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Pics that go hard

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

The general issue is that these communities are underfunded because they are poor and poor because they are underfunded so the best option is to hope that the Democrat president you elected remembers you exist, which is something Biden has done for a few Navajo reservations.

Is the country ready for a Native American President?

3 minutes ago, Hanes said:

I played the new Inti Creates game's demo, the game of the love live spin off. Very fun, I likey! You should try it out too! "Genjitsu no Yohane", I don't think the demo is still up but it's fun and on steam Nov 16th!

On one hand, it's Inti Creates so it's based. On the other hand, it's a game based on fucking Love Live, like do i really gotta do that?

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Is the country ready for a Native American President?

Were they ready when Obama became president?

It can be interesting the way societies developed. Here in Mexico we already had a couple (most famous being Benito Juarez, a Zapotec). Our first president, Guadalupe Victoria, was a Criollo if I recall, but after him there was Vicente Guerrero, who was Mestizo.

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23 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



Shout out to skills that only seem to happen when I absolutely don't need them to.

Ah the great weakness of proc skills.


23 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



I'm sorry, did a combination of barriers and pitfalls just lock half my army from progressing?

That is an unlucky break, although you can use flyer to rescue you infantry across, or wait til the barriers go away.


23 hours ago, GuardianSing said:



I...panicked and tried to reload the latest save but instead I pressed the button to create a save right when she died that overwrote the last save.

She's not...dead right?

Big Oof on that one. She is the weakest of the three Herons IMO, but losing one still sucks.


3 minutes ago, Hanes said:


Oh and of course hello everyone, how's life? Hmm....... could be better. I feel fine right now. Glory to Thracia! I am playing FE4. Glory to Arstotzka! I haven't played it yet sorry Ruben.


Have fun with FE4, it is a unique entry in the series, and still listed as my favorite. Although it is also a shame you have put off Papers Please, it really is a classic indie game, and reasonably short.

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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Were they ready when Obama became president?

Ngl i think Native Americans are kinda invisible to general society so unless they have like a full-on indigenous name, i don't think people are gonna notice too much if one runs for President.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

t can be interesting the way societies developed. Here in Mexico we already had a couple (most famous being Benito Juarez, a Zapotec). Our first president, Guadalupe Victoria, was a Criollo if I recall, but after him there was Vicente Guerrero, who was Mestizo.

I'm not familiar with how Spain's former colonies went about things but it seems Latin American countries generally treated indigenous folk better? At least relatively?

I mean recently Bolsonaro waged "war" against them, actually Brazilians kinda stand out in this because of how close those elections were (and yes i know Brazil was Portugal). But generally i feel indigenous communities' are more....prominent.

May have something to do with the local history too, it seemed the further north you went in the new world, the more sparse native communities' got. I mean, you had the Mayan Empire in Central America and you had the Inca in the South. Mayans are technically North American but it's still interesting that in the part of the continent that got Anglo'd, there's just....little to no trace of big native cities.

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After an odd few days' delay, I went back and finished the Magolor Epilogue. I grinded a bit by repeating every stage once, and decided to try getting a shiny rainbow platinum rank on all the stages, which I usually never do in any video game, but Kirby is easy enough for that. With Health maxed out, I went back and slew the final boss. The final ending was short and kinda lacking for this cute little bonus mode.

The very last bonus stage doesn't unlock until you get at least gold on all stages, including the non-final bosses (which are more difficult to score highly on), which I skipped. I fixed that, ran through the lengthy last stage and got a platinum on it first try. Then I decided to burn the last bit of my Switch's charge on attempting to platinum all the boss fights, which ironically went in reverse order in terms of difficulty. With that done, the Magolor Epilogue was totally completed barring a last few minor upgrades. The Epilogue was a neat, small addition KRtDL, more original than the Meta Knightmare and Dedede Tour modes certain prior games had, though in itself not worth rebuying this game for if one has already played it.

I'll do Extra Mode and the Arena at a later date. The True Arena is a total skip, especially since it now has the Magolor bosses in addition to the Extra Mode baddies. Completing all of Merry Magoland's missions isn't something I'm interested in doing b/c certain minigames would simply be too difficult for me.

I've already swapped GrimGrimoire back into the Switch, I'll see about continuing it tomorrow. On Easy b/c I didn't quite get a solid footing with the game before a glum resurgence (I think that's what did it?) made me step away from it. The story did have my attention, with the small cast and a certain plot hook.


43 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Oh and of course hello everyone, how's life? Hmm....... could be better. I feel fine right now.


I had a nice weekend, kinda between video games ATM.

43 minutes ago, Hanes said:

Glory to Thracia! I am playing FE4.

Hope FE4 is being fun for ya!😀

And as for Thracia specifically, I will say I adore the Kingdom of Thracia's theme. It has a certain tonal sultriness to it.

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On 10/25/2023 at 6:45 AM, GuardianSing said:


I'm sorry, did a combination of barriers and pitfalls just lock half my army from progressing?

I don't think so. At least it looks like you don't have any cavalry behind it.
Everyone else can be carried over with your fliers. There was probably consideration for the fact that you just got Sigrun and Tanith, so you have some fliers to work with no matter what.

The thing to keep in mind here is that this is not just a simple repeat of it's crappy PoR counterpart. This map is actually (mostly) well put together. In PoR the pitfalls were at completely arbitrary locations. Here they are in places were they make sense. Which means you can deduce where they are and play around them.
The only exception is that there is also a completely random pitfall near the boss' line of defense. That one has no rhyme or reason behind it. Maybe you will hit it, maybe you won't. Not sure how that ended up there when the rest of the map does not have this problem.

