or give the bishops a higher rank on promotion. Yoder just doesn't have time to hit stuff enough times to get there from A. Oh, well.

I have been thinking about this, though, and I get the feeling that the devs themselves realized Aureola wasn't very accessible. Think about it, 16x is the only gaiden chapter where you get a unit. Perhaps they had Douglas join there as a sort of secondary reward to compensate for the underwhelming legendary. An excellent reward, if I do say so myself - he dramatically raises the team's average stache stat, and I hear he's legitimately great in Sacae. Not that he's bad in Ilia, of course. Dougy will walk the distance, over as many enemies as he has to, no matter the circumstances, in order to serve his king, long may he live!

18 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh sure, forget the old man will ya.

No one ever remembers Yoder. Shame, too, that hat rivals even Wendell's.

1 minute ago, Lightcosmo said:

Um... I don't mean it in that sort of manner. 

Of course, of course haha. I was just joking.

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27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, agreed. They could've had the decency to let Yoder join with S light, or give the bishops a higher rank on promotion. Yoder just doesn't have time to hit stuff enough times to get there from A. Oh, well.

Does it? He only needs 50 Wexp to reach S. Any use of a weapon is 1 Wexp, 2 for kills. If aiming for the best ending, then you have four maps (21, 21x, 22, 23) before it's nothing but Here be Dragons, so not too unreasonable. Specially if you use him to chip enemies and the occasional killing blow.

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, I always knew Klein was an odd growth prepromote in a game that really doesn't roll like that. I also always knew that he's a rare HM bonuses enjoyer that fails to match a peer that doesn't get them, which is all sorts of hilarious. Igrene is just that awesome.

Looking over the beta chapter list and its recruits, Wolt and Igrene seem like they would've been present in this earlier lineup. Chapter 1 Archer would've been Wolt, probably. Chapter 15 is described as an "oasis town" and has an Archer listed, oasis = desert, which is what Igrene guards.

Now... who was the Sniper who joined in Chapter 19 "Snowy Mountain Ascent"? Nobody in the final game fits that profile.

It would seem they promoted Igrene to Sniper, and then went back and added Klein. I'll speculate he was originally unpromoted, for a replacement second Archer. But then they felt like adding another female bow user and so created Dorothy, promoting Klein in the process (unless he was the snowy beta Sniper).


22 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Does it? He only needs 50 Wexp to reach S. Any use of a weapon is 1 Wexp, 2 for kills. If aiming for the best ending, then you have four maps (21, 21x, 22, 23) before it's nothing but Here be Dragons, so not too unreasonable. Specially if you use him to chip enemies and the occasional killing blow.

True, it's not wholly infeasible. Although maybe not quite as easy as buying 2-4 Robes for Niime (runs into roughly the same problems as Yoder) in Chapter 16 and throwing her a few Nosferatu (bought back in C14) during Chapter 21. -Provided none of the enemies double her. That ought to get her most of the WEXP she needs for Apocalypse.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well BotW already introduced Gerudo chiefs, which is essentially the same thing. Urbosa and Riju. The question then becomes "if a male is born to the Gerudo, would the ruling chief have to relinquish power?"

A newborn needs a regent, so the chief would probably be by default appointed to that position.

As for what happens once the king has grown up... well Japan has at points in its history had two de facto monarchs. An emperor and a shogun, which actually became three for most of the Kamakura Shogunate, because the Hojo clan via the title shikken (regent, basically) usurped power from the Minamoto clan that were the shoguns. So you had two figureheads and one actually-has-power monarch.

Getting back to the Gerudo, "chief" sounds inherently subordinate to "king", so the chief probably would bow before the king in principle, regardless where the power actually resides.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

There is actually a new theory that the name "Ganondorf" is just the Gerudo word for king.

A title being so heavily associated with a monarch that their personal name is forgotten wouldn't be unrealistic. Popes, Chinese/Korean/Japanese emperors have had the practice of taking regnal names divorced from their personal name. Happened elsewhere too, Temujin > Genghis Khan, and southern India's Chola Empire had a king who later took the moniker Rajaraja- literally "King (of) King(s)".


3 hours ago, Benice said:

though I might be too reliant on Al Jazeera as a news site, it's probably best to use multiple

The problem with Al Jazeera is that it might -despite its own claims to the contrary- be a mouthpiece of the Qatari government.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


Is El Salvador not in South America? *Googles*


3 hours ago, Benice said:

DeSantis would pretty much win by deafult, right?

Well he would still have to compete with others. And when you announce your campaign through glitchy-ass Twitter Spaces, it doesn't leave the best impression.

As far as I can tell, DeSantis isn't actually that popular outside of Florida rednecks. Because the only thing he has is his culture war bullshit and no charisma.

3 hours ago, Benice said:

Add that to how he's trying to go after Disney, an enormous player in Florida's economics

Disney will break him into tiny little pieces and scatter them into the abyss.

For crying out loud, the guy admitted in his own book that he politically targeted Disney. That's a slam dunk case for them. DeSantis tried to get the case tossed but Disney probably has every judge in Florida on their payroll...... that's fucked but between the mega corporation and the fascist, I'm choosing the mega corporation.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Getting back to the Gerudo, "chief" sounds inherently subordinate to "king", so the chief probably would bow before the king in principle, regardless where the power actually resides.

It definitely is though it could just be because the Gerudo swear allegiance to Hyurle. Just like how the Rito have chiefs and the Gorons have elders.

But then the Zora have kings. Hmm.

The politics of Hyrule are hardly discussed, even in this game. Though it doesn't really matter.

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Oh my God.

A bit of the string of the warrior sprite's bow, specifically in the idle frame, shares its color with the lighter shade on the warrior's shirt.

That is actually so stupid, I can't believe what I'm seeing. Why would they do it like this? There's like, four different color shades for the weapon alone!

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Does it? He only needs 50 Wexp to reach S. Any use of a weapon is 1 Wexp, 2 for kills. If aiming for the best ending, then you have four maps (21, 21x, 22, 23) before it's nothing but Here be Dragons, so not too unreasonable. Specially if you use him to chip enemies and the occasional killing blow.

Ehhhhh with 14 speed he doesn't double that often, though there are some generals around in 21x that he can do well against, not to mention the manaketes. A few kills and he probably could reach it by the end of 21x. Not ideal, it would definitely require a degree of favoritism and foregoing staffing for a good amount of time, but it's not impossible.

2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Looking over the beta chapter list and its recruits, Wolt and Igrene seem like they would've been present in this earlier lineup. Chapter 1 Archer would've been Wolt, probably. Chapter 15 is described as an "oasis town" and has an Archer listed, oasis = desert, which is what Igrene guards.

Now... who was the Sniper who joined in Chapter 19 "Snowy Mountain Ascent"? Nobody in the final game fits that profile.

It would seem they promoted Igrene to Sniper, and then went back and added Klein. I'll speculate he was originally unpromoted, for a replacement second Archer. But then they felt like adding another female bow user and so created Dorothy, promoting Klein in the process (unless he was the snowy beta Sniper).

Sounds like it may have been Klein, perhaps. But as you say, speculate is all we can do there.

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