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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Criminals who deserve to be bullied to suicide" is not how I'd personally describe them

It's what happens online

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do feel it shouldn't be forbidden to be disgusted by stuff like that, though.

Even i am disgusted by some of that - i still defend it's right to exist and for people to enjoy it

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sometimes it seems like one can't say "omg that's gross" without being beset by a bunch of people accusing them of heinous things.

There's a difference between "this is disgusting" and "People who like this are SA apologists and criminals"

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Crude metaphor, but I think it decently illustrates my point.

not... really?

I kinda get it, but it's a very bad example lol

11 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

and I really can't blame someone for drawing the conclusion that they like the stuff they consume

aslong as it doesn't carry over to reality - who the fuck cares

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

t's a contradiction, for sure.

it's not.

People wanna write whatever the fuck they want

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am endorsing the freedom to not think something is okay.

hey i think we agree here.

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sometimes it seems like one can't say "omg that's gross" without being beset by a bunch of people accusing them of heinous things.

Man, to add on this you know what's worse? When the people getting accused are minors. I think minors have the most reason to be put off by lolicon, for example.

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10 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's what happens online

It's also a non-argument. The despicable part is the bullying, not the dislike of shitty anime tropes, nor being vocal about disliking shitty anime tropes.

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Minors shoudn't even have access to lolishota content. If they search for it and find something that puts them off, that's on them (and their guardians)

And people who give them that content with the execuse of "warning them". 

"Think of the kids" is never a valid excuse. There are triggers and warning for that stuff everywhere.


Oh yes, innocent minors

They should've never searched or gotten/allowed into such spaces to begin with

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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26 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Yeah, it's very easy because it's not something we are taught to see or pick up on. I have made progress to start looking at what feminists and women say so I can pick up on and learn about it, and how it hides.

For example the other day I was reading about trans women in sports, and I found that women sports are heavily regulated with sexist norms to begin with.

What the fuck. This should be taught in schools, the ways sexism is so pervasive throughout our society.

Stuff like this is why women's sports always seems to be "lamer" to most people, and then it's easy mocking material. Disgusting. (See I do care about real life issues, I am not a keyboard warrior)

Ah yes, the classic. "Wahmen are worse at things than men, ignore the fact that we skew the playing field against women so they can't do better than us."

...No but seriously the heck, so much for the argument that gender segregation in sports competitions is done to be fair on women! It literally only happened because a woman won once! Fragile egos much?

26 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Ah that makes sense. Nah I just think you're cool that's it.

Aww thanks.

24 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

It's what happens online

It shouldn't, fair enough. It's not the way.

24 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

There's a difference between "this is disgusting" and "People who like this are SA apologists and criminals"

Fine. And there's also a difference between "it's wrong to bully people for writing things" and "you're a pedophile for saying you don't like a thing."

It's a stalemate.

24 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

not... really?

I kinda get it, but it's a very bad example lol

I am dogshit at explaining myself. If you got what I was trying to get at though, that's good enough for me, I guess.

24 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

aslong as it doesn't carry over to reality - who the fuck cares

If someone does care, they should be allowed to. Again, before you say it, as long as they don't start bullying. But criticism should be allowed.

24 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

it's not.

People wanna write whatever the fuck they want

Yes. And it can be shitty things against themselves and, more importantly, people like themselves that might not be so thrilled about it. You're not disagreeing with me there.

18 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Man, to add on this you know what's worse? When the people getting accused are minors. I think minors have the most reason to be put off by lolicon, for example.

I do feel that Shrimpy has a slight point there, parents should be way more hands-on about the places their kids wander off to online than they often are. For the sake of the kids. The internet is a scary place and kids shouldn't just freely explore it, that's bound to get them to fall into nasty places.

Still, doesn't excuse shaming a kid for being put off by stuff that sexualizes them. Perhaps it's not a good reactoin, but it's a pretty natural reaction, I'd say, and it's the parents' fault they weren't careful about what the kid did with the phone/computer. Kids up to a (variable) age aren't capable of caution.

