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14 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

some subs are doing it temporary as a warning with options to escalate further, some are going indefinetly until reddit changes it's mind

Even if reddit forces them open and removes the mods, it's not gonna be the same and many will just leave, i think

Right... Well, good luck with the protest. Though I wouldn't get my hopes up. If Elon can do all the shit he's done and it still hasn't killed Twitter just because moving to an entire new platform would be too inconvenient, Reddit's gonna be just fine.

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:






I like how it ends with "the best part of breaking up is Folgers in your cup." What does that have to do with anything lol

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Okay, reached Chapter 9 in XC1. Though I will finish up what I couldn't from Alcamoth/Eryth before actually moving on with the story.

Though that'd be for next time.

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Cold Steel III end of ch. 4



Too much happened for me to discuss properly, but I appreciate the insight into Lechter's backstory, Olivert's backstory, Rean's backstory, Osborne's backstory, sort of what the Phantasmal Blaze Plan is, Ash having a Sharingan, and some other stuff.

Zoro-Agruga's second phase was probably the hardest boss up to this point (I only won because Kurt dodgetanked it to death) aside from that robot in Chapter 2's Einhel Keep, and it was nice that it's another battle where you use the entire party. I wasn't expecting to fight Siegfried as early as I did, but it seems like we won't fight him and Zephyr properly until the final dungeon. Since Roselia has been properly introduced, it appears being secretive runs in Emma's family.

I'm kind of sick of magic knights by now, Azura-Luciel healed itself back to full health after 20 minutes of fighting and only died when Lechter's Spell Card got another deathblow.

While finding out that Osborne is some kind of eldritch undead being was a surprise, I will admit that him telling Redacted to shoot him in the head and saying "It would be your best chance at killing me. If there is any chance at all." and Eugent agreeing with that statement was a power move.

I appreciate how the chapter ends with a smash cut to black. It was the perfect excuse he needed, wasn't it? In S.C. 1206... war was beginning.

The final chapter doesn't seem to be too long, so I might finish it within the next ten hours of gameplay... probably.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Well, all I know about the game is that one time Youtube decided "you know what Ruben needs right now? To be jumscared with a porn game clip" and then I saw an anime girl yelling "do it for the pussy."

It was funny, I'll give it that.

I've always wondered why you watch those anime videos YouTube recommends to you. Maybe you should watch more videos about people with beards and YouTube will recommend beard videos instead?

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Looking at Sonic Generations and Liberation Maiden. 


(Even if this song originated from Sonic Adventure.)

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Work after vacation + no reddit...

You say that like no Reddit is a bad thing.

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

So much for "family union", eh

My condolences, I hope the situation resolves itself without too much trouble.

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There were these two singers who started looking like typical party band members, left for 10 minutes and literally transformed into anime girls. Seriously, their hair turned pink, their clothes stopped making sense and one of them even started doing JoJo poses.

So what you're saying is, Hortensia was a member of that band?

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1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

I've always wondered why you watch those anime videos YouTube recommends to you.

Don't say that, you'll provoke the crowd into calling me tsundere again.

1 minute ago, Lightchao42 said:

Maybe you should watch more videos about people with beards and YouTube will recommend beard videos instead?

I'm not one-dimensional. I'm a human being. I have sides to my personality. Sometimes I watch cat videos, too.

2 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

So what you're saying is, Hortensia was a member of that band?

I mean, I can see Hortensia going that way as an adult. Have you seen how her sister dresses? Despite the fact that they live in a winter country and she probably freezes in that attire?

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I can see Hortensia going that way as an adult. Have you seen how her sister dresses? Despite the fact that they live in a winter country and she probably freezes in that attire?

That's only her battle attire. How often she has to wear in Elusia proper to begin with? Even in the game itself the only time was during Chapters 9-10, that I recall.

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16 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

That's only her battle attire. How often she has to wear in Elusia proper to begin with? Even in the game itself the only time was during Chapters 9-10, that I recall.

That's fair enough, I suppose.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


That game looks old.

Like, not in a bad way. It just has an old vibe.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

hat game looks old.

Like, not in a bad way. It just has an old vibe.


Seems very inspired by Command and Conquer (Red Alert specifically), and even using an engine to make Command and Conquer like games

If you don't know what Command and Conquer or Red Alert is...


