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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Ys: Memories of Celceta is done.

As for ending-related comments. OBVIOUSLY SPOILERS!:


Yeah, I'll admit the final boss needed a little more elaboration to them. Not quite the intricacy of the latter final bosses (yet again, Seven proves itself forgettable to me). The minibosses in the final dungeon felt more challenging.

As for the ending- short. Practically a micro🍆 of an ending (although I shouldn't insult anyone who happens to possess such an article). I'm not phased by it though, this isn't the first terse ending I've encountered this year. Not to say I consider it fine, I don't. It did feel veeeery lazy in how it tried to excuse not showing us what happened to everyone. It was bad, but not jarring personally.

With regards to Leeza, Aprilis is still worse IMO. Leeza just isn't a Ys Lead Heroine, that's a fact and I won't accept it otherwise. There is no lead heroine in Celceta, that is the Truth. Leeza is Adol's Love Interest this time around, but she arrives so late, does fairly little, and her relevance isn't especially great. Her one *ahem* moment is less painful I'd say Aprilis's hollowness. Leeza is a fly I can easily swat aside with a hand the size of a mountain. Aprilis was -unfortunately (I don't hate her, I pity her)- a vessel hollower than Anemona, and she was plastered throughout the game, I couldn't ignore her.

I do like it that the game wasn't overlong, yet I'd say Celceta could've possibly used some more padding in the midgame. Maybe two or three dungeons?

Overall, I enjoyed it.😀 A nice, light Japanese Action RPG. Maybe not my favorite game of the year, but nothing wrong about that. T'was a nice sandwich or burger, not as rich as a knife & fork entree, but no one can deny that they're still plenty-popular eats.

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3 hours ago, gnip said:

@GuardianSing A video randomly appearing on my recommended list that I thought might interest you despite the rather eurocentric premise (why yes, the world would be quite different for Native Americans if they had never existed to begin with...). But it's an interesting thought experiment how much the economic devolopment in Europe would've been stinted if there hadn't been anybody to exploit in the Americas, as a visualisation of how much "western civilisation" is built upon that exploitation. It also never really occured to me that without maize, tomatoes, and potatoes already being cultivated when the Spaniards arrived, the entire population explosion in Europe might have never happened, or only with a great delay (with the invention of artificial fertilisers).

Honestly when I first saw the the title it struck a nerve because I assumed it was something about how "Oh man wouldn't it have been so great if there weren't any natives so things wouldn't be as complicated!" but I see what they're talking about.

And yeah, a massive portion of goods coming into rich countries comes from exploitation of natural resources from colonial countries, it was true back then, and it is true now with neo-colonialism.

My ancestors were cultivating stuff like Chocolate and Sugar for thousands of years before the European invasion, some continue to cultivate them as we did back then to keep the tradition alive. It's not gone or anything like because, well, we still exist.

We've definitely come a long way from people thinking that American crops have always been everywhere, to knowing that they were in the Americas but thinking it was only when the Europeans arrived when they started being cultivated, to knowing that they've always been cultivated, and it was through colonial exploitation that it spread throughout the old world.


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this one is really really cool o:

26 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Leeza is a fly I can easily swat aside with a hand the size of a mountain

i can understand the view point. Just ignore here

Meanwhile Jeannu was too in the center of the plot

Glad you all in all, enjoyed the game 😄

How did you like Snarkdol?

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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That moment when I'm about to lose horribly, but then Hughete says "blinding arrow" and the archer spends 5 turns dodgetanking the chokepoint to the enemy escape area.

Blindness is way too powerful for how cheap and easy to inflict it is...

4 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



I like how there's no context, you're just posting a beardman for no reason. Thanks.

Also I just noticed the very anime paintings. Someone burn them down.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

How did you like Snarkdol?

  • I liked it.
  • Who are they?


I want more, mooooooore!

I could've screenshotted all the dialogue picks and responses I liked, but no, I didn't feel like doing that this time. I'll let them endure solely in my memories, feels freer and fresher that way.😄


@Armagon I was just thinking of Rune Factory 5. With Celceta done, I realized I'm running low PC games that I've yet to play and that's one I've been leaving unfinished. That led me to find out that buried in the game's data are character ages. Probably not literal, more like "designed to look like X age", a loose guideline.:



  • Priscilla: 16
  • Lucy: 16
  • Scarlett: 17
  • Fuuka: 14
  • Beatrice: 16
  • Ludmilla: 20


  • Martin: 20
  • Cecil: 15
  • Murakumo: 20
  • Ryker: 20
  • Reinhard: 20
  • Lucas: 40


  • Elsje: 30
  • Palmo: 20
  • Heinz: 45
  • Randolph: 70
  • Yuki: 69
  • Simone: 30
  • Misasagi: 24
  • Terry: 25
  • Darroch: 45
  • Livia: 20
  • Julian: 10
  • Hina: 10

Ares's/Alice's children also have an age of 20- clearly placeholder data.