11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Minors shoudn't even have access to lolishota content. If they search for it and find something that puts them off, that's on them (and their guardians)

And people who give them that content with the execuse of "warning them". 

"Think of the kids" is never a valid excuse. There are triggers and warning for that stuff everywhere.


Oh yes, innocent minors

They should've never searched or gotten/allowed into such spaces to begin with

It really is kind of amazing the amount of stuff you have ready on hand for these situations

Anyway, leaving aside the vague nature of this screenshot... how is the "MASSIVE backlash/DT" part not bullying also? Fight fire with fire is the solution?

On a side note, what exactly does DT stand for? I really hope it doesn't mean "death threats," because if it does I'm going to have to call H-word on that one.

Like I said though, you're right that kids shouldn't be able to find this kind of stuff. I do think blaming them for it is asinine, though. Kids are curious and haven't had a chance to learn to be responsible yet. It's the parents' failure for giving them a phone and turning on autopilot.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Anyway, have fun moral crusading as keyboard warrior while real criminals do whatever they want while you harass people over pieces of paper if it makes you sleep better at night.

...Yeah, you know what? I think I'm going to call it a night on this one. The language is getting a bit too incensed now.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It really is kind of amazing the amount of stuff you have ready on hand for these situations


That's what happens when you have been active in fandoms for more than a decade and a half and know artists (one i am quite close with, even) and writers

That stuff just comes to you naturally. I don't even need to search for it

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

how is the "MASSIVE backlash/DT" part not bullying also? Fight fire with fire is the solution?

yeah, fair.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Kids are curious and haven't had a chance to learn to be responsible yet.

Then atleast, as the responsible Moralist ™️ (not you), don't point kids towards such places.

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I think I'm going to call it a night on this one. The language is getting a bit too incensed now.

yeah. Sorry.

Honestly i should've left the discussion long ago, but i deal with this shit on the daily and i am not even on twitter. Seeing it arrive over here and generalizing anime fans in that way kinda triggered me.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

yeah. Sorry.

Honestly i should've left the discussion long ago, but i deal with this shit on the daily and i am not even on twitter. Seeing it arrive over here and generalizing anime fans in that way kinda triggered me.

I suppose I can understand. We've all said our pieces, let's just leave it at that, calm down and draw our own conclusions.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Minors shoudn't even have access to lolishota content. If they search for it and find something that puts them off, that's on them (and their guardians)

And people who give them that content with the execuse of "warning them". 

"Think of the kids" is never a valid excuse. There are triggers and warning for that stuff everywhere.


Oh yes, innocent minors

What? No I said when a random twitter minor says they don't like lolicon or shotacon content and get bashed for it.

Like, I agree with your made-up scenario, but it wasn't what I said. (Also, what's the point of posting an image of something made up? I feel like you have a lot of anger for certain people or things with a lot of made-up scenarios in images)

4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah yes, the classic. "Wahmen are worse at things than men, ignore the fact that we skew the playing field against women so they can't do better than us."

...No but seriously the heck, so much for the argument that gender segregation in sports competitions is done to be fair on women! It literally only happened because a woman won once! Fragile egos much?

LITERALLY! AGH! Kind of glad women want gender equality and not gender revenge haha.

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I do feel that Shrimpy has a slight point there, parents should be way more hands-on about the places their kids wander off to online than they often are. For the sake of the kids. The internet is a scary place and kids shouldn't just freely explore it, that's bound to get them to fall into nasty places.

Still, doesn't excuse shaming a kid for being put off by stuff that sexualizes them. Perhaps it's not a good reactoin, but it's a pretty natural reaction, I'd say, and it's the parents' fault they weren't careful about what the kid did with the phone/computer. Kids up to a (variable) age aren't capable of caution.

Yeah I agree with Shrimpy too with what was said, it's just not what I said. I said children can be disgusted and stuff and shouldn't be attacked for it, not that they should be free on the internet or that they are impervious to criticism.

9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Anyway, have fun moral crusading as keyboard warrior while real criminals do whatever they want while you harass people over pieces of paper if it makes you sleep better at night.

