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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Ruben fighting old people bosses

Ruben killed Wynne in Dragon Age in cold blood. You don't even have to do that! And I do believe that it's not just the evil choice, it's the stupid evil choice. The need to salt the earth supercedes the needs of the elderly, I'm pretty sure.

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2 minutes ago, gnip said:

Ruben killed Wynne in Dragon Age in cold blood. You don't even have to do that! And I do believe that it's not just the evil choice, it's the stupid evil choice. The need to salt the earth supercedes the needs of the elderly, I'm pretty sure.

Well, he is Garuben.

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Okay, the main battle of Chapter 13.

I'm aware that it is possible to still do some recruitments during the War Phase of the routes... but I think that until my fourth playthrough, I will refrain from doing inter-faction recruitments.

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1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Dude kinda gives me the vibe like the Emperor from Star Wars. Kishuna LOOKS more the part IMHO but Oates is more fitting personality wise


1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Chao are gender-neutral/ambiguous. However you want to imagine them.

Chao come from eggs (and sometimes can reincarnate), but how the eggs get made is left unsaid. It doesn't matter, because they're the undeniably cute stars in the greatest virtual pet/child-raising simulator known to humanity. Which is technically nothing more than an optional side-activity in a game whose "main" aspect is unironically overshadowed by and infinitely inferior to Chao-raising.

1 hour ago, Lightcosmo said:

Thats just how Chao look. At least Chaos Chao do. Xd

Ah, I understand. Thank you for the heads-up.

Now show me a bearded Chao.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Close one's eyes to the world, and the eyes of the mind open. He sees not walls, nor columns, nor floors or water. He looks upon the plane of the spiritual, he can see souls five-hundred kilometers away. A body without a soul is no threat at all, and humans know not how to protect their essence, thus, with single precision strike...🌩️.

I can't believe Oates was the final boss of Fire Emblem all along.

1 hour ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

Now who’s being ageist?

I literally just said he has a top tier beard. So I guess it has to be you!

31 minutes ago, gnip said:

five_points.mp4 (behind her averages)

RNG gonna RNG, I guess. Unless you play PoR and abuse BEXP, of course. And on the plus side, it's food for the Niime propaganda presses, since you can only ever be positively surprised by her level-ups, for example when she gets an extra point of staff range by leveling Mag.

Oh yeah, until Niime she still has the advantage of being my staffer. When Niime arrives I'll have zero argument to deploy her anymore. To say nothing of Yoder.

27 minutes ago, gnip said:

Ruben killed Wynne in Dragon Age in cold blood. You don't even have to do that! And I do believe that it's not just the evil choice, it's the stupid evil choice. The need to salt the earth supercedes the needs of the elderly, I'm pretty sure.

Ahahahah! Oh yeah, I remember that. Wynne was basically everything I wanted, a playable old woman who is kind of a badass, and her only replacement was the game's fanservice character. And yet I murdered her to absolutely no gain just because it was funny and it gave me the opportunity to salt a priceless relic.

And the best part is that it wasn't even the worst thing I did in that game. Dragon Age was wild, man.

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35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And the best part is that it wasn't even the worst thing I did in that game. Dragon Age was wild, man.

...you killed the dog, didn't you.

I know you alluded to evil things involving a certain himbo. No spoilers about that yet, please

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10 minutes ago, gnip said:

...you killed the dog, didn't you.

I did not, actually. In fact, I forgot it existed after the first few hours of the game. But I did get it. I was kind of inconsistent during my run, sometimes I couldn't bring myself to do evil, other times I did the completely stupid choice that gave me nothing and in fact cost me a lot for no reason. Depended on my mood, pretty much.

10 minutes ago, gnip said:

I know you alluded to evil things involving a certain himbo. No spoilers about that yet, please

Oh, you'll see. You'll see...

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10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Don't be so sure. I appreciate the existence of elders in videogames, even if I have to kill them. Especially when they look like they can put up one helluva fight, like Lady Butterfly overthere.

Fun fact, she mockingly says "You were still just a puppy" when she beats you.

Edited by Eltosian Kadath
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Oh, no...

I'm committed now. Already on chapter 2 of Binding Blade: Bossman Edition.

I can only hope my actual, regular run of BB won't go the way of Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton lol

34 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Fun fact, she mockingly says "You were still just a puppy" when she beats you.

Amazing. 10/10 GOTY of its year.

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Paralogue done. I think that's gonna be all for this weekend. Got something to do this afternoon. Well, maybe if there's time afterwards I can do a little bit more.