As to how to play around them, well infantry can of course be carried over by fliers. If you have grounded cavalry, you can have them trigger the pitfall so they can leave it on the other side on the next turn.
But it's also possible to prevent those pitfalls from triggering by placing a flier on them. Then everyone can just pass through.

Edited by BrightBow
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The optional objectives for Wargroove 2 are mostly really fun and all. But the last mission of the Dark Skies campaign got me irritated with one of it's objectives.
"Defeat the enemy Commander with a bird"
My first thought was the Air Trooper unit, which are basically Flamingo Riders. So they most certainly fit the label. However... they are not what is asked for.
I am 99% sure that I now know what is asked for. I have to use one of Koji's sparrow bombs. Only problem, Koji is an NPC who doesn't do anything on this map. But on one occasion I've seen him spawn Sparrow Bombs to be used by the player.
I didn't make the connection then and I have no clue how to recreate this event. Urgh.

I would imagine I need to somehow get his groove up. Which seems obvious enough, considering spawning Sparrow Bombs is what Koji's groove does. But taking out all the enemies does not seem to be enough to get him to that point. I'm gonna have to pay close attention to how my actions affect his groove meter and than optimize based on that, I suppose.
I really don't think this objective is well thought out.

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Okay, I figured it out. I can charge up Koji's groove by killing enemies, but only if Errol & Olga are the ones doing it.
No wonder this only happened once back when I didn't have a good gameplan on how to approach this map and send Errol & Olga East to secure the sole barrack on the map, which of course resulted in them having to fight a lot due to the nearby portal allowing the enemy to send effectively all their forces right over there.

Well, this was not great, optional objective or not. Normally the rule is that a groove is charged by allied units fighting. So making it so that the only way to charge Koji's Groove is for Errol & Olga to get kills is just really obtuse nonsense.

Edited by BrightBow
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8 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

So the other day I got bored and-


Communist Nohr is a terrifying thought.

The rich are like seeds. One must seize the means of production before they sprout.

7 hours ago, Hanes said:

Long time no see.


7 hours ago, Hanes said:

Yeah I was right about this guy when I said what I said.

I cannot remember the convo, but I recognize the Rev guy. Youtube threw his videos on my reccs a couple times. Always gave me a bad vibe, I'll say. Came across as that one guy with the anime pfp spamming slurs and whining about people of color and wömen being too important in videogames.

7 hours ago, Hanes said:

Oh and of course hello everyone, how's life?

Doing okay. I wandered into a gay server and wrote a bunch of Fates yaoi for no particular reason. Now I'm replaying Revelation. I will make Gunter viable, watch me.

7 hours ago, Hanes said:

Hmm....... could be better. I feel fine right now. Glory to Thracia! I am playing FE4. Glory to Arstotzka! I haven't played it yet sorry Ruben.

That's fine. You enjoy your genealoging! Use Hannibal.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Gimmicky  doesn't mean bad ir easy. And Engage's gimmicks are super fun

I did not mean to imply gimmicks were bad, just difficult to balance a game around. Some of the Engage effects are just insane, and designing enemies around them too much makes them not feel special anymore, but if you dont, some of them would just end up getting out of hand unless balanced right, which I dont feel it is.

Edited by Lightcosmo
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2 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

Some of the Engage effects are just insane, and designing enemies around them too much makes them not feel special anymore

but that's what makes Engage so fun and good. They give you tools that would be absurd in any other FE, yet they don't break the game over here

42 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Believe it or not, I didn't make this. I just had to share it though, because it's the best thing I've seen in a while.

10/10 would elect

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Now that's an election, heh.


1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

10/10 would elect

I like how the only place that didn't vote him was the Hoshidan capital. Every other Hoshido-adjacent territory supported him.

As well they should.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how the only place that didn't vote him was the Hoshidan capital. Every other Hoshido-adjacent territory supported him.

As well they should.

What is even that orange icon suppose to be anyway.

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On 10/24/2023 at 9:27 PM, Interdimensional Observer said:

@gnip Just asking, does Civ5 devour your laptop's battery? My only like two-years-old quality gaming laptop starts making noises playing Civ5 now. Weird, given it's a sorta-old game, even if all the calculations should make it more GPU intensive than you might think. Weird, since Civ6 -the newer game- has been made to run on mobile devices although as of now, there are very noticeable diplomacy text bugs on Switch, and A LOT of very annoying crashing from attempting diplomacy.


Can't really answer this, I'm afraid - I've only ever really played games with the laptop connected to the grid, so I don't know how hard on the batteries it would've been.

I do have the occasional crash during turn transition, fwiw, so that might indicate some stress on the CPU. Or any other part of the computer, I'm not an expert at all.

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On 10/24/2023 at 9:54 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Ahh, so that's why we aren't doing so good. We have no wonders.

You should've spawned in central Africa, Spain with Lake Victoria would've been super OP. Or maybe Australia, Uluru would have helped you greatly, too, especially with your fixation on religious stuff.

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44 minutes ago, Armagon said:

>Final Bowser has the same difficulty rating as the Special World levels

Oh no


25 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok that def wasn't a five-star level.

damn it

Then again, i don't think they want final bowser to take hours to beat lol.

I was able to beat Special 2 yesterday eventually....after quadzillion retries....


i noticed something

My switch is more responsive to button presses while on handheld - it definetly made wall jumping easier and the last area with the stupid 1 tile wall jumps more doable.

Or maybe my Pro controller is old or something

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