This is uncalled for, but ok. I literally don't do any of what you say lol. I don't harass people over pieces of paper, I have only ever "harassed" people who do real-life shit. Kind of understandable that then, I would be wary of people who do it online. Especially being friends with people who have been the result of the very same trauma I am against being depicted light-hearted.

Like, see, we both have a valid place to come from in so far as "I deal with this very frequently and it hurts my friends".

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I suppose I can understand. We've all said our pieces, let's just leave it at that, calm down and draw our own conclusions.

Dang it. I'm late.

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1 minute ago, Hanes said:

LITERALLY! AGH! Kind of glad women want gender equality and not gender revenge haha.

Please don't hurt me, women. I am a soft, sensitive boy. With a kink for domination. I mean it, you don't want to hurt me, it won't achieve the intended effect.

1 minute ago, Hanes said:

Dang it. I'm late.

It's okay, my typing speed is rather insane.

Here, have a picture of Acheron.


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5 minutes ago, Hanes said:

I agree with your made-up scenario

if it was made up, it wasn't mine. This is something an artist friend sent me (with a link with all that happened and stuff) a while ago.

Could be made up - it's the internet, but with amout of shit i've seen, just in the last week alone, i doubt that.

11 minutes ago, Hanes said:

lot of made-up scenarios in images

yeah. Sure. Let's leave it at that if that's what you want to believe.

10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I suppose I can understand. We've all said our pieces, let's just leave it at that, calm down and draw our own conclusions.



6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

With a kink for domination. I mean it, you don't want to hurt me, it won't achieve the intended effect.

i sentence you to bullying by moralists because a kid could read this 😛 

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Anyway, leaving all that bs and fire behind

@Saint Rubenio i think you will love this


Creator said Berwick is his main influence

Sadly...no english...as is usal

Why do i keep looking at jp indie stuff knowing that playing them will involve alot of pain due to lack of english tl

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Please don't hurt me, women. I am a soft, sensitive boy. With a kink for domination. I mean it, you don't want to hurt me, it won't achieve the intended effect.

Sensitive soft, boys unite!

Domination kink huh? Pretty based, though so hardcore is not my cup of tea.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's okay, my typing speed is rather insane.

Here, have a picture of Acheron.


Ooh, cool. Hair. My hair is better than his however.

1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

i sentence you to bullying by moralists because a kid could read this 😛 

Because that's what I said 😛 .
Just as I said that depicting anything problematic is bad, right? 😛 


if it was made up, it wasn't mine.

I more so meant everything you sent before the image (my sentences are written in order to what it is I reply to).

Let's actually review what I said

"Man, to add on this you know what's worse? When the people getting accused are minors. I think minors have the most reason to be put off by lolicon, for example."

Hmm, in reply to Ruben, this is when a minor says they find lolicon gross, and then they get accused of being the bad person, or of enabling real criminals, or whatever. From my point of view this is a perfectly reasonable take. Nothing I said was about children having unrestrained access to media, or invading spaces. So, what did you say?

"Minors shoudn't even have access to lolishota content. If they search for it and find something that puts them off, that's on them (and their guardians)"

Ok thank you but it has no relevancy to what I said. This is the scenario you are making up of them finding something.

And people who give them that content with the execuse of "warning them". 

Ok thank you but it has no relevancy to what I said.

"Think of the kids" is never a valid excuse. There are triggers and warning for that stuff everywhere.

Yeah, ok, but can't a minor just say they find lolicon stuff disgusting? This doesn't mean having to look for stuff. It can be a single tweet on their own page.

fTAWxdA.png "

And now I see so this wasn't made up huh? It was an example of one thing that happened or something. 

"Oh yes, innocent minors

They should've never searched or gotten/allowed into such spaces to begin with"

Mhm, didn't say that anyways. I do slightly dislike the implications that minors are to be fully held accountable for everything. I swear the hate minors get for every tiny thing they do on the internet is absurd.

Also, because I think I have to make it clear again.

"Just as I said that depicting anything problematic is bad, right? 😛 " (quoting myself on the same post)

I never said it was bad to depict problematic stuff. It is fine, it can be a good point. However, a lot of times it isn't for any purpose other than to satisfy lolicons, or misogynists. I like how abuse can be talked about sometimes.