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Blacky has perished. More important a Testament than Blue I would say, yet perhaps the most flavorless, being stuck in a phone game. How he met his end was well-written. As for Canaan, he sure seemed like a nice guy, he would've been a fine eighth permanent playable had there been room for him, I was left wondering that when I watched Episode II. Shame his one game-long playable instance is the Pied Piper.

And then came Margulis. Yes he was evil, he did a good job of being an imposing upfront villain when the other bad guys for reasons couldn't physically go and confront the heroes (and Wilhelm still hasn't). His insistence on fighting to his death as a way to cling to a shred of purpose was understandable given what he had just gone through. The choice of giving him his own final battle theme I would not dispute, I think he and his E.S. Levi deserved it, it wasn't a great tune certainly no Marionette Messiah, as much of the first half as he was, but it wasn't bad at least. Both his fight and Black Testament's were a little long, and Margulis could nearly OHKO someone defending at full health, but I won on the first try for each (and gave Jin the final blow on Margulis). 

This leaves Willy, Red Testament, and nobody else. Nobody else for sure, can't think of anyone else human or not that is still left standing among the villains, not one. Random aside, KOS-MOS only has two Specials when everyone else has three, how odd.🤔 Second complete non sequitur, why has Xenosaga included a totally-unimportant playable for all three episodes?

There is what, 10% of Episode III left? Yet I still don't know squat about who chaos really is. And the heroes still haven't realized that Wilhelm is the true mastermind, much less what his ultimate plans are. He could very well be three boss fights away after this "Michtam boss rush", and yet they know nothing. It's surreal. The true importance of KOS-MOS, Shion's second true importance (the events on Miltia being her first), the sole true importance of chaos, what U-DO really is, who is Abel, all this is going to be squeezed into the last thirty minutes of the 11th hour.


3 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

I cant recall, but i dont believe so.


I threw the Nullify Evasion disc on Jin, as well as Nullify Revenge and Nullify Counter. And yet when I fought Margulis, he could still dodge and he still counter Jin's attacks. What do those discs even do then?

Another question- should I have all the Segment Addresses unlocked by now? I still haven't found one of them, and I have like four of them in total still locked.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Another question- should I have all the Segment Addresses unlocked by now? I still haven't found one of them, and I have like four of them in total still locked

I'm pretty sure you should have most of them done up to this point, yes.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Both his fight and Black Testament's were a little long

Voyager is worse without the Disc to see elemental weakness. Xd

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Trails of Cold Steel makes me feel like I'm back in school because it makes you study for the in-game tests (unless you look up the answers), even when you're playing as a teacher this time.

Broke "doing badly on the midterms because you're too lazy to study" vs. woke "doing badly on the midterms so Fie doesn't feel left out"

After almost two decades, I have conquered Pikmin 2's Submerged Castle... though despite dreading the Waterwraith's appearance the entire time, I was quick/lucky enough that it never actually showed up until you're supposed to fight it, even with a less than optimal number of Pikmin casualties. So instead of the fight being payback against a previously-unstoppable enemy, it just came across as an unusually weak boss. It did kill one Purple Pikmin, however.

With the Submerged Castle done, now I only have the final area left... except I have to go back for one treasure in the Valley of Repose, since I forgot that treasures inside enemies despawn when you go into caves.

On 6/1/2023 at 1:18 PM, Newtype06 said:


The Steel Daughters

On 6/1/2023 at 1:18 PM, Newtype06 said:

Gayorg truly was a hero for that.


When will Rean get the Zora Mask to fight it?

9 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Apologies for the poor quality, my old TV screen does not agree with my new age phone camera. 

All pictures of Chao are worthwhile, regardless of quality.

You should get a Neutral Chaos Chao too, also known as a Light Chao.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Holy shit, attaching Dragon scales to your Zonai devices is an actual cheat.

Can you attach dragon fangs to a sword to make Falchion? Though I would assume there's no dragon effectiveness in this game.

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1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Can you attach dragon fangs to a sword to make Falchion?

Yes i have done it. You get elemental effects depending on the dragon.

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6 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Now imagine sometime later someone coming in having read that letter and then find no one to save...

That's just the opening to Shrek 2.

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Returned to the Elsa and took down the Omega-Id. Wasn't difficult, Jin got defeated the one time I was foolishly aggressive, but that was it. I took one swing I knew I would lose at the Erde Kaiser Sigma, I wanted to see how long I would last, I gave up as soon as I saw MOMO get OHKO'ed. Won't bother with this superboss, I just want to finish the game. I also bought KOS-MOS's ultimate weapon, this game gets realllly demanding of funds late, if also being fairly plentiful with them.

It dawned on me after writing my earlier commentary that hefty endgame plot revelations are actually something of the norm for Xeno. They aren't unusual in the least for stories in general, but Xeno seems to have an affinity for them.

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