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Oh lol

@Eltosian Kadath TIL the surname Garrideb may not have been a totally mindless Sherlock reference as I initially believed. Turns out gari means "flesh and bones" and debu means "fat" in Japanese. So the two halves of the surname fit the two Garridebs, but it was just lost in translation.

45 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

If you don't know what Command and Conquer or Red Alert is...

I know it's the one game with Tim Curry on it. In fact, my only experience with Red Alert is seeing the exact same video with Tim Curry making a face on the thumbnail sneak into my reccs once every few months. It's weird, and I've yet to even see the video lol

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3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

My great-aunt died yesterday and now she is having her funeral and the relatives are already fighting for her inheritance. So much for "family union", eh

Sorry for your loss. The death is bad enough. Then the entitled vultures gotta swoop in. Inheritance battles are second only to divorces in unnecessary ugliness

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Jesus Christ my ears are ringing like mad. Was at a local concert with a friend. I'm not used to these decibels.

It was fun, though. There were these two singers who started looking like typical party band members, left for 10 minutes and literally transformed into anime girls. Seriously, their hair turned pink, their clothes stopped making sense and one of them even started doing JoJo poses

One day about 25 years or so ago in a previous line of work, the boss man pointed to marks on a concrete floor, and then to a nearby jackhammer, and said “get busy”

Word to the wise. Wear ear plugs when you do that. Lol 

The ear ringies sucked enough but the vibration itchies was even more miserable

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4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

For example


Some software will have this where the 0,0,0 point is

Other will point where you are when you hover with your mouse


I literally am using a program that has minimal info, so its all trial and error.

I dont see a map, i look at the game map while editing for example.

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For you, Armagon

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

My condolences, 06.

6 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Sorry for your loss, and the ensuing family strife.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Sorry to hear that. You have my condolences.

3 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Sorry for your loss. The death is bad enough. Then the entitled vultures gotta swoop in. Inheritance battles are second only to divorces in unnecessary ugliness

5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

My condolences, I hope the situation resolves itself without too much trouble.

Thanks. My family and I were estranged from her thanks to her horrible treatment of my parents, but I still can't process that the last time I saw her was when I was vacationing at my grandmother's house over 10 years ago.

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...yikes. This is why I glad to be a single child.

Just wait until you have children of own. Or distant cousins

4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Persona 3 just has no definitive version huh.

The Answer isn't even that good tbh. Just watch it on Youtube.

5 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

The final chapter doesn't seem to be too long, so I might finish it within the next ten hours of gameplay... probably.

It's like, 5 hours long IIRC. Enjoy the best part of the game while it lasts, haha...

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6 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

My great-aunt died yesterday and now she is having her funeral

I'm sorry for your loss...


6 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

On a happier note, Persona 3 remake confirmed and it looks like it'll be the best starting point for you @Benice

Nice! However, between starting University, and whatever the heck this is, I don't know if I'll be able to try it at any point soon.

...Is P3 the one that has the really long dungeons, or was that P3P?



Edited by Benice
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Six-and-half J battles done in a day, from Domon's entrance through the entire first route split. I really have little self-control with SRW.😅 Though is a second playthrough, so I already know the game very well. I also don't need to pay quite as much attention to the plot, since I already most of it. And it's still fairly early, 16 fights in.

I think I prefer staying with the Nadesico over joining the Archangel for the first split. I had forgotten a few details of the Archangel side, but SEED plot at this point in SRWJ is boring (although it does get amusing in the lategame), and having a bunch of Supers to play with is simply more fun than a mediocre Strike Gundam and two pathetic Skygraspers.

With A Portable, I felt in retrospect Axel would be better off leaving the Argama at the first split and Lamia staying aboard it. With J, I think I can see a logic for Touya both going to the Archangel and staying on the Nadesico. Staying on Nadesico works b/c it's where Kouji goes and they were schoolmates, with the start of Touya's destiny as a warrior taking on a few Mechabeasts/kaiju. And I feel like Masato, although he doesn't complain to everyone about how he doesn't want to fight, ends up being similar to Touya. Yet, I could see Touya heading with Archangel b/c it was going to dump off a bunch of civilians at Orb, and maybe he'd like one last opportunity to consider leaving the army, even if he obviously wouldn't at this point. For Calvina, it's her original contract with the Nadesico that'd keep her there; but then she is rather apathetic at this point IIRC and could readily switch ships (I forget her spoken logic for switching), she'd probably be one of the last pilots to complain about Natarle and the lack of luxury accommodations on the Archangel.