For example, Sky 3rd, Door 15. That one is fantastic storytelling of something very fucked up. It's actually really good. You know what I don't like though? The tonal deafness in later entries in the series where Rean can date a child, and then later as a teacher. I have opinions, and I have a right to say they shouldn't do that moving forwards: just as you have the right to say they should include it because "freedom of speech", and I, with the freedom of speech, can rebute back, "Why do you even think it should stay?". Of course this is a hypothetical scenario, but it does bear asking why so many times people fight that this stuff should stay? I like anime having its own identity, I consume a lot of anime media, but there's things I wish it didn't have.

Also, I didn't target you at first: remember that. I said big ani twitter accounts will rush to defend lolicon's inclusion in anime. I am not wrong about that, instead, you argued that it should be allowed. That's fine. Except buddy my claim is still correct, they will rush to defend it, and I am fine for finding it icky.

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13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Anyway, leaving all that bs and fire behind

@Saint Rubenio i think you will love this


Creator said Berwick is his main influence

Sadly...no english...as is usal

Why do i keep looking at jp indie stuff knowing that playing them will involve alot of pain due to lack of english tl

That's just too bad. I've found I've difficulties with navigating a UI I don't understand. I could handle the one JP hack because GBAFE menus are second nature, but this would be... more complicated.

1 minute ago, Hanes said:

Domination kink huh? Pretty based, though so hardcore is not my cup of tea.

Yeah, same.

2 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Ooh, cool. Hair. My hair is better than his however.

Acheron has the best hair in Fodlan don't @ me

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, same.

Topping and pegging is based though

2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Acheron has the best hair in Fodlan don't @ me

True, but I am not in Fodlan. I have the best hair in Fodlan if I was in Fodlan.

18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Anyway, leaving all that bs and fire behind

@Saint Rubenio i think you will love this


Creator said Berwick is his main influence

Sadly...no english...as is usal

Why do i keep looking at jp indie stuff knowing that playing them will involve alot of pain due to lack of english tl

Yeah, no english TL for a lot of cool stuff is sad.

Edited by Hanes
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2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Well, escape maps are cool at least. It looks like fe6 took the design of the map and completely reworked it tho.

Yeah. Can't say I get what kind of comparison Shrimpy was drawing there, besides both taken place in a city.

That FE6 map is just your average GBA "kill everything that moves and seize" fare.

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Random but for some reason in my imgur I have Ruben


I actually remember what happened. In the Berwick LP I wrote some funny lines between him, me, and the axe guy. (AXES!)

Pretty funny. He's just there on my imgur!

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40 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Yeah I agree with Shrimpy too with what was said, it's just not what I said. I said children can be disgusted and stuff and shouldn't be attacked for it, not that they should be free on the internet or that they are impervious to criticism.

Children should be seen and not heard.

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30 minutes ago, Hanes said:

I said big ani twitter accounts will rush to defend lolicon's inclusion in anime. I am not wrong about that, instead, you argued that it should be allowed.

no, i argued that you are on an FE forum (and how hypocritical/ironic it is for an anime pfp to call out other anime pfp), then you called most anime fans SA apologists and that's when i got triggered. That's the start of it all.

30 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Ok thank you but it has no relevancy to what I said

How so?

You talked about minors and loli content and i said they shouldn't even be allowed near that stuff. That's not irrelevant lol.

30 minutes ago, Hanes said:

can't a minor just say they find lolicon stuff disgusting?

i never said they can't. 

And if anyone harassed them over that, the harassers are assholes.

However if they harass others over it (and that they do, alot) that's when i have a problem


So kinda sorry because honestly have 0 sympathy towards internet zoomers atm

30 minutes ago, Hanes said:

However, a lot of times it isn't for any purpose other than to satisfy lolicons, or misogynists

yeah, and even if it disgusts me, aslong as it's appropiately tagged, no one should get harassed over this. It's all fictional content. No one should be harassed over it. "don't like, don't read" an age old fantiquette that current generation fails to grasp. Not to mention you are wrongly assuming that content is only to satisfy x group, when it's usually more than that. Fantasies are a thing for a reason - everyone has them and they are not a problem aslong as no one acts on them/hurts others well, roleplay is a thing, but let's not kinktalk. Saying fantasies are wrong are akin to thought crime. 