There are some oddities here.:

  • Murakumo looks older than 20 to me, I've never lumped him with Ryker-Martin-Reinhard, I've been mentally categorizing him with Lucas. I'd accept "30" as an acceptable anime age for him.
    • And I like my headcanon-ish idea of Kumo being no spring chicken who simply hasn't found love, and is getting past "the expectable time for dating/marrying in one's life" and is now a little concerned if he ever will before he starts graying. It's kinda cute that way.😄
  • Misasagi should be literally at least a decade older too IMO. Simone too, but at least 30 is palpably more realistic. 
  • Terry... why aren't you dateable again?🤨
  • Palmo's must be a mistake, how is supposed to look the same age as Ryker, the young man who sees him as a father figure?
  • The bachelorettes could all use two years slapped on them.
    • I'd bring Scarlet as high as maybe to 24 in anime years. Giving her a little more maturity over four of her fellow bachelorettes.
    • Ludmilla I feel should be 30, or even 35. A succubus would seem befitting for a particularly mature partner.
    • The bachelors have a 40-year-old option, but the oldest woman is only 20. Hmm...😐
      • If you glance over bishoujo and otome VNs, I suppose Rune Factory 5 is merely imitating those in terms of ages.
      • I don't mean to go on some anti-anime rant here, all I'm saying I think bachelorette and bachelor ages should be roughly the same. 
        • And, ignoring these invisible numbers and focusing purely on the character portraits ingame, it's not so bad.
          • Yeah, I could see the three bishounen boys all being older than Lucy-Priscilla-Scarlet-Beatrice. But the gap doesn't feel as big these hidden numbers portray it as being.

Though at the end of the day, these are anime ages. They're not exactly known for ultra-realism.😝


Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Chapter 17...

This all gives me fanfic ideas.


I'm gonna guess it never happened because the story has to go that way, but I suppose if there had been a pureblood High Entia on the Fallen Arm when things hit the fan...


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Okay, with FE and all the Ai Shi no Oko (or however it's spelled) talk, I actually got a laugh from Dickson's comment.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

so you willing to enter with pokemon or with the FE hack?

I'll stick with a base pokemon game, I don't dare play that romhack blind with the units of others at stake. I had started a nuzlocke in Alpha Sapphire, but never played it again after the first battle against the rival. Can I use this game in linked run or do I have to start over? If I have to start over, I think I'll play White then, I'm missing Gen V a little

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5 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I had started a nuzlocke in Alpha Sapphire, but never played it again after the first battle against the rival

by first rival battle you mean the very first after starter selection? If so, you can use that.


6 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:


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Being Rean is suffering.

Cold Steel IV end of Act II


The reunion episode! The three main protagonists have finally met and the Trailsvengers have assembled. So this is why you have to play eight other games before playing this one... I wasn't expecting Rocksmith to show up again even if Prince Albert, Kloe, and Cassius returned, mostly because he's the head of the country Erebonia is trying to invade. There are plenty of fun character interactions and miscellaneous details mentioned, like Elie and Aurelia being distant relatives, Rean mentioning Anelace to Duvalie, Kloe being a gamer, Fie asking about Estelle and Joshua's... relationship. Sadly Rixia is busy elsewhere, so she and the SSS's other allies don't show up.

Mille Mirage is properly explained and it's basically every country mentioned up to this point uniting against Erebonia, with Cassius as the leader of the united army. I particularly liked hearing the breakdown of how many soldiers each country would be contributing. It's Erebonia vs. everyone! Wait, the villains want to start a world war big enough to awaken a dark god? So Cold Steel was just Radiant Dawn all along? Of course none of the protagonists agree to directly help, with them instead following a third path as Olivert wanted (which makes sense, since all three teams were friends with him).

After five games the Glorious is back, it's pretty hype. Unfortunately for the villains, they happened to crash the biggest gathering of chads in the entire series. Shirley got a well deserved bonking from Estelle. There's a boss rush for the ages; Mariabell and co. was the hardest fight though the hardest fight in the game so far was Michael and Class I, somehow. When it seems like the darkest hour for the heroes, it turns out reports of Olivert and Toval's deaths were greatly exaggerated. "Heroes always arrive late." -Masahiro Sakurai

I wasn't entirely convinced that Olivert actually died, since his body was never found, but the scene of his glorious (pun unintended) return was still hype. He even got a stylish eyepatch out of the experience. The villains probably would've been better off if Georg hadn't "killed" them, since they would never have left the radar in that case. But maybe Georg spared them on purpose?

While we fight about half of the villains in a boss rush, the other half show up to taunt us in a group chat afterwards. It got a bit crowded at some point... Also Victor is alive and an antagonist now; his current situation is compared to the Phantasma copies in Sky the 3rd, so he's compelled to oppose the heroes despite maintaining his personality. I was wondering "weren't the Rivalries supposed to happen already?" during Act II, but I guess the war has to start first. Osborne was nice enough to give us a deadline to stop him, at least.

Also I have properly completed Pikmin 2 this time (the main story at least, there's still side content I haven't done), since I went back for the last treasure I missed last week. Finally finishing a game I've had for so long makes me feel a bit empty inside... if only there could be a Pikmin 2-esque game releasing within the next few days.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Still, thanks for letting me know. Tell Shrimpy for me that if he must Xenopost to me, he should give me Morag quotes, at least.

This is the culmination of years of training!


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Blindness is way too powerful for how cheap and easy to inflict it is...

I find myself sayin that a lot while playin Heroes of Might and Magic 

In those games “blind” also means paralized

Edited by Capt. Fargus
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>France bans protests against police

Is Macron fucking stupid? Why the fuck would you ban protests in the country that is king of protests?

I think Macron is on "fuck it, this is my last term anyways" bullshit which sucks because this gives Le Pen the automatic victory.

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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

by first rival battle you mean the very first after starter selection? If so, you can use that.

Yep, thanks.


1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

Shirley got a well deserved bonking from Estelle.


1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

So Cold Steel was just Radiant Dawn all along?


It's actually more like Final Fantasy IV

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3 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I'm actually reminded there was this Canadian cartoon, Total Drama, that would actually have two endings in each of its seasons, where one ending would air in X list of countries, and the other would air in Y list of countries. Sometimes it wasn't even consistent, as in, if two countries got the same ending in one season, they would get different ones in a different seasons, and so on.

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