For the Nadesico side to get back to that, the Full Metal Panic! introduction was pretty muted at first, though that works for a stealthy special ops group. Later, Tessa Telethia helping with fixing Omoikane was a nice spin on the "Nadesico goes haywire" event and compensated for the earlier subdued (minus Kurz, I must ask you to turn over those photos you said you took without the ladies' consent before deciding to press charges) first meeting. Although for that battle, it was weird deploying Aestivalises without the Lunar Frame nor the Nadesico around, yet subduing Master Asia wasn't a problem even so. Neither was the Hakkeshu + Baron Ashura twice + the berserk Mazinkaiser battle, the greater raw strength of Supers counterbalanced the great enemy bulk (not having Granteed might've made it slightly more difficult, but I didn't use Tempest Lancer very much, any heavily-invested J Original would've done some degree of marvelously regardless, even if Granteed is the most amazing).

And of course, I had Zeorymer destroy the Lanstar of the Winds. I hunger to fulfill one of the most demanding secrets in SRW.😋 The challenging part is going to be NEVER fielding the Zeo except when it's forced. I am very afraid of being absentminded and slipping up on that requirement.😅 Hence I intend to leave the Zeo entirely without upgrades until the esoteric reward is finally mine, to make it less tempting to field. I'll set aside 336k in reserved funds to (sans-Favorites upgrade slots) max its HP, EN, and Armor immediately upon acquisition.

Narratively, I'm actually getting to see the vast majority of the Hades Project Zeorymer plot this time. Consisting of only a handful of boss mechs, wrapping up rather early, and having its plot primarily confined to a series of route picks I intentionally avoided on the first run, means it's pretty fresh to me. I did glimpse the Internet and see that HPZ is a four-part OVA, too short I recall seeing a few comments of criticism say. SRW uses the OVA, not the manga that the OVA is adapted from, the manga perhaps being of better quality, but darker ...and with h-scenes.🙄 Yeah, I'm glad SRW picked the OVA instead. I don't want to know the details of the manga, but the OVA story as-is as portrayed in J sure seems like a core part of the story is "innocent soul that gets put through the wringer". If the manga went darker with this ...not for me what-so-ever. Poor Masato.

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34 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

For you, Armagon

They went private for the upcoming Reddit blackout so i can't see what it is.

31 minutes ago, Benice said:

.Is P3 the one that has the really long dungeons, or was that P3P?

Yes. I mean, i'd imagine so.

But Benice, keep in mind Reloaded is only remaking Persona 3. Not FES, not Portable, just the original. A.k.a BDSP where additions from other versions are gone except this time they can sell it back for $30 a piece. Because Atlus.


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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And of course, I had Zeorymer destroy the Lanstar of the Winds. I hunger to fulfill one of the most demanding secrets in SRW.😋 The challenging part is going to be NEVER fielding the Zeo except when it's forced. I am very afraid of being absentminded and slipping up on that requirement.😅 Hence I intend to leave the Zeo entirely without upgrades until the esoteric reward is finally mine, to make it less tempting to field. I'll set aside 336k in reserved funds to (sans-Favorites upgrade slots) max its HP, EN, and Armor immediately upon acquisition.

That's certainly gonna be quite the restrain, heh. But then, Great Zeorymer is meant to be a long-term pay-off, after all.

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Narratively, I'm actually getting to see the vast majority of the Hades Project Zeorymer plot this time. Consisting of only a handful of boss mechs, wrapping up rather early, and having its plot primarily confined to a series of route picks I intentionally avoided on the first run, means it's pretty fresh to me. I did glimpse the Internet and see that HPZ is a four-part OVA, too short I recall seeing a few comments of criticism say. SRW uses the OVA, not the manga that the OVA is adapted from, the manga perhaps being of better quality, but darker ...and with h-scenes.🙄 Yeah, I'm glad SRW picked the OVA instead. I don't want to know the details of the manga, but the OVA story as-is as portrayed in J sure seems like a core part of the story is "innocent soul that gets put through the wringer". If the manga went darker with this ...not for me what-so-ever. Poor Masato.

Ah yes, the Zeorymer manga is... yeah, be thankful the OVA was more family-friendly (as if that's saying a lot) that SRW could make use of it.

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