And you are acting like people don't get triggered over problematic stuff that actually shows how bad it is. They do, all the damn time. 

30 minutes ago, Hanes said:

You know what I don't like though? The tonal deafness in later entries in the series where Rean can date a child, and then later as a teacher

You should've seen me writing paragraphs on Rean a few years ago. I hate him too and the whole harem bs sorrounding him - not due to moral reason however, but because the writing, in my opinion, is complete and utter shit. Going and harassing people who like Rean x anyone should not be a thing you do you should harass them for being Rean fans *cough* ANYWAY.  

Saying a story or writing is shit, gross or disgusting - that i don't have a problem with, say that and then leave people alone.

Harassing people over it and calling them criminal apologists and names and stuff - that i have a very big problem with. And if anyone does that, i will, to put it plainly, call them out on their bs.

28 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's just too bad. I've found I've difficulties with navigating a UI I don't understand. I could handle the one JP hack because GBAFE menus are second nature, but this would be... more complicated

yeah i don't think i will be able to JP and googlefu my way through this

Kinda want to try tho lmao

20 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Yeah. Can't say I get what kind of comparison Shrimpy was drawing there, besides both taken place in a city.

That FE6 map is just your average GBA "kill everything that moves and seize" fare.

Just pointing out that Kaga did the map better, even if GBA completely reworked it.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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9 minutes ago, Hanes said:

True, but I am not in Fodlan. I have the best hair in Fodlan if I was in Fodlan.

That's cheating. And besides, could you pull off those killer rolls?

1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

My first thought when seeing this guy was Dail from Arzette.

Well, that's... completely off lol. Acheron's just your run-of-the-mill corrupt nobleman. He's also one of the two or three proper throwaways the game has. He appears as a bossman in an optional paralogue, retreats, then gets murdered in every route, or disappears if he's ignored. That's better than the Hubert situation.

That guy's going to be the OG Link VA's role, bet

...Like a lot of characters that die in Crimson Flower, Acheron's death in Crimson Flower makes absolutely no sense and he'd really be a lot better off as one of the characters that actually join your team in that route. Like Ladislava, Randolph, Fleche, Metodey, Cornelia, Gwendal to a lesser extent... You really could build up a decent, varied team to replace the leaving Black Eagles just with the Imperial commanders and sympathizers that the game sort of forgets about in the route where they'd reasonably join your gang. Someone needs to make a Three Houses boss recruitment is what I'm saying, but it won't be me

1 minute ago, Hanes said:

Random but for some reason in my imgur I have Ruben


I actually remember what happened. In the Berwick LP I wrote some funny lines between him, me, and the axe guy. (AXES!)

Pretty funny. He's just there on my imgur!

Ruben jumpscare

Also I love that I remember that running gag. While the "generic that keeps returning" equivalents never did reach the heights of the Royal Historian, I was seriously inspired with some of the other running gags, if I do say so myself. I went way too hard on the Valery lore lol

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Man, I'm late to the party like always. Anyway, just want to agree with Wraith and say that minors shouldn't be on the internet

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


The sub was banned as a mistake and was restored pretty quickly. Many subs were banned, even those who have nothing to do with loli

It's correct tho that the mods overreacted, but then again the r/grandorder mods are idiots

(As a tip, don't just trust Mondblut, he was always...interesting)

I know who Mondblut is, this post was just a jab at things Reddit forbids or allows. Also, nice that you saved this picture

3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:




Do you remember Titanfolk after Chapter 123 came out where you were called a Nazi for supporting the Rumbling? Same shit again and again


On an unreported note, I wanted to apologize for not starting the linked run yet. Not gonna lie, starting the challenge now caught me off guard. I started a VN this week and it's one of the reasons I'm not on the internet much recently. I will need another two or three days to finish this route at least. Can you wait for that?

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